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四川省宁南中学2011-2012学年高一3月月考英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc

1、宁南中学2011-2012学年高一下期第一次月考英语试卷第一部分:听力第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,共满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1How much will the man pay for two general tickets and two studentstickets? A. Twenty dollars. BThirty dollars. C. Forty dollars.2How long do the t

2、wo speakers still have now? A5 minutesB6 minutesC35 minutes.3What does Kate do? AShe is a teacher. BShe is a writer. CShe is a visitor.4What will the girl do tonight? AShe will go to ask Nancy for dinner BShe will stay at home alone CShe has to stay at home with her brother5How far is the shopping c

3、enter from here? ASo far away that the man must take a bus. BSo far away that the man must take a taxi CWithin walking distance第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,共满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,完成第6至7题。6What did the

4、 woman do over the weekend? A. She went fishing. B. She went climbing. CShe went shopping.7Why did the man have a good time? AHe enjoyed the beautiful scenery,and bought several fish. BHe visited an old friend of his and ate several fish CHe caught several fish,among which theres a big one听第7段材料,完成第

5、8至9题。8When is Lilys birthday? AThe day after tomorrow BThe same day as they talked CThe day after they talked9What will the two speakers buy for Lily? ASome flowers. B. A purse. C. A box of chocolates.听第8段材料,完成第10至12题。10Where does the conversation most likely take place? AIn a wholesale vegetable ma

6、rket BIn a food market CIn a shopping center11What does the woman want to do? ATo exchange a sweater for a black one BTo exchange the sweater that she bought for her husband CTo exchange a sweater for a bigger one12What is the price of the sweater the woman would like? A$20 B$40 CThe price of the sm

7、aller one plus $20听第9段材料,完成第13至15题。13What is the man going to do? ATake a flight for Japan BDrive the woman to the hotel CMeet a guest at the airport14Where will Mr Black stay after his arrival? A. At a hotel. BAt the mans house. CAt the womans house.15What will take place that evening? A. Mr Blacks

8、 arrival. B. A hotel reception. C. A business meeting.选做题:听第10段材料,用恰当的词填空,完成第16至20题。Mr Grey was the_16_ of a small 17 in London. After getting off the18 , he liked walking to workOne morning when he was walking along the street a 19 stopped him and asked whether Mr Grey could remember him. Mr trey t

9、hought for a few moments and then said,“Yes,I 20 you. Go on with your story. “To his surprise,he was asked to lend some money to this person.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(共10小题;每个小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21 _ universe is no longer _ mystery to us. A. The; aB. A; a C. /; aD. /; / 22

10、 I mean _ the meeting tomorrow. But what he has just said means _ the meeting. A. have; to put offB. to have; putting offC. having; putting offD. to have; to put off 23 What he said made us deeply_.A. moveB. movingC. movedD. be moved 24 . He couldnt tell _ with his computer. A. what was the matter B

11、. what the matter was C. what matter was it D. what wrong was25 Ive got to make he told a lie.A. that clearB. it clear thatC. quite clearD. this clear that26 I really thought Id win the game. Oh, well, _, Bill.A. you are right B. better luck next timeC. best wishes D. its out of question27 Vicky won

12、 the first prize in the national English Competition and Im glad that her efforts at last _.A. worked out B. got back C. paid off D. turned out28 Mary says that the shoes I bought yesterday _ easily. A. are worn outB. is worn outC. wear outD. wears out29 Not until I shouted at the top of my voice _

13、his head.A. that he turned B. did he turn C. he didnt turn D. he had turned 30- Its wrong for a student to follow _ his teacher says. - Its true. I cant agree _.A. whatever ; more B. no matter what ; moreC. whatever ; much D. no matter what ; much第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四

14、个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Jenkins was a jeweller, who had made a large diamond (钻石) ring worth 57,000 for the Silkstone Jewellery Shop. When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked 31 like the first one but was worth only 2,000. This he took to the shop, which 32 it without a question.Jenkins gav

15、e the much more 33 ring to his wife for her fortieth birthday. Then, the husband and wife 34 to Paris for a weekend. As to the 35 ring, the shop sold it for 60,000.Six months later the buyer 36 it back to Silkstones office. Its a faulty(有瑕疵的) diamond, he said. It isnt worth the high 37 I paid. Then

