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1、20172018学年度第二学期网上阅卷第二次适应性训练试题九年级英语2018.05(考试时间 100分 钟 满分 120分)第-部分 选择题“0分)。-、单项选择(共 I5小 题,每 小题 1分,计 15分)在下列各题 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。1.口阢 g岫s咖_ 说dh by l ake behm her h。use。A.a B.曲e;曲e C。曲e;a D.山e2.Westem peop1e pl ay曲 e game cal l ed 叮ck or tea_ the even1ng ofoctober31欲.A。on B.h c。at D。/3.wm

2、yow fadl er扣 h us姒蝈 田_I nl not s讧 e.He Come。A。臼rt B。nl ustnt C.may not D。shoul h4._曲 do you pre饥 饴a or血m一、I d I ac刂p ofcofee.A。Nei 伍 B。Ei ther C。Both D.Noc5.You cant-g1ne how盹 u住n Ga。you hkei syou see h 汀d1your Own eyesA。r B。山ough C。because D.unl e“6._Do you know Hu We泗,the founder ofMobi ke(摩 拜单车-o

3、fcourse,she makes_to曲es妯血g economy and starts a new l i fes0l e for us.A。decoi ons B。agreements C.co“budons D.ach忆 vements7.My si ster悠 enough to keep aII herfhhgs h good o血A。orgnm讠 ed B.generous C。conEdent D.耐ol Is:-一咖bIe=ness you have1nade!sory.I注11ddy i t up ght noA。What B.How C.How a D.what a9.C

4、hi l dren shou1d be tol d to teIl 伍 e mth i tead of_exc【Ises whenever he/she doessg吐吐ng wOng.A茁说吧 叩 B胛 娩叩 C 淝 ng up D.灿血 呜 up10.-Are you gomgto Tom and Lucy s wedd魄 next s砌凼 VI注u go i fI.A。wm h呐 B.h说 C。w be h说 刚 D。a1nh说 刚11._Look atthe s诹 羿1!You are曲 aowed to park yow car here。_sony,Isee“A。don飞 B。dd

5、nt C。wort D。w。urt1z。ML Wmg devod al l heul d_hi s ora1Engl i sh before go灿g abroad。A.咖 m呐鸭 B。蚰 卩ove C.to山叩m讪吧 D。to山叩ve13.-t1c nove16切JJFvcr rrJvcJs i s very ce。so“i s。m四旧dbHngA。dl at I can borrow加 B.i fI can keep m f。r another weekC。when shoul d Iremm i t D.how bngIcan borrOw m九年级英语试卷 第 1页 共 8页14._E

6、xcl Ise nl e,coul d you heIp me1ook aner mypet we m aw臼A.Wi 曲 pl easure.B。My pl easl re.C。Yes,pIease.D.Not at a.15.I thh【a doctor1nust be care凡I庄th s work because A。Many hands make l i ght workC。The earl y ud catches tbe woB。A吐ssi s as good as a n沁 IeD.Every dog has i ts day二、完形填空(共 15小题,每 小题 1分,计 1

7、5分).阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选顼中选出一个最佳答案。onas-y aut【aaem。n,I waked home anera wh。l e day s work It was a reIaxhg旒for me as usua1.steet was nI。fpe。ph,and everyone seemed to be h a悯Aromd a uarrowmer,Isaw a yomg1nan,who was蛀妯吧 h the shadow,16 sO【=Resmal I toys。Usu山阽I woul d h唧 17 such se11ers and never

8、 buy anm魄。:ut he11Inmcedhe coul dn 18。I dec汹耐 to have a short鸵 I wanted to see 19 he soId hi s toys。soon,a缸eg,酬眦her mo遵、ca1ne up to a toy曲 at coul d 20 an0se。ds1cd suchtoys because dl e ose somded real l y缸 y口toy was$18。Ihe111o山 er 2I an。te of$20.shetoId hm mesum(金额)and wanted dl e change”.I was wOn

