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本文(四川省宜宾市南溪区第二中学校高中英语外研版教案 必修四 MODULE 3 BODY LANGUAGE AND NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication 主备课人:陈礼碧,代小丽,李华斌 Reading and Vocabulary 陈礼碧The General Idea of This PeriodThis period will first deal with some vocabulary. Then the passage will unfold a series of body languages of different cultures before us. Through these body

2、languages we will know something about customs in different countries and areas of the whole world as well as people living there. Whats more, through the passage we may have a better understanding of culture of the whole world we live in. Meanwhile we can learn some reading strategies such as skimm

3、ing and scanning. After that we will have a discussion about body language and communication skills weve learned, which is a good chance for the students to train their speaking. Teaching Important PointsHelp the students to understand the passage better. Learn and master some important words and ph

4、rases in this period. How to let the students understand the body language in different countries and use them correctly. Teaching Difficult PointsHow to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better. How to master the important Language Points in this passage. Te

5、aching MethodsDiscussion to lead in the reading class. Fast reading to get the main idea of the text. Intensive reading to understand the passage better. Explanation to help the students master some Language Points. Teaching AidsA tape recorderA multimediaThree Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and

6、 SkillsTrain the students reading ability. Learn some useful words and expressions. Learn some facts about body language. Process and Strategies Make the students know more about body language and communication customs as well as cultures in different countries and areas. Feelings and ValueMake the

7、students have a better understanding of body language and non-verbal communication. Inspire their interest in different customs and cultures of different countries and areas. Encourage the students to learn and use such body language to communicate with each other through their action. Teaching Proc

8、eduresStep 1 Greetings and revisionT: (Greet the whole class as usual. ) Ask the students to act their dialogue out. Step 2 Discussion and lead inT: In the last class we have known something about body language through listening and speaking activity. We have known that we could communicate not just

9、 by words but also by our expressions and body languages or movements, sometimes we may even communicate better and more clearly using body language than words. For example, nodding the head means agreement in our country, while in some Asian countries it means disagreement. If you want to learn mor

10、e about body language, please read the passage on P22 carefully. Before reading, well learn the new words and phrases in this period. (Show the following words and phrases on the screen. )communicationpositionunconsciousaggressivegestureinvolvebowslap spreadbendhugstareformalinformalcommunicate with

11、make a dealmind readerhold upvary from. . . to. . . be busy withgive awayon guard(Let the students read the words and phrases after the teacher. The teacher can give a brief introduction to the students if necessary or they may discuss with their partners. )T: Now look at the three questions on the

12、screen and discuss them in groups of four. (The teacher shows the questions on the screen. )1. Can you guess what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at their body language?2. Do people from different parts of the world use different body language? What about people who live in different parts

13、 of China?3. How do you communicate the following with body language? Thank you! No. Yes. I dont know. Come here. (The teacher gives the students three minutes to discuss and then asks some students to answer them. )T: (Three minutes later. ) Have you finished your discussion?Ss: Yes. T: OK! Whod li

14、ke to answer the first question?S: Let me try. I can guess what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at their body language. For example, when I see someone raising his hand, I can see they are having questions to ask or need to ask for help. T: Very good. Lets go on. Question 2, any volunteer?

15、S: Its my turn. I think people from different parts of the world as well as China use different body language. Take greeting people for example. People in Russia, France and Arab countries kiss each other when they meet, however, people in China or Australia shake hands instead of kissing. S: I do n

16、ot think so. From where I stand, people from different parts of the world and from different parts of China use the same body language. Here I give a simple example: people in China wave their hands to say goodbye to other people they know, so do people in foreign countries. (As for the last questio

17、n, the teacher can require the students to act them out before the whole class. )Step 3 Fast reading T: OK! Youve known something about body language. Now we are going to read a passage, from which we will learn more about body language. Open your books and turn to P22. Read the passage quickly and

