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1、乌鲁木齐2013高考英语完形填空三月天天练(7)及答案 词数:291 体裁:说明文 难度:4Mobile phones are everywhere. It seems that no one can 21 without one. Mobile phones are a great way to stay 22 with friends and family. 23 it is important to remember that there are certain 24 when you should not be using your phone, the most important

2、of these being during 25 . There is no reason 26 you should feel the need to have your mobile phone during class. Arent you at school to 27 .If you are in class, you should not be 28 your friends text messages or taking phone calls.In America students would never be 29 to use their mobile phones dur

3、ing class. If you were to send or 30 a text message you would probably be kicked out of class. It is OK to have your mobile phone with you, you just need to remember to turn it 31 . It is very disturbing to hear a lot of tones and 32 during class. As a teacher in China, I have to deal with students

4、33 mobile phones everyday. I have told my class to turn off their phones, 34 many students do not listen. The desire to be connected all the time seems to be 35 than the desire to learn.Its easy to understand why it is so tempting(诱惑人的)to have your phone on during class. It seems so 36 to just send

5、a short text message; its not 37 anyone, is it? But you may actually be hurting yourself when you do this. Sending a text message also 38 your attention away from whats 39 in class, you may miss 40 important. The next time you think about sending a message in class you should think again.21. A. surv

6、ive B. act C. study D. peak22. A. friendly B. close C. connected D. natural23. A. Instead B. However C. Sometimes D. Finally24. A. times B. days C. hours D. weeks25. A. shopping B. meeting C. rest D. school26. A. when B. that C. why D. where27. A. play B. learn C. help D. fight28. A. sending B. writ

7、ing C. posting D. retaining29. A. hoped B. wished C. allowed D. encouraged30. A. keep B. help C. take D. receive31. A. on B. in C. out D. off32. A. ringing B. sound C. voice D. shouts33. A. thinking B. using C. considering D. bringing34. A. and B. so C. but D. then35. A. faster B. stronger C. lower

8、D. easier36. A. cheap B. hard C. easy D. brave37. A. hurting B. meeting C. knowing D. killing38. A. pays B. puts C. breaks D. takes39. A. coming on B. going through C. going on D. coming by40. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing【文章大意】手机给人们带了沟通上的方便。可是对于学生而言,把手机拿到课堂上发信息和打电话会严重影响学习和课堂秩序。作

9、者以一位教师的身份阐释了手机给学生们带来的巨大魅力和学习上的影响。21A根据文章首句可知,手机随处可见,对人们的影响是巨大的,本题中的survive意为“存活,幸免于难”与语境相符。22C 此处stay connected with sb“与某人保持联系”。friendly“友好的”;close“亲近的”;natural“自然的”。23B前句说到手机是人们的交流工具,后一句就提出了它的劣势,因此根据该空的逻辑关系可以判断出前后为转折关系。However“然而”,与语境相符。24A 根据句意和常识理解,手机虽然是人们必不可少的交流手段,但是某些时候手机也是应该限制使用的。certain time

10、s“某些时候”。该空所在的这句话就是引出下文。25D根据第二段中“at school,in class”等词可以判断作者要引出的话题是手机在校园中被使用的某些情况。26C There is no reason why意为“做某事没有原因”。27B 根据下一句话“If you are in class,you should not be 43 your friends text messages or taking phone calls”可知,学生在学校就是该学习,作者用反问的方式进行了语气上的强调,句意为:“难道你在学校不是为了学习吗?”28A作为学生,课堂上发送信息是不应该的。send t

11、ext messages“发信息”。postin9“邮寄”;writing“写”;retaining“保持”。29C句意为:“在美国学生是不允许在课上使用手机的。”根据下文提示可知,这为一项规定,be allowed to do“被允许做某事”。30D上文中提到美国学生不许将手机带人课堂,而且该空与send相对应,故填入receive意为“接收短信”。31.D turn off“关闭”;turn on “打开”;根据下文的“It is very disturbing to hear a lot of tones and47during class. ”可知,只有手机关掉才不打扰别人。32A通过

12、上下文可知,在课上把手机关掉才能听不到令人厌烦的声音和铃声。Ringing在此处为名词性质,即“铃声”。33B根据常识可知,作者作为一名教师,肯定会处理学生每天使用手机的情况。Consider“考虑,认为”,用在该空不符合句意。Use mobile phones“使用手机”。34C根据上文可知教师让孩子们关掉手机,可是在下文中提到了很多学生根本不听。这就说明上下文为转折关系,故用but。35B通过本段中所讲内容可以推断出,孩子们更热衷于用手机取得联系或是被联系,因此作者认为对孩子们来说“用手机随时联系的欲望比上课的欲望更强烈。”其余几项均与语境不符。36C根据上下文的行文逻辑判断,作者再次利用

