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1、四川省双流中学2011-2012年度高二上学期第一次月考试题(英语) (考试时间120分钟;满分150) 命题人:邓兆昂 徐天福注意事项:1 全卷分第一部分(英语知识运用)和第二部分(读写能力测试)。满分150分。2 机读卡使用范围:第1题至第60题;3 其余各题均按答题要求,将答案直接写在答题卡上相应的番号的横线上。第一部分 英语基础知识运用(共两节;满分60分)第一节 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. By the year 2011, the book Harry Potter has

2、 been sold millions of copies, _ it one of the most popular books ever.A. makes B. made C. making D. was making2. I dont think everybody likes to _ by others.A. play a trick on B. be played a trick C. play a trick D. be played a trick on3. In English-speaking countries, sometimes people express thei

3、r meanings in a way _ is different from each other.A. in which B. for which C. what D. that4. Once you _ set your mind on what you are doing, you will do it well.A. have been determined toB. have determined C. determined to D. will determine5. _ you have known the answers to the exercises, try to fi

4、nd out the points you dont understand and ask me.A. Because B. Now that C. As D. Because of6.Jim has been in hospital.Oh, really? I _. _ visit her.A. didnt know; Ill go andB. dont know; I have meant toC. dont know; I meant toD. havent known; I was going to7. We have _ of time, and so we must end the

5、 meeting as soon as possible today. Well choose another time to continue our discussion.A. taken upB. come outC. given upD. run out8. In adults eyes, most boys are naughty now and then, and little Edison _.A. without exception B. was no exception C. without doubt D. no doubt9. Li Ming, look at your

6、dirty clothes. Take them off and get them _ tonight. OK, Mum, I will.A. to wash B. washed C. wash D. washing10. The doctor should _ him the truth. It was really a great shock to him.A. not have told B. be told C. not tell D. tell11. The film was _ a remote village in Western China.A. set up B. set i

7、n C. set off D. set for12. I hurried to the airport only _ the plane I was to take had just taken off.A. to find B. finding C. found D. having found13. Nearly all of the roads in this county are rough (不平坦的) ,_ this one.A. in theory B. in particular C. in practice D. in general14. Whats wrong with l

8、ittle Jimmy? It seems that he doesnt feel _ the mood for anything.A. at B. of C. on D. in 15. Li Ling suggested visiting the orphans and the old people in the welfare house this Sunday. What do you think? _. I am willing to join you.A. I didnt get it B. Thats a good point C. What you say is interest

9、ing D. Ive got used to it16. He is determined to try his _ in big cities after leaving school. A. money B. fortuneC. living D. wealth17. Since all the evidence suggested he _ innocent, I suggested he _ set free.A. was; was B. was; must be C. should be; was D. was; be18. Afraid of being scolded by he

10、r teacher, the girl _ an excuse for her absence from school.A. took up B. picked up C. gave up D. made up19.If you are hoping to_ for high education courses in the UK, you can call me or visit our Website.A. search B. prepare C. apply D. pay20. As more and more countries _ to tourism, more travel ag

11、ents will be needed.A. open up B. are opened C. close up D. are in demand 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Cecile and I have been friends since college, for more than thirty years. Our friendship has 21 constant. We have seen each other through all the times when we r

12、eally need a friend. In 22 of our friendship, Cecile and I took our first 23 trip together. The first day of our trip ended in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 24 from the long drive, we decided to go to the restaurant for dinner. We sat down and 25 our meal. As we talked, I noticed a(n) 26 couple sitting a sh

13、ort distance away from us. The look of 27 on the womans face attracted me. She stared into the face of the man as he talked, 28 me of a teenager in love! I called Ceciles 29 to the couple. As we watched, the man reached 30 to place a gentle kiss on the womans cheek. She 31. “Now thats what I call re

14、al love! I imagine theyve been married for a long time.” I said. “ 32 maybe,” remarked Cecile, “they havent been together long.” “Well, whatever the case, its 33 they care much for each other,” I said. Cecile and I watched and listened 34 to their conversation. She smiled and 35 whatever he said. We

15、 were touched by the warm scene we were witnessing(见证). Then the 36 changed. The womans wrinkled but beautiful face was suddenly covered with a 37 look. She asked the man in a sweet voice, “Do I know you? What is this place?” “You know me. Im Ralph, your husband. Were in Santa Fe,” the man said. “Oh