9、d汕色what he was gohg todo no吐 He l d曲e motherto put dl e money h s bag and getthe change 23.Ihcn she dd so.Whatthe young=rl an di d shocked c.He chose to 24 peopl e evcn i fhe cou1dn t see.Hel et me know be“g h peopIe o a 25 thhg。It hhgs【Is wamth and l ove。I was so touchedaatI made a deci si on to bu

10、y a toy 26,I dduneed加 at a11。I to1d m thatI had onIy oe$20note.Then I was asked to do the sa1ne曲 i 吧 匕 曲e mo曲 I ddso,27 I ddnt take anychange.AsI waked down the steet,I meta【l odl er de gLl 诵 曲 a heavy schooI bag.I waIked up andgave her the 28 IboumtShe b。ked at1ne h supnse and fhen dl anked【ne 29。I

11、 washappy see曲 e sml e on her face。I knew北 must be a stange but warm萤 n for hyomg1nan was a good sO tO【Is a11。On my way ho1ne,I kept th咖 曲e wOr1dwouId be a better pl ace i fwe a coul d Ieanl to mstpeopl e1nore,j ust c曲eyomgb steetse16.A。l Ishg17.A.wi 曲18.A。hear19.A。how20.A。hear2I。A。cut out22.A.up23.

12、A。sel f24.A.hate25.A.beau住 f1126.A。As a resdt27.A。oF9s.bag29.A.卩oteIy30.A。rol eB.bl 1:,i i 1 IgB.pastB.speakB.whyB。makeB。kqpt outB.outB.herserB。doubtB。badB。h factB。soB.toyB。col dl yB.cxpem九年级英语试卷C,sel l hgC.acrossC。seeC.henC。avo1dC。took outC.orC.mysel fC。mstC。蓝1IyC。h a wordC.butC.noteC.proudl yC。wrd

13、第 2页 共 8页D。wash吨D.towardsD。countD.hereD.mhdD.worked outD.backD.youse1fD.pmoeD.dLectD.Aner al ID.forD.changeD.crazi l yI冫。eXampl e三、阅读理解(共 15小题,每 小题 2分,计 30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四 个选项中选出一个最佳答案。31.W1吐 ch i s dl e fastest way for a sL gIe说蛀torto get hotel expen adv忆 e?A。Cn11hg.B。W咬山1g l etters.C。sen曲

14、鸭 E威l s D.Ha讪呜 ve chat。32.IfyouI臼to cook yow Ow【l food,you can chse to stay at 。A。Park P1aza Westni n心 ter Bdge Hote1 B。Athenaemn Hote1C。P1n9n。n曲eR Cl ub D.The Rube1Ls at the PaIace Hote133.Whh ofthe fol b晚 two hoteIs are cbse to each oth?A。Athe11aeun Hote1;Pl aza on曲 eRh Cb。B。The Rubens atthe Pal a

15、ce H。te1;A伍 enael Im Hotel。C。Athenaemn Hotel;Park Pl aza We呲mh助 Bodge HoteI.D。Park PIaza Wes铷山缸 Bodge Hotel;Pl a9n。n the R卜 Cl ub。BWhe=l sera saw dl e】诋 t shecp h her fe,曲e fowyear-oId ci dog dd whatco=nes nanral l yshe set or刖 m血呜 亻bdhe sheep across several 丘 el ds and fi nauy1o哎 b。曲 the sheep and

16、her se11seof曲m饪on.Then she ran al ong曲e edge ofdf(悬崖)and fe 1 feet,h 灶 鸭 a rock h thesea。九年级英语试卷 第 3页 共 8页ALomdohotel sCustO1ner servi ce-spcak to a London hotel expe(专家)Tel ephone fs a。m.toa。m.02074200969tFor group proJeco Emo 引n菠I a LondonExpert GepIy犹 a Exed山 ve Chatfg乙 to5,m。):chatto a London Ex

