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《名校推荐》江苏省丹阳高级中学2016-2017学年高二上学期期中复习易错题练习(牛津英语模块五) WORD版含答案.doc

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《名校推荐》江苏省丹阳高级中学2016-2017学年高二上学期期中复习易错题练习(牛津英语模块五) WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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《名校推荐》江苏省丹阳高级中学2016-2017学年高二上学期期中复习易错题练习(牛津英语模块五) WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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《名校推荐》江苏省丹阳高级中学2016-2017学年高二上学期期中复习易错题练习(牛津英语模块五) WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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《名校推荐》江苏省丹阳高级中学2016-2017学年高二上学期期中复习易错题练习(牛津英语模块五) WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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《名校推荐》江苏省丹阳高级中学2016-2017学年高二上学期期中复习易错题练习(牛津英语模块五) WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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1、期中考试复习(报纸错题)编写人:陈云辉一、单项选择 1. - Ive just picked up the books you shipped to me, but they are the wrong ones.- Oh, I _ apologize for the mistake. I promise you well look into it right way.A. had better B. would ratherC. can D. do2. - Can you believe the way _ Larry was talking to his roommate yesterda

2、y?- Well, there are two sides to every story, you know.A. by whichB. of whichC. whatD. that3. The court is gathering evidence related to the case _ whether the suspect is innocent or guilty.A. determiningB. determinedC. to determineD. to be determined4. With age _ experience. As you pass through lif

3、e, you go through many trials.A. comingB. comesC. will comeD. has come5. - Does this dress look OK on me?- Yes, of course. It seems that the dress is made to _.A. sizeB. figureC. identityD. measure6. Never give up an idea, a dream or a goal _ it will be heard work. Success rarely comes without it.A.

4、 unlessB. whenC. becauseD. before7. -Do you know Davids been dismissed for stealing?- I dont know, _.A. so do I careB. nor do I careC. neither I careD. nor dont I care8. - I lost five pounds just after a month on this new diet. its definitely worth a try.- Right, _. I badly need to get in shape for

5、my school reunion.A. it beats meB. I dont buy itC. I just cant help itD. youve sold it to me9. The Chinese, as is reported, are spending more shopping overseas than people from any other nation, with a(n) _ of $1,139 per trip.A. rangeB. fortuneC. average D. quantity10. - Im worried about my elderly

6、mother going on a plane. Is there any risk?- Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, Id _ against it.A. debateB. persuadeC. commentD. recommend11. Shanghai Tower, _ 632 meters tall, is serviced by 149 elevators.A. measuringB. measuredC. to measureD. having measured12. - Do you r

7、emember the film about space exploration that was on TV last week?- Sure, we watched it together and _.A. impressedB. were impressingC. have impressedD. were impressed13. Large quantities of rubbish _ on the square waiting to be collected when the opening ceremony was over. A. was leftB. were leftC.

8、 has leftD. have left.14. All school teachers are required to take courses every year to update their knowledge _ the progress of the times.A. in conflict withB. in place of C. in defence of D. in regard to15. - _ ! I won first prize in the National Writing Contest!- Congratulations! I had no idea y

9、ou were an excellent writer.A. Just my luckB. Guess whatC. Well doneD. All the best16. The manager ended his speech to his employees _ a humorous note.A. byB. atC. onD. with17. _ there is much to be concerned about in life, there is far, far more for which we should be thankful. A. SinceB. UnlessC.

10、IfD. While18. _ has it that an ancient Chinese emperor discovered the tea five thousand years ago and used it to treat illnesses. A. IntentionB. TraditionC. ConceptD. Belief19. J.K. Rowling is the first person _ a billionaire by writing books in the United Kingdom.A. becameB. becomingC. to becomeD.

11、having become20. _ the experiment right, I tried again and succeeded.A. Not doingB. Having not doneC. Not to doD. Not having done21. Alice went fishing in the company of her father early in the morning and she _ life lessons along the way. A. was learning B. has learned C. is learningD. had learned2

12、2. I was never so foolish as to think _ you merely believe in something, it will happen. You must struggle for it. A. thatB. whetherC. even ifD. that if23. No matter how old you get, there is always something new to learn about. _, life is full of surprises.A. On the contraryB. On the other handC. A

13、fter allD. As a consequence.24. - I thought you were going to join us in the game last night.- Sorry, I _ if my cousin had not stopped by.A. wouldB. must haveC. would haveD. were to25. No one can control our attitude _ we voluntarily give in to that control.A. sinceB. whenC. thoughD. unless26. - Wel

14、l, I cant see why you _ to Germany.- I know you want me to stay here, but my boss insists on sending me there.A. travelledB. are travellingC. have travelled D. would travel27. The number of people _ dead in the subway work accident has increased to 12.A. confirmingB. confirmed C. to be confirmedD. h

15、aving been confirmed28. Its a waste of time worrying about the future, especially as you have no idea _ things may turn out. A. howB. whyC. whenD. whether29. Never _ to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.A. we will learnB. will we learnC. we could learnD. could we learn30. Pet

16、er sat on the train, with his eyes _ on the fields outside the windows.A. to fixB. fixingC. being fixedD. fixed31. _ in thought, she didnt seem to notice that everyone was looking at her.A. LosingB. Having lostC. To be lostD. Lost32. - Ive spent so much time writing my letter of application.- Its wo

