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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语同步精练:选修6 UNIT 4 PERIOD 3(人教版课标通用).doc

1、Unit 4 Global Warming Period 3 Grammar & Writing 课时精练(人教版选修6,课标通用)时间:45分钟.对划线部分进行强调1Did he work where his father had studied? _2My mother met Tom in_the_street yesterday. _3He did not realize his mistakes until_the_plan_was_completely_ruined._4I cant quite remember when you started doing the work. _

2、5Only_when_I_reread_his_poems_recently_did I begin to appreciate their beauty._6John gave Mary a_handbag at Christmas. _7Jane has been living in London since she left China. _8What_the_professor_said had a great effect on us. _9Only_in_this_way can you finish the work in time. _10Mary met a Canadian

3、 in the park last_Sunday. _答案1.Was it he who/that worked where his father had studied? 2It was in the street that my mother met Tom yesterday. 3It was not until the plan was completely ruined that he realized his mistakes. 4I cant quite remember when it was that you started doing the work. 5It was o

4、nly when I reread his poems recently that I began to appreciate their beauty. 6It was a handbag that John gave Mary at Christmas. 7.It is Jane that/who has been living in London since she left China. 8It was what the professor said that had a great effect on us. 9It is only in this way that you can

5、finish the work in time. 10It was last Sunday that Mary met a Canadian in the park. .用强调句式完成句子1正在打电话的是张教授。 _ _ _ _ _ is talking on the phone. 2病人需要的是更好的食物和更多的阳光。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the patient needs. 3你是在哪里找到你丢失的那本书? _ _ _ _ you found your lost book? 4是你哥哥在那家公司工作吗? _ _ _ _ _ _ in that company? 5直到昨天我才注

6、意到这件事。 _ _ _ _ _ _ I noticed it.答案1.It is Professor Zhang who2.It is better food and more sunshine that3.Where was it that4.Is it your brother who/that works5.It was not until yesterday that.单项填空1In which play is_your brother appears?Athat where Bthis whenCit that Dit where答案C对强调句的考查,被强调部分是in which

7、play。2It is I who_going to Zhangjiajie. Ais Bwas Cam Dare 答案C这是一个强调句。当强调句子主语时,that/who之后的谓语动词在人称和数上应与被强调的主语保持一致。此处强调的是主语I,故排除A、D两项;由句中的is可知选C项。3Johns success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work_has made him what he is today.Awhy Bwhen Cwhich Dthat 答案D考查强调句型。句意:约翰的成功与运气无关,是多年的努

8、力让他取得了今天的地位。这是“It is被强调部分that其他成分”的强调结构,强调的是句子的主语years of hard work,故选D项。 4It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village_the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.Awhere Bthat Cwhen Dwhich 答案B考查强调句型。句意:仅用从村子里买的那点东西,女主人做了这么好吃的晚餐。 此句是强调句型,应用that来引导。注意句中的that she had bought in the vill

9、age是定语从句,作supplies的定语。故选B项。 5He was told that it would be at least three more months_he could recover and return to work. Awhen Bbefore Csince Dthat 答案B句意:有人告诉他至少还要再过三个月他才能身体康复回去上班。“it would be时间段十before.”表示“要过多久才”。 6Many people now make_a rule to buy cards for their friends before Christmas. Athems

10、elves BitCthat Dthis 答案Bit作形式宾语,代替动词不定式to buy cards for their friends before Christmas。7It was the mobile phone_saved the wounded in the car accident.(2013许昌检测)Awhich Bthat Cwhat Dhow 答案B考查强调句型。句意:在这次汽车事故中,是手机挽救了受伤的人。强调句型的基本结构为“It is/was被强调部分十that/who其他成分”,本句被强调部分是主语the mobile phone。故选B项。 8When aske

11、d to explain_he does to make his students so fascinated with his lessons, the teacher paused and thought deeply. Awhat it is that Bthat what it is Cwhat is it that Dthat what is it 答案A由于强调句作explain的宾语从句,应使用陈述语序,故排除C、D两项;对比A、B两项可以发现这是强调句的特殊疑问句式,应把特殊疑问词置于句首,故而排除B项。 9.It was after he got what he had de

12、sired_he realized it was not so important. Athat Bwhen Csince Das 答案A考查强调句型It is/was.that,被强调部分是:after he got what he had desired。 10It was on my way home_my father made a promise_I can do well in the next exam,he will buy me whatever I want.(2013德兴检测)Athat; that Bthat;ifCwhere; that if Dthat; that

13、if 答案D考查强调句型和同位语从句。句意:是在回家的路上爸爸向我承诺,如果下次考试我考得好,他给我买我想要的任何东西。It was on my way home that.构成强调句型; promise后跟有一个that引导的同位语从句,而同位语从句又包含一个if引导的条件状语从句,故选D项。 11It was for this reason_her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village. Awhich Bwhy Cthat DHow答案C考查强调句型。 12Is it Professor Li_tea