16、, I 38 to have forgotten. Im not sure,” she said. “Thats okay, sweetheart. Youll be all right,” he 39 her, kissing her cheek again. Tears rolled down our cheeks as Cecile and I looked at each other. “We were right,” she said 40 . “It is the real thing. That is love.”21. A. become B. grown C. remaine

17、d D. developed 22. A. congratulation B. terms C. favor D. celebration 23. A. air B. road C. boat D. bicycle 24. A. Bored B. Suffered C. Tired D. Excited25. A. cooked B. ordered C. prepared D. finished 26. A. young B. elderly C. friendly D. rich 27. A. hope B. doubt C. admiration D. envy28. A. showin

18、g B. reminding C. telling D. introducing 29. A. attention B. intention C. time D. idea 30. A. away B. off C. around D. over 31. A. smiled B. disagreed C. angered D. moved 32. A. Or B. Though C. Therefore D. Otherwise33. A. natural B. obvious C. important D. moving34. A. madly B. shamefully C. unasha

19、medly D. seriously 35. A. picked up B. stuck to C. agreed to D. questioned on 36. A. place B. scene C. topic D. sense 37. A. frightenedB. puzzling C. disappointing D. confused 38. A. need B. feel C. seem D. use 39. A. told B. answered C. comforted D. encouraged 40. A. quickly B. eagerly C. cheerfull

20、y D. thoughtfully 第二部分 读写能力测试 (共四节;满分90分)第一节 阅读选择A. 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,然后从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。There are many things that we do in our own culture and we never ask questions about. We do things without thinking about them because we have always done them in the same way. When we are

21、 in another culture or with people from a different culture, we see that people do things in many different ways. The first difference we notice is the forms of address that are used in the culture. The language that people use to address(向讲话)each other tells us many things about a culture. There ar

22、e many ways of addressing teachers and students and of introducing oneself in other cultures. In many parts of the world, students must show politeness and respect for teachers; one way of doing this is not to use the teachers name. Some teachers in the US dont think it is rude if their students cal

23、l them by their first names. This may be their way of having a close informal relationship with students. In the US, one way to show closeness and friendliness is to use a persons first name. When Americans greet each other, introduce each other, and have conversations, they usually stand about an a

24、rms distance (about eighteen inches) to two feet (twenty-four inches) apart. This is not always a comfortable distance for people from other cultures, who may prefer less or more distance. Every language has rules about speaking and every culture has rules about how people should communicate with ea

25、ch other. These rules are not usually written down, but are learned by people living together in one culture. When you learn about other cultural ways of doing things, you start to think about what youve been doing in your own language and culture.41. According to the passage, what is the first diff

26、erence people notice when they are in a different country?A. The ways people do things. B. The language people use to address others.C. The clothes people wear. D. The food people eat. 42. According to the passage, the rules about how to speak and communicate with people _.A. have all been written d

27、own B. are learned by living in a culture C. are different from generation to generation D. cannot be learned by heart43. According to the passage, students in the USA may show their friendly relationship with their teachers by _.A. respecting them B. playing with themC. calling them by their first

28、names D. talking with them 44. The writer wrote the passage to tell us that _.A. we should learn how to address people from other culturesB. we should know how far to stand apart when we talkC. we should know the rules of other languagesD. the forms of doing things are different in different countri

29、esBabies can seem pretty helpless. They cant talk or use a spoon properly. They cant go to the bathroom by themselves. A long time ago, you were a baby yourself. But youve made the transition from a crying infant(婴儿) to an independent kid. As youve grown, your brain has undergone major changes. As a

30、 result, you know the difference between a cow and a car, an orange and a tennis ball. You can read, spell, and do math. For years, scientists have been intrigued(激起兴趣) by how a babys brain develops. Theyve been trying to figure out how and when babies become learning machines and begin to make sens

31、e of the world. Some researchers suggest that babies start off early. “The smart baby camp believes that babies learn quickly,” says David Rakison, a psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. “They do math (simple) addition and subtraction within the first 6 months.” Other researcher

