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《名师课堂》2015高考人教版英语一轮课堂演练:必修3 UNIT 5 CANADA.doc

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1、 课堂演练.单词拼写根据汉语注释及首字母提示写出下列单词的正确形式。1. We need to m_ the length of the window for new curtains.2. It is pleasant to c_ with friends on the Internet.3. It became fashionable for_(富有的) families to send their grown children to foreign countries.4. The_(风景) was so beautiful that it was almost beyond descr

2、iption.5. When the boat landed, we all got_(上船)答案:1. measure2. chat3. wealthy4. scenery5. aboard. 选词填空rather than; catch sight of; have a gift for; settle down; in the distance1. Lily_music, so her parents sent her to a music college.2. _ wait there,they decided to walk there on foot. 3. After she g

3、raduated from university she _ in Washington.4. I can see an object moving _.5. As walking along the river, he_ a basket floating on the water.答案:1. has a gift for2. Rather than3. settled down4. in the distance5. caught sight of.单句语法填空1Measures are being _(take) to make sure that people in and aroun

4、d the city have plenty of clean drinking water.答案:taken 解析:考查动词的形式。 take measures“采取措施”,根据语境应该使用被动语态。2The new teacher made _ _ _ _(留下好印象) the students by her rich knowledge and humorous talk.答案:a good impression on解析:make a good impression on sb.“给某人留下好印象”。句意:那位新老师以丰富的知识和幽默的语言给同学们留下了很好的印象。3The evide

5、nce has_(证实) the first witnesss story.答案:confirmed解析:考查动词。句意:证据已经证实了第一目击者叙述的真实性。confirm“证实”,符合语意。4From the top of the tower, people can see at least _ distance of 10 kilometers on_clear day.答案:a; a解析:a distance of “一段的距离”; a clear day 泛指“天气晴朗的一天”。5The teacher faces a problem that it takes a while to

6、_ _(安静下来) at the start of the lesson.答案:settle down解析:考查动词短语。句意:这位老师面临的问题是这个班在开始上课时总得过一段时间才能静下来。settle down“安静下来”。6As we all know, an island is a piece of land _(surround) by water.答案:surrounded解析:句意:我们都知道,岛屿是被水围绕的一块陆地。be surrounded by“被围绕”,此处land与surround为被动关系,故应用过去分词做定语。7He heard someone following

7、 him, and glanced round. He _ _ _(sight) a dark figure in the shadows.答案:caught sight of解析:句意:他觉得有人在跟踪他,便向周围扫了一眼,发现阴暗处有一个黑影。 catch sight of“看见,瞥见”。8You seemed to have been impressed by his songs.Well, not exactly so. It was his way of singing_ _(而不是)his voice that really impressed me.答案:rather than/

8、instead of解析:考查短语意义。句意:“他的歌曲似乎给你留下了深刻印象。”“不完全是这样。是他的演唱方法而不是他的嗓音给了我深刻的印象。”rather than“而不是”,后面接名词时相当于instead of。9_ _ _I know(据我所知), the place where we used to_(升起) our flag has become a modern teaching building.答案:As far as;raise解析:句意:据我所知,过去我们常常升旗的地方已经变成了一栋现代化的教学楼。as far as I know“据我所知”;第二个空之后是名词作宾语,

9、所以应选及物动词,rise是不及物动词,raise是及物动词。10Would you like me to show you the way?Thats _ _ _ _(你真是太好了). I am new here.答案: very kind of you解析:由后句I am new here可知,对方需要帮助,所以应该表示感谢。Thats very kind of you.“你真是太好了。”实战能力提升.完形填空2014云南省昆明市高三复习教学质量检测My father, a sales trainer, tried to teach me the importance of hard wo

10、rk. But then there were some things he taught me unintentionally (无意地), like when he arrived home from _1_ for the last time and climbed up the stairs that night. His body was so _2_ with cancer. But he _3_left the hospital to give a lecture in another city. He probably _4_ his good fame(名声)that day

11、, but he paid the price: he _5_ to the hospital soon after and _6_ three months later, at the age of 58.The _7_ that my father climbed up the stairs always _8_ before my eyes. And since then, Ive thought a lot about work. Ive _9_ something: I wont live like my father and I will _10_ my work at five

12、oclock every day. _11_ I love my job as a newspaper reporter, I will never work so _12_as to end my life so early like my father.My father once told me he was _13_ to enjoy a beautiful sunset because he always had a lot of things to do.You could say he was a _14_ person. He was a famous author, a go

13、od musician, and good at Germanthats a (n) _15_ list, but heres the thing: I just want to _16_ sunsets. I dont want to be writing a report at the same time.This raises the _17_: if I leave work at five oclock to watch the sunset, what will be the _18_ ? Will I risk not reaching the top of my career?