17、rthwhile to make the effort. You know just how important it is to make a good _.A. professionB. impressionC. distinctionD. presentation33. - The new opera _ on 1st July. Do we have to get the tickets in advance?- Certainly! Tickets at the door are usually sold at a higher price.A. opensB. is openedC

18、. will be opened D. opened.34. A humans most important task is to survive, which cant be gained by staying at home. _, it must be achieved through real-life experience and communication.A. MeanwhileB. BesidesC. OtherwiseD. Instead35. I _ the idea of teaching, and even had an interview with West Virg

19、inia University, but in the end I decided against that idea.A. built upB. gave awayC. toyed withD. got over36. It is often the case _ any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right or better. A. asB. whyC. whereD. that37. Caves are created by Mother Nature on the surface of t

20、he Earth, or _, beneath it.A. to be accurateB. to be sureC. to be brief D. to be fair38. The storm _ their houses, people in the country were reduced to living in caves.A. being destroyedB. destroyedC. to destroyD. having destroyed39. It was a Christmas when shoppers passed by expensive gifts _ more

21、 practical ones.A. in exchange forB. in return forC. in favour of D. in spite of二、单词拼写UNIT 11. They a heatedly, but neither could convince the other. 2. When offered the job, he accepted it e , for he wanted to gain some working experience.3. He is a s friend of mine and we are getting along well wi

22、th each other. 4. Its obvious that he is wrong. Why should you b me?5. Different people have different a when they talk about college students joining the army.6. Nothing is worse than feeling b by your best friend.7. If you p to know what you dont know, youll only make a fool of yourself.8. When mu

23、ch evidence was found, the suspect could do nothing but a the crime he had committed.9. With much noise outside, I found it hard to have my attention f on my homework. 10. I couldnt help f her after I learned the whole story.11. She is very c_ about giving offense to others.12. Two guards looked aft

24、er the s_ of the property.13. French cheeses are famous w_. 14. The future of the company will depend mainly on how consumers r .15. Our teachers told us to do everything well to our s_.16. You must a to her for having kept her waiting for such a long time. 17. We all want to make friends and develo

25、p f_ with others. 18. George felt very g_ about forgetting to post Herberts letter.19. He was disappointed so often that he became h . 20. We need a confident leader to o these difficulties.UNIT 21. He is a c on law affairs to the mayor. 2. She is g and selfish and youd better make friends with her.

26、 3. A large number of refugees (难民) _ into the area at the time.4. R waste materials is a way of reducing pollution.5. The rumour is beyond b and only a child believe it is true.6. The sudden a of guests forced her to change her plans. 7. Your statement is in c with the rest of the evidence. 8. I wa

27、s very i by one young man at my lectures9. Use a ruler to m the width of that cloth. 10. Id a it if you would open the window for me.11. The present e climate works against the smaller companies.12. The United Nations Security Council will d the issue today. 13. He doesnt have a sense of r_ , so he

28、isnt popular with his classmates.14. It is not easy to ban i_ hunting in some mountainous areas. 15. The workmen want to d the number of working hours and increase pay.16. He once worked in a power p_ for 24 years, but now he just stayed at home.17. The c_ here agrees with me, for it is neither hot

29、nor cold.18. Great changes have taken place in our hometown in the last two d_. 19. If I may refer back to the problem we discussed, I think we shall stress on the c_ of our natural resource.20. Her childrens ages r from three to eighteen.UNIT 31. Recently many people have no _ of buying a house. 2.

30、 Have you any c to make on the recent development?3. He caused his parents great a by cycling long distances alone.4. Having no children of their own they decided to a an orphan.5. As a p , I am interested in human cloning.6. People have done harm to nature through a_, fishing, hunting and tourism.7

31、. The plan suggested by him is practical and worth careful c .8. The form should be c by the customer after it is printed.9. The greedy businessman is only concerned about making p rather than ensuring his workers safety.10. No one is allowed into the lab without the teachers p .11. I thought that t

32、he whole c of cloning was not moral.12. There are many r problems with the matter.13. He died as a c of the traffic accident.14. Exposed to r for many years, Madam Curie died of a disease which is related to it.15. The o owner of the house has moved out.16. According to the survey c last week, more

33、than half college students admitted having consumed alcoholic drinks.17. I am afraid that the boy got f when hearing the sudden loud thunder.18. However, many poorer nations must f_ on the everyday needs of their people.19. To their surprise, the m of people agree to their plan.20. With the developm

34、ent of economy, new c_ are being built.期中考试复习(报纸错题)答案:1-5 DDCBD 6-10BBDCD 11-15ADBAB 16-20CDBCD 21-25ADCCD 26-30 BBADD 31-35 DBADC 36-39DADCUNIT 11.argued 2.eagerly 3. sensitive 4. blame 5. attitudes 6.betrayed 7.pretend 8.admit 9.focused 10.forgiving 11.cautious 12.security 13.worldwide 14.respond

35、15.strength 16.apologize 17.friendship 18. guilty 19. hopeless 20. overcomeUNIT 21.consultant 2.greedy 3. intention 4.Recycling 5. belief 6. arrival 7. conflict 8. impressed 9 measure 10. appreciate 11. economic 12. debate 13. responsibility 14. illegal 15. decrease 16 plant 17. climate 18. decades 19 conservation 20. rangeUNIT 3 1. intension 2. comment 3. anxiety 4. adopt 5. physician 6. agriculture 7. consideration 8. confirmed 9. profits 10. permission 11. concept 12. real-life 13. consequence 14 radiation 15. original 16. conducted 17. frightened 18. focus 19. majority 20 channels


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