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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 18 PERIOD 4(北师大版选修六课标通版).doc

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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 18 PERIOD 4(北师大版选修六课标通版).doc_第1页
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《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 18 PERIOD 4(北师大版选修六课标通版).doc_第8页
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1、Unit 18 Beauty Period FourPoetry 课时精练(北师大版选修6,课标通用)(时间:35分钟).用used to与would完成句子1He _(曾做过警察),but now he is a worker.2The old lady _(总会坐在树下),waiting for her lost son.3Our school is not _(以前的样子)4_(我习惯于步行), because I havent got a car.5We are eating out more often _(比以往)答案1.used to be a police2.would sit

2、 under the tree3what it used to be4.Im used to walking5.than we used to.完成句子1我把咖啡打翻了。它淌到了键盘底下。你不应该把饮料放在电脑旁。I knocked over my coffee cup.It went right over _ keyboard.You shouldnt put drinks near _ computer.2一些人喜欢古典音乐,然而有些人喜欢摇滚乐。Some people prefer classical music,while _ prefer rock music.3我每隔一天有课星期一

3、,星期三和星期五。I have classes _ dayMondays,Wednesdays and Fridays.4每个孩子都能找到自己的成功之路。_ child will find his/her own personal road to success.5上一学期我们进行的野餐非常有趣,因此这个月我们再组织一次。We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun,so lets have _ one this month.答案1.the;a2.others3.every other4.Each5.another.短语填空1They he

4、lped me_my lost watch the whole afternoon,and finally found it in the drawer.2Its about a family _ bed at Christmas time.3Becky_when she heard the familiar voice behind her on the street.4_ the Santa clause,like the seeds of a thistle.5The little girl finished her cake and_another.6He _ his sleigh a

5、nd gave a loud whistle.7_the skirt you ordered,the online shop gave you a belt as a gift.8Since the director didnt_,they had to put off the meeting till next Tuesday.答案1.look for2.getting ready for3.turned around4.Away flew5.asked for6.jumped into7.In addition to8.turn up.单项填空1They have_arguments wh

6、ich disturb the neighbors.Asteady Bshabby Cendless Ddizzy答案C从which disturb the neighbors看出他们没完没了的争吵打扰了邻居。endless无止境的;steady稳定的;shabby蹩脚的;dizzy头晕目眩的。C项最合适。2It is good for your body to_yourself backward every now and then,especially for those who are always working in the offices.Abend BrewardCpat Dsc

7、ratch答案A从.yourself backward every now and then看出空处要填入“向后弯腰”,bend(弯曲)符合题意。reward奖赏;pat轻拍;scratch抓。3Through the fog,we saw the_outline of a crowd and we had no idea about what had happened.Aridiculous BawkwardCapparent Dvague答案D句意:透过雾,我们看到人群的模糊轮廓,不知道出了什么事。vague模糊的;apparent明显的;ridiculous荒谬的;awkward笨拙的。

8、故选D。4She stood on the side of the highway until her son was out_sight.Ainto BfromCthrough Dof答案D句意:她站在路边,直到儿子走远了。out of sight在视野之外。5A mother can_her meaning to her baby by body language.Aconvey BobtainCupgrade Drefresh答案A从her meaning to her baby by body language看出空白处应该填入convey(传达,表达)。obtain得到;upgrad

9、e升级;refresh(使)精神振作。6You see the lightning_it happens,but you hear the thunder later.Athe instant Bfor an instantCon the instant Din an instant答案AB、C、D三项只能用作状语,不能起连词的作用来引导句子。the instant (that)表示“一就”,有连词的属性,可用来引导时间状语从句。7Most people would agree that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the hu

10、man beings_ harm them.Amore than Brather thanCother than Dbetter than答案B句意:大多数人都赞成核科学应当被发展用来造福人类而不是危害人类。rather than而不是;more than常用来做比较,表示“多于;不仅仅是”;other than表示“不同于;除了”;better than表示“比好”。8What are those on the_?The_that have fallen off the big trees.Aroofs;leaves Broves;leavesCroofs;leafs Droves;leaf

