1、2013高三英语二轮专题复习指导:书面表达写作技巧(教师版)写作训练宜经常化1写作能力靠长期培养,绝不能临时突击,一蹴而就。应从入门阶段就开始写的训练,为写作打好基础。写的训练应经常化,每周都应安排一些写的训练。2除了经常练习外,应多模仿。许多写作高手都是从模仿起步,在模仿中改进,只有不断地写,不断模仿,才会越写越熟练,越写越地道,当然模仿应从易到难。一、 写作训练宜规范化1我们应严格按照老师制定的写作训练及训练步骤,在开设的一定量的作文课上,要进行有重点的写作训练(可根据你所在学校的实际情况而决定自己的训练)。2从起始阶段就要从书写、标点、格式上进行严格的要求,养成良好的写作习惯。二、 写作
2、训练要阶段化从不会写到能写出一篇120字左右的文字表达需要经过几个阶段。1从字、词、句到段的过渡,即作好写前准备。在这个阶段应多造句、连词造句、汉译英的练习。通过练习,熟悉某些词和典型句型的用法。2学会写主题句、支持句,练习通过提纲或关键词写段落。完成从控制性写作到半控制性写作的过同时,我认为同学们在写作训练时还应特别注意以下“三个结合”:一、 与日常生活相结合。无论写人、写物、写事,特别是应用文,应尽量贴近生活,使学生有感而发,有话要说。二、与学过的句型、词组、词汇相结合,学以致用。写作训练首先要打好词、句的基础,通过写作熟练运用学过的词,使之成为积极词汇,使常用句型在头脑中生根。三、与交际
3、相结合。既然写是交际的一种手段,写的练习就应该结合交际,注意用英文解决问题。2. 提高书面表达得分要注意的几个问题第一,书写规范是能否得高分的一个关键因素,我们都知道,阅卷评分标准中有一条文“如写较差可下降一个档次然后评分”,但是什么是较差,并没有明显的标准,比如有的同学书写的也算比较清秀认真,但有几处有改过的痕迹,这种情况往往也属于扣分之列。因此我们平时一定要严格把好书写关,字体首先要认真、规范,其次要规范,能让阅卷者得到这么一个信息:该生是一位比较认真、负责的同学,而不是在应付英语作文,这时你的分数往往不会很低。第二,单词的数量要足,内容要充实。每次我们在给同学们阅卷时常常会发现这样一个问
4、题,有的学生无论在书写的质量上还是书写的规范性上都很好,可就是量太少。在书面表达空白处那儿显得“瘦小枯干”,这样的文章写得再好,也不会得高分。虽然按照书面表达的评分原则,不足120个词扣25分,但大部分老师扣的分数要大大高于这个分数,这就使得相当一部分同学吃了“大亏”。因此,我认为单词的数量应固定在140词左右(如果文章要求写120150词左右的话),因为这样的数量在打分时,往往会处于一个比较有利的位置。第三,要有一个引人入胜的开头,有无这样的开头,这是是否能引起阅卷教师对你这篇文章感兴趣的重头戏,开头要用艺术、有水平,力免平淡无奇。比如:以 teacher 为题写一篇英语作文,大多数学生往往
5、都会这样开头:my teacher A is , 实际上这样的开头这样非常中庸,如果这时用下面的这些开头效果可能就很好一些:(1)With time went on , many things 3. 写好英语书面表达八步走书面表达是历年高考英语的重头戏之一,它旨在考查学生的英语表达能力,即运用学过的英语知识和掌握的技能,以书面语言形式进行思想交流的能力。满分为30分,写作较好的学生能得5分左右,而写作前,首先要弄清文章的体裁,才能考虑用何种语言、语气。而且,恰当的体裁也无疑会给批阅者留下好的印象。所以动笔之前,一定要审清文章的体裁和题材。一般说来,书面表达题材与现实生活息息相关。如交友信、询问
6、信、介绍人物、事情、场所、保护环境、爱护动物等,这些学生都比较熟悉。书面表达常碰到的体裁有记叙文、说明文、应用文、记叙文、说明文多用书面语,而应用文多用口头语。各种体裁又都有自己的格式。如:写信时,要求写信人的地址、时间写在信的右上角;英文便条无须写地址,但要写明时间;口头通知无须注明通知的时间和地点,但开头要加称呼语和提示语,结束要加Thank you.。书面通知要有明确的通知时间、通知人或单位。所有这些都要求学生平时牢记在心。 三、注意正确使用人称 根据评分标准,如果书面表达人称写错,全文要另外扣除分,而每年期末考试各年级试卷统批中,总有一批学生在这方面失分,委实令人惋惜。因此,写作之前,
7、确立人称是审题必不可少的步骤之一。 四、注意掌握中心要点 要点是否写到、写全,是否遗漏内容是书面表达评分标准的一个重要标尺。所以审清了文章的主题、人称以后,接着要考虑文章的内容要点了。如果题目给出了汉语提示和要求,则可仔细从中找出要点;如果是图画、图表则要仔细观察,故事性的则按图画顺序去设计故事发展情节;介绍事、物的作文应注意图画中的箭头、事物、场景及前后对比变化,同时注意图画以外的提示。然后将内容要点一一列出,再用合理的词语、句型连词成句。 五、注意正确合理地使用词语与句型 句子结构的好坏直接影响意义的表达和文章的得分。所以,写作时,学生应尽量确保使用正确的词语与句型。这就要求学生平时要多背
8、多练,有扎实的基础。同时要让学生懂得,如果自己基础较差,则在写作时尽量多用自己熟悉的句型。尽量回避自己不熟悉的单词、句型,用自己有把握的短语、句型,少追求文章的华丽。因为评判一篇文章的好坏,错误的多少是一个重要依据。同时,为使文章主题突出,行文流畅,写作结束后应仔细查看上下文逻辑关系与过渡词使用得是否恰当,尽可能地运用自己已掌握的一些高级词汇、短语或从句,这对提高文章档次是至关重要的。这就要求学生平时注意掌握一些表示并列、递进、转折、因果等的过渡词,如:and, but, however, yet, so, therefore, then, later, meanwhile, whats mo
9、re等。 六、注意使用正确的时态、语态 根据评分标准,书面表达时态用错全文要扣分,所以正确使用动词的时态、语态是书面表达的重点。一般说来,记叙文讲的是发生了的事情,应以过去时为主。通知是将要发生的事,以事实为主。说明文、议论文阐明的是事实、论点、论据,以现在时为主。当然,也有综合时态的。 七、注意正确使用标点符号 英语和汉语的标点符号在形式与使用上有所不同,而英语课本中又没有专门涉及其用法的知识,所以,很多同学在英文写作中极易在标点符号的使用上犯错误。常见的标点错误有以下两方面:()不会用标点。如一个复合句主从句间不该断句的地方断了句,两个简单句之间该断句却无标点;()错用标点。第一种,错用顿
10、号和省略号。第二种,错用冒号。汉语中直接引语前某某说之后一律用冒号,但英语中习惯用逗号。第三种,错用书名号。英语中没有书名号,表示书的名称一般用引号。这样即使文章本身没有或只有少量错误,内容也丰富,但仍然要被归入低档篇。因为它让人读起来非常吃力。并且,近两年的高考评分标准中标点误用类错误被视为影响表达的错误。因此,要提升作文的档次,必须规范标点的使用。 八、注意大小写 英语作文如果整篇文章全是小写或放在前面的主句或从句没大写首字母,后面的一句却大写了,这些势必影响文章意义的正确表达,降低了文章的档次,给批阅者也会留下不好的印象。所以,写完文章后一定要仔细审查一遍全文,看看大小写是否使用正确。平
