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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 24 PERIOD 4(北师大版选修八课标通版).doc

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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 24 PERIOD 4(北师大版选修八课标通版).doc_第1页
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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 24 PERIOD 4(北师大版选修八课标通版).doc_第10页
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1、Unit 24 Society Period Four Lesson 3 A Changing World 课时精练(北师大版选修8,课标通用)时间:30分钟.完成句子1如果我是你的话,我不会那么生气。If I were you,I _.2你最好亲自去跟他说这件事情。_ about it by yourself.3妈妈坚决要求他一个小时内完成作业。His mother insisted that _ in an hour.4我想你应该立刻去找医生看看。I think _ right away.5到了你向她求助的时候了。It is about time that _.答案1.I wouldnt

2、be so angry2.Youd better tell him3.he finish his homework4.you should go to see the doctor5you turned to her for help.选词填空keep an eye on;date back;refer to;keep control over;cast a dark cloud on;have a thirst for.1I dont want anything to drink.I only _ knowledge.2The political situation _ Chinas eco

3、nomy towards the end of the Qing Dynasty.3 They were able to place guards at the entrances of the hutongs,which made it easier to _ peoples movements.4Hutong now also _ the courtyards themselves and even to the communities that live there.5Beijings hutongs helped the Emperors to _ the city.6When in

4、Beijing,we can walk up Sanmiao street,which _ 900 years.答案1.have a thirst for2.cast a dark cloud on3.keep an eye on4.refers to5.keep control over6.dates back.单项填空1Although the _ of the representatives were against the regulation, the chairman of the conference eventually persuaded them to pass it.Am

5、ajority Bmajor Cminor Dminority解析从搭配上,可排除B、C两项;从句意上看,前面是转折,故选majority(大多数)。答案A2I _ have watched that movieitll give me horrible dreams.Ashouldnt Bneednt Ccouldnt Dmustnt解析句意:我本不应该看那部电影它会给我带来恶梦。由破折号后的内容来判断,其前内容为“不该做某事而做了”。shouldnt have done sth本来不该做某事却做了;neednt have done sth本来不必做某事却做了;couldnt have do

6、ne sth为否定推测,表示“不可能做过某事”。答案A3He _ chairman of the committee at the age of 25.Aundertook BunderwentCunderlined Dunderstudied解析句意:他在二十五岁时担任委员会的主席。undertake担任;undergo经历,遭受;underline划横线;understudy充当配角,只有A项符合句意。答案A4They all looked down upon him.He was _ a singer.Anot more than Bless thanCno more than Dmor

7、e than解析由look down upon表示贬义,可知后句应表达“他只不过是个歌手而已”。not more than与数字连用;less than少于;more than用于名词前,表示“不仅仅是”。no more than仅仅,符合句意。答案C5In the experiment we kept a watchful eye _ the development and recorded every detail.Awith Bon Cfor Dto解析考查固定短语keep an eye on,意为“照看;密切注视”。答案B6My interest in collecting stamp

8、s _ my childhood.Adates from Bdated fromCdated back to Dwent back to解析date back todate from不用被动式,一般用一般现在时,故选A项。答案A7We want to leave this hotel. Perhaps you can _ us another one.Aintroduce BremindCrecommend Dsuggest解析recommend sb sth向某人推荐某物。答案C8George is going to talk about the geography of his count

9、ry,but Id rather he _ more on its culture.Afocus BfocusedCwould focus Dhad focused解析句意:乔治打算谈论他的国家的地理,但我宁愿他更多地把焦点集中在文化上。would rather后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,若表示与将来和现在的事实相反的情况,则谓语动词要用一般过去时,由上句中“is going to.”可知B项时态正确。答案B9I have a _ for knowledge and also for money.Athirsty Bthirst Clong Dgift解析have a thirs

10、t for渴望,渴求。thirsty为形容词,应该用be thirsty for结构;long for渴望,long为动词。答案B10With so many people _ our team,we are sure to win the match.Aback up BsupportCbacking up Dback out解析A,B两项皆有“支持”之意,但都应该用v.ing形式;D项意思不当,故选C项。答案C11I was told that although these old buildings_ the Ming Dynasty,they remained in good cond