14、ches you English? Awhich Bwhom Cwho DWhether答案C在强调句型中,当强调的主语为人时,既可以用 that也可以用who。 13Theteacher had told him again and again not to read such books, but_didnt help.Ahe Bthey Cshe Dit答案Dit 指代The teacher had told him again and again not to read such books。A、C两项有较大干扰性,在这里说话人并非指the teacher帮不上忙,而是指这句话(或这件

15、事)根本不起作用。14Was it six years ago,when he came to China for the first time,_he began to learn Chinese? Awhere Bhow Cwhich Dthat 答案D强调的是时间状语six years ago,when he came to China for the first time作定语。此题是强调句型的疑问句形式,且句中含有定语从句。句意:他是在六年前第一次来中国的时候开始学汉语的吗? 15It was along the Mississippi River_Mark Twain spent

16、much of his chidhood.Ahow Bwhich Cthat Dwhere答案B把it was和that去掉后句子结构仍然完整,说明这是一个强调句,故选C项。句意:正是沿着密西西比河,马克吐温度过了他许多童年时光。.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Michael Jackson was a huge success,but he was also a very troubled man._1_ He had many operations to change his face._2_ Jackson bought a huge

17、property in California which he called “Neverland” after the childrens story of Peter Pan.He had amusement park rides,a zoo and a large movie theater built for his home.Michael Jackson also went into major debt.And he suffered from injuries and illness that reportedly led him to take many kinds of p

18、ainkilling medicines.During this time,Michael Jackson kept recording and performing music.His later albums include “Dangerous”,“History” and “Invincible”_3_ He later married a nurse named Deborah Rowe.They had two children,Michael Joseph Jackson and Paris Michael Katherine Jackson.The couple divorce

19、d in nineteen ninetynine.Mister Jackson later had a third child,Prince Michael Jackson.After his two thousand five trial,the singer spent much of his time in Europe and the Middle East._4_ Michael Jackson died of heart failure on June twentyfifth,two thousand nine.He was just days away from launchin

20、g a series of fifty concerts in London._5_ Prisoners in a jail in the Philippines danced for him.Fans in Paris,France attended a service at the citys ancient religious center in his honor.Famous performers around the world told about the influence he had on their work.AHe was the lead singer and dan

21、ced with great energy.BHe acted and spoke in a childlike way.CHe returned to the United States with the aim of planning what was to be a victorious comeback.DHe recorded it with many other famous performers.EHis behavior and appearance became increasingly strange.FFans around the world mourned his d

22、eath.GMichael Jackson was briefly married to Lisa Marie Presley.答案1E后面提到He had many operations to change his face.推断“他的行为和外表特别怪”。2B本段提到了很多与孩子有关的事情,如在读了一个儿童故事时做的事情:娱乐公园、动物园等。3G根据He later married a nurse named Deborah Rowe.推断他以前结过婚。4C本地前后都提到了与演出有关。5F后面讲述了一些人的做法,如囚徒为他跳舞、粉丝作礼拜、著名表演家讲述他的影响。.书面表达Topic:Som

23、e students in high school have BFs or GFs.Do you think it is a right thing to do?要求:请就上面的话题表明你的观点。词数:100左右_【参考范文】Some students in high school have BFs or GFs and people always have different opinions of this phenomenon. I just regard it as a natural thing that is not absolutely right or wrong.First

24、of all, students in high school are at a period of blossom when we simply speak of the age.Once missing, you will never find and get it again.As for the advantages and disadvantages to have a BF or a GF, therere always a lot to say. Theyre facing the National College Entrance Examination. It really

25、seems to be a big problem if they are in love with someone. Once they pay attention to the person they accompany with more than their study, their love will become the largest stone of their life. But there exists an equal possible that love can give people more energy and enthusiasm which will make

26、 them study harder.Students in high school are not little kids. They have already had their own views of the things in their life and the life itself. After knowing the advantages and disadvantages of falling in love with a person,they will select the road themselves.汉语句子提示翻译,然后组句成篇。1我认为这是一件很自然的事情,无

27、法说它是对还是错。_2一旦错过,你可能就再也寻不到它。_3关于交男女朋友的优缺点,对此总有很多说法。_ 4一旦他们把更多的精力放到陪伴的那个人身上而不是学习上,他们的爱将成为人生中最大的绊脚石。_ 5他们对生活中的事情和生活本身已经有了自己的观点。_ 答案1.I just regard it as a natural thing that is not absolutely right or wrong.2Once missing, you will never find and get it again.3As for the advantages and disadvantages to have a BF or a GF, therere always a lot to say.4Once they pay attention to the person they accompany with more than their study, their love will become the largest stone of their life.5They have already had their own views of the things in their life and the life itself.

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