16、he told them the 38 . His wifes car had caught fire in an 39 . She had escaped(幸免), 40 the ring had fallen off and been damaged(损坏) in the great41 of the fire.The shop had to 42 . They knew that no fire on earth can 43 damage a perfect diamond. Someone had taken the 44 diamond and put a faulty one i

17、n its place. The question was: who 45 it?A picture of the ring appeared in the 46 . A reader thought he 47 the ring. The next day, another picture appeared in the papers which 48 a famous dancer walking out to a plane for Paris. Behind the dancer there was a woman 49 a large diamond ring. Do you kno

18、w the 50 with the lovely diamond ring? the papers asked their readers. Several months later, Jenkins was sentenced to seven years in prison.31. A. onlyB. surelyC. nearlyD. exactly32. A. acceptedB. receivedC. refusedD. rejected33. A. realB. modernC. worthyD. valuable34. A. flewB. droveC. sailedD. bic

19、ycled35. A. firstB. secondC. lastD. next36. A. soldB. postedC. broughtD. returned37. A. costB. moneyC. priceD. value38. A. factsB. mattersC. questionsD. results39. A. affairB. accidentC. incidentD. experience40. A. soB. orC. butD. and41. A. pileB. heatC. powerD. pressure42. A. thinkB. agreeC. permit

20、D. promise43. A. almostB. evenC. justD. ever44. A. realB. pureC. rightD. exact45. A. copiedB. madeC. stoleD. did46. A. noticesB. magazinesC. newspapersD. programmes47. A. sawB. knewC. foundD. recognized48. A. showedB. drewC. printedD. carried49. A. carryingB. dressingC. wearingD. holding50. A. dance

21、rB. womanC. readerD. jeweller第三节第三部分 阅读理解(共三节;满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列3篇短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。 AMy son wanted to give a party for my birthday. We discussed the invitations and the cost of the party. However, we had very different ideas about whom and how many people to invite. He tho

22、ught that the people we knew had badly disappointed me by not keeping in touch with me since the death of my wife. But my idea of a relationship among people was to be friendly to everyone. He said, Come on, Dad, where have all these so-called friendly, good people been since Mum passed away? They v

23、isited us in the past because Mum made good food. I replied, I am sorry to hear that. Is this the reason why you do not want to invite those people? Its no wonder that you are unhappy. Can you live alone? Are you teaching your children to do the same in the future? I asked myself where I had gone in

24、 his upbringing. My wife had often blamed me for not paying enough attention to communication with other people when I was raising our son. I realized at this moment that she was quite right. Hours later, my son phoned me to say that he accepted his wifes advice and agreed to have a party with some

25、of my friends. In the end, we had a great time. And he didnt hate those friends any more. Happy Birthday, Dad! Sorry that I have kept you away from your friends. I love you. On hearing what he said, I was full of happiness and excitement. I was proud that he could change his mind.51. About the party

26、, the author and his son had very different views on _. A. how much they were going to spend B. how many people were willing to come C. whom and how many people to invite D. which type of party they were going to hold52. The author didnt think his son had a happy life because he _. A. lived a hard l

27、ife B. didnt understand friendshipC. didnt respect his father D. taught his children wrongly53. What does the underlined word upbringing mean? A. Raising.B. Communication. C. Relation.D. Governing.54. What can we infer from the passage? A. The father finally gave in to his son.B. The father didnt wa

28、nt the birthday party. C. The sons wife was against his father. D. The mother paid a lot of attention to relationships.55. The best title for the passage would be _. A. My Son and IB. My Birthday Party C. How to Stay in Touch with Old Friends D. How to Hold a Happy Birthday PartyBCats are creatures

29、of habit. They like to go to sleep about the same time every day and for a certain length of time. They seem to have a natural clock inside them that tells them when to sleep. Cats increase their regular sleep with occasional cat naps(打盹). Some experts feel that humans could also benefit from this h

30、abit. Cat naps help to build up energy in the body. They are also a good way to get rid of trouble! Since cats have the same moods(情绪)as humans, some experts believe that people can improve their moods. People might become happier.A number of famous people have copied cats by taking cat naps during