11、ition.Aare dated back to Bdated back toCdate back Dhave been dated back to解析句意:我被告知尽管这些古老建筑建于明代,但状态良好。date back to“追溯到”,没有被动形式,常用于一般现在时或一般过去时,date back后常接时间段。答案B12Not only the teacher but also the students_ attend the lecture.Ahas to Bhave to Chave Dhas解析not only.but also连接的并列主语,通常根据就近原则,谓语动词的单复数要和与

12、它相邻近的主语的数一致。答案B13The damp weather rotted_ the wooden desk.Aon Baway Cin Dof解析句意:潮湿的天气使得木质桌子腐烂了。rot away“使腐烂”,是固定搭配。答案B14China decided to cast the three foreigners_.Adown Baway Cout Don解析句意:中国决定驱逐这三个外国人出境。cast sb out“驱逐,赶走”。答案C15It took_ building supplies to construct these energysaving houses.It too

13、k brains,too.Aother than Bmore thanCrather than Dless than解析句意:建造这些节能房屋,不仅仅要花费建筑材料,还要付出智力。more than在句中意为“不仅仅”,修饰名词。other than“不同于,除了”;rather than“而不是”;less than“不到,少于”。答案B.完形填空When I was a child,my mom liked to prepare food for dinner,every now and then.And I remember one night in_1_ when she made d

14、inner after a long,hard day at work.That Monday evening so long ago,my mom_2_a plate of eggs,sausage(腊肠),and extremely burnt toast in front of my dad.I remember_3_to see if dad noticed!_4_all my dad did was reach for his toast,smile at my mom,and ask me how my day was_5_.I dont remember what I told

15、him that night,but I do remember watching him_6_butter and jelly(果冻)on that toast and eat every_7_!When I got up from the_8_that evening,I remember hearing my mom_9_to my dad for burning the toast.And Ill never forget what he said,“Baby,I love_10_toast.”Later that night,I went to kiss Daddy goodnigh

16、t and I asked him if he_11_liked his burnt toast.He_12_me in his arms and said,“Son,your mum_13_in a hard day at work today and shes very_14_.Besides,a little burnt toast never_15_anyone!”Actually,life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people.We cant be_16_at everything we do.What Ive learne

17、d over the years is that learning to accept_17_faults and choosing to celebrate each others_18_is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy,growing,and lasting_19_.If you learn to take the good,the bad,and the ugly parts of your life as they are,you can_20_your life to the fullest.【解题导语】在

18、外辛苦了一天的妈妈在做晚饭时把吐司烤糊了。爸爸不但没有责怪她,还说自己喜欢吃烤糊的吐司。爸爸教会了“我”接受生活中不完美的东西,容忍他人的过失,这样才能与他人和谐相处。1A.particular BgeneralCbrief Ddetail解析in particular“尤其,特别”。“我”特别记得有一天晚上妈妈在单位辛苦了一天回到家里做饭的情形。答案A2A.supplied BplacedCmanaged Doffered解析place“放置”。妈妈把做好的一盘鸡蛋、腊肠,还有糊得厉害的吐司摆放在爸爸面前。答案B3A.longing BstandingCwaiting Dsitting解析“

19、我”在等着(waiting)看爸爸是否注意到吐司被烤糊了。答案C4A.And BSo CThen DYet解析然而(Yet),“我”只看到爸爸伸手去拿烤糊的吐司。答案D5A.at school Bat homeCat work Dat church解析爸爸朝妈妈微笑,接着问“我”白天在学校(at school)的学习情况。答案A6A.cover Bspread Cextend Ddeliver解析“我”确实记得当时“我”看着爸爸把黄油和果冻涂(spread)在吐司上面。spread“涂,敷”。答案B7A.egg Bsausage Cbite Dtoast解析bite“(咬下的)一口”,指爸爸咽

