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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家乌鲁木齐2013高考英语完形填空三月天天练(3)及答案As Christmas is coming, there are presents to be bought, cards to be sent, and rooms to be cleaned. Parents are filed with 1 jobs of hidden presents from 2 young children. If the gifts are large, this is sometimes a real 3. On Christmas Eve, young children

2、find the excitement almost unbearable.They are 4 between the wish to go to bed early so that Father Christmas will 5 their presents quickly, and the wish to stay up late so that they will mot miss the fun. The wish for gifts usually proves 6. But though children go to bed early, they of-ten lie awak

3、e in bed for a long time, hoping to 7 Father Christmas. Last Christmas, my wife and I 8 managed to hide a few large presents in the storeroom. I 9 the moment when my son, Jimmy, would ask me where the new bike had come from, but 10 he did not see it.On Christmas Eve, it took the children hours to go

4、 to sleep. It must have been nearly 11 when my wife and I went quietly into their room and began 12 stockings. Then I 13 in the bike for Jimmy and left it before the Christmas tree. We know we would not get much 14 that night, for the children were sure to get up early. At about five oclock the next

5、 morning, we were 15 by loud sounds coming from the childrens room they shouted excitedly! 16 I had time to get out of bed, Jimmy came 17 into our bedroom on his new bike, and his sister, Mary 18 close behind, pushing her new baby carriage. Early the baby arrived. He moved on the 19 and knees into t

6、he room dragged a large balloon behind him. Suddenly it 20 .That woke us up completely. The day had begun with a bang.1. A. busy B. tiring C. ordinary D. difficult2. A. anxious B. curious C. happy D. content3. A. matter B. question C. business D. problem4. A. puzzled B. troubled C.torn D.disturbed5.

7、 A. provide B. bring C. give D. offer 6. A. weak B. strong C.weaker D.stronger7. A.get a look at B.get in touch with C.get along with D.get together with8. A.hurriedly B.hopefully C.busily D.successfully9. A.expected B.doubled C.feared D.wondered10. A.hardly B.surprisingly C.possibly D.fortunately11

8、. A.morning B.midnight Cdaybreak D.evening12. A.mending B.wearing C.sewing D.filling13. A.pushed B.dragged Cpulled D.knocked14. A.break B.sleep D.drink 15. A.woken B.shocked C.troubled D.frightened16. A.Before B.Until C.As Dafter17. A.running B.laughing C.climbed D.rushed18. A.walked B.follow

9、ed C.climbed Drushed19. A.kegs B.feet C.hands D.arms 20. A.exploded B.opened C.burst D.lost 1.从下文看,藏东西不是一种容易的事。答案D2.从下文看,孩子们为了得到礼物睡不着觉,故应为“好奇的”答案B3.答案D4.本题考查固定结构:be torn between 意为“在西种矛盾情绪之中”5.答案B6.前文说:孩子既想早睡觉,以便得到礼物,又想看圣诞老人。但是(相比较而言)还是想得到礼物的欲望更强烈,所以用stronger.7.孩子们躺在床上但无睡意,自然是想看看圣诞老人,这与前文也相呼应。答案A8.由

10、于怕儿子看见,自然是匆匆忙忙地。答案A9.答案C10.与前文相比,没有被儿子看见,自然是“幸运了”。答案D11.答案B12.从前后文看,他们是在藏礼物,故选D。答案D13.答案A14.年夜开始藏礼物,凌晨五点孩子们起床,他们应是睡不着多长时间。答案B15.答案A16.此处before意为“还没来得及”。答案A17.答案D18.答案D19.后文出现了knees,故排除A、B;爬行时应是手触地,故选C。20.指汽球“突然爆破”。*结束【1】An owner of a shop was fixing a sign above his door that reads “Puppies for 1”A

11、little boy appeared under the store owners sign“How much are you going to sell the puppies for?”he askedThe shop owner replied,“2 from $30 to $50”The little boy 3 in his pocket and pulled out some change“I have $237,” he said“Can I please look at them?”The shop owner smiled and 4 and out of the kenn

12、el came Lady,who ran down the aisle of his shop followed by five tiny balls of furOne puppy was lagging considerably behind5 the little boy singled out the lagging,limping puppy and said,“Whats wrong with that little dog?”The shop owner explained that the veterinarian had examined the little puppyIt

13、 would always be lameThe little boy became 6,“That is the little puppy that I want to buy”The shop owner said,“No,you dont want to buy that little dogIf you really want him,Ill give him to you”The little boy got quite 7He said,“I dont want you to give him to meThat little dog is worth every bit as 8

14、 as all the other dogs and Ill pay full priceIn fact,Ill give you $237 now,and 50 cents a month until I have him paid for”The shop owner countered,“He is 9 going to be able to run and jump and play with you like the other puppies”To this,the little boy reached down and 10 up his pant leg to reveal a

15、 badly twisted,crippled left 11 supported by a big metal braceHe looked up at the store owner and softly replied,“Well,I dont run so well myself,and the little puppy will need someone who 12 !”1Afood BrentCuse Dsale2ASomewhere BAnywhereCEverywhere DNowhere3Areached BtouchedCput Dpulled4Acalled Bshou

16、tedCwhistled Dsang5AHappily BSlowlyCImmediately DSadly6Adisappointed BinterestedCsatisfied Dexcited7Aangry BgladCcalm Dupset8Awell BmanyCgood Dmuch9Anever BsurelyCprobably Dpossibly 10Apicked BrolledCpulled Ddrew 11Awrist BfootCarm Dleg12Aappreciates BcaresCunderstands Dlikes参考答案1D2B3A4C5C6D7D8D9A10B11D12C*结束- 3 - 版权所有高考资源网

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