31、the day. The naps would usually last from 15 to 30 minutes. Winston Churchill took cat naps. So did Presidents Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson. These famous men were known for their energy. They were also able to work long hours, often into the night. Napping was their secret.56

32、From this selection we know that cats _.A. do not have regular sleepB. have occasional sleep as well as naps every dayC. take naps to add to their regular sleepD. take naps when they are not happy57Taking cat naps _.A. will make a person lazy and triedB. is a bad habitC. will make people feel better

33、D. can help people to become famous58Which of the following statements is NOT true? _.A. People should take their naps secretlyB. Cats have the same moods as peopleC. Some famous people take cat napsD. Some people have full energy after they take cat naps59Naps usually last _.A. three hours B. less

34、than half an hourC. forty-five minutes D. fifty-five minutes60This selection was probably written to _.A. show how lazy cats areB. talk about the habits of catsC. tell about famous people and their habitsD. persuade people to take napsCThere are many famous museums throughout the world where people

35、can enjoy art, Washington, D.C. has the National Gallery of Art(美术馆); Paris has the Louvre; London, the British Museum. Florida International University(FIU) in Miami also shows art for people to see. And it does so without a building, or even a wall for its drawings and paintings.FIU has opened wha

36、t it says is the first computer art museum in the United States. You dont have to visit the University to see the art. You just need a computer linked to a telephone. You can call the telephone number of a University computer and connect your own computer to it. All of the art is stored in the schoo

37、l computer. It is computer art, produced electronically (采用电子手段) by artists on their own computers. In only a few minutes, your computer can receive and copy all the pictures and drawings.、Robert Shostak is director of the new computer museum. He says he started the museum because computer artists h

38、ad no place to show their works.A computer artist could only record his pictures electronically and send the records, or floppy discs(软盘), to others to see on their computers. He could also put his pictures on paper. But to print good pictures on paper, the computer artist needed an expensive laser(

39、激光) printer.Robert Shostak says the electronic museum is mostly for art or computer students at schools and universities. Many of the pictures in the museum are made by students. Mr Shostak said the FIU museum will make computer art more fun for computer artists because more people can see it. He sa

40、ys artists enjoy their work much more if they have an audience. And the great number of home computers in America could mean a huge audience for the electronic museum.61. The main purpose of this text is to give information about _.A. famous museums throughout the world.B. a computer art museum in M

41、iami, U.S.A.C. art exhibitions in Florida Intentional UniversityD. latest development in computer art62. To see the art in FIU museum, your special needs include _.A. floppy discsB. a computer and a printerC. pictures and drawings on paperD. a computer connected to the museum by telephone line63. Wh

42、at are stored in this museum?A. Paintings drawn by means of computer.B. Different styles of paintings.C. Drawings done by art students of FIU.D. Old paintings.64. The museum was started when _.A. Robert Shostak wanted to do something for computer scientistsB. Robert Shostak wanted to help computer a

43、rtistsC. art students needed a place to show their worksD. computer scientists wanted to do something about art65. The words an audience in the last paragraph here refer to _.A. art studentsB. owners of computersC. exhibits in the museum D. those who can enjoy art第二节:补全对话(共5个小题;每小题1分,满分5分)I. 情景对话从方框

44、中选择适当的句子补全对话(其中两项为多余项)。1. Honey, what would you say if we have a Christmas party at home this year?66_. Where could you have it? The house is rather small.67_. We could put food on the dining room table. 68_.Let me see, - the Turners, the Manders, and a few boys, and some girls from my office. We ma

45、y have music or -69_.Thats plenty of time. Well get some invitations ready and sent out soon. Well call to get a small Christmas tree -70_.You mean you fix food? Well, I can do some easy things. Maybe I can do some shopping - or, at least, wash dishes. AThen who should we invite?BYou might have brou

46、ght the presents in advance.CAnd if we should fix food ourselves, it would cost less.DWe might have a small one.EIt would be a lot of work to get the house decorated.FBut I thought you were planning to go to the Turners.GWeve got only three weeks to go.AThen who should we invite?BYou might have brou

47、ght the presents in advance.CAnd if we should fix food ourselves, it would cost less.DWe might have a small one.EIt would be a lot of work to get the house decorated.FBut I thought you were planning to go to the Turners.GWeve got only three weeks to go.第三节;补全短文(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全短文(其中1两项为

