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《名校推荐》广东省广雅中学高一上学期:英语必修一 SEPTEMBER KNOWLEDGE REVIEW .doc

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1、一、阅读新视野词汇短语复习阅读新视野Unit11. To be frank with you, I (害怕)_ all species of spiders._(令人害怕的)_(感到害怕的)吓死我了_2. We intend to use natural materials instead of _(人造的,人工的)materials.人工智能_3. You will sooner or later(从.获益)_ what you are doing now. That is to say, your effort will(得到回报)_ one day.有益他人_4. Its importa

2、nt for us to build up positive _(surround)if we want to study well.周围的建筑物_被道路环绕_5. As is known to all, pandas(原产于)_China.英语母语者_地方方言_6. By sparing no effort to chase his dream, he(为自己赢得声誉)_.8. History consists of a variety of(重大历史事件)_.大量的_9. Koala is a(独一无二的物种)_ in the world, which can grow(高达)_ 100

3、centimeters.1 centimeter=10_价格最高可达100美元_10. Dr. History,(顾名思义)_, is a man full of history knowledge.11. (尽管有可降解的材料)_, we still have a long way to go before we solve the environment problem.despite=_12. _句号_逗号_问号_引号13. biodegradable(分析单词成分)bio-_de-_grade_ -able_14. With our joint effort, we eventuall

4、y(成功地做.)_ find a solution to the problem.With our joint effort, we eventually(成功地做.)_ finding a solution to the problem.15. Despite fierce competition, this business still(有希望,有可能)_.16. (长远来看)_, those who are diligent can go further than those who are intelligent.17. The contest participants(范围从.到.)

5、_ primary school students _ college students.18. (相比之下)_,genetically modified food may cause potential danger to human being.阅读新视野Unit21. The elderly like to use _(拐杖)to support themselves to walk.2. Before learning to walk on feet, babies always _(爬行)on their knees and hands.3. To worship the great

6、 heroes sacrificing for our country, a _(纪念碑)and a _(雕像)were set up.4. To _(修复)the friendship with Alley, Lucy invited her to dinner.修复工作_5. The origin of this statue(追溯到500年前)_, when it was _(可见的) to people.不可见的_6. The head of the Sphinx _(代表)Khafre, the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt at that time.7. The

7、monument standing in the temple is recognized as both a (宗教象征)_and a (艺术品)_.8. What he said did not (讲得通,有道理,被理解)_ to the audience.After picking up the dropped pencil, I couldnt (理解,明白)_what the teacher taught any more.9. Road signs (被涂成彩色)_ to make them more visible.10. Those archaeologists who _(引

8、领,领头)this restoration project enjoy wide reputation.二、课文词汇短语复习M1U1一、重点词汇复习1.Within a few days Mary had become seriously ill, _ (遭受)great pain.2.She was very _ (心烦)to hear that she failed in the exam again.3.It took a long time for him to _ (恢复)from a bad cold.4. When I saw him in the street, I stopp

9、ed and smiled, but he _ (不理会)me and walked on.5.We are _ (感激的)to you for the help you have given us.6.The big earthquake that happened in Yushu destroyed the town of Yushu _(完全地;整个地).7.According to the law, t are not allowed to smoke or drink.8.All children like to play _ (在户外)instead of staying ind

10、oors when the weather is fine.9.We are all _ about our childrens health.As far as I am _, lack of enough sleep _ the healthy growth of the children deeply.(concern)10.After he came to_, everyone said he was a _ leader, but now he felt so _ that he even cant save his daughter.(power)二、短语复习1._合计2._ (使

11、)平静下来;(使)镇定下来3._ 关心;挂念4._ 经历;经受5._ 放下;记下;登记6._ 一连串的;一系列;一套7._ 故意8._ 为了9._ 在黄昏时刻10._ 面对面地11._ 遭受;患病12._ 对厌烦13._ 将(东西)装箱打包14._ 与相处;进展15._ 相爱;爱上三、句式复习1._, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.遛狗时, 你太粗心, 一松手狗就被车撞了。2.I wonder if _ I havent been able to be outdoors for _ long _ Ive grow

12、n so _everything to do with nature.我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故, 我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。3.Your friend comes to school _.你的朋友来上学时很心烦。4.She and her family hid away for nearly twentyfive months _. 她和家人躲藏了将近25个月, 后来被发现了。5.it was the first time in a year and a half that _.这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚M1U2一、 词汇复习1.Not having see

13、n him for a long time, I can hardly _ (认出)him.2.They went_(直接)home without stopping at the gas station, for it was too late.3.The result of the long police investigation is that the _(身份)of the killer is still a complete mystery.4.I know from the young mans _(口音)that he is from the South.5.Youd bett