17、,mPark Pl aza Wesmmster B。dge Hotel LondonHotel Ra血 g:Address:Wesmmster B。dge Road,LondonLoca1b:C1ose to the London EyeDoubl e roonl s on1 106Park Pl aza WesmInster Bodge o amodem hotel。Its a short wak om sozne of曲 e0饣、most famous a打 饪o11s,such as B圯 Be1L audLondon Eye.Athel 1aeuu Hotel LondoHote1R耐

18、g:Address16cd姒 LondonLOca1i i“D:oppos屺 B咖 gham PdaceDoubl e roo1ns o1 127Athenaeuu Hotel i sJust opposi Buc唧 mPal ace,andj ustdownthemad tom1ai E11卜 i onal【nusetI1ns and gal 1】E冫Ii Cs。It has park l l i ew roor灬,spaci ous apamcnts and ebgant sui t】E,s.The Rubens atthe PaIace I otel LondonIotel R泪 g:A

19、ddr 39Buc呻猁 P斑ace Road,LondonLoca枷:Near Buc妯 吧加皿 Pal aCeDoubl e roomR tom 159、as cIose to Buc妯 吧加m PaIace as you ca11酗There are three d腼 鸭/bar are孙:the Pal aceLol 9nge for沉mon tea,the Cavaky Bar forcco【u日i 1s,and dl e oId-fas oned Lbrary Restawant.P1999on the Puver cl ub LondonHote R0血g:Address:18Al

20、 bert Embanhnent,LondonLocatb:Cl ose to Tate B忱hDoubl e roo“om 185A Iot ofversi de roo1ns overIook tbe k阿Thames.You ca【l have Bi g Ben and the LondonEye h si ghton c ar days。A aparments have血1Iy equpped l Ei tch咀 t叨m叮 Cl erk冬吵铷 ed and cal l ed dl e astguard(海 岸警卫队)ofComwa11,whommed h seconds.x vol u

21、nteers cl i mbed dow11the cIi r wi 曲the hel p of a rope but gave up al I|9pe offmdhg her沁after a90乇血m饴 search。Three days l ater,a ternbl e sto1hi t the coast near Comwa11.酞 c1erk remmed h。meom hi shoIi day sadIy,be白吧 stIre that hi s pet was dead.He comforted h蚰 l h耐曲 曲c dl ought she had dcdh the1nos

22、t beaud血 l part ofthe con“For曲e nexttwO weeks,dl e erk角血 l y was heartbroken.n,one d饵 曲ephone rang andsteve Wi l son,曲 e coastguard ofComwaIl,asked b伍CIerk i fhe wOul d ke h怂-og back.Ab猁 waher fomd曲 e pet si 缸 ng hopel essIy on a rock.whi l e he sotI11ded”e aIarm(警 报),as缸dentom Leeds cl i mbed d。wn曲

23、e cfFand co ected sera。The dog had bee11knocked mcOIl sci ous(失 去知觉的)扯 阝1but had碱 记d oy妯ngwater tom a esh scream at曲e foot ofthe c1i 王 she mayhar Caten the body of。sheep whi。h haddso fal l en over ul e edge。“Thc dog was very曲 i n and h吧以”sve son sa,“w赤 a veryhcky dog.she s【wl ved because ofa pl m住 f

24、u1suppl y offresh wate、9 he added.was,as1征 erk龃血tted,%血 110r血racb(奇 迹)”。34.%e dog sera fe11down曲e c rwhen she wasA m吨her Ownerc。ucked by a rock35.Who found sera after the acci dent?A。A bLkhvatoherC.s汉 voIunteers36.Whatcan we hfer om the tex卩A。Ppl c to tavd诵th thei r pets。B。Sera was takeo”伍e Eel ds f

25、orom缸gC.Luck pl ays a key roIe h scras【Irvi va1.D。cIerk cared ttl e wherc scra was l ost.3T.Whi ch ofthe fo11o诫 鸭 can be dl e be“屺 for曲etB.sw呐vmg a sto【.D.Co血飓 Back i om thc Dead.Cry。u呷 l。妯Eg for aj ob,you need to prepare for西 fFerent unds。fh i ews。one蚀pe怂。n ul e tel ephone.Here are阝 e s fortel epho