11、sroofs,leaf(树叶)roofs,leaf(树叶)leaves。9Being away from home so long a time,I felt_ very much.Ahomesickness BhomesickChomesickly Dmissing答案Bfelt homesick想家,homesickness为名词,homesickly为副词。10They treated him _a king when he won all the money.Aas Dfor Clike Dof答案Ctreat sb.like.对待某人像对待一样。treat sb.as.把某人当作对待

12、。11Among his birthday presents _a set of electric trains from his father.Awere Bhad Cwas Dhold答案C本句考查倒装和主谓一致,谓语动词与a set of保持一致。12In his jeans and Tshirt,Charles looked most_a lawyer.Adislike Blike Cunlike Dalike答案B句意:穿上牛仔和茄克,查尔斯看起来更像一个律师。13Her letter _her sincerity and kindness, so wed better accept

13、 her help.Aconfused BpredictedCconvinced Dconveyed答案D句意:她的信表达了她的真诚和善良,因此我们最好接受她的帮助。confuse为“迷惑”;predict为“预言”;convince为“使信服”;convey“传达,表达”。14The judge declared that the criminal would be_ the very day.Ahang Bhanged Chung Dhunged答案Bhang(hanged,hanged)上吊,绞死;hang(hung,hung)悬挂。此句中应为“法官宣布那个罪犯将被绞死”。15For a

14、 moment nothing happened.Then_all shouting together.Avoices had come Bcame voicesCvoices would come Ddid voices come答案B考查倒装。then放在句首时要完全倒装。.完形填空Medicine for the SoulGood advice is like medicine for the soul.What kind of _1_ have you recently received?Who do you go to for advice?Do you have a mentor(

15、顾问)?A mentor is a _2_ adviser.Parents,teachers and friends are often great _3_.Sports figures,public officials, and nationally known figures can also be good _4_ of mentors, but a person with whom you have a personal relationship will most likely be able to _5_ you the best advice.Mentors teach thin

16、gs that seem to be _6_ sense.Proverbs are wise old sayings that are common in every language and _7_, and can sometimes be _8_ for a nonnative to understand.For example,all that _9_ is not gold(some things are not as _10_ as they appear)Advice _11_ in newspapers and magazines are another way to _12_

17、 advice.Talk shows on radio and television are also very popular.Americans and Canadians love to _13_ themselves.Many people are not _14_ to ask for help or _15_ about a problem in order to receive advice.People generally will _16_ their own experience to _17_ their friends.Overcoming a difficult si

18、tuation is _18_ respected in North America.People love to hear motivational stories and _19_.One proverb,a friend in need is a friend indeed,shares the concept that a true friend will help you out in times of _20_.1A.success Bmeasure Cposition Dadvice答案D考查主题理解。本文的主题就是讲获取建议,从前后句提示可知。2A.devoted Bunite

19、d Ctrusted Dexpected答案C考查推理判断。既然你找一个顾问,他肯定是个值得信任的人。3A.interviewers BmentorsCfollowers Dcompetitors答案B从上文提示可知。4A.examples Bmethods Cmanners Dservices答案Aexample榜样,模范。5A.consider BexchangeCadapt Doffer答案D考查句意理解。这里指提供建议。6A.present BattractiveCcommon Dparticular答案C考查句意理解。这里common sense意为“常识”,结合下文提示可知。7A.

20、experience BdifferenceCculture Dbehaviour答案C考查推理判断。谚语当然是产生于各种语言和文化中的。8A.simple Bdifficult Cnatural Dbrief答案B考查常识理解。显然一个谚语对非母语的人来说理解是困难的。9A.glitters Bpackages Cacts Dforces答案A考查动词区别。这里glitter意为“发光”,构成谚语,即“发光的不一定都是金子”。10A.different BnegativeCprimary Dvaluable答案D考查句意理解。这句是对前面谚语的解释,显然只有valuable符合句意。11A.

