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本文(2013届高三一轮英语课时作业 MODULE 2THE RENAISSANCE(外研版选修8陕西专用).doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2013届高三一轮英语课时作业 MODULE 2THE RENAISSANCE(外研版选修8陕西专用).doc

1、.语音知识.情景对话Mother:You dont look happy,Cathy._6_Cathy:I didnt do well in the chemistry test.Mother:Really?I could hardly believe you were not doing well in chemistry._7_What happened this time?Cathy:_8_I found all the questions easy and I finished the test in no time.Mother:Yes.It is one of your weakn

2、esses.Cathy:Yes._9_I made some very stupid mistakes that I shouldnt have made.Mother:_10_Cathy:Yes,I have certainly learned a lesson.AI know you are very good at chemistry.BWhats wrong?CI was too careless.DI feel angry at it.EYou are right.FWell,next time you should be more carefulGI dont know.单项填空1

3、1We firmly believe that war never settles anything.It only_violence.Aruns intoBcomes fromCleads to Dbegins with12Whoever invented_wheel is believed to have made_most useful invention in_history.Aa;the;/ Bthe;the;/Cthe;a;/ D a;a;the13The drug did not_his health,in fact,it seemed to have no_at all.Aef

4、fect;effect Beffect;affectCaffect;effect Daffect;affect14He was reading a very interesting story,completely_to the outside world.Alosing Bbeing lostCto be lost Dlost15It was Tom as well as his friends that_for the serious accident.Awas to be blamed Bwere to blameCwas blaming Dwas to blame16_of manma

5、de city life,people are turning to the unknown nature for what city lacks.ATiring BTo be tiredCTire DTired17The victims families of the murder have_to the Supreme Court to have a definite answer.Aapproved BappealedCattracted Dappeared18Shall we go and have a picnic at the weekend?_.Its said that the

6、re might be snow then.AWhy not BGreatCGood idea DIt depends19_the weather,the sports meeting will be held on time.ARegardless of BInstead ofCIn relation of DOn behalf of20They are_the most reasonable diet that will do good to their health.Aseeking BstimulatingCshaping Dsinking21My mother is thirsty_

7、knowledge as she had only a few years of schooling.Aon BatCwith Dfor22I am writing_my mother to express her thanks for your hospitality.Aon behalf of Bon account ofCin honor of Din memory of23It is generally accepted that the profitsharing plan is designed to_the staff to work harder.Adiscourage Baf

8、fectCmotivate Dforbid24After retirement,Mr Johnson_golf and became very keen on it.Atook up Bmade upCkept up Ddrew up25After three hours,we stood at the top of the hill,_we got a fine view of the city.Awhich Bfrom whereCfrom there Dwherever.句子翻译26你不能老依靠父母给你钱。_27恐怕我们必须把你留下。_28粗心使他犯了错。(lead)_29那一年,没有老

9、师的帮助,我不可能考上大学。(without)_30I think your food is,generally speaking,cold while ours is,generally speaking again,cooked,and you eat a lot of frozen food._.阅读理解I spent three months volunteering with Volunteer Bolivia.It was at times annoying,scary and difficult,but also lifechanging,satisfying and amazi

10、ng.Because I had studied Spanish for a couple of years before I went out,I had just one week of classes at Volunteer Bolivia.Living with a family also helped my Spanish greatly and I felt immediately like one of their daughters.They were good friends from the beginning of my time there and I was loo

11、ked after very well.I still had a lot of independence.The Volunteer Bolivia centre,with its caf bar and cultural talks,was a meeting place for all the volunteers and I met some wonderful people from all over the world who were doing the same as megiving something of themselves to a country which nee

12、ds so much.My placement was in a caring centre for prisoners children from the Cochabamba prisons and from the very start I felt welcomed and needed.There I met some inspiring members who put so much of their heart into caring for those children who maybe had no one else to love them.The work itself

13、 was not only very hard but at times emotionally demanding,especially sending a group of twoyearolds back into the prison at the end of the day.Despite all this,I learnt a lot through the experience and now Im more aware of the problems faced daily by many people in South America.The centre has very

14、 limited funding so they rely heavily on the work of volunteers,and any time people give is very valuable to them.Since returning to Britain I have kept in touch with the people I worked with and Im trying to support them as much as possible.Volunteering through Volunteer Bolivia has changed my life