11、时在学习课文或练习中,也应注意大小写的正确使用。 总之,只要我们平时注意掌握丰富的词汇、句型,写作时多注意运用各种方法技巧,坚持不懈地努力,就一定能提高自己的英语写作能力的。为此,奉上打油诗一首,希望对同学们写作有所帮助。 书面表达题,审题要仔细。 先看后下笔,莫离题万里。 4. 记叙文写作指导记叙文是英语作文中最常见的文体之一,在高考中常常涉及,一般要求考生根据试卷中提供的情景组织语言材料。 新课程标准要求学生能够叙述事情,描述人物或事件。要想把你周围的趣事、生活中的琐事、社会上的大事等所见所闻生动形象地展现出来,都需用记叙文体。在备考中,同学们应注意记叙文的特点和写作方法,多读多练。 命题
12、特点 记叙文是以记叙和描写为主,叙述人物经历或事物发展变化过程的一种文体。它的基本特点是陈述过程。记叙文一般要求交代清楚时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、事件(what)、起因(why )和过程(how)。近几年来高考命题的趋势发生了变化;即在记叙的基础上增加了议论。它涉及面广,生活气尽浓,通常有一定的情节。考查方式一般是表格、图画或提纲,根据题目要求进行写作,文章记叙的人物或事件要突出,脉络要清晰,过渡要自然。记叙文一般可分为三类: 1以记人为主的记叙文:此类记叙文一般要求以人物为中心组织材料,就个人的简历及成绩等内容展开描写,在写作中要注意对其外貌、语言及行为等方面的细
13、节描写,要生动形象。在写人物时,既要注意人物的个性与代表性,又要不失真实性,升根据具体要求,灵活掌握,突出重点、 2. 确定人称:在记叙文写作中,一般使用第一人称和第三人称。用第一人称描述,易使读者产生身临其境的感觉,这种形式常在记叙亲身经历、耳闻目睹的事件的文章中出现,而第三人称的应用常出现在介绍他人生平、事迹,以及描述一些事件的文章中。 3。注意时态:记叙文的时态一般用过去时,但应根据具体场合注意时态的转换。 4列出要点:无论是哪种伞题形式,都要先确定要点。首先,考生要注意所给要点之前的中文提示。一般来说,包括时间、地点等,这些都应在文章中有所体现。其次是所给的提纲式要点,把所列出的要点都
14、写到就行了。但图画式作文就要注意每幅图的主题内容,包括图中人物的言行及人物思考的内容,考生应根据每幅图画列出要点。5。选择顺序:在写作中,通常有顺叙、倒叙和插叙三种方式。顺叙是按照事情发展的顺序进行叙述。倒叙是把事情的结局或某个突出的片段提到前面,然后再按照顺叙叙述。插叙是在正常的叙述过程中插入另叙述。一般采用j愤叙手法,但为了吸引读者,使文章更加生动。可适当采用倒叙或插叙。 【解题技巧】1.了解篇章结构 开头(the beginning)-交代必要的背静,如时间、地点、任务等。 主体(the body)一一交代故事情节,如事件的发生、发展和前因后果。 结尾(the ending)一一事情的结
15、果或感想、愿望等。所表达的感想或愿望应与所记叙的内容有关联,起到扣题或点题的作用,使文章结构紧凑。好的结尾往往不仅有完美的答案,还能留下令人深省、回味的东西。 2。掌握常用的连接词 (1)表示增加、层次的过渡词:also,aJld;and then,in addition,furthermore,moreover,again,first,second, third, firstly,secqndly,thirdly,begin with,further, in the first place,to start with,whats more,last,last;butnot least,:ne
16、xt,besides,not onlybut slso, finally 等。 (2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now, then,before, after,afterwards , earlier ,1ater,immediately,soon,next,fewdays,gradually,suddenly,finally等。(3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(fom),in front of,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,to the right (left) ,around,outside等。(4)表示对照、转折的过渡词:but,sti
17、ll , yet, however,on the other hand,in spite of,although,though ,at the same time,despite the fact that,even so等。(5)表示结果和原因的过渡词:because,because of , since,so,as a result,therefore,thus等。(6)表示解释说明(举例)的过渡词:for example,in fact,for instance,5. 如何谋篇布局及学习连接词一、掌握如何写好篇章的技巧:1. 注意篇章结构,合理布局 开始部分(Opening paragr
18、aph )-说出文中的要点、核心问题。 正文部分 (Body paragraphs) - 围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。 结尾部分 (Concluding paragraph)-对全文的总结和概括。要做到全文中心突出、段落之间必须是有机地联系,内容完整、连贯。前后呼应,去除与主题无关的内容。 2. 确定主题句 主题句是对全文的概括,是文章的主旨。它能在文章中起到“画龙点睛”的作用。通常主题句出现在一篇文章的开头,而后,全文对主题句所提出的内容进行解释,扩展。写主题句应注意以下几点:(1)归纳出你要写的文章的几个要点(2)提炼出一句具有概括性的话(3)主题句应具有可读性,抓住、吸引读者。下面我们通过例
19、子来学习、体会“主题句”范例2: I am an active boy and I talk more than listen. When I talk with my friends, Im always ready to express myself. Im not afraid to tell others what I think. I am usually the focus of the attention because I often have lots of ideas that interest everyone. In my opinion, people should
20、share and exchange each others ideas. But when I am with the quiet people I feel the air is frozen. Im always trying to find a topic and start a conversation. In this way, People will like me and feel happy.In a word, I am optimistic and active and I can make everybody as confident as me.上面2篇文章思路清晰,