26、ne mte i ews .Before the血 ervi cw,guess and、耐 do,n the quesdons you mght be asked.Pracj se”e answers oral l y md you are s硒 sf1ed wi 由yotIrsThe que亚oIl s caIl be ab叩 t yowworng expenenc0s,d。s and achkvements.Keep yo刂 notes hadv.Have any key hf m血on next to曲e phone,i nc!udng yotIr notesabout曲 e compa

27、ny and the quesj ons you have prepared fo口n you can easi l y get曲 e虹form o11you need。h曲i s way,you wi Il sou11d more prepared.Avoi d pamenttopi cs.When you are asked how much1noney you woul d expcct,ts=t wi se ryou don t repIy But加 s not ght 遁i vc an exact mmber缸 0nce.Try to be open to di scusso11,s

28、oyou better s匆 somethi ng 乜,“r th、怂曲e ght j ob for Ine,I be!i eve we can me to anagreemcnt on pament.”Push for a fac0-to-face1ned旺ng.At the end ofthe虹 enoew,dont forg to se11yoursel Youcan say somct岣 呜 l 把,am very mterested h yo刂 mpany rpos b1eI be rea1Iy happy to seesO1ne ofyour managers.Ia1nnee曲er

29、 Tuesday a阢moon or Weduesday mommg。Wch woul d bebetter for you?”Try to reset swp se mterv忆 ws。r you recve an i 血 呐ew cal l、耐thout any expec11E11:i on,you九年级英语试卷 第 4页 共 8页B.caught h a stoD-g after a shecpB.A studentfrom LeedsD T astguard ofComwaA.M加l e of山 e Coastguard.C。Dangers m dl e i 冫l 1i Idl丶ca

30、n po1i tel y ask them to set another j mc for曲c i nte刀忆w,so you can be better prepared.Trysomethi ng kc,I am sOJy butI G耐t do迁 oght nov叽 Can I cal l yOu back tomo ow aRer wOr at6p【n.?”After伍e te1 hone i n洄Mew,onl y a few are l ea f。r face-to-face h 忆w,so get prepared andgood1uck!38.Wh曲 one best s0ts

31、曲 eI ”i n Pamgraph2?39.The under1hed word“ha坠垭”h paragraph3o the cIosest h1nean1ng to1 .A.Make a sel f-h duc住onC.W咬te dow11曲 e answcrsA。easy to getC,0asy to ho1d41.The ar住 cIe i s nl ah y about .A.how to l ook foragoodj obC.how to deal wi 曲 a te1ephone i ntervi ewB。Pracdce wo虫 呜smsD.Predct曲e ques饪on

32、sB。easy to rememberDe:l 1(;y to mderstand40.Whi ch m培 ht be the bestrepIy to伍 e ques饪ons about payment?A.Ia1n expecti ng a pament of$50OO month.B.Myp钔阳nt can be di scussed l 猫 eC.May I not answer yo刂 que血on?D。I don m血d at al I.B.how to reset surpse mtewi cwDhow to prepare for a facetoface h i ewDYou

33、 11be happy r y。w pay Hses。Yct the happy允 eIi 1g咖be gone r you l eam曲 乩 yowwOrkmate gets a b培 卩o11eSuch beha、l i or愆 regarded as飞m to。hl J1】fl EIJr1.Many peopIe bdove thatother洫 朋 曲 wOul d not be abl e to have s se11se of anger(生气).But a study by sarah of EmoryU而“饣h Atl anta,Georgl a,W ch has j ust

