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2011年高考大纲版英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测:第二册UNIT 15DESTINATIONS.doc

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1、第二册Unit 15 DestinationsI单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1arialysis 2arrange 3current高考须掌握的短语:1into 2then 3of 4off考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇1guarantee vt保证确保eg: They guarantee this cIock for a year他们对这钟表保修一年。 Buying a train ticket doesnt guarantee you a seat,买到火车票并不能保证你有座位。 I guarantee to pay off

2、 his debt我保证付清他的债务。 I guarantee that you w1l be satisfied with the result我保证你会对结果感到满意。相关链接:guarantor n保证人用法拓展:guarantee sth保证 guarantee曲sth/guarantee sthto sb保证某人某物 guarantee to do sth保证做某事 guarantee sth(to be)保证是 guarantee that保证案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1-1 (典型例题分)Can you me a job when I get there? You know

3、, I have to work in order to pay for my schooling. A. provide B. guarantee C. arrange D. apply考题1-2 Mum, I have finished my homework. -Oh, if you not to disturb me, you can watch TV. A. offer B. support C. guarantee D. want考题11点拨:答案为B。此题考查动词词义辨析。从下文I have to work in order to pay for my schooling可知:我

4、需要工作来支付我的学费。四个答案都合有。提供工作”的意思。但provide sbwith sth“提供某人某物”。arrange for sbwith sth“与某人商量某事”或arrange sth“安排某事”后不接双宾语,apply for ajob申请工作”,guarantee sbsth或guarantee sthto sh“保证某人某物”。从四个词的用法搭配看,只有B符合题意。句意为:”当我到那儿时你能确保给我一份工作吗?你知道,我得工作来支付我的学费。”考题12点拨:答案为c。此题考查动词词义辨析四个选项都可以和to do sth连用,但offer to do“主动干某事”,sup

5、port to do“支持干莱事”,want to do sth“想干某事”均与题意不符。而guarantee to do sth“保证干某事”符合题意。句意为:“妈妈,我做完功课了。如果你保证不打扰我的话,你可以看电视。2downtown adv住城里住市中心adjn商业区(的)eg: Lets go downtown this afternoon咱们今天下午去闹市区吧。 They moved downlown 1ast year去年他们搬到了城里。 I work in a downtown offilee我在市区的一家公司上班。用法拓展:go downlovn去商业区 lilve down

6、town住在商业区 a downtown office市区的一家公司特别提醒:go downtown去商业区”,此短语中downtown是副词前不加冠词。考题2 (典型例题)There wont beclasses this afternoon. Lets go shall we?. A. for the downtown B. to the downtown C. the downtown D. downtown考题2点拨:答案为D。此题考查。去闹市区”的表达方式,应是go downtown,这是一固定搭配,在此短语中,downtown是l副词。句意为:“今天下午没有课,我们去商业区好吗?”

7、 二、重点短语3every now ad then偶尔,有时eg: He only comes to LondoB every now and then他只是偶尔来趟伦敦。 Every now and then a plane WOHld take off不时会有一架飞机起飞。用法拓展:every now and then/again不时偶尔 now and then偶尔有时 just now刚才。现在,眼下(for the time being) up Io now到目前为止 now then(用于句首表示警告、抗议或引起注意)喂eg: Now thenJackdonl go on sayi

8、ng that我说,杰克别再说了特别提醒:every nQw and thenevery noW and again和now and then都表示同一个意思:“有时偶尔”。考题3 (典型例题分)We get along quite well though there are quarrels between us A. now and then B. here and there C. at one time D. up and down考题3点拨:答案为A。此题考查副词短语的辨析。四个选项中noW and then表示“有时,偶尔”,here and there表示“到处。处处”at on

9、e time表示“从前一度”,up and down表示“上上下下前前后后来来回回”。根据题意:我们相处得很好,虽然有时我们会吵架。可知A为正确答案。 4look into朝里面看;调查检查eg:Thctcommittee is loQki玎g into the caHse of the aceident委员会正在调查事故原因。 He looked into the bOX but saw nothing他往盒子里看了看但没看到什么。用法拓展:look up抬头看look up to尊敬敬仰 look dOWn on/upon轻视;俯视 look around/rouRd/about环顾四周

