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1、2011年高考英语二轮复习:名师预测(2).单项填空1(2010年江西重点中学二次联考)What can I do for you?Id like to buy a present for my son,_at a proper price but of great use.A one Bthe oneCwhich Dthat解析:选A。句意:请问您要买什么呢?我想给我的儿子买件礼物,一件价格适中但非常有用的礼物。设空处应该用a present作前面a present for my son的同位语,可用one代替泛指的单数可数名词,故答案为A项。2(2010年宁夏银川一中一模)We all k

2、now the weather in the south is much warmer than _ in the north.Ait BthatCwhat Done解析:选B。句意:我们都知道南方的天气要比北方的天气暖和。根据句意,可知设空处应该填the weather,然后用that代替特指的不可数名词,故答案为B项。3(2010年河北石家庄二模)Oh,dear!We only have 15 minutes to get to the station!So terrible!There isnt any taxi around when you want _.Aone BitCthat

3、Dthis解析:选A。句意:噢,亲爱的!我们只有15分钟的时间去车站了!真糟糕!想要打出租车的时候周围却一辆也没有。选项中只有one可以代替前面出现的泛指的单数可数名词a taxi,故A为正确答案。4(2010年郑州第二次质量预测)The Chinese government has made _ a goal to increase peasants income.Ait BthisCthat Done解析:选A。考查代词it的用法。此句考查“it名词动词不定式”结构,其中it用作形式宾语,后面的动词不定式是真正的宾语。5(2010年石家庄检测二)I invited Mary and Jan

4、e to dinner,but _ of them came.Anone BeitherCboth Dneither解析:选D。考查不定代词辨析。由题意尤其是but可知此处表示否定意义,neither用于两者的否定,表示“两者都不”,这里指Mary and Jane都没有来。6(2010年成都第三次诊断)On the first Friday of the month,the group meet in the morning,but on _ Friday they meet in the evening.Aeach other Bone anotherCevery other Devery

5、 another解析:选C。考查代词。every other Friday每隔一周的星期五。7(2010年重庆第二次调研)Last week,Japanese carmaker Toyota called in 1.8 million cars across Europe and _ 1.1 million in the US due to gas pedal(踏板)problem.Aother BothersCthe other Danother解析:选D。考查不定代词的用法。another表示“再,又”,符合题意。由于油门踏板故障,日本汽车制造商Toyota于上周在欧洲市场召回了18000

6、00辆汽车,在美国市场召回了1100000辆汽车。8(2010年北京海淀二模)Have you got any books on English grammar?Id like to borrow _.Yes,here you are.But you must return it by Friday.Ait BoneCsome Dany解析:选B。句意:你有关于英语语法方面的书吗?我想借一本。有,给你。但在周五前你必须还给我。根据题干中“But you must return it by Friday.”中的it可知借书者借到了一本书,故排除C项。问句可改为:Have you got any

7、books on English grammar?Id like to borrow a book(on English grammar)然后用one代替泛指的单数可数名词a book。9(2010年潍坊第一次模拟)This young man is very clever;he may be _ Edison.Athe one Bthe otherCanother Done解析:选C。考查代词。语意:这个年轻人很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。another另一个,这里是一种对比,强调这个年轻人的聪明。10(2010年东城练习二)They all wanted to stop working

8、because they were very tired,but_of them would say so.Aany BsomeCnone Dneither解析:选C。本题考查代词。句意为:他们都想停止工作,因为他们太累了,但是又没有人愿意说出来。根据all可知他们指三者或三者以上,表示三者及三者以上的全部否定应该用none。11(2010年浙江预测卷)Which one can I take?You can take _ of them;Ill keep none.Aboth BanyCeither Dall解析:选D。句意:我能拿哪一个?你可以全拿走,我一个也不留。根据Ill keep n

9、one.可知,有三个或三个以上的东西,而且可以全部拿走,所以选D。12(2010年福建毕业班检查)How do you usually keep in touch with your friends,by email or letter?_.I use telephone only.ANone BNeitherCAny DEither解析:选B。考查不定代词。语意“你通常是如何与朋友保持联系的,发邮件还是写信?都不是,我只用电话联系。”neither表示“两者都不”,none表示“三者(及以上)都不”,either表示“两者中任一”,any表示“三者(及以上)任一”,据语意选B项。13(201

10、0年陕西西安模拟)May I ask for leave tomorrow?No,you cant._applying for the scholarship must be present.ASomeone BAnyoneCOne DNo one解析:选B。anyone表示“任何人”,即任何申请奖学金的人都必须到场。14(2010年青岛市第二次模拟)May I help you?Yes,Id like to try on some sports jackets just like_Im wearing.Ait BoneCthe one Dthat解析:选C。这里one代替上文提到的sport