21、columns BmaterialsCwonders Dopinions答案Acolumn(报刊的)专栏,栏目。12A.reduce Badd Ckeep Dget答案D这里指获取建议。13A.enjoy Bteach Cexpress Ddefeat答案C这里构成express oneself搭配,意为“表达自己的心声”,符合语境。14A.brave Bafraid Chonest Dlucky答案Bbe afraid to do害怕去做。15A.talk Bbring Ccare Dlook答案A考查动词区别。这里是谈论自己的问题。16A.remind Bsuggest Cclone Ds

22、hare答案D这里指分享自己的经历。17A.lead to Bset freeChelp out Dtake over答案C这里应该是帮助朋友摆脱困境,故用help out。18A.originally BhighlyCequally Dclosely答案Bhighly高度地;很。19A.encouragement BsadnessCmovement Dadventure答案A考查上下文提示,从前面的motivational stories可知应该是积极向上的内容,故A项正确。20A.happiness BtroubleCexcitement Dnature答案B考查推理判断。既然是帮助朋友,

23、当然是在他们有困难的时候了。.阅读理解This was no ordinary class.The students who came together were all science or engineering professors at Cornell University.They had interrupted their research to accept an invitation to take part in an unusual experiment:“an interesting week of poetry.”This class was part of a stu

24、dy to answer the questions:Why is science difficult for many nonscience students?What can teachers learn about teaching if they take a class that is not in their field?The students in the poetry class listened to lectures and took notes.They had reading tasks and had to write three short papers.All

25、students noticed one thingthe importance of spoken words.In science and engineering classes,the instructors put tables and drawings on the blackboard.But in this poetry class,the instructors just talked.They didnt write anything on the board.The scientists and engineers noticed one similarity betwee

26、n science and poetry.In both subjects,students need to find layers(层次)of meaning.Some layers are simple,clear,and on the surface;other layers are deeper and more difficult.This search for different levels of meaning doesnt happen much in undergraduate(本科)science classes,but it is important later,in

27、graduate school.And it is always important in humanities(人文学科)Both the poetry instructors and their students learned something about teaching from this experience.One poetry instructor,for example,now sees the importance of using careful, clear definitions(定义)when he explains a poem.He also plans to

28、 be more informative as he teaches.Most of the scientists agreed on several points.First,humanities classes might help science students to see patterns and decide which information is important.Second,the poetry class was fun.One engineer decided,“We need to change the way we teach engineering to ma

29、ke it an enjoyable experience for students.”But perhaps the most important result of the experience was this:All of the professors began to think about how they teach and how they can teach better.1What do we know about this unusual class?AThe teachers did lots of writing on the board.BThe teachers

30、were invited to attend several lectures.CThe students were professors from a university.DThe students were studying science and humanities.答案C事实细节题。从第一段第二句可知。2The experiment was designed to find out_.Ahow to teach the students in the science classBwhether poetry is difficult for science studentsCwha

31、t to be taught in the humanities classDwhy many humanities students find science hard答案D事实细节题。从第一段中Why is science difficult for many nonscience students?(理科对许多非理科的学生来说为什么那么难?)可知,“非理科”就指人文学科。3Finding levels of meaning is_.Aimportant for graduate students in humanitiesBdifficult for graduate students

32、in humanitiesCcommon for undergraduate students in scienceDeasy for undergraduate students in science答案A事实细节题。根据第三段中students need to find layers of meaning及最后一句And it is always important in humanities(在人文学科中也总是重要的)可知A项正确。4What did the science professors learn after the experiment?AThey should change the way they teach.BA poem could be explained in clear definitions.CA poetry class could be more informative.DTheir teaching was an enjoyable experience.答案A推理判断题。根据第四段的最后一句话及最后一段可知只有A项正确。


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