10、look after照料照顾look for寻找look through浏览透过看 look out往外看;当心。注意look back回头看回顾回想 look forward to盼望look 1ih看起来像 Iook a1注视看特别提醒:look into中Into是介词。考题4 (典型例题 分 ) Mike his girlfriends number in the phone book to make sure he had got it right. A. looked up B. looked for C. picked out D. picked up考题4点拨:答案为A。loo

11、k up sthin the book/dietionary表示“在书或字典中查找。”;look for表示“寻找;期待”piek out表示“挑出;辨认出”;piek up表示“拾起;拿起”。 5get/be tired of sth/doing sfll对做某事感到厌倦;对做某事失去兴趣eg:Im getting tired of Iravelling我厌倦了旅行。 She is tired of Ihe same food for hteakfast ever3r day 每天早餐吃同样的食物她感到厌倦了。相关链接:tiring adj令人厌烦的。tired adj劳累的疲劳的 用法拓展

12、be tiretl of sth/doing sth厌烦了做某事 be/get tired from,/with(dolng)sth因(做)某事而疲劳tire曲out使某人筋疲力尽特别提醒:。对感到厌烦”用be/get lired of介词用of而“因(做)某事而疲劳”用be/get tired with/from doing sth介词用fronl或with。 考题5 (典型例题分) Why were you absent from the meeting? Oh. I was tired the awful speech. A. of B. for C. in I). out考题5点拨:答

13、案为。A。本题考查be tired of一表示对某事厌倦”。be tired out表示“累坏了”与题意不符。三、重点交际用语6I,ll do everything I can to help you我会尽我能做的一切来帮助你。 do everything one eAR to do尽可能干 eg: The doctors are doing everything thcy can lo Save the boy 医生们正尽力做一切来拯救这个孩子。 Lei Feng did what he Could to help everyone雷锋做他能够做的一切来帮肘每一个人。用法拓展:做一个人所能做

14、的来干的表达形式: do something one can to do do everything one can/eould to do do what one can/COUld to do sth do all that one can/COUld to do sth特别提醒:do everything one can/COUld to do句型中one can/COUld后省略动词do,此句作定语修饰everything。而to do是动词不定式作目的状语,并且一定要用to do。考题6 ( 典型例题, 1,分) The entrance exam is on the way. I

15、will do everything I can the exam. A. pass B. passing C.to pass D. in passing考题6点拨:答案为c。此题考查do everything one can to do sth“做一个人所能做的事情来干”。解答此题必须弄清楚l can后省略动词do,且作everything的定语。句意为:“入学考试快到了。我会尽我所能通过这次考试。” 四、重点句型 7Should you feel the urge to pack your bags and explore what the world has to offer you m

16、ight want to consider one of the destinations below如果你感到有迫切的愿望打点行装去探索世界,你可能会考虑下列目的地中的某一个。 (1)should+主语+谓语,should表示“万一如果”。 eg: Should you be interested I have a book on the subiect and you might Iike tD see如果你感兴趣,我有一本谈论这个问题的书,你也许想看。 Should you have any difficulty in getting tickets,ring this number 万

17、一你买票有困难,就拨这个号码。 Should it rain tomorrow/If it should rain tomorrow,the meeting WOUld be put off_如果明天下雨,会议就延期。 (2)should用来表示可能性,或推测,译为“可能,该”。 eg: They should have arrived in Beijing by t his time他们这时该到北京了。 (3)表示义务或责任,译为“应该”。 eg: He sh6uld have told me the news earlier他本来应该早些告诉我这个消息。 (4)用来表示惊奇遗憾,译为“应该

18、,竟然会”。 eg: It is surprising that you should be here真奇怪你竟然在这儿。用法拓展:should放在句首,运用倒装语序,表示“在未来条件句中表示有可能,但可能性极小之事”,译为“万一,如果”,用于较正式场合。一般情况下用“fshould”表示。考题7-1 (典型例题分) I have enough energy left after a days hard work, I will go dancing in one of the clubs. A. Would - B. Shall C. Should D. Can考题7-2 Its a pit