18、summarize the main idea of each paragraph. (After a few minutes, the teacher checks the main ideas they summarize. )T: Whod like to tell the main idea of Para. 1? Any volunteer?S: I think that this paragraph mainly tells us that we communicate with people not only by spoken or written words by also

19、by body language. T: True or false?Ss: True. T: You are right. Para. 2? This time, who wants to take this chance?S: In this paragraph we learned that “learned” body language varies from culture to culture. T: You did a good job. What about Para. 3?S: In my opinion, the main idea of this paragraph ma

20、y be that the same body parts have shows different body languages in some different countries. T: Right, you understand it. Paragraph 4, anyone?S: I guess that people use their hands as a gesture of trust. T: Good answer. Sit down, please. The last paragraph, whod like to have a try?S: Maybe we shou

21、ld learn body language and be a mind reader. Step 4 Intensive readingT: Quite true. We have known the main idea of each paragraph. Now read the passage again and underline the useful words, phrases and expressions as well as say if these statements are T or F on the screen. This time you should read

22、 slowly and carefully. (Show the following questions on the screen. )1. Not all body language is conscious. 2. Europeans shake hands with their left hand. 3. In Asia, people touch strangers when they meet. 4. In the US a “high five” is a way of saying hello. 5. A “high five” is a formal gesture. 6.

23、Body language is less communicative than spoken or written language. (The teacher gives the students another four minutes to read the passage and then asks some students to judge whether these statements T or F and do this exercise together. )T: Have you finished your reading?Ss: Yeah. T: Good. Now

24、lets check the answer together. The first one? T or F?Ss: T. T: Excellent. What about No. 2?Ss: F. T: Why do you think its F? Who can give me a reason?S: In Paragraph 2 we could easily see that Europeans and Americans shake hands with the right handthe strongest hand for most people. T: You are abso

25、lutely right. No. 3, T or F?Ss: F. T: Good. Why is it wrong?S: We could find such detail at the beginning of paragraph 3: Greetings in Asian countries do not involve touching the other person. T: Well done. Statement 4?T or F?Ss: T. T: Excellent! How about the fifth one?Ss: F. T: Anybody can explain

26、 the reason?S: The first sentence of Paragraph 4 tells us why. If we really understand this paragraph, we could easily know this statement is wrong. T: Good reason, ha? The last one?Ss: T. Suggested answers: 1. T2. F3. F4. T5. F6. FStep 5 Language studyT: You are familiar with the passage now. But y

27、ou should also pay enough attention to some useful words and expressions. Lets check whether we have mastered these words and expressions through the following two exercises. Ex. 1 Complete the sentences with the words given. (The teacher shows the words and exercise on the screen. )aggressivedealge

28、sturegreetformalinformalpositiontrustunconsciousWeapon1. Guns and knives are two different types of_. 2. Someone who has a(n)_attitude may be violent. 3. You can _someone by saying “Hello”. 4. Your _is the way you are sitting or standing. 5. If you are _of something you do not know it is happening.

29、6. A(n) _is a business agreement. 7. A(n) _is a movement of the body to communicate something. 8. If you _someone you believe them and rely on them. 9. ”Give me five!” is a(n) _greeting. 10. People are usually more _with people they dont know. T: Read these words one by one together and pay attentio

30、n to the words where the stress doesnt fall on the first syllable: aggressive, position, unconscious. T: Complete this exercise individually, and then check them with a partner. (The teacher gives the students two or three minutes to finish this exercise, and then can go around the class to help tho

31、se having difficulty in dealing with it. )(Two or three minutes later, the teacher checks the answers. )T: Have you finished it?Ss: Yeah. T: Now lets check the answers together one by one. Suggested answers: 1. weapons2. aggressive3. greet4. position5. unconscious6. deal7. gesture8. trust9. informal

32、10. formalT: Just now you all did well. Now you are going to do Ex. 2. (The teacher shows the following sentences on the screen and asks students to translate them one by one. At the same time, the teacher explains the underlined phrases. )Ex. 2 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. The

33、 weather varies from place to place. 2. They were involved in the matter. 3. The children stared at the coloured ballons. 4. We made a deal and agreed to help him out. 5. The girls are busy greeting the foreigners over there. (The teacher writes the phrases on the blackboard: vary from. . . to. . .