32、s argue that babies take their time, slowly learning what they need to know. Scientists who specialize in brain development do agree on one thing: the ways in which babies sort(给分类) objects into groups is a key sign of brain development. And after years of studying how babies sort toys and other obj

33、ects, Rakison has concluded that babies are “smart” in some ways and “dumb” in others. Babies are particularly good, he says, at learning things that are essential for survival, such as recognizing faces or dangerous animals.45. We grow to know the differences between many things in the world mainly

34、 because _.A. we see a lot of different things B. we are taught by our parentsC. we learn them ourselves D. our brain develops46. What does the underlined word “transition” mean?A. Development. B. Improvement. C. Change. D. Growing.47. Scientists believe that the way _ is a key sign of brain develop

35、ment.A. babies talkB. babies sort objects into groups C. babies walkD. babies recognize their parents48. Which is the best title for the passage?A. What babies learn. B. What babies like.C. How babies grow. D. Babies grow as their brains develop. CAt a time of low academic achievement by children in

36、 the United States, many Americans are turning to Japan, a country of high academic achievement and economic success, for possible answers. However, the answers provided by Japanese preschools(育幼园) are not the ones Americans expected to find. In most Japanese preschools, surprisingly, little emphasi

37、s is put on academic instruction. In one investigation, 300 Japanese and 210 American preschool teachers, child development specialists, and parents were asked about various aspects of early childhood education. Only 2 percent of the Japanese respondents (调查对象) listed “to give children a good start

38、academically” as one of their top three reasons for a society to have preschools. In contrast, over half the American respondents chose this as one of their top three choices. To prepare children for successful careers in the first grade and beyond, Japanese schools do not teach reading, writing, an

39、d math, but rather skills such as persistence, (毅力),concentration, and the ability to function as a member of a group. The majority of young Japanese children are taught to read at home by their parents. In the recent comparison of Japanese and American preschool education, 91 percent of Japanese re

40、spondents chose providing children with a group experience as one of their top three reasons for a society to have preschools. Sixty-two percent of the more individually oriented (导向的) Americans listed group experience as one of their top three choices. Emphasis on the importance of the group seen i

41、n Japanese early childhood education continues into elementary school education. Like in America, there is diversity(多样性) in Japanese early childhood education. Some Japanese kindergartens have specific aims, such as early musical training or potential development. In large cities, some kindergarten

42、s are attached to universities that have elementary and secondary schools. Some Japanese parents believe that if their young children attend a university-based program, it will increase the childrens chances of eventually being admitted to top-rated schools and universities. Several more progressive

43、 programs have introduced free play as a way out for the heavy intellectualizing in some Japanese kindergartens.49. Most Americans surveyed believe that preschools should also attach importance to _. A. parental guidance B. problem-solvingC. group experience D. individually-oriented development50. I

44、n preschool education in Japan, the focus is on _.A. opening up childrens potential B. shaping childrens characterC. preparing children academically D. developing childrens artistic interests51. Free play has been introduced in some Japanese kindergartens in order to_.A. enrich some childrens knowle

45、dge B. cultivate childrens creativityC. broaden the horizons(眼界) of children D. lighten the study load of children52.Why do some Japanese parents send their children to university-based kindergartens?A. So that their children will do better in their future studies.B. So that their children can be in

46、dividually oriented when they grow up.C. So that their children can have a better chance of getting a first-rate education.D. So that their children can have more group experience.D Far from the land of Antarctica(南极洲), a huge shelf of ice meets the ocean. At the underside of the shelf there lives a

47、 small fish, the Antarctic cod.For forty years scientists have been curious about that fish. How does it live where most fish would freeze to death? It must have some secret. The Antarctic is not a comfortable place to work and research has been slow. Now it seems we have an answer.Research was begu

48、n by cutting holes in the ice and catching the fish. Scientists studied the fishs blood and measured its freezing point.The fish were taken from seawater that had a temperature of -1.88 and many tiny pieces of ice floating in it. The blood of the fish did not begin to freeze until its temperature wa

49、s lowered to -2.05. That small difference is enough for the fish to live at the freezing temperature of the ice-salt mixture.The scientists next research job was clear: Find out what in the fishs blood kept it from freezing. Their search led to some really strange thing made up of a protein(蛋白质) nev