19、y you miss the wonderful play. A. shall B. should C. would D. can考题71点拨:答案为c。此题考查should放在句首引导的倒装句表示一个条件句,相当于“If一should一”表示“将来有可能发生的事,但可能性极小”。而其他三个情态动词无此用法。句意为:“如果在一天的辛苦劳动后我还有足够精力的话,我会去其中一个俱乐部跳舞的。”考题72点拨:答案为B。此题考查情态动词的辨析。根据题意:真遗憾,你竞然错过了这么精彩的戏剧。shall在肯定句中,用于第二、三人称表示“命令、吩咐、警告、应允”,would表示“过去的习惯”,can表示“能

20、力”,均与题意不符。而should表示“应该,竟然”.故选B。 8Theres no need to do没有必要做某事eg: There is no need to teIl him aboutt没有必要告诉他这件事。 There is no need to go there now没有必要现在就去那儿。用法拓展:There is no need(for sb)to do没有必要干 There is no need for sth没有必要 There is no use/timeto do sth/for做没有用处/没有时间做 eg: There is no use to help him帮

21、助他没有用。 特别提醒:There is no need to do/for用动词不定式或介词短语for作后置定语,不用动名词;而Its no need/no use/no good doing用动名词作主语,不用动词不定式。考题8 (典型例题 分 ) They say is no need to worry if you have never sung before. A. it B. there C. that D. what考题8点拨:答案为B。此题考查Theres no need to do“没有必要千”这一固定句型。句意为:“他们说如果以前你没唱过歌,就没有必要担心。”五、词语辨析9

22、celebrate,congratulate (1)celebrate vt 庆祝(节日,假日生日等)eg: Teachers Day is celebrated on September lOth 九月十日庆祝教师节。 We celebrated his birthday yesterday 昨天我们庆祝他的生日。 (2)congratulate vt祝贺(某人) congratulate sbon/upon(doing)sth因某事而祝贺某人 eg: Congratulate you on your success祝贺你成功。Congratulate you on passing the

23、College Entrance Examination祝贺你通过了高考。 congratulation n祝贺(通常用复数形式)构成搭配:congratulations to sbon sth或用Congratulations!特别提醒:celebrate表示“庆祝”。其宾语只能是物,不能是人;而congratulate表示“祝贺”其宾语只能为人。考题9-1 ( 典型例题 分 ) We held meetings and parties to the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. A. c

24、elebrate B. welcome C. memorize D. congratulate考题9-2 (典型例题)-Tom has won the first place in the game. -Come on, and lets _ him on it. A. celebrate B. welcome C. memorize D. congratulate考题9-1点拨:答案为A。此题考查动词的词义辨析。celebrate表示“庆祝”;memorize表示“记忆”;welcome表示“欢迎”;congratulate表示“祝贺”。根据题意。我们举行会议和晚会来庆祝中华人民共和国成立5

25、5周年”。可排除B、c两项。celebrate后接表示“事情,活动”意叉的词,而congratulate的宾语一般是人,用于congratulate sbon(doing)sth这一句式中。故选A。 考题9-2。点拨:答案为D。此题考查congratulate sbon sth“因慕事而祝贺某人”,celebrate表示“庆祝”,其宾语是物,不能是人;welcome表示“欢迎”memorize表示“记忆”;两者均不合题意。句意为:。汤姆在这次比赛中获得第一名。”快点,让我们去祝贺他。”语法归纳 精通规则 游刃有余本单元复习非谓语动词形式,即动词不定式、动名词和分词(一)不定式不定式的用法 (1

26、)作主语。不定式短语作主语时,往往放在谓语之后,用it作形式主语。 eg: To see is to believe眼见为实。 It is right to give up smoking戒烟是正确的。 (2)作宾语。不定式短语作宾语时,如果还带有宾语补足语,往往把不定式放在宾语补足语之后,而用it作形式宾语。 eg: He wanted to go他想去。 I find it interesting to study English我发现学英语是有趣的。 (3)作宾语补足语eg: He asked me to work with him他要我和他一起工作。 (4)作定语eg:Ive got