34、;be involved in; stare at; make a deal; be busy doing sth. )Step 6 Listening and consolidationT: Now look at your books. Ill play the tape. Listen carefully. You can follow it in a low voice. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (After finishing the playing of the tape)T: From the text

35、, we know people can use body language to communicate, but some body language is different in different countries or areas, that is, when wanting to express the same meaning, people in different countries use different body language. Look at the chart on the screen. Work in pairs or in groups. First

36、 have a discussion, and then complete the chart. In the end, Ill check the answers. Countries or areasThe way of greetingThe parts of body involvedThe meaning of the greeting (A few minutes later, the teacher checks the answers by showing them on the screen and having the students check them by them

37、selves. )Suggested answers: Countries or areasThe way of greetingThe parts of body involvedEurope and AmericaShake handsThe right handChinaPut the right hand on the left and bow slightlyBoth handsMuslimsGive a “salaam”Heart, mouth and foreheadHindusJoin their hands and bow their headsHands and heads

38、 American youthsGive me fiveHandsStep 7 Summary and homeworkT: In this period we have learned some vocabulary and please try to keep them in mind after class. Through the reading of the text we know something about body language and non-verbal communication. We have learned that different people hav

39、e different ways of making communication through body language. After class, please read this passage again and again till you can recite it or retell it in your own words; meanwhile, try your best to master the useful expressions in this period. Whats more, remember to preview Grammar 1;Listening a

40、nd vocabulary. Though we are making much progress, we have a long way to go. So it is our task to study hard and make great efforts to spread our culture. So much for today. Good-bye, everyone!The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardModule 3Body Language and Non-verbal CommunicationThe second per

41、iodstare at make a dealbe involved invary from. . . to. . . be busy doing sth. Cultural Corner 备课人: 代小丽The General Idea of This Period From the cultural corner we know the reason for and the origin of clapping as well as social occasions in different countries where people clap. Whats more, it is us

42、eful for students and people who want to communicate with people from other countries or areas. The task of this module is to prepare some social advice for visitors to China. Through module file the students may revise and check what they have learned in this module. Teaching Important PointsMake t

43、he students understand clapping deeply. Teaching Difficult PointsHow to give social advice for visitors to China. Teaching MethodsSkimming and explanationTeaching AidsMultimedia, a blackboard & a tape-recorder. Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and SkillsMake the students master some new word

44、s. Broaden their eyes with a passage about clapping. Instruct the students to learn to give advice for visitors to China. Process and StrategiesEncourage the students to consolidate what they have learned often. Feelings and ValueThrough the cultural corner the students may know the importance of un

45、derstanding the differences in customs as well as culture of different countries and areas. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Revision (Greet the students as usual. )1. Check up their homework exercises. 2. Ask a few students to act out their own dialogue. Step 2 Cultural cornerT: In this module we mainly l

46、earned body language and giving advice. I have a question for you: Do you know of the word “clap”? Ss: Maybe a little. T: Now read through this passage quickly to make sense of the word “clap”. Meanwhile, answer the following questions: (Show the following two questions on the screen. )Why do people

47、 clap? When do people clap in China? What about in other countries? (Minutes later. )T: Any volunteer? Ss: Let me try. From the passage we can conclude that if we like something very much, we can clap. T: Youve got it. People expose their emotion of likes by clapping. The second question is an open

48、topic, so different people have different ideas. Whod like to share your opinion? Ss: . . . (Ask the students to answer the two questions individually. )Suggested answers: 1. To show that they like something. 2. Open. Step 3 TaskT: Wonderful performances, all of you. By learning Cultural Corner part

49、, we have got more information about body language. In the Listening, Function and Speaking parts, we learned how to give and ask for advice. The task of this module is to prepare some social advice for visitors to China. First, work in groups of four and make a list of social situations you think i

50、mportant to write about. The more, the better. Ss: (The students are busy discussing and think about the relative topics. )T: (The teacher goes around the class to provide help if necessary. A few minutes later. )Every group sends a representative to write all topics you think out. Ss: (Representati

51、ves write what they think out on the blackboard. )T: Lets see which group thinks out the most. Ss: Group 1(or others). T: Congratulations! Each group chooses two of the topics and writes a short paragraph on either topic beginning with if you or when you and using should(nt) and must(nt). Ss: . . .