21、要点明确,前后呼应,加强了文章的整体性。二、 学习连接词-把握连接上下文的关键三、 要想使文章有整体性、连贯性,就要学会正确使用连接词 下面请你认真学习并学会运用下列常见连接词i表示罗列增加 first, second, third, first, then/next, after that/ next, finally for one thingfor another, on (the)one handon the other hand, besides / whats more/ in addition / furthermore/ moreover /another/ also, esp
22、ecially/ In or, and, also, too, not only. but also, as well as, both. and, either .or, neither.nori表示因果关系 because, because of, since, now that, as, thanks to., due to., therefore, as a result(of), otherwise, so that, such thati表示条件关系 as (so)long as, on condition that, if, unlessi表示让步关系though, althou
23、gh, as, even if, even though, whether .or., however, whoever, whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how (who, what, which, where, when, whom)i表示举例 for example, for instance, such as., take. for examplei表示比较 be similar to, similarly, the same as, in contrast, compared with(to). just like
24、, just as,i表示目的 for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order to , so as to, i表示强调 indeed, in fact, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously, above all, i表示概括归纳 in a word, in short, in brief, on the whole, generally speaking, in my opinion, as far as I know, As we all
25、know, as has been stated,as I have shown, finally, at last, in summary, in conclusion,6. 书面表达常见的12种错误例析一、关系不一致英语语法要求意义一致。所谓意义一致,不仅指主谓在人称或数上的一致,还应取决于主语所表达的实际意义。违反了这一原则,就会产生不一致的错误。【误】She closed the door and hurries away to class. 【正】She closed the door and hurried away to class. 【析】hurried时态跟and前的clos
26、ed保持一致。二、词性混淆词汇对于写作相当重要,词汇量越大越便于写作。但是,有的学生平时在记单词时,只记拼写、读音和词义,忽略词性,这是不对的。因为英语句子的各个成分都是由一定词性的词来充当的。【误】Can you tell Asia elephants from Africa elephants?【正】Can you tell Asian elephants from African elephants?【析】本句中的Asia,Africa(n.)应改为Asian,African(adj.),因为它们是用来修饰elephants这个名词的。三、用词累赘累赘现象普遍存在于学生习作之中,要避免这
27、一现象的发生,必须加强语言基本功训练,学习中要勤思多练,同时熟记一些易于出现累赘现象的单词和语句。【误】Helen is frightened with fear by the strange sound coming from the next room. 【正】Helen is frightened by the strange sound coming from the next room. 【析】去掉with fear,因为be frightened本身就有害怕之意。类似的词很多:enter不跟into连用;repay不和back连用;repeat不和again连用;比较级easier
28、而不是more easier等等。【正】The picture is about a poor little girl who lived in old China. 【析】此句中从句缺主语,应在lived前加who。六、选词或搭配不当对英语词汇的理解,不能只停留在了解其表面意义上,而应掌握内在涵义。同时要熟悉它们的习惯搭配,平时学习词汇时,要仔细思考,勤查词典,尤其要多记英语解释,弄清它们的确切意思和用法,以免造成错误。【误】He will remember firmly what the teacher said and did. 【正】He will remember clearly w
29、hat the teacher said and did. 【析】汉语中可以讲牢牢记住,但英语中却不可跟firmly搭配。【误】Chinas population is the most in the world. 【正】Chinas population is the largest in the world. 【析】英语中人口只有大小(large/small),人数才有多少(much/little)。九、句子缺乏统一性句子统一性要求一个句子必须表达一个单一的完整思想,如果把不相连的思想放在同一个句子里或一个句子表达的思想不完整,就破坏了句子统一性原则。【误】Being an honest
30、man,Mr Wang worked very hard. 【正】Being an honest man,Mr Wang never tells a lie to his students. 【析】honest诚实与后句的work hard并无因果关系。十、句子缺乏连贯性连贯性是指句子无论长短,在安排上要合乎逻辑,衔接自然,使句内语义关系明确,让人一目了然。学生写作中不连贯的句子主要包括垂悬修饰语、指代不清、未用过渡性词语、非平行结构和语义不完整的分割短句等方面的错误。【误】My best friend was our English teacher. His name is Tom.He t