13、反问的形式进行了语气上的强调表明自己的态度。句意为:“似乎在课上发条短信是很简单的事情,不会伤害别人,是吗?”37A 根据下句中的“be hurting yourself when”提示可知。38D该句意为:“当你真地在课上发信息的话,这一行为会害了自己,因为它会将你的注意力从课堂上带走。”take“带走,拿走”与语境相符。39C come on“加油,过来”;go on“进行,进展”;go through“通过”;come by“过去”。由语境知选C项。40B联系上文可知,如果学生在课上将注意力集中在玩手机上,这样的话就会错过课上的一些重要的知识,并不是全部知识。*结束(贵州省普通高等学校招

14、生适应性考试英语试题)My aunt will come down soon, Mr. Nuttel, said a very calm young lady of fifteen years old.Framton Nuttel was 21 to be going through a cure for his disease, but now he22whether this visit to the village would help.“Do you know many of the people round here?” asked the niece 23she thought t

15、hey had sat long enough24. “Hardly one” said Framton. “Then you know 25about my aunt?” continued the lady, “Out through that window,26three years ago, her husband and two brothers went off for their days shooting. In27the country, they were all there28in a bog(沼泽).” Here the childs voice29its calm a

16、nd became almost human (as she was always good at making up stories). “Aunt always 30they will some day walk in at that window just as they used to do. Sometimes on31evenings like this, I almost get a strange32that they will all ”She stopped when the aunt came 33 into the room. “Bera has been 34you?

17、 Shes always making up stories.” she said.“She is very interesting,” said Framton.“I hope you don t mind the open window. My husband and brothers will be home soon from shooting, and they always come in this way. She talked on35about the shooting and the hopes of shooting in the winter. To Framton i

18、t was all quite36in the increasing darkness. He made a great37, which was only partly successful, to turn the talk on to a cheerful subject. His hostess was giving him only a part of her38, and her eyes were frequently39him to the window. It wasnt certainly 40 that he had paid his visit on this sorr

19、owful day.21. A. ready B. supposed C. sure D. worried22. A. doubted B. realized C. argued D. discovered23. A. as if B. unless C. even though D. when24. A. all the time B. in silence C. with pleasure D. in that case25. A. nothing B. something C. all D. anything26. A. exactly B. about C. over D. almos

20、t27. A. escaping B. crossing C. entering D. marching28. A. sunk B. hidden C. swallowed D. struck29. A. kept B. returned C. got D. lost30. A. determines B. insists C. thinks D. suggests31. A. lonely B. magic C. quiet D. mysterious32. A. dream B. idea C. feeling D. thought33. A. angrily B. worriedly C

21、. eagerly D. busily34. A. troubling B. amusing C. examining D. complaining35. A. anxiously B. sadly C. cheerfully D. calmly36. A. pleasant B. terrible C. attractive D. difficult37. A. effort B. suggestion C. decision D. fortune38. A. interest B. sorrow C. attention D. opinion39. A. glaring at B. fix

22、ed upon C. kept on D. looking past40. A. comfortable B. successful C. easy D. fortunate21.B从四个选项判断,这里用be supposed to表示“被期待,应该”,表示作者猜测他到这里来的目的。22.A但是他这时开始怀疑到这里来是否有助于他治病。23.D用when/as引导时间状语从句,当她觉得时。24.B从四个选项判断用in silence。这个年轻人沉默寡语,25.A从上下文判断,既然谁也不认识,那么当然就对这个家庭的主人一无所知了。26.A27.B上下文说出去打猎,穿过一片沼泽地带,那么这里应该用c

23、ross表示“穿越”。28.C这里这个小孩在编故事吓唬来访之客,三年前他们在穿越沼泽地带时被沼泽地吞噬了。29.D既然是撒谎,有时候会有破绽。讲到这里她的声音有点不自然了。30.C阿姨始终认为他们会回来的。31.C在安静的时候,我就开始想入非非,以为他们会奇迹般的回来。32.C我有这种感觉。33.D女主人这时登场了,面对客人当然不会是生气、忧虑,而是风风火火地进来招呼客人,同时还等着丈夫回来。34.BBera在阿姨忙碌时帮助招呼客人,因此其他项不对,用B表示“逗乐,逗笑”,这表明小女孩刚才说的都是假话,她是不是又在拿你开心?35.C谈到丈夫的打猎,女主人当然就是兴致勃勃了,而且讲个不停。36.B从上下文看,女主人把窗户打开等丈夫,现在天快黑了,这时他联想到小女孩的故事,心里觉得害怕,觉得这里阴森森的。显然他把小女孩的谎话信以为真了。37.A本题用make an effort to do sth,表示他现在想转移话题。38.C但是女主人没有完全关注他的信息,用attention表示“注意力”。39.D还是一边说话一边看窗外。这里说她的目光飘过他看窗外。40.D看来他的到来是不受欢迎的,真不该来。*结束


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