14、er find a _(本地人)to tell you how to get there.6.Follow the _(说明)that your doctor gives you.7.Reading is one of the best ways of enlarging your _(词汇量).8._ on a real story happening in Shenzhen, the film attracted a lot of audience.(base)9.He is a strong _ and he _ the whole nation with an iron hand.(g

15、overnment)10.Recovery from the disease is very _.As the weather _ becomes warmer and warmer, he will pick up.(gradual)二、短语复习1._因为;由于2._ 走近;上来;提出3._ 现在;目前4._ 利用;使用5._ 例如;像这种的6._ 扮演一个角色;参与7._ 即使8._ 以为基础三、句型复习1.Today, _ people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language _ ever before.如今说

16、英语的人比以往任何时候都多了, 他们有的是作为第一语言来说, 有的是作为第二语言或外语。2. Native English speakers can understand each other _ they dont speak the same kind of English.以英语作为母语的人, 即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同, 也可以相互理解。3.Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and _ each other.事实上, 当不同文化互相交流渗透时, 所有的语言都会有所变化、有所发展的。4._ more

17、_ German than the English we speak at present.当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础, 而我们今天所说的英语不是。5._, there is _ as standard English.信不信由你, (世界上)没有什么标准英语。三、课本词汇表单词短语(翻译短语)Unit 1 单词表词汇短语add/addition1. 把A加入B2. 把分数加起来3. 分数总计为750分4. 自信会增添你的美5. 除此之外6. 除了.survey1. 在住宿生中进行一个关于宿舍的调查Upset1. 对结果感到沮丧Ignore/ignorant/ignorance1. 忽视了

18、细节2. 对.无知3. 原谅她的无知Calm/calmness1. 冷静下来Concern/concerned/concerning1. 关心,挂念.2. 就我而言3. 涉及到名誉的问题loose/loosen1. 宽松的衣服2. 把鞋带松开Series1. 一系列的.2. 电视连续剧Outdoors/outdoor1. 在户外运动2. 户外运动Spellbind1. 被.迷住2. 令人着迷的景色Dusk/dawn1. 黄昏时2. 黎明时Power1. 执政,掌权2. 有力的/无力的辩驳Curtain1. 把窗帘拉上去/拉下来Partner/partnership1. 学习伙伴2. 稳定的合作

19、关系Settle/unsettled1. 解决这一问题2. 定居在中国3. 依然未解决Suffer/suffering1. 遭受了很多困难2. 居住于此是很痛苦的事Recover/recovery1. 从病痛中恢复2. 重获自信3. 及时的恢复Tired/tiring1. 对.厌倦2. 因.感到累3. 疲劳驾驶4. 令人疲劳的工作Pack1. 将行李装好2. 一包食物Exactly1. 确切地说Disagree/disagreement/agreement1. 不同意他的意见2. 他说的话不符合他的身份3. 在这个问题上达成一致Grateful/gratitude1. 因.对.心存感激2. 向

20、.表达感激之情Dislike/unlike1. 我不喜欢负面情绪。2. 我不像那些喜欢抱怨的人。Join/participate /attend1. 加入我们/学生会2. 参加这一活动3. 活动的参与者4. 出席会议Tip1. 学习小提示2. 手指尖3. 打翻一杯牛奶4. 服务小费Swap1. 用努力交换成功Official/officer1. 官方语言2. 政府官员3. 警官Voyage1. 航行去一个新大陆Conquer1. 被.征服because of的同义短语Native1. 英语母语者2. 原产于中国Come up/come across/come about/come out1.

21、走向我2. 提出问题3. 偶遇老友4. 这个问题怎么产生的?5. 这本书昨天出版了。Actually1. 事实上(短语)Base1. 以.为基础2. 军事基地Enrich1. 扩大词汇量2. 丰富人生阅历Latter/former1. 前者/后者Identity/identify1. 身份证2. 确定罪犯的身份Fluent/fluency1. 说一口流利的英语2. 流利程度Frequent/frequency/occasional1. 频繁的拜访2. 偶尔的问候3. 下雨频率Command1. 命令某人做某事2. 对英语掌握得很好Request1. 请求某人做某事2. 应某人的请求Express/expression1. 快速列车/道路2. 表达情感3. 面部表情4. 单词与词组Recognize/recognition/recognizable1. 认出了他的身份2. 被认可为贡献者3. 无法辨认Straight1. 直走2. 直接回答我Block1. 木块2. 挡住了路


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