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2013届高三四川外研版英语一轮复习课时作业(21)必修4 MODULE 3 BODY LANGUAGE AND NON&SHYVERBAL COMMUNICATION.doc_第1页
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2013届高三四川外研版英语一轮复习课时作业(21)必修4 MODULE 3 BODY LANGUAGE AND NON&SHYVERBAL COMMUNICATION.doc_第6页
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1、课时作业(二十一)必修4Module 3Body Language and Nonverbal Communication限时:35分钟.单项填空1During the World War, brief news was usually _ by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country twice a week. Agiven off Bgiven awayCgiven out Dgiven in22011湖北卷 When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teacher

2、s would prefer to see him step aside_younger men.A. in terms of B. in need of C. in favor of D. in praise of3Are there any English storybooks for us students in the library?There are only a few, _. Aif any Bif someCif many Dif much4¥500, but this is my last offer. OK, it is a _. Acost Bprice Creward

3、 Ddeal5The idea for the new machine came to Mr Baker _ to his invention recently. Awhile devoting Bwhile devotedCwhile he was devoted Dwhile devoting himself6The police got to _ was once an old school _ the peasants used as a store. Awhat; that Bwhere; whichCwhere; that Dwhich; where7This is the las

4、t chance to go abroad for further education; dont_. Atake it away Bgive it awayCput it away Dthrow it away8Dont involve me_your problems. Ain solving Bto solveCfor solving Dto solving9We thought of selling this old furniture, but weve decided to_it. It might be valuable.Ahold on to Bkeep up withCtur

5、n to Dlook after10Peter was killed in a car accident! _I talked with him yesterday morning. AWhat a pity! BI beg your pardon. CSorry to hear that. DIs that so?.完形填空Jerry is the kind of man you love to hate. He is always in a(n)_11_mood and always has something_12_to say. In his opinion, the bottom l

6、ine is your choice_13_you live a life. One morning, he did something you are never_14_to do in the restaurant business: he left the back door open and was_15_up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the_16_, with his hand shaking from_17_, he input the wrong code. The robbers beat

7、 him and even_18_him. Luckily, Jerry was found_19_quickly after the robbers had fled and he was rushed to the local first aid center. After 18 hours of operation and weeks of good care, he was out of hospital with fragments (碎片) of the bullets still in his body. Jerry told me what happened after he

8、was sent to hospital. He said the doctors were_20_. They kept telling him he was going to be fine and_21_him into the emergency room. But when he saw the_22_on the faces of the doctors and nurses, he got really_23_. In their eyes, he_24_, “Hes dying.” He knew he needed to take_25_. There was a big n

9、urse shouting questions at him. She asked if he was allergic (过敏的) to anything, and the doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for his reply. Jerry_26_for a while and then he decided to live. He took a deep breath and said, “Yes. _27_!” Over their laughter, Jerry told them to operate on h

10、im_28_he wouldnt die. Jerry lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing_29_. I learnt from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, _30_, is everything. 11A.exciting Bgood Cusual Dbalanced12A.positive Bfunny Cnew Ddifferent13A.how Bwhere Cwhether

11、Dwhy14A.advised BimaginedCasked Dsupposed15A.pulled Bput Cheld Ddone16A.box Bsafe Ccounter Ddoor17A.nervousness BworryCunwillingness Dpressure18A.knocked Bkilled Cknifed Dshot19A.probably BrelativelyCmerely Dreasonably20A.excited BorganizedChardworking Dgreat21A.rolled Bcarried Cwheeled Dforced22A.s

12、urprise BexpressionsCfeeling Dpuzzles23A.scared BembarrassedCdisappointed Dannoyed24A.knew Bfound Cmeant Dread25A.notice Border Cbreath Daction26A.thought Bwondered Cjudged Dstopped27A.Medicine BOperationCBullets DFragments28A.unless Beven if Cas if Dbefore29A.reply BattitudeCopinion Ddetermination3

13、0A.to be honest Bin that caseCafter all Dstrictly speaking.阅读理解Sport is not only physically challenging, but can also be mentally challenging. Criticism from coaches, parents and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create too much anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physi

14、cal, emotional, or psychological and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable. The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valu

15、able experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to cooperate with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can greatly affect their chi

16、ldren. Youngsters may take their parents and coaches criticisms to heart and find faults in themselves. Coaches and parents should also be cautious that youth sport participation does not become work for children. The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the

17、sport and other life lessons. In todays youth sport setting young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game many parents and coaches focus on the outcome and find faults with youngsters performances. Positive support should be pro

18、vided regardless of the outcome. Research indicates that positive support motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again, criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout. 31. An effective way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is _. Ato make sport le

19、ss competitiveBto increase their sense of successCto reduce their mental stressDto make sport more challenging32. According to the passage, sport is positive for young people in that _. Ait can help them learn more about societyBit enables them to find faults in themselvesCit can provide them with v

20、aluable experiencesDit teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves33. Many coaches and parents are in the habit of criticizing young athletes _. Abelieving that criticism is beneficial for their early developmentBwithout realizing criticism may destroy their selfconfidenceCin order to mak

21、e them remember lifes lessonsDso as to put more pressure on them34. According to the passage, parents and coaches should _. Apay more attention to letting children enjoy sportBhelp children to win every gameCtrain children to cope with stressDenable children to understand the positive aspect of spor