48、多余项)The Building of the PyramidsThe oldest stone buildings in the world are the pyramids. They have stood for nearly 5,000 years, and it seems like that _71_. There are over eighty of them scattered along the banks of the Nile, some of which are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most fa

49、mous of these are the Step pyramid and the Bent pyramid. Some of the pyramids still look much the same as they must have done when they were built thousands of years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure or, more often, _72_. The dr

50、y climate of Egypt has helped to preserve the pyramids, and their very shape _73_. These are good reasons why they can still be seen today, but perhaps the most important is that they were planned to last for ever. It is practically certain that plans were made for the building of the pyramids_74_.

51、However, there are no writings or pictures to show us how the Egyptians planned or built the pyramids themselves. Consequently, we are only able to guess at the methods used. Nevertheless, by examining the actual pyramids and various tools which have been found, archaeologists have formed a fairly c

52、lear picture of them. One thing is certain: there must have been months of careful planning_75_. The first thing they had to do was to choose a suitable place. You may think this would have been easy with miles and miles of empty desert around, but a pyramid could not be built just anywhere. Certain

53、 rules had to be followed, and certain problems had to b overcome. A for stone to use in modern buildings B has made them less likely to fall into ruin C before they could begin to build D because the plans of other large works have fortunately been preserved E while building the pyramids F they wil

54、l continue to stand for thousands of years yet 第四部分:实用性写作(共三节,满分50分)第一节;根据句意和首字母提示完成句子,使句子通顺合理(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)76 We must take a correct a_ towards criticism from the masses. 77、The modern are museum l_in the street attracts a lot of visitors every day.78 This shop sells all kinds of f_, such as b

55、eds, chairs, tables, and so on79. He was deeply i_ by the beautiful sights of the West Lake.80. These experiments began a few months ago, and some p_ has already been made.81 They had to stand for hours without changing p_.82 He had an unusual e_yesterday.83 what p_you from joining us last night?84

56、After the d_there were many people who wanted food and shelter.85 Never waste food! You know ,children in some African countries die of h_every day.第二节:根据短文内容,选择所给词的适当形式填空,完成短文,没词限用一次(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)second, destroy ,better, strongly, afraid, sand, down, time,house ,mayWe cant stop an earthquake

57、 ( 地震 ), but we can do things to mare they dont destroy ( 毁坏 ) whole cities. First, it is not a 86. _ idea to build houses along lines where 87. _ of the earths plates ( 板块 ) join together. Second, if you think there 88. _ be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks, not on 89. _. Third,

58、 you must make the houses as 90. _ as possible. Weak buildings will fall 91_ in an earthquake strong ones may stay upScientists are 92. _ that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Francisco ( 旧金山 ). They call it “ The Big One ”. However, people today are still building more

59、 93. _. The population in and around San Francisco is now ten 94_- more than it was in 1906. This means that there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be 95_-第三节;书面表达(共1题,满分25分) 假设你叫李华, 你给你的笔友写信介绍你们家乡百年难得一见的暴风雪。书信包括以下内容:1. 一大早起来就发现外面大雪纷飞,外出困难;2. 很多车辆被困在路上,人们只好艰难地步行前往目的地;3.

60、所有航班被取消,汽车、火车被迫延迟;4. 人们自发地开展除雪活动,在大家的共同努力下,一切迅速地恢复正常。注意:1. 短文必须包括所有要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥;2. 词数:110左右。参考词汇:暴风雪 snowstorm目的地: destination, 自发地:voluntarily_高级第一次月考答题卷班级姓名一:听力1620 二:补全对话66-70 三:补全短文71-75 - 四:单词填空76 77 7879 80 8182 83 84 85五:短文填空86- 87 8889 90 9192 93 9495六作文_高中二年级英语听力模拟试题原文及答案(二)Text 1M:How

61、much are the tickets?W:Theyre ten dollars each for the general public,but studentstickets are half priceText 2W:I hope were not lateM:What time is it?W:Let me seeTwenty-five after twoM:Then we11 just make itIt doesnt start until half past twoText 3W:Good morning,Dr BrownM:Hello,Mrs SmithWhos your vi