34、been pub shed h Namre,suggcsts that、a toomonkev,as wcl 1.,researchers studi ed dl e b汕 说ors of sOIne妯m of femal e brOwn monkeys.aey are s nrtand妯泪.They oRen share theL food happi Iy.Above aI1,ke wol ne11,they pay mc,re a仗 nuon t。dl eva1ue of“goods and serv1cethan mal es。The助吨 怂pefect for sarah s钆、e

35、researchers spent hvo years teac妯 呜曲eL monkeysto exchange tokens(奖券)for food.Nomal dl e monkeys were happy enough to exchange,eces ofrock fOr pi eces of cucumber(黄 瓜)However,hen钿o monkeys were pl aced h separate aJl d11nected roor11s so dl at each couId sec what tbc Other悠ge碱鸭m rcM for诋 roc dl ey be

36、ca1nequl te drcrent。For monkcys,grapes are excenent goods Oetter than cucuubers).so when O11e monkey got aWpe h exchange for hertokcn,the sccond w赤not w讪山乒o geta1i ttl e口 e ofcucm【bo二 And i fonerecovcd a gFape dl out hhg to pro说dc hertoken h exchangc砒 a,the o曲 er ei 曲 er shook her Ow11token at the r

37、es rch叽 or re胝 ed to accept曲 e cucu血b hdeed,a gmpe h the omer r。m wasenough to make a femal c1nonkcy l】nconfombl e。study suggcsts tbatthcse monkcys,抵 hns,are gui ded by soci al senses.h由F顶Id,曲eyve h groups and have op血 on(合 作).But k o111y happe11s when they feel nothhg o岫。mey顶 11el angry when曲cy are

38、岫 昀teated.、not山e nanre of hnb吨 s al one。Re佤魄asnnuer reward con叩 l etel y mkes曲esc fee1吨s cl ear to othcr 血ds of the group。Howev叽 thestudy蚯 耐t nnswer whether the sense ody devel ops跏onkeys and hns,or Whemerc。El eson1dl e cOInmon roots thattbey had3511i on years ago.九年级英语试卷 第 5页 共 8页丶丶42.tbc u旧獭d stat

39、ement“、aI too】omkeVmeans dl at .A.1nonkeys are al so anw wazy worhmtesB。免葫鸭 angry孜 m m冫ss怂 缸so monkey、nanreC。monkeys,l 彐匕。humns,feel e vy ofeach odl erD。洫耐 s but monkeys cam deveIop such feel i 1I】【:;f;43From the passage,we can Ieam曲 at 。A.on1y monkeys and hmans can have dl e sense of钿山 嚣s h dl e wo

40、rl d B.wO【nen are easi to be mconfombIe than1ne11whm m钿 吨 厂teated0h the诵城 monkeys are mhappyto share曲 曲 food顶曲each odl erD.monkeys can exchange cucunbm for gmpes,for1:,:l Bpare11E1;11i :9r狃.ch ofthe foIl o诫鸭 怂me acc娩to dl e passage?A。H-n be吣feel 吣 aIWays devel oped om dl e monkeys.B.mal e111onkeys a

41、re l ess c exchange food顶 曲o曲.C。Cc冫Dl o吒 r1ti on betwem monkeys remal ns 1dl dl ey feeI1IELE。刂L1n sense。响 洫 ss a1no吧 monkeys started”涮i i)l 1years ago。45.What do wc knOw aboutthe monkeys m sarah、引md9?A。口 monkeys are aIways cmzy about grapes.B。口monkeys ca=l conm咖sbycompamg.C。monkeys can be铷 血耐 to dev

42、el op soc senses.D。Co门r扭don am。ng the monkeys onl y works h the wi l d.第 二部 分 非选择题“0分)四、词汇运用(共 10小题,每小题 1分,计 10分)根据句意,用 括号中所给的汉语提示或单词的薄当黟式填空,使句意完整,每空一词。46.Do you而m_曲e、咄 浊 v?s too拂:l 丿Il:;雾 端凹嬲)49.吼i s rnodcl car i s【nade for hi s son.|羿|丨:l f|丨9嚣品弼留1甥器篇盎盅昀血叩 (i i:饲)_0ou,”.Impl y gave h h血,and I ve i