14、 Maybe. But, leaving work at five oclock _19_ that I can eat dinner with my family, play with my children and go on a bicycle ride in the city _20_watching sunsets. And I get to take in a lot of sunsets. Thats got to be worth something.1. A. vacationB. schoolC. hospital D. work2. A. soft B. weak C.

15、strong D. small3. A. never B. still C. really D. almost4. A. kept B. forgot C. used D. destroyed5. A. travelled B. droveC. returned D. raced6. A. laughed B. recoveredC. retired D. died7. A. purpose B. dreamC. scene D. hope8. A. appeared B. stayedC. waited D. changed9. A. noticed B. decidedC. earned

16、D. lost10. A. start B. continueC. leave D. report11. A. Since B. IfC. Until D. Though12. A. hard B. carefullyC. fast D. painfully13. A. unwilling B. unableC. ready D. eager14. A. brave B. happyC. successful D. strange15. A. beautiful B. amazingC. common D. popular16. A. enjoy B. protectC. paint D. l

17、earn17. A. joke B. ideaC. fight D. question18. A. causes B. plansC. dangers D. results19. A. means B. predictsC. suggests D. expects20. A. without B. along C. besides D. about文章大意作者的爸爸总是向他讲述努力工作的重要性,但也在无意中使作者知道工作太努力会给身体带来危害。1D。由下文内容可知,爸爸是从另一个城市讲学回来后身体彻底垮掉的,因此这是他最后一次工作后回到家。故选work。2B。爸爸身患癌症,身体应该是很虚弱的(

18、weak)。3B。根据爸爸对作者的教诲可以看出他的工作态度,由此可知他虽身患重病,但仍然(still)离开医院去工作。4A。爸爸带病坚持讲学,这样的行为保护(kept)了他的好名声。5C。根据上文的“but he paid the price”可知,爸爸为离开医院去工作的行为付出了代价,故不久后他返回(returned)了医院。6D。根据12空后的“end my life so early like my father”可知,爸爸三个月后去世了。故选died。7C。爸爸最后一次讲学回来爬楼梯的画面(scene)留给作者的印象很深刻,总是出现(appeared)在他眼前。8A。参见上题解析。9B

19、。根据下文内容可知,这些是作者做出的决定。故选decided。10C。根据17空后的“If I leave work at five oclock to watch the sunset”可知答案。 11D。尽管(Though)作者很喜欢记者的工作,但是他也不愿意因工作太劳累而早早死去。12A。参见上题解析。 hard“费力的”,符合语境。 13B。根据下文的“because he always had a lot of things to do”可知,爸爸没能欣赏夕阳。14C。由下文所述爸爸的成就可知,他算得上是一个成功人士。15B。根据上文的“He was a famous author,

20、a good musician,and good at German”可知,这是一个惊人的(amazing)单子。16A。根据下文“I dont want to be writing a report at the same time.”可知,作者只想享受(enjoy)夕阳。17D。冒号之后是一个问题,由此可知,此处要表达的是“这就产生了一个问题(question)”。18D。下文的“Will I risk not reaching the top of my career? Maybe.”是作者每天5点下班可能会产生的结果(results)。19A。根据下文的“I can eat dinne

21、r with my family,play with my children”可知,5点下班意味着(means)作者可以做很多自己喜欢的事情。20C。除了欣赏夕阳,作者还可以和家人一块吃饭,陪孩子玩闹,在城市里悠闲地骑车。故选besides。.阅读理解2014吉林省长春市高中毕业班调研考试With more than 2.5 million visitors every year, Alton Towers Resort is one of the UKs favourite theme parks. With some of the worlds most thrilling roller

22、coasters, beautiful gardens and underwater wonders, there is something to keep everyone entertained all day. Besides, you can enjoy your stay for even longer with our range of hotels near the park. Covering over 500 acres, the park will be a great day out for all the family. For the young visitors,