11、s jacket。Im wearing 是定语从句,修饰one时,表特指,要加the。15(2010年江苏南京第一次调研)Which of these two books will you take?Ill take_,in case the journey is boring.Aeither BbothCall Dneither解析:选B。根据these two books排除选项C;再根据in case the journey is boring判断说话者要把两本书都带上。故选B项。16(2010年福建龙岩质检一)The number 512 is a special number,_I

12、think,that will be remembered by the Chinese forever.Awhat BitCwhich Done解析:选D。该句中one指代前面提到的a special number,其实one及其定语从句与前面的a special number是同位语关系,I think在句中作插入语,所以选D项。17(2010年陕西宝鸡质检)Because they hadnt booked a room in advance,there were_left when they arrived at the hotel.Anone Bno oneCnobody Dnoth

13、ing解析:选A。句意:因为他们没有预订房间,所以当他们到达旅馆时,没有剩余的房间了。none指代前边出现的名词时,相当于no加那个名词,此题中none相当于no rooms。B项是单数,与谓语不一致。18(2010年山东济南3月模拟)His advertisement income this year is about $36 million,over three times_of last year.Athat BwhatCthose Dones解析:选A。句意:他今年的广告收入约为3600万美元,是去年的三倍多。income是不可数名词,故用that代指。19(2010年湖南师大附中第三

14、次月考)My uncle promised to buy a nice gift for my birthday,_beyond my imagination.Awhich BthatCsomething Dthe one解析:选C。something beyond my imagination“一件我意想不到的东西”,作a nice gift的同位语。20(2010年陕西宝鸡质检)What do you think of the cars on the exhibition?Well,great.But I dont think much of_youve bought.Athat Bwhi

15、chCone Dthe one解析:选D。句意:你认为展览会上的那些车怎么样?噢,很好。但我认为你买的那辆车不怎么样。受限制性定语从句youve bought的影响,空中的代词相当于the加可数名词car,所以要用表特指的the one。 .完形填空(2010年河北保定调研)Recently,I began seeking my dream of becoming a motivational (激励人的) speaker.After a fouryear relationship with Fortune 100 Company _1_ as a sales trainer and endi

16、ng as a regional (区域的) sales manager,I left the company at the _2_ of my career.Many people were _3_ that I would leave after earning a sixfigure _4_.And they asked why I would risk everything for a _5_.I made a decision to start my _6_ company after attending a regional sales meeting.The vicepresid

17、ent of our company delivered a _7_ that changed my life. He asked us,“If a god would _8_ you three wishes,what would they be?”After giving us a _9_ to write down the three wishes,he then asked us,“ _10_ do you need a god?”I would never forget the power I _11_ at that moment.I realized that everythin

18、g I had achieved in the past had _12_ me for this moment.I was _13_ and didnt need a gods help to become a motivational speaker.A motivational speaker was _14_.Having made that decision,I was immediately _15_.One week after I gave notice for engagements (签约),I _16_ my cellphone.Worse still,half a ye

19、ar passed and I didnt get any engagements _17_.But I held fast to my dream.The wonder _18_ began to happen.About seven months later,I was able to book quite a few _19_ engagements with new customers.I discovered the incredible (难以置信的) _20_ of dreams.【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。作者在自己的事业处于高峰的时候却突然辞职自己开公司,这引起了人们的不解。

20、作者在经历考验之后终于有了些成就。1A.acting BbeginningCconsidering Dworking解析:选B。四年的时间,作者在Fortune 100 Company从销售培训师做到了区域销售经理。根据ending可判断与其对应的词应为beginning。2A.crossroad BedgeClength Dheight解析:选D。从上文的销售经理以及下文的a sixfigure(income)“6位数的收入”可判断作者正处在事业的高峰期。height意为“处于(成功等的)巅峰”。3A.disappointed BmovedCsurprised Dworried解析:选C。作

21、者的工作收入达到了6位数却要辞职,很显然会使人们感到“惊讶”。4A.income Bwealth Cposition Drespect解析:选A。根据a sixfigure可判断这里指作者的收入,因此此空选income“收入”。5A.dream BpersonCpromise Dspeaker解析:选A。他们问“我”为什么要为一个“梦想”冒失去一切的风险。文章首句中的my dream of有暗示。6A.good BbigCnew Down解析:选D。在参加了一个区域销售会议后,“我”决定开办“自己的”公司。7A.message BpassageCspeech Dletter解析:选C。根据下文

