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江苏省徐州市贾汪区建平中学高中英语选修六M6 U3PROJECT(1)学案 .doc

1、 M6 U3 Project (1) 编写人: 审核人:Learning aims:1. To master the main idea and find out about minority cultures around the world.2. To check their understanding by doing some related exercises.Step 1: Lead in Every country has some or many ethnic groups.(1) How many ethnic groups do we have in China? (2)

2、Do you know any different cultures and customs between these groups? (3) What about the ethnic groups in other countries in the world? Step 2: Reading: Part A1. Go through the passage quickly and try to find the topic of each tour.Tour1 _Tour2 _Tour3 _ Tour4 _Step3. Intensive reading I. Read the pas

3、sage quickly and decide the following sentences ( T or F ):1. We can have a chance to ride on a dog sled and travel in a seal-skin boat when we meet the Inuit people in Canada. ( )2. The Inuit believe in Grat Spirits. ( )3. The Maori people come from the Pacific islands of Australia and believe in m

4、any gods. ( )4. The Maoris usually cook food in leaves steamed over hot stones or in under ground stoves. ( )5. The Plains Indians belong to the Native American Indian and believe in the Great Spirits. ( ) II. Choose the best answers according to the text (P46-47)1. If you want to buy the jewellery

5、made from different kinds of animals claws, you should go to_. A.Canada B.Australia C.New Zealand D.North America 2. The Aborigines have a special weapon which they use to hunt animals called_. A.kayak B.didgeridoo C.boomerang D.Haka3. Which of the following is true according to the text? A.The Maor

6、is belive in the Greet Spirit B.The Native American Indians smoke a peace pipe. C. The Inuit eat food cooked in underground stoves D.The Aborigines live on the plains.III.Please fill in the blank within three words.Tours 1_ Food 2_Specific eventsInuit ExperienceCanadaSeal, deer,3_and fish Animal spi

7、rits l Join in 4_l Make unusual jewelleryAborigine Adventure AustraliaStrange food including snakes 5_l See Aborigines ceremony.l Learn about their 6_and weapons they use to hunt animalsMysterious Maoris7_Fish and sweet potatoMany godsl Visit a traditional meeting housel 8_Native American Indian Adv

8、enture North AmericaMeat roasted over an open fireThe Great Spiritl 9_the Sun Dancel Watch a 10_competitionStep4 ConsolidationI. Fill in the blank with the proper forms of given phrases:take part in ; believe in; hunt for ; as well as; have the chance ; be rich in.; carve .from.1. With effort for ma

9、ny years, he _ go abroad for further study.2. He _the old sayingWhere is a will, there is a way.3. -Will you _the celebration of the successful launch of Shenzhou VI this weekend? -Sure, I will.4. While dancing you may even be asked to wear a special animal dance mask _wood.5. Jiangsu is a province

10、which_various resources.6. There was no one in the classroom because the teachers _ the students were having a sports meet on the playground.II.Translation(翻译句子)1. 周所周知,老虎属于猫科动物。 (belong to ) cat family_.2. 大量的研究表明,橘子富含维他命C. (be rich in ) vitamin _.3. 明年她有机会去加拿大学习半年。(have the chance to )_.4. 在许多国家猎捕野生动物是非法行为。 (hunt for)_.5.目击者向警察描述了他所看到的一切。 (give an account of .)_.6. 非洲是成千上万不同的植物物种和野生动物的家园。 (be home to )_.

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