50、er before seen in the blood of a fish. When it was removed, the blood froze at seawater temperature. When it was put back, the blood again had its antifreeze quality and a lowered freezing point.Study showed that it is an unusual kind of protein. It has many small sugar molecules(分子) held in special

51、 positions within each big protein molecule. Because of its sugar content, it is called a glycoprotein. So it has come to be called the antifreeze fish glycoprotein. Or AFGP.53. What is the text mainly about? A. The terrible conditions in the Antarctic. B. A special fish living in freezing waters. C

52、. The ice shelf around Antarctica. D. Protection of the Antarctic cod.54. Why can the Antarctic cod live at the freezing temperature? A. The seawater has a temperature of -1.88. B. It loves to live in the ice-salt mixture. C. A special protein keeps it from freezing. D. Its blood has a temperature l

53、ower than -2.05.55. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to? A. A type of ice-salt mixture.B. A newly found protein. C. Fish blood. D. Sugar molecule.56. What does “glyco-” in the underlined word “glycoprotein” in the last paragraph mean? A. sugarB. iceC. bloodD. moleculeEJust as

54、the English language has changed quickly in the previous century, so has the use of it. After the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was founded in 1927, the particular style of speech of the BBC announcers was recognized as standard English or Received Pronunciation (RP) English. Now, most peop

55、le still consider that the pronunciation and delivery of BBC announcers is the clearest and most understandable spoken English. English has had a strong relationship with classes and social positions. However, since the Second World War there has been a clear change of attitude towards speech snobbe

56、ry(自我优越感), and marks of class distinction(区别) such as styles of speech have been gradually diminishing, especially in the younger generation. By the end of the 1960s, it had become clear that it was not necessary to speak standard English or even correct grammar to become popular, successful and ric

57、h. The fashionable speech of the day was no longer the special right of a special class but rather a defiant(反抗的) expression of classlessness. The greatest single influence of the shaping of the English language in modern times is the American English. Over the last 25 years the English used by many

58、 people, particularly by those in the media, advertising and show business, has become more and more mid-Atlantic in style, delivery and accent. In the 1970s, fashion favored careless pronunciation and a language full of jargon, slang and “in” words, a great quantity of which couldnt be understood b

59、y the outside world. What is considered modern and fashionable in Britain today is often not the kind of English taught in schools and colleges.57. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The use of the English language has not changed much in the previous century.B. BBC announcers speak standard Engl

60、ish.C. English has no relationship with classes and social positions now.D. Young people dont like class distinction.58. What does the author imply by saying “there has been a clear change of attitude towards speech snobbery”?A. Everyone speaks English as the BBC announcers do.B. There has been a gr

61、eat change of attitudes towards the status of English.C. Most people dont believe the way of speaking by BBC announcers is much better than that of other people.D. It is necessary to speak standard English with correct grammar.59. According to the author, there was a trend in the US for young people

62、 _.A. to speak standard English B. to speak English without class distinctionC. to speak old English D. to speak English with grammatical mistakes60. It can be concluded from the passage that_.A. standard English is taught only in schools and collegesB. young people are defiant because they refuse t

63、o speak standard EnglishC. the English language has not been influenced by the American English in the last 25 yearsD. there has been a great change in the English language in the previous centuryB. 补全对话 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据对话情景和内容,从对话后的选项中选出能入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Sandy is at home. She is now callin

64、g Lisa, her classmate.Sandy: Hi, Lisa. Have you finished helping your parents?Lisa: I finished cleaning the living room a little while ago, but I havent cleaned my bedroom yet. 61 Sandy: I know what you mean. 62 Do you think youll be finished soon? Lisa: I should be done in about an hour.Sandy:63 Li

65、sa: I did the English homework last night.64 I dont understand it. Sandy: Me neither.65 We can help each other work it out. Lisa: OK. Then we can go and have our hair cut.Sandy: Great. See you in a little while.A. I dont math at all. B. But I havent started my math yet. C. Housework is tiring, and I

66、m tired D. What do you think we should do then? E. Why dont we do it together this afternoon? F. Have you looked at Mondays homework yet? G. I also hate doing the cleaning around the house.61._ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65._第二节(10分) 词汇运用. 用方框内词或短浯的适当形式填空。答案写在答题卷相应番号后的横线上。 resemble force rise outdoor likely enc

67、ounter standard confusetake.for granted make a fuss of remove66. His life _ the lives of the characters in his novels.67.The thief took the money from the old man by _.68. But there will be a_ in the demand for health care professionals.69. But for those who love the _ life, a good bet could be the

68、leisure industry.70. For travel guides, common sense, physical fitness and an outgoing personality are _ to be more important than computer skills.71. One day, while Timoteo Apaza was working as a lorry driver, he had a close _ with death.72. Drivers often pass by, _ the human traffic signals _.73.