22、的内容可判断这里应指“发表演说”,即deliver a speech。8A.answer BofferCshare Dtell解析:选B。如果上帝给你们三个愿望,它们会是什么?选offer“提供”,其后接双宾语。9A.hand BpaperCmoment Dsecond解析:选C。给“我们”一会儿时间写下三个愿望。a moment“一会儿”为约数。A项“帮忙,支援”,B项“纸”为不可数名词,D项“秒”,均不符合语境。10A.Why BWhereCWhen DHow解析:选A。为什么要神来帮助你们实现愿望呢?也就是说:为什么你们不能靠自己的努力去实现愿望呢?11A.felt BgaveCmade

23、 Dsent解析:选A。“我”不会忘记那个时刻“我”感受到的力量。12A.comforted BpreparedCchanged Ddriven解析:选B。根据语境可知选B。prepare意为“使做好准备”。13A.happy BproudCready Dwell解析:选C。根据后文的didnt need a gods help可知,作者已经做好了准备,不需要上帝的帮助。14A.made BformedCbrought Dborn解析:选D。一个励志演说家诞生了。15A.tested BcheckedCpunished Dshocked解析:选A。做出决定后,“我”很快受到了考验。16A.bo

24、ught BsoldClost Dfound解析:选C。根据下文的worse still并结合选项可判断此处为“丢了手机”。17A.at last Bat allCat most Dat least解析:选B。not.at all为固定词组,意为“一点也不”,符合语境。18A.almost BreallyChardly Dgradually解析:选B。“我”坚持“我”的梦想,然后奇迹真的发生了。really为副词,意为“的确,确实”。19A.speaking BtrainingCselling Dwriting解析:选A。一个motivational speaker的工作应该是speaking

25、。20A.force BhelpCeffect D power解析:选D。“我”发现了源于梦想的难以置信的力量。.阅读理解(2010年成都第三次诊断)Are you a real badtempered person in the mornings? Do you wake up every day feeling tired,angry and upset,and easy to become sleepy again? If so,then a new alarm clock could be just for you.The clock,called Sleep Smart,measur

26、es your sleep cycle,and waits for you to be in your lightest phase (阶段) of sleep before waking you up.Its makers say that should ensure you wake up feeling refreshed every morning.As you sleep,you pass through a sequence of sleep states,light sleep,deep sleep and REM sleep,and that repeats approxima

27、tely every 90 minutes.The points in that cycle at which you wake can affect how you feel later,and may even have a greater impact than how long or little you have slept. Being wakened during a light phase means you are more likely to wake up cheerfully and full of life and interest.Sleep Smart recor

28、ds the distinct pattern of brain waves produced during each phase of sleep,via a headband (头带) equipped with an electronic recorder.This recorder measures the electric activity of the wearers brain,and communicates wirelessly with a clock unit near the bed.You set the clock to the latest time at whi

29、ch you want to be wakened,and it then at the proper time wakes you up during the last light sleep phase before that.The concept was invented by a group of students at Brown University in Rhode Island after a friend complained of waking up tired and performing poorly on a test.“As sleepdeprived (睡眠不足

30、的) people ourselves,we started thinking of what to do about it,” says Eric,a recent college graduate and now chief executive officer of Axon Sleep Research Laboratories,a company created by the students to develop their idea.They have almost finished the design and the production experiment and plan

31、 to market it by next year.【文章大意】你一觉醒来时感到疲倦、愤怒、伤感或仍有睡意吗?如果是这样,一种新发明被称为Sleep Smart的闹钟能帮助你解决这个问题。1Sleep Smart is a clock that _.Aenables you to go to sleepBwakes you up at the proper timeChelps you to get up earlyDmakes you sleep in a light phase解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文中第二段信息“.and waits for you to be in your l

32、ightest phase of sleep before waking you up.Its makers say that should ensure you wake up feeling refreshed every morning.”可知,Sleep Smart这种闹钟能让你在恰当的时间醒来,并能让你精神饱满。2As you sleep,the headband _.Aanalyses your sleep cycle every 90 minutesBrecords the time when you fall into deep sleepCcommunicates wirel

33、essly with a computerDmeasures the electric activity of your brain解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文中第四段信息:This recorder measures the electric activity of the wearers brain,and communicates wirelessly with a clock unit near the bed.可知,headband是在睡觉时用来测量脑部活动的仪器。3To make the device Sleep Smart work,the sleeper should _.A

34、keep himself in light sleepBturn on the recorderCset the latest time for waking upDadjust his headband well解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文中第四段信息“You set the clock to the latest time at which you want to be wakened,and it then at the proper time wakes you up during the last light sleep phase before that.”可知,要使Sleep

35、Smart工作,睡觉者应该设定醒来的最晚时间。4The idea of making such a clock was thought of by_.Asome students at Brown UniversityBa sleepdeprived person in Rhode IslandCsome college graduates and a chief officerDthe researchers at Axon Sleep Research Laboratories解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文中最后一段第一句可以看出,制作这种有特殊用途的闹钟的主意是由布朗大学的一些学生想到的。


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