22、t.补全对话 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余选项。Are you busy tomorrow night? Im going to the workers club for volleyball if you would like to come along._35_Not really. If you take the No. 3 bus, you can get there in ten minutes. And if volleyball doesnt interest you, theyve got a huge swimming pool,

23、 a weight room, and an indoor track. Its a great place to meet people._36_Ill get away from the computer center for a change, and take some exercise. Working up a sweat would be great. Ive gotten so fat._37_I am afraid I am fatter. In high school, I had a lot more time to do sports. Now only little

24、spare time can be used in doing exercise.I guess its worth a visit._38_Yes._39_Well catch the bus there.Sure, see you then.AIll come.BIsnt that far away?CYou are not the only one.DDid you say youre going tomorrow night?EWhat activities can we enjoy there together?FIt would be fine to go now that you

25、 mentioned them.GHow about meeting in front of the cinema at night?课时作业(二十一).1.C本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:在二战期间,简明新闻通常一周两次由这个国家的外交部长发布。give off发出(气味、热、光等); give away赠送,分发;give out分发,发出,发表;give in屈服,让步。2. C考查介词短语辨析。句意:当被问及对这个学校的校长有什么看法时,很多老师都支持年轻人,而宁愿他让位。in praise of表扬;in terms of就而言;in need of需要。根据语境只有C项in favo

26、r of“支持”符合语义表达。3. Aif any 是if there are any books的省略句,意思是说“如果有的话,也只有几本”。4D本题考查名词辨析。deal在该句中为名词,而it is a deal 的意思是“成交”或“我同意你的条件”。5C本题考查状语从句。while后主语及be动词不能省略,因为两句主语不一致。6A本题考查从句。第一空宾语从句what相当于 the place that,第二空是that引导的定语从句。7Dthrow away意为“把(机会等)丢掉,白费”,符合句意。8A本题考查involve的用法。句意为:你自己的问题自己解决,不要把我扯进去。而invo

27、lve sb in doing是固定短语,意为“把某人牵连进去”。9Ahold on to表示“保住,不送,不卖,不放弃”,符合题意。10C本题考查交际用语。C项表示“听到这则消息很难过”,符合语境。.态度决定一切。假如一个人的心态良好,始终保持乐观的状态,死神也会望而却步,为他打开生命的绿灯。11B根据第三段中的内容可知他总是心态“良好”。D项表示“平衡的”,不符合语境。12A第三段的后半部分提到在医生和护士对他不抱有希望时他决定自己活下来,由此可知他的话总是非常“积极乐观的”。13A根据他起死回生的经历可知,他认为,底线是你选择“如何”生活。后三项内容都与他的特殊经历在语意逻辑上不符。14

28、D经营饭店时开着后门显然是不应该发生的事。be supposed to do sth.表示“应该做某事”。15C此处表示在三个全副武装的强盗的枪口威胁下被抢劫,此处hold up表示“拦劫,抢劫”,尤指持枪抢劫。pull up表示“拔起,停车,斥责”;put up表示“举起,建造,张贴”;do up表示“打扮,修理”,都不符合语境。16B强盗的目的是钱,所以他们强迫他打开“保险箱”。safe在这里用作名词,意为“保险箱,保险柜”。17A根据当时的情形可推断他因为“紧张”输错了密码。18D本段的最后部分提到他的身体中仍然残留着子弹碎片,由此可知他们“开枪”打了他。19B在强盗逃跑后,他被发现得很

29、及时,并被匆忙送往急救中心。此处relatively表示“相当地,相当程度上”。A项表示“很可能”;C项表示“仅仅”;D项表示“适度地,合理地”,明显不符合语境。20D上一段最后一句提到经过长达18个小时的手术和几个星期的悉心护理,他已经出院。再结合下一句中医生善意的鼓励可知他认为那里的医生很“好”。21C他当时命在旦夕,由此可推断是被“推”进急救室的。前两项不符合语境;文章中没有提到他不愿接受紧急治疗,所以D项错误。22B他从医生和护士脸上的“表情”中察觉到了他存活希望的渺茫。A、D两项不符合后文语境。C项与on the faces搭配不当。expression指人的面部表情。23A根据下一


31、把他当成能存活的人来治疗。as if表示“似乎,好像”。29B他能活下来是因为他具有让人惊叹的“态度”。本段最后也是线索提示。30C作者感悟到的哲理是态度决定一切,所以用“毕竟”。A项表示“说实话”;B项表示“如果那样”;D项表示“严格说来”,都不符合语境。.体育运动不仅是对身体的挑战,更是对精神和心理的挑战。来自教练、父母和其他队友的批评与必胜的压力给年轻的运动员带来了巨大的心理负担,结果原本有益的运动却可能把孩子们压垮。31. C细节理解题。从文章第一段中的Stress can be physical,emotionalthat it can lead to burnout. 可以看出,减

32、少心理压力是防止过度疲劳的一种有效的办法。32. C细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. 可以看出,体育运动对于年轻人的积极意义在于它能提供有价值的经历。33. B推理判断题。由本文第二段最后一句和第三段内容可知,教练和父母仅仅关注比赛的结果,并且对孩子的表现吹毛求疵,他们并没有意识到这样做会导致孩子的自责心理加重,从而使他们丧失自信心。34. A推理判断题。从最后一段可以看出,教练和父母应该走出误区,变批评为鼓励,从而减轻孩子们的心理负担,使他们喜欢上体育运动。. 3539BFCDG


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