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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家A(2011皖南联考)When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your anger.But forgiveness is possible and it can be surprisingly _1_ to your physical and _2_ health.“People who forgive _3_ less depression, anger and stress and more hopefulness,” says Frederic

2、 Luskin, Ph.D., _4_ of Forgive for Good.“So it can help _5_ on the wear and tear on our organs, reduce the wearing out of the immune system and _6_ people to feel more vital.”So how do you start the forgiveness? Try _7_ these steps:Calm yourself.To defuse (缓和) your _8_ and try a simple stressmanagem

3、ent technique.“Take a couple of breaths and think of _9_ that gives you pleasure: a _10_ scene in nature, someone you love,”Luskin says.Dont _11_ an apology.“Many times the person who hurt you has no _12_ of apologizing,” Luskin says.“They may have wanted to hurt you or they just dont see things the

4、 same _13_.So if you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting a(n) _14_ long time.” Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean _15_ to the person who upsets you.Take the control away from your offender.Mentally replaying your _16_ gives power to the person who caused you pain.

5、“ _17_ of focusing on your hurt feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness _18_ you,” Luskin says.Try to see things from the other persons perspective (视角 )If you empathize (有同感) with that person, you may _19_ that he or she was acting out ignorance, fear even love.Recognize the benef

6、its of forgiveness.Research has shown that people who forgive are reported more energy, better _20_ and better sleep patterns.Dont forget to forgive yourself.“For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge,” Luskin says.“But it can rob you of your selfconfidence if you dont do it.”1A

7、.beneficialBharmful Chelpless Dsuitable解析:宽容对人的身心健康有好处。beneficial“对有益处的”。答案:A2A.chemical Bwealthy Ctechnical Dmental解析:physical和mental相对应。答案:D3A.own Bshow Cdirect Dprove解析:show在此是“表现”的意思。宽容的人较少表现出抑郁、生气答案:B4A.author Bowner Cprofessor Dpublisher解析:Forgive for Good是书名,只有用author才符合语境。答案:A5A.insist Bsave

8、 Cwait Ddepend解析:save在此是“节省”的意思。因此它能帮助减少我们器官的损耗。答案:B6A.require Bwish Cinvite Dallow解析:可以让人更加充满活力。allow“使可能”。答案:D7A.forgiving Bturning Cfollowing Dcounting解析:follow在此是“遵循”的意思。试着按照这些步骤(做)。答案:C8A.sadness Banger Chunger Denergy解析:缓和你的愤怒(anger)情绪。答案:B9A.something Banything Cnothing Deverything解析:想一些让你感到愉

9、悦的事。答案:A10A.thoughtful Bdull Cbeautiful Dstill解析:自然界的美景(a beautiful scene)会使人愉悦。答案:C11A.call for Bhunt for Cbid for Dwait for解析:不要等待别人的道歉。根据下文“you wait for people to apologize”可知答案。答案:D12A.invention Binvitation Cintention Dattention解析:“have no intention of apologizing”意为“无意道歉”。答案:C13A.way Bmeans Cme

10、thod Dapproach解析:或者他们只是看问题的“方式”和你不一样。答案:A14A.helpfully Bcarefully Cpatiently Dawfully解析:awfully“非常,极其”。你可能会等非常长的时间。答案:D15A.giving in Bgiving awayCgiving up Dgiving out解析:give in to sb.意为“向某人屈服”。记住宽容不一定意味着你向让你难过的人屈服了。答案:A16A.wound Bhurt Ccut Ddamage解析:hurt在此强调精神上、心灵上的创伤。答案:B17A.Because BIn honorCInst

11、ead DIn search解析:instead of“而不是,代替”。不要把注意力放在你受伤害的感情上。答案:C18A.around Babove Cbeneath Dbelow解析:学会发现你周围的爱、美和善。around是介词,表示“在周围”。答案:A19A.forget Brealize Cannounce Ddoubt解析:站在别人的立场上,你能充分了解到别人表现出的无知、恐惧甚至是爱。realize在句中表示“充分了解”。答案:B20A.housing Bsalary Csafety Dappetite解析:宽容的人总是拥有更充沛的精力,更好的胃口,以及更好的睡眠方式。appeti

12、te“食欲,胃口”,符合语境。答案:D长难句分析1So it can help save on the wear and tear on our organs,reduce the wearing out of the immune system and allow people to feel more vital.因此它能帮助减少我们器官的损耗,减少免疫系统的消耗,使人们更加充满活力。wear and tear意为“消耗,磨损”。2Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean giving in to the person

13、who upsets you.记住宽容不一定意味着你向让你难过的人屈服了。that引导宾语从句,who引导定语从句。B(2011济南模拟)Children with learning disabilities (LD) often have problems. For many, strong _21_ of anger, shame, sadness, or disappointment can _22_ psychological difficulties such as anxiety, depression or low selfesteem. These problems can b

14、e far more than the _23_ challenges themselves.Several leading experts in the field of LD have offered suggestions on ways to help _24_ children from these problems. To be most effective in supporting _25_, it can help to understand some primary _26_ for the psychological and emotional challenges th

15、ey may face.First, it is not difficult to see _27_ children with LD are at greater risk for developing psychological difficulties if one considers the repeated failure they _28_. Although they make efforts to “try harder”, children with LD may receive little _29_ feedback (反馈). Their academic strugg

16、les and failures are often met with _30_ by teachers, peers and parents. Such disapproval can take the form of unpleasant labeling(标签)of a child _31_ “slow” “lazy” or “dumb”. _32_ developing a sense of pride in their accomplishments, children with LD may _33_ in disappointment and shame. Low selfest