27、a letter to write我有一封信要写。 He needs a room to live in他需要一间房子住。 (5)作状语,表示目的、原因、结果或条件。 eg: I came here to see you我来这儿是为了看你。(目的) 目的状语还可以用in order to或so as to来表示。 eg: We turned the lights off in order not to waste electricity 为了不浪费电,我们把灯关了。 Check your composition so as to avoid mistakes检查你的作文以避免犯错。 To lo

28、ok at him,you would like him看着他,你将会喜欢他。(条件) We were very excited to hear the news 听到这个消息,我们感到非常兴奋。(原因) He hurried to the school to find nobody there 他匆忙赶到学校。发现那里没有人。(结果)(6)作表语eg:My job is to help the patient我的工作是帮助病人。(二)动名词1动名词形式由“动词-ing构成,具有动词和名词的性质。在句中起名词作用,可作主语、表语、宾语和定语。 (1)作主语eg:Seeing is believ

29、ing眼见为实。 Collecting information is very important to businessmen 收集信息对于商人来说非常重要。 It is no use arguing with him与他争吵没有用。 在It is no use/good,not any use/gooduseless等后须用动名词作主语,泛指抽象概念。 (2)作表语eg:Her job is teaching她的工作是教书。 (3)作宾语eg:She didnt mind Jack(him)coming late她不介意杰克(他)来得晚。 He finished reading the b

30、ook yesterday他昨天读完了这本书。 (4)作定语eg:He has a reading room他有一个阅览室。2动名词和不定式结构在意义上的区别 (1)动名词形式表示一般习惯、抽象概念,或已成为过去的动作;不定式表示的往往 是具体的或特定的动作,也可表示现在或将来的动作。 eg: Playing with fire is dangerous玩火是危险的。(泛指玩火) To play with fire will be dangerous玩火将很危险。(指一具体动作) Its no use crying over spiIt milk后悔是没有用的。/覆水难收。(抽象动作)考题1

31、(典型例题 分 )-Whats the matter with you? - the window, my finger was cut unexpectedly. A. Cleaning B. To clean C. While cleaning D. While I was cleaning 考题2(典型例题 分) And there, almost in the big chair, sat her little brotber; who never had to be told to keep quiet. A. having lost B. losing C. to be lost

32、D. lost考题3 (典型例题Wang Hua is said a new computer programme re-cently, but I dont know when she will fin- ish it. A. to design B. to be designing C. to have been designed D to have designed 考题4(典型例题) at failing in the math exam, John wouldnt like to talk about it to his parents. A. Disappointed B.To b

33、e disappointed C. Disappointing D. Having disappointed He realized that to go on like this was no use他意识到这样下去是没有用的。 (具体动作) He has forgotten seeing me before 他已不记得以前看见过我。(指已成为过去的动作) I must remember to remind John that the garden needs watering 我必须记得去提醒约翰花园需要浇水。(指将来的动作)(2)forgetgo onmeanregretremember

34、,stop。try等动词可带动名词或不定式作宾语但意义上有区别。比较:(三)分词 I分词的时态和语态 (1)分词分为现在分词和过去分词。现在分词有一般式和完成式。一般式表示的动作和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生;完成式(having+过去分词)表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生。 eg: Being a studenthe was interested in books 作为一个学生他对书籍感兴趣。 Having studied|n the university for 3 years,he knows the place very well在这个太学读书已有3年了他对这个地方非常了解。

35、(2)现在分词有主动语态和被动语态。当句子的主语是分词动作的承受者时分词用被动语态。如果要强调分词的动作先于谓语动作就用分词完成式的被动形式。 eg: The question being discussed is important正在被讨论的问题是重要的。 Having been criticized by the teacherLi Ming gave up smoking 在被老师批评后李明戒烟了。 (3)过去分词表示在谓语动词之前发生的动作本身有被动的含义。所以只有一般式没有完成式。2分词的用法 (1)作定语 分词短语作定语时放在被修饰的名词之后;单个分词作定语时放在被修饰的名词之前