31、aught us English for three years. 【正】My best friend was our English teacher,Tom,who taught us English for three years. 【析】原句是把一个简单的思想内容割裂成三个短句来表达,尽管这些句子语法是正确的,但不连贯,读起来显得吃力。十一、汉式英语错误很多学生把整个英语学习过程视为机械的过程,生搬硬套,久而久之,便养成了机械对应的习惯,不会在特定的上下文中正确遣词造句,选用句型,只会用汉语的表达方式来表达自己的意思,写出的句子只有懂汉语的英语老师才能意会。【误】Because she
32、is ill,so she is absent today. 【正】Because she is ill,she is absent today.或She is ill,so she is absent today. 十二、标点符号误用书写英语句子时,不少学生常常误用标点符号。标点符号是一种变相文字,是书面语不可缺少的重要手段,同学们平时应注意比较英汉标点的差异,切莫等闲视之。【误】Mike readsChina Dailyevery day. 【正】Mike reads China Daily every day. 【析】汉语中有书名号,但英语中没有。要书写报刊、书名等,常把报刊、书名的每个
33、单词首字母大写,且文中用斜体,或加双引号,或在名称下划一横线的形式表示。 7. 用好高级语言 做好书面表达英语的书面表达题是高考的重要组成部分,是对英语学习综合运用能力进行考查的题目,在高考中占有相当大的比重,而许多学生,在此方面失分很多,以致影响了最后总分。高考英语书面表达要求内容充实,句式丰富,用词准确,行文连贯,思路清晰,过渡自然。要想达到这一目的,语言的正确运用和表达是至关重要的。为此,我们可以从以下三个方面进行训练:一、加强词汇学习,夯实英语基础 英语词汇是英语最基本的单位,离开了单词,学英语就成了无本之木,无源之水。词汇是写作的基础,记忆和背诵是我们扩大词汇量最传统、最简单的方法。
34、首先我们要背诵高考词汇表;其次,要在老师的帮助下将单词、词组归纳整理,进行比较,强化记忆。 二、从基本词汇的运用着手,强化基本句型的训练 在掌握了基本词汇的基础上,反复训练,熟悉并掌握五个基本句型。 1.主语+系动词+表语 :The farm looks like a large beautiful garden. 2.主语+谓语(不及物)(+状语):After visiting some places, we were singing and dancing in an open area. / Now great changes have taken place in our school
35、. 3.主语+谓语(及物)+宾语(+其它):I want to borrow some books from the library. /I found (that) the driver was a woman. 4.主语+谓语(及物)+双宾语(+其它):My English teacher offered me some books on English study. / Yesterday I met the expert who once gave us a talk on the computer. 5.主语+谓语(及物)+宾语+宾补 :The teacher let me have
36、 a try. / He asked me to support him up. /We made Li Ming our monitor. /Who had the windows broken? 三、掌握几种表达优美的高级句式,优化句子结构2)主从复合句 【经典句型1】When you get inside , you will see many shelves full of books on different subjects. 此处用一个状语从句显然要比两个并列句效果要好。【经典句型2】Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes
37、, of which the water is clear and looks colorful.【经典句型2】Some of us often go to school without breakfast; some like to have snacks; some others are particular about food; and still some eat or drink too much. 4. 注意连接词与句子的运用。 在回信的开头我们可以这用, Thankyouforyourlastletteraskingaboutourlibrary.这句话起承上启下的作用,使文章
38、过渡自然。 5. 使用过渡词语写好了每个句子,并不一定就是一篇好文章,因为作为一篇文章,还必须行文连贯。那么,如何使文章行文连贯呢?这就要求我们在组成篇章时,要用好过渡性词语,过渡性词语就像是我们组装机械时使用的润滑剂一样,起着润滑的作用。常用的过渡词语主要有: 并列递进:and, also, as well as, besides, whats more, furthermore, moreover, etc. 转折:but, yet, however, although, nevertheless, in spite of, after all, etc. 因果:because, as,
39、for, since, for this reason, because of, so, therefore, thus, as a result, etc. 对比:or, otherwise, like, unlike, on the contrary, while, on the other hand, instead of, etc.总结:in all, in brief, on the whole, in short, in general, in one word, etc. 6) 多用词组表达单个词义 The dog was killed in the accident. The
40、dog lost his life in the accident. 7) 避免用相同词汇 My father likes reading and my mother likes cooking, but I like playing games. My father likes reading and my mother enjoys cooking, but I am fond of playing games. 8. 掌握作文万能模板 高考英语高分不愁 图标作文As is shown by the figure/percentage in the table/picture,_ has