52、T: Have you finished your writing? Ss: Yeah. T: Well. Work in groups again and compare your advice with each other. (This can be left as homework or research work. )(Choose a few good ones to put up on the wall. )Step 4 Module fileThis part can be used for the students to check their understanding o

53、f this module by themselves, or the teacher may revise what we have taught and learnt with the help of this file. Step 5 ConsolidationT: In this module we have learned some new words and useful expressions. Whats more we have learned some subordinate conjunctions such as if, when, however. . . Now l

54、ets do some exercises to check up our knowledge. (Show the following on the screen. )1. If you want to get along well with them, you need to _with them. 2. They found him lying _on the floor. 3. It is a very dangerous _dog. 4. Any investment _an element of risk. 5. The president is paying an _visit

55、in this city, because he wants to meet his old friends. 6. Mary _the map out on the floor. 7. It is impolite to _others without any reason. 8. The law states that everyone has the right to practise own_. 9. Let me propose a _to our teachers health. 10. Office workers fled _as the fire broke out. 11.

56、 Her _was so great that she was praised by the leaders. 12. Epidemic flu is highly_. 13. He had been a talented musician in his_. 14. I have already got an _to the party. 15. He _his hands on a clean towel. Suggested answers: 1. communicate交流2. unconscious失去知觉的3. aggressive攻击性的4. involves 包括5. in fo

57、rmal非正式的6. spread张开7. stare at盯着看8. religion宗教9. toast 祝酒10. in panic恐慌11. performance表演12. infectious 传染的13. youth 年轻14. invitation 邀请15. wiped擦Step 6 Summary and HomeworkT: In this period we have learned something about clapping. And then we learned to write some advice for visitors to China. All

58、of you did very good jobs. Your homework today is to write advice on other topics that you think out. Meanwhile, try to remember the useful words and expression as well as put them into practice and make good use of them freely. This is the end of this module. Class is over. Module 3 Body Language a

59、nd Non-verbal CommunicationGrammar 1-3 主备课人:李华斌Teaching AimsMake the students learn to sum up grammatical rules themselves. Make sure the students master the grammatical items. Teaching Important PointsEncourage the students to sum up grammatical rules. Teaching Difficult PointsTo make them be able

60、to analyze the sentence structure of adverbial clause of condition and adverbial clause of consession and use what they learn in Grammar 1-3 to make up such kind of sentences. Teaching MethodsIndividual work and pair work to make every student work in class.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Revision and lea

61、d-in (Greet the students as usual.)The teacher check the students homework of yesterdayreciting or retelling the reading passage. (The teacher asks a few students to do this. )Step 2 Adverbial Clause of Condition 条件状语从句条件状语从句由从属连词if(如果), unless(除非), supposing(如果, 假如), provided(假如, 除非, 以为条件), as/so l

62、ong as(只要), on condition that(在条件下, 如果), in case(万一), once(一旦), but for(若非, 要不是)等引导。1.if 引导条件状语从句最常用的连词是if, 由if引导的条件状语从句表示在某种条件下某事很可能发生,即真实条件状语从句。 If you fail in the exam, you will let him down. 如果你考试不及格, 你会让他失望的。 If you ask him, he will help you. 如果你请他帮忙, 他会帮你的。另外,if从句还表示不可实现的条件或根本不可能存在的条件, 也就是一种虚拟