62、sitor?W:Oh,this is my daughter,KateShes a writer and her husband is a teacher.Text 4W: Dad, can I go out tonight?M: No, I in sorry, you cant.W: Why not?M: Because William cant stay alone.W: Can I ask Nancy for dinnerM: OK, you can ask Nancy, but you cant go out.Text 5M: How can I get to the shopping

63、 center from here, mum?W: Yon can take a bus or a taxi, but it isnt too far. Maybe youd like to walk.Text 6W: I had a wonderful time over the weekend.M: What did you do?W: Lucy and I went mountain climbing. The scenery was excellent.M: I had a good time, too. I went fishing.W: Did you catch any fish

64、?M: Yes, several. There was a big one-three pounds.Text 7W: Its Lilys birthday tomorrow.M: Are you sure? I think it should be the day after tomorrow.W: Well, let me see. Yes, you are right. I made a mistake. Shall we buy her a present?M: Certainly. What shall we buy her?W: How about a box of chocola

65、tes?M: I hear shes on a diet. How about flowers? All girls like flowers.W: But Bill will send her lots of flowers.M: Yeah. What about a purse? Hers doesnt look good.W: Thats a good idea.Text 8M: Yes, madam. What can I do for you?W: I am very sorry. Id like to exchange this sweater.M: What seems to b

66、e the problem?W: Well, you see. I got this sweater-as a birthday present for a friend of mine, but its the wrong size.M: Do you have the receipt?W: Yes, here it is.M: Very well. Yes, you can have a bigger one. But I m afraid they are not the same price, the difference is $20.W: All right. Here you a

67、re.M: Thank you very much.W: Thank you for your help.Text 9M: Mrs Spenser, what time is Mr Blacks flight expected to arrive at Boston Airport?W: Around 2 pm, sir. Will you go with the company car to meet him?M: Yes. So Id better leave here no later than now. How about the hotel for Mr Black and his

68、party?W: I made the reservations for them last week and checked again yesterday to be sure everything is ready.M: Including the welcome room for tonights receptionW: Thats right. The manager promised me that everything would be exactly as we haverequested.M: Excellent. I want everything to be the ve

69、ry best.W: I m sure it will be. The manager has never let us down yet.M: We want to make a good impression. Not just to be sure that this business deal is a success, but to pay back the wonderful treatment we received from them in Tokyo last year.Text 10Mr Grey was the manager of a small office in L

70、ondon. He lived in the country, and carne up to work by train. He liked walking from the station to his office unless it was raining, because it gave him more exercise. One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him, “You may not remember me, sir, but seven y

71、ears ago I came to London without a penny in my pockets. I stopped you in the street and asked you to lend me some money, and you lent me five pounds, because you said you were willing to take a chance so as to give a man a start on the road to success.”Mr Grey thought for a few moments and then sai

72、d, “Yes, I remember you. Go on with your story.”“Well,” answered the stranger, “are you still willing to take a chance?”答案(二)1一5 BABCC 6一10 BCABC 11一15 CCCAB 16一20 ACCAB选做题答案: 16 manager 17office 18train 19. stranger 20Remember21-25 ABCAB 26-30BCCBA. 31-35 DADAB36-40 CCABC41-45 BBDAD 46-50 CDACB51-5

73、5 CBADB 56-60CCABD 61-65 BDABD66-70 FDAGC 71-75 FABDC 单词拼写1 attitude 2 located 3 furniture 4 impressed 5 progress 6 position 7 experience 8 prevented 9 disaster 10 hunger 【答案】 1good 2. two 3. may 4. sand 5. strong 6.down 7. afraid 8. houses 9. times 10. destroyed A snowstorm, the worst in the last h

74、undred years, struck my hometown this winter. The snowstorm lasted for a long time and caused lots of problems for many people. Early in the morning, I found the snow was falling so heavily that many vehicles were already caught in the snow. As a result, many people had to go to their destinations o

75、n foot. At the same time, all flights were canceled and many trains and buses were delayed. The citizens voluntarily went outside to clean the snow. With everyones joint effort, everything returned to normal soon. Having experienced such a terrible disaster, I now firmly believe that as long as we are united, we will be strong enough to overcome any difficulty.版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()

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