41、been on rise/ decrease, significantly/dramatically rising/decreasing from _ in _ to _ in _. From the sharp rise/decline in the chart, it goes without saying that _.There are at least two good reasons accounting for _. In one hand, _.In the other hand, _ is due to the fact that _.In addition, _ is re
42、sponsible for _. Maybe there are some other reasons to show _.But itis generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing.As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.书信作文模板Your addressMonth, Date, yearReceiv
43、ers addressDear ,I am extremely pleased to hear from you. And I would like to write a letter to tell you that_.I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/I am looking f0rward to your replies at your earliest convenience.Best regards for your health and success.Sincere
44、ly yours,题的看法).阐述主题题型要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述.1. 阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义.2. 分析并举例使其更充实.Personally, I believe that -(我的解决方法). Consequently, Im confident that a bright future is awaiting us because -(带来的好处).说明利弊题型这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测)1. 说明事物现状2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面)
45、3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First -(A的优点之一). Besides -(A的优点之二).But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that -(A的
46、第一个缺点).To make matters worse,-(A的第二个缺点).Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to -(我的看法).(From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circu
47、mstances we are in. Only by this way, -(对前景的预测).)现象说明文Recently _,what amazes us most is_ ,it is true that_.There are many reasons explaining_ .The main reason is_.what is more_.thirdly_.As a result_.Considering all there,_.For one thing_,for another_.In Conclusion_.一种事物或现象(负面意义倾向)关于A的话题,早已引起了广泛的社会关注
48、。如今在电视、报纸、日常生活的很多角落,都有越来越多的关于A的议论。给A一个精确恒定的定义并非易事,因为它的概念涉及了科学、人性、思想、经济、社会、自然等广阔的领域。一般而言,我们可以这样描述AA能成为公众关注的焦点,主要是由于它对个人、集体乃至整个世界都有着不容忽视的不良影响。认真分析后我们可以看到,A对社会/世界 /健康的不利有很多。首先,从最直观的角度来看,A的出现直接损害了(这里加入一句针对性的话,如人类的身体健康和环境的平衡) 。(举例)。其次,从更深一层次上讲,它为人类的精神文明蒙上了一层阴影。更可怕的是,由于A所产生微小利益,却促成了许多可悲的人们为其忘乎所以,破坏了人类生存的法
49、则和空间。事实上,A的出现是社会发展和人类进步的产物,A所带来的危害是人类进化过程中付出的代价。同时,A的产生来源于部分人们的自私和趋利性,他们看到的是肤浅和片面的利益,而从未从整个全局和人类整体的利益出发去认识和分析它。这使得A始终挥之不去。对此,我奉劝他们,跳出狭小的角落,用长远和全局的眼光去重新审视A。而如今,我们已深受其害,要想消除它的危害,我们必须从根源上杜绝它的产生,我们每一个人都应给予A高度的重视,用系统的和科学的方法去解决,唯有这样,避免它带来更多损失,我们人类前进的脚步才会更加平稳,更加欢快的迈向辉煌的明天。One object or phenomenon (negative
50、 significance inclination.)A has attracted extensive attention of the society. Nowadays, increasingly more argumentations about A Though with various reasons and forms, from the perspective of the essence, the problems brought by A originates from the fundamental principle of human ideology and mate