43、 t evi i shce.rregret9揣 蠃跏栅戢鲫踟谕赢)ss.Youu better prac狁 e1noreto make yo刂 五,任务型阅读(共 10小题,每小题 1分,计 10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文信息完成文后表格,每 空一词。Mo说e亠m酞犰:n妫耐 es are caued血dbs.k al l odl er bus俪 ses,曲ey have to fo1bdl e ml esof good bus血 酰 mere怂 a person cal l ed刊 阢 top m矿 咖the。灿汛 He怂 usuaIl y someone顶dl a poweml pers。

44、nal 蚀 Hi s power of oharacter o n essary so that dl e牺Wca【l deal 训曲famous stars and och蚰 呐tors(投 资者)。some mMe stars can onl y conmct顶 曲one血do。meycannot wOrk for缸 山 B瑭 s“dos:E,col unbj 日1and Fox,are dl e most hv 钮哑 h咖compani es h Hol l ywood and扯 dl e缸 h Jl e worl d.sn。s have l ots ofworkers and b圯 c

45、osts.A gL“o has to make mough money to pay everyoneeVery a呼 F exampl e,血 dos have曲 eL ol screen-ters,m血呜 and s。md叩 咖 峋 t。mces andm山d山灬dE A咖 dhas a t顽 l 山呜 mI ofpr。s(赞助)旧血 h are曲 e(羽ects that血 ght be needed九年级英语试卷 第 6页 共 8页for a=no说e,such as ol d cars,eve 曲hg i om oId-fas oned schoobooks to st ghts.a

46、1:【11a1:l i an,dl e studi o manager has to be abl e to囟 泪 any needed pros fast。h dac studi o system,a1no说 c o underthe control ofa produce A screenwnter wntes dl e story fordl e1no“es.A di 1:1【:(tor悠 choscn to org(:刂1 Ll Jz【e the whol e w()I0k Add山s and Ca1nem experts wOrkwi 曲 ul c d加奶rto hm妒m thc血“

47、hed丘h.S“do do曲 es des螗田昭 and set desl gnm wotk帕 曲 dl e山 rto pIan tbe wOrk forthe sol ders and d tors.The huge h血 山鸭s thathol d somd stages Change蚰ul e唰炖f。r dl e1no忱。Some恤 s dl e stage o a ste吒阿 溺 洫 s a des吼 的E涮汛 sa e1d offl owers.The曲 tor of 腼g丿,mq hoW to蜊耐(拍 摄)me h卩 屺 顶 曲 camemsand h Apl anbrodg饨dl

48、 e u呐 ofdl e m妃 and a1加 奶 b for the actorsmpl etes dl e吵 耐 嵫 曲 mnkeup确 sts and硒 屺 饵 sers,camems and somd expem,ev咖灬 ready for dl e bi g岬 actors andaCtress meInornze dl e words a11d au dl e pam oful e凼 孜 p衄 uc住m come 酗 Au o ready fordl e EL曲呜 to be酗。The postprot1uoti on team肥 诋 to do曲曲 泌ofdl ej ob六、缺

49、词填空(共 10小题,每小题 1分,计 10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整,每 空一词。刀饧 L氵伢【P抵c纟 o my favOLute das“ca1ove1。L was wntten by a French o饥Antoi【ve des耐nExup白 叹 who was al so known as a p 66。L the one h the story,s pIane once brokedow11h the desert。so曲e story m圯htbe based onoi s own e 67,but rs m。re mteres缸 唱。Fo

50、r1ne,r%纟 E氵饣JcP汛c纟 o abook W 68 read吨 10O0山m凼.WhenI wasa d 山d,I l ovedj l Ist b ause I had a曲 l ar si 讪耐o&a顶珥”o1【l e曲hg that was al ways1 69 atoy addts.book warmed me up.I tol d mysdfthat wasrt my faul t曲狄others coul d not understand me.I kcpt浼 wi 吧 e 70 IIcd andnde great progress。Now9no one woul d

