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2011年高考大纲版英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测:第一册UNIT 18 NEW ZEALAND.doc

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1、第一册Unit 18 New ZealandI单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1centre/center 2coastal 3main 4 mountain 5surprise 6Agriculture高考须掌握的短语:1take 2make 3to 4sailing 5camping考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇1possession n拥有;占有;财产(常用复数) eg: Does the possession of wealth bring happiness? 拥有财产就会幸福吗? 相关链接:possess v拥有 pos

2、sessive adj不与人分享的;(文法)所有格的用法拓展:take possession of占有;占领come into the possession of sb被某人占有;落入某人手中come into possession of sth占有(获得)某物have possession of sth占有,拥有 in ones possession=in the possession of sb由某人所有/控制考题1点拨:答案为B。本题中的四个选项都有“拥有,占有”之意,但介词of的出现就把答案定在B项上了。案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1 (典型例题It is said that th

3、e white people then came to this land. They ot the land. A. owned B. took possession C. seized D. caught2percent/per cent n百分比;百分数 eg:This company can only supply 30 percent of what we need这个公司仅能提供我们所需的30而已。相关链接:percentage n百分率 特别提醒:百分之几of+名词作主语时谓语动词的单复数由of后的名词来确定。 eg: 40 percent of the students in

4、my class are girls 我们班40的学生是女生。 40 percent of the water is supplied by that river40的水是由那条河而来。考题2 (典型例题) of the land ir that district _ covered with trees and grass. A. 50 percent; is B. 50 percents; is C. 50 percent: are D. 50 percents; are考题2点拨:答案为A。百分之几用percent表示percent of后的名词块定谓语动词的单复数,land决定了用单数

5、谓语动词is。3relate v把联系起来;涉及 eg:I cant relate what he does to what he says我不能把他的所作所为与其言谈联系起来。相关链接:relation n关系,联系,亲属reIative n亲属adj有关系的,有关的用法拓展:in relation to和联系起来;关于be related to和有关 strange to relate说也稀奇考题3 (典型例题 分 ) The Dutch language is German. A. close related to . B. closely related with C. close r

6、elated with D. closely related to考题3点拨:答案为D。be related to与有关,用副词closely修饰,表抽象概念。句意为:“荷兰语与德语密切相关。”4cattle n牛;牲畜 eg:Cartle feed on grass牛以草为食。特别提醒:cattle是集体名词,是“牛”或“牲畜”的总称,谓语动词用复数形式,用head代量词时,用head的原形。如考题4。考题4 He raised twenty of in all. A. head; cattle B. heads; cattle C. heads; cattles D. head; shee

7、ps考题4点拨:答案为A。sheep是单复数同形,故,D项是错误的。 二、重点短语5a/the majority of大半;多数 eg:The majority of people seem to prefer watthing games to playing games大多数人似乎都喜欢看比赛,而不喜欢参加比赛。相关链接:minority n较少数;较小部分eg: The majority wanted peace;only the minority wanted the war to continue 多数人想要和平只有少数人希望战争继续。考题5 The majority in favo

8、r of the proposal. A. were B. was C. be D. both A and B考题5点拨:答案为D。the majority作主语时,谓语动词用单、复数形式均可。6turn to转到;把转向;求助于 eg:Our taIk soon turned to the changes of the farm我们的话题很快转到谈农场的变化。相关链接:turn up调高/大;出现;露面turn down调低/小;拒绝,turn on打开turn out结果/证明(是)turn off关上 turn over翻转turn in上交考题6 (典型例题)It was quiet

9、in the dark street, so there was no one I could A. turn B. turn to C. turn to whom D. towhomturn考题6点拨:答案为B。turn to表示“求助于”。先行词是no one,在定语从句中省了whom这个关系代词。句意为:”漆黑的街道上很安静,所以没有我可以求助的人。”三、重点交际用语7本单元的交际用语是谈论位置和方向要学会正确地使用方位介词in,to,on. in表示A地位于B地境内以东(西、南、北),A lies/is in the east/west/sourh/north of B to表示A地位