51、rial production. Thus, we should seek the solutions through setting foot on this principle.Due to the depth and width of As harmful influence, we should draft our solutiogogotematically on the basis of deep analysis of A problem. We must acquire our power from technology, management, law and culture
52、 terrorm, effectively eliminate the shadow of A, and ensures ourselves a bright future.原因二_. Therefore, thereis nodoubtthat _观点二_.As far as I am concerned, Ifirmlysupporttheviewthat _观点一或二_.Itis not only because _, but also because _. The more _, the more _.(2)利弊型的议论文Nowadays, there is a widespread
53、concern over (the issue that)_作文题目_. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in _题目议题_. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, _优点一_. And secondly _优点二_.Just As a popular saying goes, every coin has two sides, _讨论议题_ is no excep
54、tion, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, _缺点一_. In addition, _缺点二_.To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of _讨论议题_ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the _讨论议题_
55、.( 3 ) 答题性议论文Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)_作文题目_ .It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. Fir
56、st of all, _途径一_. In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is _途径二_.Above all, to solve the problem of _作文题目_, we should find a number of various ways. But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, _方法_.( 4 ) 谚语警句性议论文It
57、is well know to us that the proverb: _谚语_ has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study. It means _谚语的含义_. The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows. ( also theoretically )A case in point is _例子一_. Therefore, it is goes without saying tha
58、t it is of great of importance to practice the proverb _谚语_.With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: _谚语_. The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, th
59、e more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.图表作文的框架as is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage inthetable(graph/picture/pie/chart), _作文题目的议题_ has been on rise/ decrease (goesup/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from_ in _ to _
60、in _. From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that _.Thereareatleasttwogoodreasons accounting for _. Ontheonehand, _. Ontheotherhand,_ isduetothefactthat _.Inaddition, _ isresponsiblefor _.Maybetherearesomeotherreasonstoshow _.Butitisgenerallybelievedthattheabovement
61、ionedreasonsarecommonly convincing.AsfarasIamconcerned,I hold the point of view that _. Iamsuremyopinionisbothsoundandwell-grounded.实用性写作(申请信 )Your addressMonth, Date, yearReceivers addressDear .,9. 英文作文活用句型I. 用于文章主题句1. 不用说It goes without saying that子句= (It is) needless to say (that)子句= It is obviou
62、s that子句= Obviously, S. + V.例不用说早睡早起是值得的。It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours.2. 是不可能的; 无法There is no Ving= There is no way of Ving.= There is no possibility of Ving.= It is impossible to V.= It is out of the question to V.= No one can V.= We cannot V.例不可否认的成功的事业关键在于健康的身心。8. (A) 每