36、。 eg: The man standing next to the window is our teacher 站在窗户旁边的人是我们的老师。 Polluted air and water are harmful to peoples health 被污染的空气和水对人们的健康有害。 (2)作状语 分词或分词短语作状语时可“表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随状况等, eg:Being a studentI must study hard (原因)作为一个学生我一定要好好学习。 While reading the bookhe nodded from time to time (

37、时间)他读书时不时点头。 The leacher stood there surrounded by the students (方式)老师站在那儿被学生围着。 (3)作表语 eg:Thc news is inspiring这消息令人鼓舞。 You shouldnt stand up if yOU are badly hurt 如果你伤得厉害就不应该站起来。 (4)作宾语补足语eg: We saw the teacher making the experiment我们看见老师在做实验。特别提醒;(1)在feel,hear1isten tolook atnotice0bserveseewatti

38、f have1etmake等词后的补足语中不定式不带to:但是这些句子如果变成被动结构就必须带to。 eg: I often hear him sing the song我经常听见他唱这首歌。He is often heard to stag the song他经常被听到唱这首歌。(2)现在分词作定语时表示动作正在进行或与谓语动词所表示的动作几乎同时发生。如果两个动作有先有后?一般不能用现在分词作定语而要用定语从句。eg:The leacher criticized the student who had broken the window老师批评了那个打破窗户的学生。(3)分词作状语应注意:

39、 分词短语作状语其逻辑主语须与句子的主语一致。 表示时间关系的分词短语有时可由连接词whik或when引导。 有时”with(without)一名词(或代词宾格)一分词”的结构表示伴随状况。 eg:He lay half deadwith all his r|bs broken他半死躺着所有的肋骨都断了。当分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语不同时,分词必须有自己的主语。eg:Time permitting,1 will finish another lesson时间允许的话我会完成另一课。(4)分词与不定式作状语时的一些区别 目的状语通常用不定式不用分词。 作结果状语时不定式常用于表示出乎意料的结果而

40、分词则表示一 种自然的结果。 eg:I went to his houseonly to find he was Out,我去他家结果却发现他出去了。 He dropped the cuphreaking breaking into piecds. 他把杯子掉在地上摔成碎片.考题1点拨:答案为D。本题的关键在于看出主句的主语my finger与动词clean之问构不成主动或被动关系因此不能用非谓语动词cleaning或to clean作状语而甩while I WaS cleaning作时闻状语。 考题2点拨:答案为D。主句是Ihere引导的倒装句。lost in the big chair是分

41、词短语作状语-与主语her little brother之间的逻辑关系是被动关系也可把bc It st in看作系表结构表状态。考题3点拨:答案为B。根据后半句l dont know when she will finish it可知这项工作目前正在进行中因此应该用不定式的进行式。 考题4点拔:答案为A。主句主语John与disappointed之间是逻辑上的主表关系。be disappointed a1是系表结构表状态。专题探究 由点及面 由表及里专题探究:专题详解:主要考查的知识点:情态动词的基本含义和用法:情态动词表推测的用法以及情态动词+have十v-ed结构等。重点复习:maymig

42、htcancould表示可能;mustcancouldmay mighthave done表示对过去发生事情的推测。shouldought to have done表示对过去的责备。would ratherhave done以及had bet ler-have done表示后悔。willshaIl表示请求许可:couldmight should have done表示虚拟语气。考题 (典型例题) Our holiday is coming. Arc yon going home for the holiday7 I havent decided yet. I go home. hut it d

43、epends on the weather. A. must B. need C. may D. will考题点拨:答案为c。本题考查情态动词表示可能性的用法。must表示非常肯定的语气,need表示“必须需要”will表示”意愿” 而may表示把握不大的一种可能性,后面常跟but分句。故答案为C。V考题类型一网打尽 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊回顾1 测试语法 (典型例题 -Can the project be finished as planned? Sure. it comppleted in time, well work two more hours a day.A. having got B