10、于B地境外以东(西、南、北),A lles/is to the east/west/south/north of B on表示A地与B地的东(西、南、北)部接壤,A lies/is on the east/west/south/norlh of B 另外lie on还表示“位于畔”。off表示离开某海岸线、公路等一段距离的地方。考题7 (典型例题 分 ) There are many islands the north- west coast of Scotland. A. on B. along C. in D: off考题7点拨:答案为D。off the coast离海岸线不远的海上;on

11、 the coast在海岸线上along the coast沿着海岸线。四、重点句型8New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold alI over the world 新西兰的酒质量很好而且在世界各地销售。用法拓展:“of十n”这一结构可用来表示一个人或一件事的特征在句中可作表语和定语。 eg:This kind of WOOl is of practical use这种羊毛很实用。 He to1d me somethlng of great importance他告诉我一些很重要的事。考题8 (典型例题)Youll find it grea

12、t value in he|ping you find the lost child. A. of B. to C. for D. in考题8点拨:答案为A。of great value对it作进一步修饰或补充说明,“很有价值”。五、词语辨析9possessions,goods,wealth possessions表示“财产;所有物”,常用复数。goods表示“货物;商品”,复数名词,无单数形式,不能与数词连用,但可与many,these,those等词连用,谓语动词用复数。 wealth表示“财产;财富”,为不可数名词。 eg: He lost aIl his possessions in

13、the fire他在火l灾中损失了所有的财产。 The goods were produced by a factory in Shanghai这些货物是上海一家工厂生产的。 The kings wealth was 100 great to measure国王的财富多得难以计算。考题9 Health is more important than A. the wealth Ba wealth Cwealths Dwealth考题9点拨:答案为D。wealth为不可敷名词,在此句中不是特指,不加冠词。句意为:“健康比财富更重要。”语法归纳 精通规则 游刃有余it作主语的用法1it用作代词 (1

14、)指代事物或前面提到过的事物。 eg: Whats in the picture?Its a cat图画里是什么?是一只猫。 Youve helped her a lot:she will never forget it 你曾经给过她许多帮助她永远也不会忘记。 (2)指人。 eg:Who is it?Its me是谁?是我。 (3)表示时间或季节。 eg:lt is seven oclock noW现在7点钟。 What day is it today?It is Friday今天星期几?今天星期五。 What is the date today?Its the third of May今天几

15、号?今天5月3号。 What season is it?Its autumn现在是什么季节?是秋天。 (4)表示距离。 eg:How far is it from the school to your home?从学校到你家有多远? (5)表示天气。 eg:It is cold today今天天气冷。 What was the weather like yesterday?It was fine昨天天气怎么样?天气晴朗。 (6)表示情况。 eg:How is it going with you?你近来情况怎样? Where does it hurt?哪儿痛?2it用作形式主语 it常用来代替不

16、定式、动名词短语或名词性从句作形式主语,位于句首,而被替代的真正主语后置。 (1)it+谓语+不定式。 eg: It is his duty to settle the problefn解决那个问题是他的责任。 lt is not proper to do so这样做不合适。 (2)it+谓语十动名词短语。 eg: It is no use arguing with him同他争辩没用。 It is exciting working here with you在这里同你一起工作很令人兴奋。 (3)it+谓语+名词性从句。 eg: It is clear that she is the best

17、 student in the class很明显,她是班上最好的学生。 Its certain that he will get on well with them可以肯定,他会同他们相处得很好。考题1 (典型例题Toms mother kept telling him that he mustnt smoke, but didnt help. A. he B. which C. it D. they考题2 (典型例题) is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. This