63、个人都知道Everyone knows (that)子句(B) 就我所知As far as my knowledge is concerned, 例就我所知下列方法对我帮助很大。As far as my knowledge is concerned, the following ways are of great help to me.9. 毫无疑问地There is no doubt (that)子句例毫无疑问地近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的问题。There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the y
64、outh of our country.10. 根据我个人经验According to my personal experience, = Based on my personal experience, 例根据我个人经验微笑已带给我许多好处。According to my personal experience, smile has done me a lot of good.11. 在我认识的人当中也许没有一个人比更值得我尊敬。Of all the people I know, perhaps non deserves my respect more than 例在我认识的人当中也许没有一
65、个人比我的英文老师张老师更值得我尊敬。Of all the people I know, perhaps non deserves my respect more than Miss Chang, my English teacher. 12. 在我的求学过程中我忘不了In the course of my schooling. I will never forget 例在我的求学过程中我忘不了学习英文所遭到的大困难。In the course of my schooling. I will never forget the great difficulty I encountered in
66、learning English.13. (A) 随着人口的增加 With the increase/growth of the population, (B) 随着科技的进步, With the advance of science and technology, 例随着台湾经济的快速发展许多社会问题产生了。With the rapid development of Taiwans economy, a lot of social problems have come to pass.14. (A) 在这信息的年代扮演重要的角色。In the age of information and c
67、ommunication, plays an important role.(B) 在今日工业社会中是生命不可或缺的。In todays industrial society, is indispensable to life.例在这信息的年代计算机扮演非常重要的角色。In this age of information and communication, the computer plays an extremely important role.15. 在讨论一个人不得不承认。In dealing with , one cannot but admit (that)子句例在讨论未来的职业
68、一个人不得不承认尽早决定未来的职业很重要。In dealing with ones future career, one cannot but admit that it is very important to decide ones future career as early as possible.16. 世上没有什么比更令我高兴。Nothing in the world can delight me so much as 例世上没有什么比到快餐店吃汉堡更令我高兴。Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having hamburg
69、ers in fast-food restaurants.17. 是必要的 It is necessary that S (should) V 是重要的 It is important/essential that S (should) V 是适当的 It is proper that S (should) V 是紧急的 It is urgent that S (should) V例我们当保持公共场所清洁是应当的。It is proper that we (should) keep the public places clean.一般相信 It is believed (that)子句例一般相
70、信阅读增加我们的知识、扩大我们的心胸。It is believed (that) reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind.20. 的主要理由是The main reason why . is (that)子句例青少年犯罪的主要理由是社会环境日一败坏。The main reason why the juveniles commit crimes is that social environment is becoming worse.21. 俗语说得好:。Well goes an old saying, = As an old
71、saying goes(runs, says), = An old saying goes, = Its an old saying (that)子句例俗话说得好:诚实为上策。As an old saying goes, Honesty is the best policy.25. 我们有理由相信We have reasons to believe (that)子句例我们有理由相信体罚应该严格禁止。We have reasons to believe that corporal punishment should be strictly prohibited.26. 事实上As a matte
72、r of fact, = In fact, 例事实上健康才是最重要。As a matter of fact, it is health that counts.27. (A) 例如 For example, (B) 拿做例子 Take for example. 例例如我们盲目地提高生活水准却降低生活品质。For example, we elevate the living standards blindly, but lower the quality of life.28. 此外我们不应忽视Besides (In addition), we should not neglect 例此外我们不