63、的条件或假设即虚拟条件状语从句。 从句多用一般过去时或过去完成时。 If I were you, I would invite him to the party. 如果我是你, 我会邀请他参加聚会。 I would have arrived much earlier if I had not been caught in the traffic. 如果没有堵车, 我会到的早一点儿。2. unless conj. 除非, 若不, 除非在的时候 You will fail to arrive there in time unless you start earlier. 如果你不早点动身, 你就不

64、能及时赶到那儿。 You can not learn a language well unless you work hard. 除非你努力学习, 否则学不好语言。 Unless it rains, the game will be played. 除非下雨, 比赛将照常进行。3. on condition (that). 在条件下, 如果 on condition (that).引导的条件从句是主句事件发生的前提条件或唯一条件。 I can tell you the truth on condition that you promise to keep a secret. 我可以告诉你真相,

65、 条件是你答应保守秘密。You can go swimming on condition (that) you dont go too far from the river bank. 你只有在不远离河岸的条件下才可以下水游泳。4. supposing conj. 如果, 假如 supposing引导的条件从句表示一种假设条件。 Supposing it rains, shall we continue the sports meeting? 倘若下雨, 我们的运动会还要继续举行吗? Supposing something should go wrong, what would you do

66、then? 假如出了什么问题, 你准备怎么对付?5. provided conj.假如, 除非, 以为条件 provided (that) + 从句, 表示一种假设条件。 He will sign the contract provided we offer more favorable terms. 如果我们提出更优惠的条件, 他就会在合同上签字。He wont be against us in the meeting provided that we ask for his advice in advance.如果我们提前征求一下他的意见, 他就不会在会上反对我们。另外还有in case,

67、 as/so long as等。In case it rains, do not expect me. 如若下雨, 就不要等我了。As long as you promise to come, Ill wait for you until you come. 只要你答应, 我就等你来。从上述例句可以看出if, unless, on condition (that), supposing, provided等词引导的条件状语从句, 主从句条件关系分明, 结构清晰。在条件状语从句中, 用一般现在时代替一般将来时, 一般过去时代替过去将来时但有些句子, 虽没有含条件关系的连词,却也隐含着条件关系,

68、这些句子常用一些词, 如but for, without等引出一个介词结构来表示条件, 条件常常是虚拟的,或与事实相反的假设。 But for the rain, we should have a pleasant journey. 要不是下雨, 我们的旅行肯定会很愉快。 But for your help, we should not have finished in time. 要不是你帮忙, 我们肯定不能及时完成任务。Step 3 ExercisesI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in bracke

69、ts.1.If you _ a cake, your host _ very pleased. (take, be)2.Unless the weather _ better, I _ at home. (get, stay)3.He _ home early if he _ well. (go, not feel)4.What _ I _ if they _ about politics? (do, talk)5.If you _ your hand, the taxi _. (raise, stop)6. I _ anything unless he _ me. (not say, ask

70、)II. Choose the best answers.1. Are you thinking about going to New York for the holiday? No. But if I _the time, I would definitely go. A. have B. had C. have hadD. would have 2. If you _ this experiment, you will understand the theory better. A. will be doing B. have done C. will have done D. woul

71、d do 3. The volleyball match will be put off if it _. A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is raining 4 . Shall Brown come and play computer games? No, _ he has finished his homework. A. whenB. ifC. unless D. onceStep 4 让步状语从句的引导词:1. though, although表示“虽然, 纵然”之意。在一般情况下可以互换使用。 在口语中, though 较常使用, althou

72、gh比though正式, 二者都可与yet, still或nevertheless连用, 但不能与but连用。 Though/Although he was worn out, (still) he kept on working. 虽然他已经精疲力竭, 但仍然继续工作。 Though/Although he is very old, (yet) he is quite strong. 他虽然年纪大了, 身体还很健壮。注意: although引导的让步状语从句位于主句之前的情况较多, though引导的让步状语从句可位于主句之前或主句之后。 She passed the examination