20、下了每一口烤糊的吐司,即爸爸把烤糊的吐司全吃了下去。答案C8A.chair Bbed Csofa Dtable解析table“餐桌”。当“我”离开餐桌的时候。答案D9A.apologize Btalk Cwhisper Dreport解析“我”听到妈妈因烤糊吐司而向爸爸道歉(apologize)。答案A10A.frozen Bburnt Cdry Dfresh解析爸爸跟妈妈说,他喜欢烤糊的吐司。burnt“烧坏的”。答案B11A.exactly Bcertainly Creally Dspecially解析在睡觉前,“我”去跟爸爸说晚安,问他是不是真的(really)喜欢吃烤糊的吐司。答案C1

21、2A.raised BpulledCsurrounded Dwrapped解析他把“我”搂(wrapped)在怀里。答案D13A.put Bhanded Ctook Djoined解析爸爸说妈妈在单位度过(put in)了非常辛苦的一天。put in“花费(时间或精力)”。答案A14A.sad Btired Cimpatient Dcareless解析工作了一天,应该非常劳累(tired)。答案B15A.damages Bdestroys Churts Dbothers解析稍微烤糊一点的吐司对谁都没有妨碍(hurt)。答案C16A.ready Bclever Cskillful Dgood解析

22、“我们”不可能对所做的所有事情都擅长(good at)。答案D17A.each others BsomeonesCmy own Dmy mothers解析学会接受彼此的(each others)过失答案A18A.tempers BdifferencesCcharacters Dpersonalities解析赞美彼此的个性差异(differences)。答案B19A.circle BscholarshipCcompany Drelationship解析这是建立良好的、持久的人际关系(relationship)的关键之一。答案D20A.enlarge Bcherish Cenjoy Ddevote

23、解析如果你能够学会接受生活中所有的东西,完美的和不完美的,你就能充分享受(enjoy)生活。答案C.阅读理解Americans, who are already the hardest workers in the Western world, are taking fewer holidays than they have done for almost 30 years,a survey says.In a country where most employees only get two weeks off a year plus 10 public holidays,many peop

24、le are now so ambitious or so terrified of losing their jobs that they have to be forced to take their meagre(少量的) allowance.According to the Conference Board, a private research group, 40 percent of American workers are taking no summer holiday at all this year,the lowest percentage recorded for 28

25、 years. Even President George W. Bush,who celebrated in previous years for taking most of August off at his ranch (农场) in Crawford, Texas, spent only 10 days there earlier this month.The problem has become so severe that several large companies now close down at holiday periods to force obsessive(固执

26、的) workers from their desks. The accountancy firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers shuts down all its offices for 10 days at Christmas and five days for the Fourth of July.“We arent doing this to push people out of the door,” said Barbara Kraft, a Pricewaterhouse Coopers partner. “But we wanted to create an

27、environment where people could walk away and not worry about missing a meeting, a conference call or 300 emails. ”The attitude of the Americans, who take an average of just 16 annual holiday days, including public holidays, differs greatly with that of some European nations. The Italians,for instanc

28、e, take an average of 42 days, while the Germans take 35 days. The average in Britain is 28 days and the French take 37 days.1The Americans are taking fewer holidays because _.Athey are worried about losing their jobsBhave a lot of work to doCthey face a high rate of unemploymentDthey are used to wo

29、rking hard解析细节理解题。文章第二段提到,美国人担心失业。答案A2President George W. Bush used to _.Atake a short holidayBspend his holiday at his ranchCtake a much longer holidayDhave a celebration in August解析细节理解题。文章第三段提到,美国总统布什休假的时间也在减少,而过去他八月份大多数时间都在休假。答案C3The companies in America are now trying to _.Acreate an environmen

30、t where people can work without worriesBforce the workers to take a holiday without worrying about workCdismiss the workers who are too tired to do a good jobDchange their workers concept of taking a holiday解析推理判断题。文章第四段和第五段介绍,美国的公司在节假日关门,目的是强迫员工休假。答案B4Who takes the fewest holiday days according to the passage?AThe British. BThe Italians.CThe French. DThe Germans.解析细节理解题。比较文章最后一段的数据可得出答案,英国人休假最少。答案A


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