18、 C. That D. It考题1点拨:答案为c。有转折连词but。就不能选which;it代表上文所说的事情/情况。考题2点拨:答案为D。it作形式主语,代替后置的主语从句that English is being accepted as an i。nternational language。IV专题探究 由点及面 由表及里专题探究:专题详解:英语复习不外乎知识的梳理和能力的训练两个方面。梳理知识不仅为了应付试卷中的知识点选择题,更重要的是从积累和训练中习得运用这些知识的能力。所以备考时不能只顾记忆而忽略了活用,不能只注意词和句更要重视语篇。考生的英语水平的高低主要看他们的理解能力和表达能力

19、。试卷中完形填空和语篇阅读理解两项测试的就是理解能力,而译句和作文两项则是检验表达能力。这四项试题占了大部分篇幅。据此我们的最后阶段复习应该着重注意下列各个方面: 1理解能力相当程度上取决于词汇量的多少,这里所说的词汇量不光指记忆词汇册上所有的词,更要注意多义和多用途词的确切理解,这里举个例子: They lived by their own industry 句中的industry不是“工业”,而是“辛勤工作”,所以应该理解为“他们靠自己辛勤工作生活”。不能误认为是“他们靠自己的工业生活”。 又加: The danger ranges from tourists who wet painti

20、ngs to make them easier to photograph to guerrillas who hide in caves and set heart for shooting practice 理解这个句子的关键在于了解range fromto这一结构分别带了tourists和guerrillas两个介词宾语,还要注意句中wet和 photograph都用作动词这样才能理解为“把图弄湿以便于拍摄”。所以全面复习词汇特别注意一些词的不同意思和不同词性非常必要,但不必过多地学习词汇册要求之外的内容。2表达能力相当程度上取决于对常用词的活用能力。为此要加强对常用词,尤其是动词用法的

21、掌握,力求做到正确使用,合理搭配。 eg: They made great achievement(取得成绩) They gained a lot of profits(获得利润) They acquired knowledge and skills(学得知识和技能) Ill realize my dream(实现理想) Ill carry out my plan(实施计划) Ill reach my goal(达到目的) Ill hit my target(达到目的) 此外,要多练习用不同的结构来表达同一内容,以此来掌握一批常用词和常用结构。 eg: When I looked at the

22、 picture,I could recall my childhood The sight of the picture reminded me of my childhood At the sight of the pictureI was reminded of my childhood这三个句子都表示“看到照片使我想起了童年”。3为了具备必要的理解和表达能力,必须有一定的读和写的实践,建议在考前的一段时间里定期读和写一些材料。总之,复习既要“见树”又要“见林”,“树”就是词语,“林”则是语篇,两者并重,必能见效。V考题类型一网打尽 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊回顾1 测试考点2 (典型例题)Th

23、e factory produce.d half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% are sold abroad. A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that1A 点拨:80of which中的关系代词which代指half a million pairs of shoes,引导非限制性定语从句。回顾2 测试语法 (典型例题)The doctor advised very strongly that she should take a holiday, but didnt help. A. it

24、B. she C. which D. he2A点拨:it指代医生提建议这件事。VI2011年高考题预测 高瞻远瞩 占尽先机一、考情预测 年考情预测预测1:it作主语的用法 预测根据:it作主语的用法在口语中或一些固定句式中使用的频率较高,是高考考查代词的一个热点,考情预测 年高考题中出现此要点的可能性较大。 命题角度预测:it作主语的用法在单项选择题中出现的可能性最大。设题时会与which引导的非限制性定语从句进行辨析。考生务必分清两种句式的不同。预测2:in/on/to/off表示方位 预测根据:in/on/to/off表示方位时,四者有所不同,各有一定的方位性,这是好多考生容易混淆的地方。

25、尤其是to the+方位时,可省略to the的表达,应引起考生足够的重视。这是高考考查的一个热点问题。 命题角度预测:in/on/to/off表示方位时,设题会出现在单项选择中,题中给出考生两个地点,要求考生根据两地的方位关系,选择适当的介词。要做好这类题目的关键,就是要清楚这几个介词各自表示什么样的方位关系。预测3:“be of+抽象名词”用法 预测根据be of+抽象名词,表示某人/某物所具有、的特点,可转化成为“be+形容词”的形式。这是一个常考句式,考情预测 年要考查到的几率很大。 命题角度预测:“be of+抽象名词”在单项选择、完形填空或短文改错中都有可能设题,考生务必弄清楚:此