23、Cloud Cuckoo Land is filled with rides and activities. Their blood pressure will soon rise, when they take raising rides including the worldknown. Oblivion and the roller coaster Thirteen. With combined Alton Towers Resort hotel and ticket packages you can spread the fun out and enjoy more time ridi

24、ng the thrills, playing golf, discovering the wonders of Sharkbait Reef or cooling down in the water park.In the autumn of 2013, Alton Towers Resort will launch its biggest roller coasterThe Smiler. As the first of its kind in the world, The Smiler will be the biggest ever investment for a ride at t

25、he park. And with your Alton Towers One Day Pass youll have plenty of opportunities to challenge it. While many of the details are still a secret, here are a few other facts you can know about The Smiler:Highest drop30m;Maximum speedAbout 85km/h;Track length1,170m, which is three times the length of

26、 Oblivion;Ride time165 seconds, which is three times the ride time of Rita;Minimum rider height1. 4m; LocationX Sector, on the site of the old Black Hole ride.Address: Alton, Staffordshire, ST10 4DB, England Opening Hours: It opens from 9:30 am. daily, with rides open from 10 am. Closing times vary

27、throughout the season.Directions: Alton Towers Resort is situated in Staffordshire and clearly signposted from the M6 J15/16. Car parking is 6 per car.Extra: The ride on The Smiler is free of charge from Nov. 4 to Nov. 7; fireworks can be seen from Nov. 8 to Nov. 10 in 2013.1. We can learn from the

28、passage that Alton Towers Resort_.A. is located in the center of StaffordshireB. covers an area of 500 square kilometersC. is the most popular theme park in the UKD. offers various rides and activities for visitors2. What will be the biggest change for the visitors in the autumn of 2013?A. They can

29、invest in The Smiler.B. They can buy hotel and ticket packages.C. They can ride The Smiler.D. They can uncover some secrets in the park.3. What do we know about The Smiler according to the passage?A. It will reach the height of 50 meters.B. It is four times the length of Oblivion.C. The ride will la

30、st more than three minutes.D. Riders are required to be taller than 1.4 meters.4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?AVisitors can watch fireworks display on November 11th, 2013.B. Visitors can park in the theme park at the charge of 6 per car. CVisitors can ride Thir

31、teen free of charge on November 6,2013.DVisitors have to purchase Alton Towers One Day Pass in advance.文章大意本文主要讲述了Alton Towers Resort主题公园的许多有趣的景点。1D。细节理解题。从第一、二段的内容可知,Alton Towers Resort给游客提供了许多不同的游乐设施和活动。所以答案为D项。2C。推理判断题。从第三段的内容,尤其是“In the autumn of 2013, Alton Towers Resort will launch its biggest

32、 roller coasterThe Smiler.”这一句话可知,在2013年秋天,游客可以乘坐主题公园最大的过山车。所以答案为C项。3D。细节理解题。从文中的“Minimum rider height1.4m”可知,应选D项。4B。细节理解题。从文中的“Car parking is 6 per car.”可知,答案为B项。 .书面表达随着城市的扩张,人口的增加,垃圾处理问题越来越凸显。假如你是李华,是一名高三学生,请你以“How to Deal with the Garbage”为话题,谈谈你的看法。内容要点:1改掉乱扔垃圾的坏习惯;2实行垃圾分类处理;3其他建议。参考词汇:litter乱

33、扔;environmentally friendly环保的;classification分类。One possible version:How to Deal with the GarbageWith the improvement of the living standards of the people, more garbage is being produced in our life. How to deal with it has become a serious challenge to us.Obviously, people seem to have got accustom

34、ed to littering in the streets. In my opinion, the reason for the bad habit is that they havent realized the decrease of resources on earth. As a student, we should start from ourselves to protect the earth and our limited resources. First, we should sort the garbage according to its nature. In this

35、 way we can make full use of the renewable waste, thus enhancing the waste recovery rate. Second, it is essential to attach importance to environmental education, so that every child will become environmentally friendly. Finally, to encourage garbage classification, the government should seek better means.It is high time that we made a joint effort to well deal with rubbish. Otherwise, we will run into trouble in the near future.


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