69、Although the British criticized Webstrs dictionary, it quickly became a _reference book in the States.74.The girls in Callums school_him by showing a lot of interest in him75.Others, however, such as _ silent letters like the s in island or the final e in examine , were not adopted.第三节 句子翻译。 根据汉语提示完

70、成句子(共5小题,每小题2分;每空0-5分.满分10分)76. He works every day, with _ _ _ _. 他每天工作,只有星期天例外。77How can we _ _ _ _ us? 怎么才能说服他加入我们呢? 78.Even the leaves of the same tree _ _ _ _ 甚至同一棵树的叶子也彼此不同79. The number of tourists in Huanglongxi , Shuangliu county,_ _ _ _ during National Day. 国庆期间,双流黄龙溪的游客数量有望翻番.80.This last

71、experience had _ _ _ _ Timoteo. 这最后的经历,产生了深远的影响,铁穆特欧。第四节(20分) 书面表达假设你叫李华,23岁。现在在四川大学学习经济管理(business management),今年夏季即将毕业。你精通计算机操作及办公软件(softwares)的使用。英语学习12年了,在过去的两年里一直是系上英语报纸的编辑,学习成绩优异。非常喜欢办公室工作。你从报纸广告中得知某公司招聘一名秘书,并相信自己能胜任这项工作。请你按照以上提示写一封求职信。注意:1.可适当增加细节,是文章连贯流畅;2. 字数110词左右。Dear Sir or Madam,_Yours

72、faithfully,Li Hua四川省双流县中学高2010级高二第一次月考英语试题答卷装 订 线考号: 班级: 姓名: 第二部分 B. 补全对话 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)61._ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65._第二节:词汇运用. (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)66 _ 67 _ 68 _ 69 _70 _ 71 _ 72 _ 73 _74 _ 75 _ 第三节 根据汉语完成句子。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)76. _ _ _ _77._ _ _ _ 78. _ _ _ _79. _ _ _ _ 80. _ _ _ _ 第四节:书面表达(满分20分)假设你叫

73、李华,23岁。现在在四川大学学习经济管理(business management),今年夏季即将毕业。你精通计算机操作及办公软件(softwares)的使用。英语学习12年了,在过去的两年里一直是系上英语报纸的编辑,学习成绩优异。非常喜欢办公室工作。你从报纸广告中得知某公司招聘秘书,并相信自己能胜任这项工作。请你按照以上提示写一封求职信。 注意:1.可适当增加细节,是文章连贯流畅;2. 字数110词左右。Dear Sir or Madam,_Yours faithfully, Li Hua双流中学高二第一次月考英语试题参考答案 一单项填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-5 CD

74、DAB 6-10 ADBBA 11-15 BABDB 16-20 BDDCA二完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)21-25CDBCB 26-30BCBAD 31-35AABCC 36-40BDCCD三 阅读(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)41-44BBCD 4548 DC BD 49-52 CBDC 53-56 BCBA 57-60 ACBD 四补全对话((共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分))61-65 CGFBE五 词汇运用. (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)66.resembles 67. force 68 rise 69. outdoor 70. likel

75、y 71. encounter 72. taking for granted73. standard 74. ( make) made a fuss of75 removing 六句子翻译(共5小题,每小题2分;每空0.5分.满分10分) 76. the exception of Sunday77. persuade him to join / into joining78. differ from each other/another one79 .is expected to double80. a profound effect on七书面表达(One possible version)

76、Dear Sir or Madam,I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. Id like you to consider me for the position.My name is Li Hua. I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Si cChuan University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with c

77、omputer operation and office softwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten years. In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. Whats more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the job. I will appreciate it if I could have the opportunity to get the job.Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon


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