26、句式中的名词是抽象名词,所以不能出现复数形式。预测4:“百分之几/几分之几+of+名词”作主语 预测根据:“百分之几/几分之几+of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由of后的名词来决定,这是高考中考查主谓一致的一个重要考点。 命题角度预测:此句式在单项选择或短文改错中会出现。预测5:话题预测本单元的中心话题是“新西兰”,具体涉及新西兰的“地理概况”、“民俗民情”等。高考与之相关的话题,最有可能在完形填空或阅读理解中出现,可能会涉及新西兰的发展情况或独有的文化特色,也有可能有与新西兰的地理位置有关的题目出现。二、考题预测备考1测试考点1 The company is the possessio

27、n of Mr Smith. A. in B. under C. on D. for1A 点拨:be in the possession of sb在某人的掌管之中。 备考2测试考点 6 He was very disappointed to find his sug- gestion A. turned up B. turned in C. turned down D. turned out2C点拨turn down表示“拒绝、不接受”。备考3测试考点 3 The matter your fate cant be taken for granted. A. relating to B. re

28、lated to C. relate to D. to relate to3B 点拨related to表示“与有关”。备考4测试语法 -He was almost killed once. -When was ? - was in 典型例题was in the college. A. that; It B. this; This C. this; It D. that; This4A 点拨that用来指代前面已发生的事;it用于省略的强调 句中,when he was in the college充当典型例题教F)备考5测试考点 I On his fathers death, he came

29、 into of vast fortune. A. possess B. possessive C. possession D. possessor5c 点拨句意为他父亲死时给他留下一大笔财产。备考6测试考点 3 Its difficult to cause and effect in this case. A. relate B. relative C relation D. relating6A点拨,本句中动词不定式作主语,根据选项来分析,只有A为动词。备考7测试语法 The baby next door kept me awake. cried all night. A Who B. W

30、hich C. What D. It7D点拨本题考查it的用法,it指代baby。 备考8测试语法 appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks. A. It B. What C. Whom D. Who8A点拨1t appears that1句型。it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。备考9高考新题型:阅读填空 Paris is one of the most beautiful capitals of Europe. For a start it has the River Seine. The Seine is so

31、 wide here that a lot of goods go up and down the river by, boat. There are plenty of tourist boats too. One of the best ways to see Paris is from the river. The old buildings of Paris date from the llth century. There are palaces, castles and churches. If you are interested in art, especially paint

32、ings, then Paris is one of the cities you should go to. One of the most beautiful museums was opened in the centre of Paris in 1986. Before, it had been a railway station. When the station closed, it was turned into a muse um. After a day of visiting churches and museums, you will want to sit down a

33、nd have a rest. You can find plenty of places in Paris where you can sit down and order just a drink. These are calledcafes. Many of them have large windows which look onto the street, so you can watch the world go by while you sit with your cup of coffee or glass of wine. Here are two suggestions f

34、or spending your evenings. The first is to go to a restaurant. France is famous for its food, which is thought to be the worlds finest, after China. If you prefer something different, you could try one of the res- taurants which cook Southeast Asian food.Another possibility is to go to the cinema. Y

35、ou will have a wide choice of films. France is famous for its film-making in- dustry, Which dates back to the 1930s. It also holds several world-famous film festivals.(1) If you want to see Paris, take a (2)If you are interested in paintings, go to (3)If you are tired after sighting, go to a (4)If you dont want to eat French food, go to a (5) The three types of building which are mentioned above is 9(1)tourist boat on the river(2)an art museum (3)cafe(4)Southeast Asian restaurant (5)palaces,castles and churches


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