51、say a bad word about mypl cWes.soom my po血t of说ews,the book怂 a must for chi mn to山%prov【de dl em wi 山suppo止 and cre 吐呶Besi dcs,al so teaches me What a me日 Hend泌 把 throum the f 71be“een曲e卩h andthe pnnce。The nove1was for ch d“whe北s su犭b1e for peop1e atau a 72 。when I grew up andread曲e boo“al so brough

52、t me o1ne new thoughts.n te11sn1e what o re钭 l y h叩“m h my mt九年级英语试卷 第 7页 共 8页HowA鼬 dbGenemlh涮 函 on They叩 唧ofm出血名ELo“ey Iow sOIne sT 即龃 odl er bus加q骆es.The1nost i m,omntO11esare h Ho啷c Col 11mhh and F Di ferent 58h曲旧o systemA 59Hesw别u en。ugh to deal 顶曲 stars amd n曲 h昭 bStarsThey can work for 血dos哎 曲

53、e samc缸m.TheV shoul d1ne1nonze the 61 before ohoodng。AproducerHe 62 arno e.AmaaagerHe shouId血 any pro m need quc盱A screenwntcrHe诵 s dl e s forthe mo呐 e。A咖 He orgawesthe whol e workHe“the paHs ofdl e【noo and dl e吐口F fordl e actors.He al ways nds“om aFt山 掀灬,mmem expm,cl odl es d雨 Rners and set(J1(:【;i

54、 gners.costofs“1i ors so“because the哎 洌h hasto pay everyone h the system eVw岬1 year of theuege,I azn叩 仉 b T3:foq cl asses a we叱 如 血 ng and comp葫 吐ons,endIesshomewodo.I msh for mommg cl asses W诋 out ea“ng breakfas1stay刂p l ateto E sh hom田 kT my l Iege k famous for i“beau饥 I have never got a chance to

55、 my i t care血I廴 Ahread吨 dl e0oo I stan to fh1nk about whether whatI do ow“rea y1rLeamng负 l。I rea ze that thenecessary thi ngs we shouId do are ot oml y Ic盯山吧,hav山吧 f【n o nota w 75 ofour d“ne。Wenced i t to decorate our l i fe。Just as1i dG pmce says,1ow can you teu whati s the me mater ofconsequcnce?”

56、Bemg chi l dI屺 does not1nean to pretend to be yomg,what we need to do怂to be ml y youngand tesh h ol】r heart.Is山 cerel y woh dl atI coul d have my own B612to rest my soul。七、书面表达(计 30分)A。句子栩译(共 5小题,每小题 2分,计 10分)将下列句子译成英语。%.从扬州飞到北京需要多长时间?TT.过去这条河占据了这个地区的三分之一。TB.过 马路时再怎么小心也不为过。T9。我不确定这件蓝色长裙穿在她身上是否好看。gO.

57、令我们惊讶的是,这个工程师原来与这起事故无关。B。写作(计 zO分)8I.假如你是某校的心理指导老师 血 Gd,你 收到了九(D班 同学 Bcn的 求助邮件,请你根据邮件内容,用 英语给 Ben回 一封电子邮件9帮助他分析情况并提供合理的建议。Dear加 Gd,m Ben ni om Cl ass One,Grade Nhe.I have met a probl e v1be犰:shoner hom。merstudents h my cl ass.And they oaen pl ayj okes O【l Ine.m feel hg anw and onen wanttoght诫曲山cm。CouId you heIp me?Loo血g forward your earl y rep以Yours,Ben注意:l。文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2.语 言通顺,意 思连贯,条例清楚,书 写规范;3.词数 1 左右,邮件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Ben,】l j 1ank you very1nuch for yol Ir 衄I hope I cat hei p you.Best wi shes,血Good.九年级英语试卷 第 8页 共 8页


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