17、eem and a lack of confidence only _34_ prevent learning and academic success.The second reason is the _35_ difficulties they often experience. Research indicates that as many as 75% of kids with LD have such _36_ as making and keeping friends. Children with LD are less _37_ and often rejected by the

18、ir peers. Teachers and other adults also may _38_ to have negative views of them. Such social rejection can result in _39_ of selfesteem and feelings of loneliness, which, _40_, may lead to psychological difficulties such as anxiety and depression.语篇解读:这是一篇议论文,阐述了有读写障碍的学生遇到的很多困难。由于先天的读写障碍,他们的努力得不到老师

19、、同学甚至家长的认可,受到同龄人的排挤,而这些使他们产生了焦虑、沮丧等心理障碍,严重缺乏自尊心与自信心。21A.feelings BopinionsCideas Dattitudes解析:愤怒、羞愧、伤心、失望,这些都是“情感”(feelings),而不是“观点、想法、态度”。答案:A22A.get BcauseCsolve Dovercome解析:这些强烈的情感会导致焦虑、沮丧等心理障碍,用cause表示“引起,导致”。答案:B23A.physical BmentalCpotential Dacademic解析:本文谈论的是有读写障碍的孩子,因此本题选D,他们所遇到的心理困难往往比学业方面的

20、挑战还大。答案:D24A.prevent BprotectCremove Dseparate解析:这里用protect.from表示“保护”。针对如何保护学生免受这些问题的困扰,“学习障碍”研究领域的一些一流的专家提出了一些建议。答案:B25A.children BexpertsCteachers Dparents解析:文章开头就提出了本文讨论的对象:children with LD,因此本空选A。为了在帮助孩子克服这些障碍时获得最大的成效答案:A26A.rules BwaysCreasons Ddirections解析:我们首先要弄清楚他们所面对的心理和情绪方面的困难与挑战是由什么引起的。r

21、eason常与for搭配,表示“的原因,理由”。最后一段第一句中的“The second reason”也有暗示。答案:C27A.why BwhereCwhich Dwhen解析:承接上文,作者在此分析原因:首先,假如那么我们就不难理解为什么有读写障碍的孩子更容易形成心理方面的障碍。这里用why引导宾语从句,表示“为什么”会出现这样的情况。答案:A28A.experience BpractiseCpossess Dfind解析:这里用experience表示“经历,经受”。假如我们考虑一下他们经受的一次次的失败。答案:A29A.timely BhopefulCsubjective Dposit

22、ive解析:这些有读写障碍的孩子更努力地学习,但是他们的收效甚微。这里用positive(肯定的,积极的)。答案:D30A.courage BsympathyCdisapproval Drespect解析:这里叙述的是他们在学业方面面临的挑战与困难,由此及下一句判断本题选C,disapproval“不赞成,非难”:他们的这些努力没有带来积极的收效,也不能得到老师、同龄人和父母的肯定。下一句中的“disapproval”是线索提示。答案:C31A.for BasCwith Dto解析:从语境看,label用作动词表示“用标签标明,(用称呼或绰号不公正地)描述,把称为”;label.as“把称作,

23、把说成是”:对这些孩子的努力所作出的责难,就是称这些孩子“迟钝、懒惰、愚蠢”。答案:B32A.In favor of BInstead ofCBecause of DIn terms of解析:这样一来,这些有读写障碍的孩子靠自己的成就换来的不是骄傲,而是失望和羞愧。instead of代替,而不是,符合语境。in favor of赞成,支持,because of因为,由于,in terms of依据,从方面来说,都不符合语境。答案:B33A.work out Bturn awayCbreak off Dend up解析:参见上题解析。这里用end up表示“以结束”,符合语境。work ou

24、t计算出,锻炼;turn away拒绝(某人)进入,转过脸去;break off中断,突然停止。答案:D34A.further BhardlyCeven Dslightly解析:这样一来,孩子就会自尊心很弱,缺乏自信,这会进一步阻碍他们的学习。further进一步。答案:A35A.social BgeneralCpersonal Dcultural解析:下文提到这些孩子在结交朋友和维持友谊方面的情况,由此判断选A表示“社交的,交际的”。答案:A36A.mistakes BvaluesCchances Ddifficulties解析:全文探讨的是有读写障碍的孩子遭遇的各种困难,前面一句说他们所经

25、历的社交困难,此处举出有困难的例子,由此判断选D,而不是A错误,B价值,C机会。答案:D37A.controlled BrequestedCadmitted Daccepted解析:前面说这些孩子很难结交朋友和维持友谊,下文说他们受到同龄人的排斥,因此本题选D,很难被他人“接受”。答案:D38A.tend BmeanCprefer Dpretend解析:这里用tend to do sth.表示“往往倾向于做某事,易于做某事”。老师和其他成年人往往对他们的评价也不好。答案:A39A.need BprideCloss Dawareness解析:这样就会使他们丧失自尊,觉得孤独。loss丧失。答案:

26、C40A.in general Bin particularCin total Din turn解析:从语境的连贯看,这里用in turn表示“转而”。而这样的情况转而又使他们产生焦虑、沮丧等心理方面的问题。答案:D长难句分析1To be most effective in supporting children,it can help to understand some primary reasons for the psychological and emotional challenges they may face.为了帮助孩子们获得很大的成效,我们首先要弄清楚他们所面对的心理和情绪

27、方面的困难与挑战是由什么引起的。it为形式主语,而to understand.challenges they may face为真正主语。2Such social rejection can result in loss of selfesteem and feelings of loneliness, which, in turn, may lead to psychological difficulties such as anxiety and depression.这样社会的不接受会使他们丧失自尊、觉得孤独,而这又转而使他们产生焦虑、沮丧等心理方面的问题。which 引导定语从句,其先行词为loss of selfesteem and feelings of loneliness。.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u 版权所有高考资源网


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