44、. to get C. getting D. get1B 点拨:此题考查不定式作目的状语。句意为:“这项工程能按计划完成吗?当然,为了让它按时完成,我们将每天加班两小时。”回顾2 测试考点 9 (典型例题)The three sisters de- cided to bold a family party to their parents silver wedding.A. celebrate B. memorize C. congratulate D. welcome2A 点拨:此题考查动词的词义辨析。celebrate表示“庆祝”;memorize表示“记忆”;welcome表示“欢迎”;

45、congratulate表示“祝贺”;根据题意“那三姐妹决定举办一次家庭宴会来庆祝她们父母的银婚”。故排除B、D两项。celebrate接物作宾语,不接人;congratulate后接人作宾语,不接物。故选A。回顾3 测试语法 (典型例题inda worked for the Minne-sota ManuIacturing and Mining company, as 5M. A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known3B点拨:此题考查非谓语动词用法。句意为:“琳达为明尼苏达州制造和矿业公司工作,该公司又著称3M公司”。很明显“ as

46、3M是定语修饰the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining company。且know与先行词之间是被动关系。故用过去分词作定语。 回顾4 测试语法 (典型例题You cant catch me Janet shouted. away. A. run B. running C. to run D. ran4B点拨:此题考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:“你抓不到我!珍妮特喊道。跑开了。”为现在分词作伴随状语,故用run一ning。回顾5 测试语法 (典型例题 from other conti nents for millions of years. Australi

47、a has many plants and ani reals not found in any other country in the world. A. Being separated B. Having separhted C. Having been separated D. To be separated5C 点拨:此题考查非谓语动词的用法。由下半句中“Austral ia has”可知前半句的逻辑主语为Australia,“分割开”这个动作发生在很久以前且与其逻辑主语是被动关系,所以应用现在分词的完成被动式表被动的概念,作状语,故选“Having been separated”。

48、VI2011年高考题预测 高瞻远瞩 占尽先机一、考情预测 年考情预测预测1:as引导的非限制性定语从句与it作形式主语时的区别 预测根据:as引导非限制性定语从句时,代替整个主句,在定语从句中充当主语或宾语,它的位置很灵活,可以位于句首、句末或插在句中。位于主句前时,与主句之间应用逗号隔开。it作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句,不能用逗号隔开。这点是高考命题的热点,应引起考生的重视。 命题角度预测:as引导非限制性定语从句与it作形式主语时的区别,在高考单项选择中设题的可能性大。 eg: is known to everybody that the moontravels round

49、 the earth once every month AIt BAs CThat DWhat 本题答案为A。 预测2:定语从句与强调句的区别 预测根据:定语从句与强调句的区别一直是高考命题的一个热点和重点,也是考生容易出错的一个问题,估计在07年高考中复现率较高。 命题角度预测:定语从句与强调句的区别,在高考的单项选择或完形填空中出现的可能性大。判断一个句子是否为强调句,可采用“还原法”,即在假设它为强调句的情况下将“It is/wasthat/who一”去掉,判断所剩内容(经整理后)是否为一个完整的句子。若完整,就是强调句否则,就不是强调句。 eg: Was it october 1st,

50、1949 when the Peoples Republic of China was founded?(定语从句)Was it on October 1st,1949that the Peoples Republic of China was founded?(强调句)预测3:get/be tired of与get/be tired with 预测根据:动词词组的辨析是高考命题的一个重点。get/be tired of与get/be tired with是一组易混词组。get/be fired of 表示“厌倦某事/做某事”;get/be tired with表示“因做某事而感到累/疲惫”。

51、 命题角度预测:这组词组的区分在高考的完形填空部分出现的几率较大。考生应清楚这对词组所表示的意思,然后结合文章所给出的语境,作出正确的选择。 预测4:如何表达道歉与抱怨 预测根据:本单元的口语交际练习了如何表达道歉与抱怨,在高考对交际英语考查的内容中,这是一个重要方面。有时出现一些婉转的说法,eg:I hate to sayIbut(表示抱怨),这些需要结合具体的语言环境,作出推断。命题角度预测:如何表达道歉及抱怨,会在高考听力测试部分体现出来。考生应从对话者婉转的表达中,推断出其意图。预测5:话题预测本单元的中心话题是“旅行目的地”,具体内容涉及介绍世界旅游名城,如何办理出国旅游手续,出国旅

