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本文(《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 15 PERIOD 1(北师大版必修五广东专用).doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《创新设计》2014-2015学年高中英语课时精练:UNIT 15 PERIOD 1(北师大版必修五广东专用).doc

1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Unit 15 Learning Period OneWarmup & Lesson 1 Lifelong Learning 课时精练(北师大版必修5,广东专用)(时间:45分钟).完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。London has become a cycle friendly zone after the launch of a new bike hire scheme.It has been designed to_1_more people to cycle

2、 in and around central London.So how does it work?First you have to sign up to the scheme to be sent a key.The key will_2_one of the bikes,which are_3_at docking stations(停放站)in and around central London.You have to pay an_4_fee for the key and then you pay as you go,for the_5_of time you use the bi

3、ke.Transport for London,which runs the scheme,is hoping to_6_6,000 bikes and 400 docking stations in place by the end of the year.The new hire system is hoping to_7_the traffic jam in London and is expected to have up to 40,000 extra_8_trips a day into the city centre.However,there have been a few_9

4、_since the scheme was launched last Friday.On the first day some people found they couldnt dock their bike_10_and their usage of the bike had not been registered.Some other people have_11_the lack of docking stations and locks for the bikes as well as the_12_it costs to hire the bicycles.Despite the

5、_13_,the greenthinking London Mayor still seems very_14_about things,saying,“My plan for the capital to become the greatest big_15_city in the world has taken a gigantic push forwards.”【解题导语】 本文介绍了伦敦发起的bike hire scheme,主要介绍了该项计划的目的与目标,文章还讲了该计划实行之初出现的一些问题。但伦敦市长对该项计划满怀信心。1A.preventBencourageCorder Dpe

6、rsuade答案B此处是在介绍自行车出租计划,encourage的意思为鼓励,符合语境。该项计划旨在鼓励更多的人在伦敦市区骑自行车。2A.lock BtieCunlock Duntie答案Cunlock是开锁的意思,符合本句要求。你首先要报名参加这个计划,你就能得到一把打开一辆自行车的钥匙。3A.kept BsoldCshown Ddisplayed答案AC、D都有展示的意思,B是有售卖的意思,不符合本题语境。这里A是“保存在,存放在”的意思,那些自行车被存放在伦敦市区的停放站。4A.extra BexpensiveCoptional Daccess答案D要使用租来的自行车,需要付费,extr

7、a额外的,expensive昂贵的,optional可选择的,均不符合这里的语境。access是“通过,进入”的意思,这里指“通过付费,获得钥匙”。D项符合本题要求。 BlengthCwidth Dlimit答案B这里指使用自行车的时间长短跟付费的多少有关。length符合语境。6A.have BsellCrent Dhire答案A这里是指计划发起机构希望年底拥有一定数目的自行车和停放站。have符合语境。7A.remove BridCease Dstop答案C这里是指希望通过这个计划来减少、舒缓堵车等交通压力,故用ease。rid是“摆脱,清除”的意思;remove是“去掉,

8、使消失,消除”的意思;stop“停止”。这三个词均不符合语境。该项计划不可能彻底解决交通拥堵,而只能在一定程度上缓解交通压力。8A.bus BcarCtaxi Dcycle答案D这项自行车计划当然希望骑自行车出行增加了,故选D。9A.statements BcomplaintsCdescriptions Dannouncements答案B从上下文理解,前面说到了计划的好处,但现在出现了批评、抱怨的声音,从下面出现的问题可知,B项符合语境。10A.properly BperfectlyCaccurately Drightly答案A他们不能正确地停放自行车,他们的使用情况没有登记。故选A。11A.

9、reported BstatedCcriticized Dwhispered答案C承接上段,这里仍是该项计划中出现的问题,这里指另外一些人抱怨、批评说自行车停放站和锁太少。12A.time BpriceCchance Dturn答案B从costs一词可推测,这里指有些人抱怨租车的价格问题。 BsuggestionCopinion Dcomment答案D前文列举了一些人对该项计划中出现的一些问题的批评,这里指“尽管一些人有意见和批评”。comment“批评,指责”。14A.positive BnegativeCdisappointed Dpessimistic答案A尽管有批评

10、和抱怨,London Mayor对该项计划还是抱积极的、乐观的态度。从下面他说的话可以推断出,A符合要求。15A.traffic BnocarCcycling Dbikeonly答案C伦敦要成为世界上第一大使用自行车的城市。.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Jambo Sylvester,Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.I was away.Jessica,Jasmin,and I made it back in one piece but a bit tired.When you book a trip on the Inte

11、rnet it is quite an adventure as you never know who you are dealing with.Let me tell you that this adventure was a pleasant one.I would like to thank African Servalcat Safaris and you Sylvester as we did not encounter any surprises in all of our stay.We were well looked after in each of our hotels,l

12、odges and campsites(Apart from our first stay in Lake Nakuru campsite that looked like a concentration camp)Kenya for us was the best.What we saw was a lot more than what we had expectednever thought we could be so close to the animals.The fact that we can go off road and go just a few feet from the

13、 animals was fantastic for taking pictures and doing some incredible sightseeing.Our guide Joshua was the best.He is like a living encyclopedia.You can ask him questions on animals,birds,flowers,trees,religions.Name it you will get an answer.Our stay was very enjoyable.Weather was cold and cloudy bu