73、应忽视每个人都想要一个温馨祥和的社会。In addition,we should not neglect that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society.29. 相反地on the contrary, = by contrast, 例相反地少数学生似乎还在鬼混。On the contrary, a few students, it seems, are still fooling around.30. 另一方面on the other hand, 例政府应严格执法另一方面大众也应该培养减少污染的好习惯。The government sho
74、uld enforce laws strictly. On the other hand, the public also should develop the good habit of reducing pollution.31. 然而很可惜的是However, it is a pity that子句例然而很可惜的是他总是临时抱佛脚。However, it is a pity that he should always cram at the eleventh hour.32. 换言之in other words, = to put it differently例换言之我会尽最大的努力达成
75、我的目标。In other words, I will try my best to attain (gain, live up to) my goal.33. 别人可能认为这是事实但我不是。我认为It may be true as assumed by others, but I dont. I believe that子句例别人可能认为这是事实但我不是。我认为It may be true as assumed by others, but I dont. I believe that if you have strong determination and perseverance, th
76、e success will certainly come to you in the end.34. 从此之后我已发现Ever since then, I have found that子句例从此之后我已发现Ever since then, I have found smile the best way to avoid any possible conflicts in our daily lives.35. 这样说来假如.当然毫无疑问地。In this light, if, there can surely be no doubt (that) 子句例这样说来假如我们能善用时间当然毫无疑
77、问地我们会成功。In this light, if we can make good use of time, there can surely be no doubt that we will get somewhere.36. 更严重的是。What is more serious is (that)子句例更严重的是我们不珍惜野生动物。What is more serious is that we do not cherish the wildlife.37. 鉴于社会的实际需要。In view of the practical need of society, .例鉴于社会的实际需要愈来愈
78、多人对学英语有兴趣。In view of the practical need of society, there are more and more people interested in learning English.III. 用于文章结论句例实践这些在智育方面我一直能不断进步。By putting them(the above) into practice, I have been able to make constant progress in intellectual education.42. (A) 唯有符合此三项要求我们才能。Only by living up to t
79、he three requirements, can we .(B) 唯有通力合作我们才能。Only with combined efforts, can we . 例唯有通力合作我们才能期望台湾不久有新的面貌。Only with combined efforts, can we expect Taiwan to take a new face in due course.43. 最后但并非最不重要。Last but no least, .例最后但并非最不重要教育上的缺失是助长青少年犯罪的原因。Last but no least,the shortcoming in education is
80、the cause contributing to juvenile delinquency.44. 这证据显示的重要性在怎么强调都不为过。This evidence shows that the importance of cannot be overemphasized.例这证据显示交通安全的重要性在怎么强调都不为过。This evidence shows that the importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized.If we can do as mentioned above,there can be no doubt t
81、hat we can master English49. 因此这就是的原因。Thus, this is the reason why .例因此这就是我重感冒的原因。Thus, this is the reason why I caught a bad cold.50. 所以我们应该了解。Therefore, we should realize (that)子句例所以我们应该了解学英文不能没有字典。Therefore,we should realize that in learning English we cannot do without a dictionary.51. 因此由上列的讨论我
82、们可以明了。We, therefore, can make clear from the above discussion (that)子句例因此由上列的讨论我们可以明了毅力可以克服任何困难。We, therefore, can make clear from the above discussion that perseverance can overcome any difficulty.52. 1. 从观点来看。 From the point of view, .2. 根据的看法。 According to point of view, . 例从政治的观点来看这是一个很复杂的问题。 From the political point