52、游前的计划和准备等。高考与此话题有关的题目会在阅读理解中出现,以说明文的形式,介绍一些世界旅游胜地,要求考生根据文章在细节推断、大意概括、猜测词义等方面作出解答。二、考题预测 备考1测试考点 4 They have a theory that it is possible to tellthe time in daylight by a cats eyes. A. looking up B. looking into C. looking for D. looking out1B 点拨:根据题意:他们有一套理论能够在白天通过观察猫的眼睛,来预知时间。look up表示“向上看,查寻”;look

53、 into“往里面看,观察,调查”;look for表示“寻找”;look out“向外看,留心”。故选B。 备考2测试考点1 When you are interviewed, a good speech sometimes can you a good job. A. offer B. give C. apply D. guarantee2D点拨:此题考查动词词义辨析。offer sbsth“提供某人某物?;give sbsth“给某人某物”;apply表示。申请”;guar antee sbsth。确保某人某物”;根据题意“当面试时,好的口才能确保你一份好工作”。故选D。备考3测试考点

54、5 Mary as well as her classmates one examination after another. A. are tired of having B. are tired with C. is tired of having D. is tired to have3c点拨此题考查主谓一致和be tired of“对感到厌倦”。句意为:“玛丽及她的同学厌倦了一次接一次的考试”。且Mary as well as her classmates作主语,谓语动词与Mary一致。 备考4测试考点 7 you be interested, Ill tell you the who

55、le story.A. Would B. Might C. Should D. Could4c点拨:此题考查情态动词的用法。A、B、D三项用于句首表示疑问,而本题是一陈述句,且句子运用倒装句型,只有should用在if条件句中,表示“未来极少有可能发生的事情”,通常省略if将should提到句首。should表示“万一,如果”。故选C。备考5测试考点 8 Be quiet ! is no need to argue with him about it for such a long time. A. It B. That C. There D. This5C 点拨:本题考查Theres no

56、need to do sth“没有必要干”这一句型。 备考6测试考点 3 I think he is a good man to get along with though he loses his temper A. by and by B. step by step C. every now and then D. little by little6c 点拨:此题考查副词短语的用法。根据句意为:“我认为他是一个很好相处的人,虽然有时会发脾气”。故选C。 备考7测试考点6 The old man is in danger. The doctors are doing their best t

57、o do they could him. A. all what; to save B. all that; save C. what; to save D. what; save7c 点拨:do what they could这一结构是what引导的宾语从句作do的宾语,they could后省略do,to save him是动词不定式作目的状语。选项A中all作先行词时后面定语从句用that引导,不用what。 备考8测试考点 9 Mum, I have passed the driving test. A. Good luck B. Come on C. Congratulations

58、D. Cheers8C点拨:此题考查交际用语。从Ive passed the driving test可知,“我已通过驾驶考试是值得祝贺的事”故选c。Good luck表示“祝你好运”对于将要做的事情使用呲句型。 备考9测试语法 out of the window, I saw my headt-eacher talking with someone. A. To look B. Looked C. Looking D. Being looked9C点拨:此题考查非渭语动词用法。“ out of the window作状语分词作状语,其逻辑主语是句子的主语,故look的主语为I且look与I之

59、间为主动关系。故用现在分词表示。备考10 高考新题型:阅读填空题Dear Wang Qiang, Now Ill tell you how to get to my school by bus. You can take a (1) bus just on the left side of your home and get off at Nan Jing Road. When you get off, go across the street and take a (2) bus and then get off at the terminus. Go for- ward and turn left at the first crossing to (3) Road. Go along the road and you will see a MacDonalds on your (4) and my school (5) is just next to it. Ill be expecting you at 3:10 at our school gate. Dont be late. Yours, Li Hua10(1)No44 (2)No12 (3)Peace (4)right (5)No12 Middle School


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