15、 and is an experience I will never forget.31We can infer that the official language of Bolivia is most probably_.AEnglish BSpanishCFrench DItalian32Where did the author stay when she was in Bolivia?AIn a hotel. BIn the volunteer centre.CIn a caf bar. DWith a local family.33The authors job as a volun

16、teer in Bolivia was to_.Araise money for some prisonsBmeet volunteers from other countriesClook after some prisonerschildrenDhelp the local people with their farm work34What did the author think of her work in Bolivia according to Paragraph 3?AChallenging. BRelaxing.CDisappointing. DBoring.35What ca

17、n we learn from the passage?AAll people in Bolivia need the volunteershelp.BThere is the worlds largest number of prisoners in Bolivia.CThe author was a college student when she went to Bolivia.DThe authors experience in Bolivia had a great effect on her.课时作业答案.语音知识1B2.B3.C4.D5.A.情景对话6B7.A8.C9.E10.F

18、.单项填空11C句意为:我们坚信战争永远不能解决任何事情,它只能导致暴力。run into撞上,偶然碰见;come from来自;lead to导致;begin with以开始。12C考查冠词。发明物前习惯用定冠词;most是“非常”之意,而非最高级形式;in history为常用搭配。13C句意为“这种药没有影响他的健康,事实上,似乎一点效果都没有”。affect是及物动词,意为“影响”;have no effect on.对没有影响。14D考查非谓语动词作状语。此处考查短语be lost to 沉湎于,故排除A;由于读故事发生在过去,而非现在或将来。15D考查主谓一致与blame的用法。T

19、om为主语,故排除B。be to blame为固定搭配,意为“应受谴责;应负责任”。16D考查非谓语动词作状语。此处过去分词短语Tired of manmade city life作状语相当于状语从句Because they are tired of manmade city life。17B考查动词辨析。句意为:这次谋杀案中受害者的家属恳求高等法院给一个明确的答复。appeal to do sth.意为“恳求某人做某事;上诉”。18D由于周末可能会下雪,我们是否去野餐要视情况而定。It depends.那要看情况而定。符合句意。19A考查固定词组辨析。regardless of

20、不管,不顾;instead of 代替,然而;in relation of 与相关;on behalf of 代表。句意为:不管天气如何,运动会将会如期举行。20A句意为:他们正在寻求对身体有好处的最合理的饮食。seek “寻求”符合句意。stimulate 刺激;shape 形成,塑造;sink 下沉,均不合题意。21Dbe thirsty for渴望;渴求;热望。22Aon behalf of代表;on account of因为,由于;in honor of向表示敬意;in memory of纪念。据题意应该是“我代表妈妈写信来对您的好客表示感谢”。23Cmotivate do

21、 sth.激励某人做某事;affect sb.影响某人;discourage sb.from doing sth.劝阻某人不要做某事;forbid do sth.禁止某人做某事。据题意“利润分红计划”应该是为了“激励员工更加努力工作”,可知答案为C项。24Atake up从事,开始做(某项工作);make up构成;keep up保持;draw up起草。根据题意应是退休后,他开始玩起了(take up)高尔夫球。25B句意为:三小时后,我们站在了山顶上,从那里我们可以一览整个城市的亮丽风景。from where相当于from at the top of the hill,引导了非

22、限定性定语从句。.句子翻译26You cant depend on your parents to keep giving you money.27Im afraid that well leave you behind.28His carelessness led to his making the mistake.29Without the teachers help,I would not have been admitted to a university that year.30我认为你们的食物总的来说是冷食,而我们的食物总的来说是熟食,并且,你们吃很多冷冻食品。.阅读理解【语篇解读

23、】本文作者叙述了在玻利维亚做志愿者期间的经历和感受。31B推理判断题。根据第一段Because I had studied Spanish for a couple of years before I went out,I had just one week of classes at Volunteer Bolivia可推断,答案为B。32D细节理解题。根据第二段Living with a family also helped my Spanish greatly and I felt immediately like one of their daughters可知,答案为D。33C细节理

24、解题。根据第三段My placement was in a caring centre for prisoners children from the Cochabamba prisons.可知,答案为C。34A细节理解题。根据第三段Not only the work itself was very hard but at times it was emotionally demanding.可知,答案为A。35D推理判断题。根据第三段Volunteering through Volunteer Bolivia has changed my life and is an experience I will never forget可知,答案为D。

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