73、 though she had not studied very hard. 她虽然不用功学习, 考试却及格了。2. as, though表示“虽然但是”, “纵使”之意。 as引导的让步状语从句必须以部分倒装的形式出现, 被倒装的部分可以是表语、状语或动词原形, though间或也用于这样的结构中, 但although不可以这样用。Object as you may, Ill go. = Though / Although you may object, Ill go. 纵使你反对, 我也要去。 Hard as/ though he works, he makes little progre

74、ss.= Though he works hard, he makes little progress. 尽管他学习很努力, 但几乎没取得什么进步。 Child as / though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do. =Though he was a child, he knew what was the right thing to do. 虽然他是一个孩子, 但他知道该做什么。Child as / though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do. =Though he

75、 was a child, he knew what was the right thing to do. 虽然他是一个孩子, 但他知道该做什么。 Fast as you read, you cant finish the book so soon. 纵然你读得快, 你也不能这么快读完这本书。 3. even if, even though 表示“即使”, “纵使”之意。这两个复合连词的意思基本相同它们常可互换使用, 但意义有细微差别。 even if引导的让步从句含有强烈的假定性, 而even though引导让步状语从句时, 是以从句内容为先决条件的, 也就是说, 说话人肯定了从句的事实。

76、 Well make a trip even if/though the weather is bad. 即使天气不好, 我们也要作一次旅行。 Even if he is poor, she loves him. = He may be poor, yet she loves him. 即使他很穷, 但她还是爱他。4. whether . or .表示“不论是否”, “不管是还是”之意。 由这一个复合连词引导的让步状语从句旨在说明正反两个方面的可能性都不会影响主句的意向或结果。 Youll have to attend the ceremony whether youre free or bu

77、sy. 不管你忙不忙, 都要参加这个典礼。 Whether you believe it or not, its true. 无论你是否相信, 这都是真的。 5. “no matter + 疑问词”或“疑问词-ever”的含义为“都; 不管 都”, 它们引导的让步状语从句可以互换。 No matter what happened, he would not mind. = Whatever happened, he would not mind. 无论发生了什么, 他都不会介意的。 No matter who you are, you must keep the law.=Whoever yo

78、u are, you must keep the law. 不管你是谁, 你都要遵纪守法。但“no matter + 疑问词”结构只能引导让步状语从句, 而“疑问词-ever”还可以引导名词性从句。Whatever (= No matter what) you say, I wont believe you. (Whatever引导让步状语从句)无论你说什么, 我都不会相信你。Ill eat whatever ( no matter what) you give me. (whatever引导宾语从句) 你给我吃什么, 我就吃什么。Whoever comes will be welcome.

79、(Whoever 引导主语从句) 不管谁来都受到欢迎。此外, 有时while也可以引导让步状语从句, 但一般要位于句首。While I like the colour, I dont like the shape. 我虽然喜欢那颜色, 但不喜欢那形状。 Step 5 Exercises Complete the sentences with whoever, wherever, whenever or however. 1._ I feel lonely, I think about you. 2. _ he is, he is very rude to me. 3. _ I go, I al

80、ways meet interesting people. 4.You can invite _ you like to the party. 5. _ late you arrive, Ill come and meet.6. I feel shy _ she says hello to me.7.I hear that song _ I switch on the radio.8. _ much I study, I find these exercises difficult. Step 6 Homework1. Remember the rules in the lesson.2. F

81、inish the exercises in the workbook.Step 6 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardModule 3Body Language and Non-verbal CommunicationThe third periodGrammar Adverbial Clause of Condition 条件状语从句if(如果), unless(除非), supposing(如果, 假如), provided(假如, 除非, 以为条件), as/so long as(只要), on condition that(在条件下, 如果), in case(万一), once(一旦), but for(若非, 要不是)等引导。 Adverbial Clause of Concession 让步状语从句though, although, as , even if, even though , whether . or ., “no matter + 疑问词”或“疑问词-ever” ,while - 19 - 版权所有高考资源网

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