1、【导读】谁动了我的奶酪?是美国作家斯宾塞约翰逊写的一个寓言故事,每页都配有主人翁滑稽可爱个性鲜明的漫画形象。该书自1998年9月出版后,两年中销售2 000万册,同时迅速跃居纽约时报、华尔街日报、商业周刊最畅销图书排行榜第一名。Who moved my cheese?(excerpt)Once,long ago in a land far away,there lived four little characters who ran through a maze looking for cheese to nourish them and make them happy.Two were mi
2、ce named “Sniff” and “Scurry” and two were little peoplebeings who were as small as mice but who looked and acted a lot like people today.Their names were “Hem” and “Haw”Due to their small size,it would be easy not to notice what the four of them were doing.But if you looked closely enough,you could
3、 discover the most amazing things!Every day,the mice and the little people spent time in the Maze looking for their own special cheese.The mice,Sniff and Scurry,possessing only simple rodent brains,but good instincts,searched for the hard nibbling cheese they liked,as mice often do.The two little pe
4、ople,Hem and Haw,used their brains,filled with many beliefs and emotions,to search for a very different kind of Cheesewith a capital Cwhich they believed would make them feel happy and successful.As different as the mice and little people were,they shared something in common.Every morning,they each
5、put on their jogging suits and running shoes,left their little homes,and raced out into the Maze looking for their favorite cheese.The Maze was a labyrinth of corridors and chambers,some containing delicious cheese.But there were also dark corners and blind alleys leading nowhere.It was an easy plac
6、e for anyone to get lost.谁动了我的奶酪?(节选)从前,在一个遥远的地方,住着四个小家伙。为了填饱肚子和享受乐趣,他们在一座迷宫里跑来跑去,在那里寻找一种叫“奶酪”的食物。有两个小家伙是老鼠,一个叫“嗅嗅”,另一个叫“匆匆”。另外两个家伙则是小矮人,和老鼠一般大小,但和人一个模样,而且他们的行为也和我们今天的人类差不多。他们的名字,一个叫“哼哼”,另一个叫“唧唧”。由于他们四个实在太小了,他们在干什么当然不太会引起旁人的注意。但如果你凑近去仔细观察,你会发现许多令人惊奇不已的事情!两个老鼠和两个小矮人每天都在迷宫中度过,在其中寻找他们各自喜欢的奶酪。嗅嗅、匆匆的大脑和其
7、他啮齿类动物的差不多一样简单,但他们有很好的直觉。和别的老鼠一样,他们喜欢的是那种适合啃咬的、硬一点的奶酪。而那两个小矮人,哼哼和唧唧,则靠脑袋行事,他们的脑袋里装满了各种信念和情感。他们要找的是一种带字母“C”的奶酪。他们相信,这样的奶酪会给他们带来幸福,使他们成功。尽管小老鼠和小矮人的目标各不相同,但他们做的事情是差不多的。每天早上,他们会各自穿上运动服和慢跑鞋,离开他们的小房子,跑进迷宫寻找他们各自钟爱的奶酪。迷宫中有许多曲折的走廊和好像蜂窝似的房间,其中的一些房间里藏着美味的奶酪,但有的地方则是黑暗的角落和隐蔽的死胡同,任何人走进去都很容易迷路。知识积累1nourish vt.滋养,抚
8、养2rodent n.动啮齿动物3instinct n.本能,天性4nibble v.啃,一点一点地咬5labyrinth n.迷宫6corridor n.走廊,通道文化链接谁动了我的奶酪?主要讲述4个“人物”两只小老鼠“嗅嗅”、“匆匆”和两个小矮人“哼哼”、“唧唧”寻找奶酪的故事。他们生活在一个迷宫里,奶酪是他们要追寻的东西。有一天,他们同时发现了一个储量丰富的奶酪仓库,便在其周围构筑起自己的幸福生活。很久之后的某天,奶酪突然不见了。这个突如其来的变化使他们的心态暴露无疑:嗅嗅,匆匆随变化而动,立刻穿上始终挂在脖子上的鞋子,开始出去再寻找,并很快就找到了更新鲜更丰富的奶酪:而两个小矮人哼哼和唧唧,面对变化却犹豫不决,烦恼丛生,始终无法接受奶酪已经消失的残酷现实。经过激烈的思想斗争,唧唧终于冲破了思想的束缚,穿上久置不用的跑鞋,重新进入漆黑的迷宫,并最终找到了更多更好的奶酪,而哼哼却仍在郁郁寡欢、怨天尤人。