14、t we saw lots of lions and giraffes,elephants by the dozen.Our guide Nuru was very compliant(顺从的)He would stop whenever we asked him to and he would take us anywhere we wanted to go.At one point we were surrounded by elephants just a few feet from our vehicle.The roads to get from one city to anothe

15、r are unbelievable,especially on the Kenyan side,but what a way to learn about different cultures and see what Africa is all about.Nature and animals are one thing,but to see how African people live is a must for everyone.As mentioned to you in Nairobi I will not hesitate to recommend African Serval

16、cat to any one looking to do a safari.Regards,Robert(Canada)【解题导语】 作者到非洲参加了一次观看野生动物的旅行,一切都非常好,因此回来以后给组织者写信,告知自己的感受并表示感谢。【长难句解读】 When you book a trip on the Internet it is quite an adventure as you never know who you are dealing with.当你在网上预订旅游时,因为你从来不知道你在跟谁打交道,因此有一定的冒险性。本句是一个复合句,when引导时间状语从句,as引导原因状语

17、从句。16Safari probably refers to a trip where_.Apeople can camp in the wildBpeople can see a lot of wild animalsCpeople can learn about local culturesDpeople can live with local people答案B推理判断题。综合文章所描述的内容可知,作者参加的是一次去非洲观看野生动物的旅游,故选B。17The author of the letter was NOT pleased with_.Atheir stay in the hot

18、elsBtheir stay in Lake Nakuru campsiteCthe cold weatherDthe arrangements答案B细节理解题。从文章第三段最后可知,作者对在Lake Nakuru营地不太满意,那里太拥挤,像集中营。18The author thinks Joshua was the best guide because_.Ahe has a good knowledge of wild animals and plantsBhe never refuses the request from the travelersChe knows the roads q

19、uite wellDhe put the tourists up at very good hotels答案A细节理解题。从文章第四段的最后三句可知,导游Joshua像一个活的百科全书,能够向游客介绍各种野生动物和植物的情况。19What the author hadnt expected was that_.Ahe could book a tour on the Internet successfullyBthe guide was so kind and knowledgeableChe could get so close to animalsDhe was allowed to ge

20、t off the road to take pictures答案C细节理解题。从文章第四段的第二句和第三句可知答案,他没想到可以如此近距离地看野生动物。20.The purpose of the author writing this lettter is to _.Aadvertise for African ServalcatBapologize to Sylvester for not contacting him in timeCtell Sylvester that he had a pleasant safariDmake a suggestion to Sylvester答案C

21、写作意图题。综合文章的内容可知,作者描述了自己在野外旅游的愉快经历,向组织者表示感谢。.信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息,首选请阅读下列学校或教育机构的招聘信息:AActive English School in Nagano,Japan is looking for an energetic and professional ESL teacher to begin working in the beginning of August.Students in our school range from 4 to 73 years of

22、age.Nagano is a quiet city about 20 minutes from Matsumoto and 2 hours from Tokyo by train.Bachelors degree required.BWe are always looking for qualified professional teachers.Teaching jobs are located all over the UK.The academic year in the UK runs from September to July.Candidates for the UK teac

23、hing jobs must have a university degree,and a recognized secondary school(1118)teaching qualification either in the UK or in your home country.Teaching contracts are for 12 years full time.CEnglish teachers required for a training program designed for management staff in China.Oneyear contract minim

24、um.Experience preferred.Starting from any time before February 21st.Those in English major or with TEFL certificates will be given preferential consideration.Couples are better.DOur school is Mexicos top language institution.We are offering Business English classes to those who work for Mexicos most

25、 important companies.If you are a qualified teacher,wed consider you to fill the opening we have.Experience preferred.The selected applicant must be available for training 10 days prior to May 20th.EWe are currently looking for a fulltime kindergarten teacher to start teaching in June.We are looking

26、 for real professionals coming here to make a difference in the life of their students,not just some young persons with no experience coming to hang out in China.As a teacher at our school he or she will have to split their mornings and afternoons between two campuses,thus a car will be offered for

27、convenience.FWe need teachers in the coming summer program.We offer 2month contracts only.Our maximum class size is 20.We are looking for native English speakers with TESL certificates.Applicants should be interested in teaching children.请将下面的人物介绍与上面提供的学校或机构相匹配。_21.I am 28 years of age.I am a holder

28、 of Bachelors(学士)degree in Commerce and have 2 years previous experience teaching Business English using interactive approach to various staff and executive members of companies in the United States.Available as of April 2010._22.I am an American female university student planning to practice teachi

29、ng children overseas this summer vacation.I have participated in TESL training programs in the United States and I am good at organizing special events such as holiday parties and summer camps._23.I am a 40yearold Canadian looking for an ESL position.I am a Bachelor of Education for Early Childhood

30、and have 12 years experience working with children.I am also a holder of international driver license.I wish to sign a 6month contract starting in June._24.I major in English and will soon finish my Bachelors degree this July in Manchester University and I would like to work overseas for half a year

31、.I can teach conversational classes for all levels and ages.I prefer to work somewhere in Asia with easy access to a big city._25.My wife and I have been in China for the last couple of terms in a university and we are eager to continue teaching English here for a longer time.The school board intended to rehire us again for the next school year and reassign us to teach young learners.We declined the offer since we are more interested in teaching adults.Both of us hold TEFL certificates.We are ready to start teaching anytime from this February.答案21.D22.F23.E24.A25.C- 6 - 版权所有高考资源网

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