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2013届新课标高三英语一轮复习课时检测 36.doc

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1、课时跟踪检测36(B6Unit 2).单项填空1In only 30 years, the country has been _ into an advanced industrial power.Atranslated BdegradedCdeclined Dtransformed答案与解析:D在仅仅30年的时间里,这个国家已经成为一个发达的工业强国。transform“改变;转变”,常与介词into连用。translate“翻译”;degrade“降级;退化”;decline“下降”。2Is this reason _ you explained at the meeting for no

2、t arriving on time?Athe one B/Cwhy Dthe one how答案与解析:Athis reason是主语,the one是表语,you explained.是定语从句,本题中主句缺少表语成分,同时作表语的词the one又充当定语从句的先行词。3Premier Wen said, “I once again emphasize that it is absolutely unacceptable to sacrifice peoples life and health _ the economic development in any case.”Ain the

3、 hope of Bin return forCin the face of Din exchange for答案与解析:D句意:温总理说:“我再强调一次,无论如何我们绝对不能牺牲人民的生命和健康来换取经济发展。”in exchange for“换取;作为的交换”,符合题意。in the hope of“怀着的希望”;in return for“作为回报”;in the face of“面对”。4The local government has been accused of not responding _ to the needs of the homeless in the floods

4、tricken area.Ahopelessly BappropriatelyCneedlessly Dconstantly答案与解析:B句意:当地政府被指责没有对受洪灾地区无家可归人们的需求做出恰当的反应。appropriately“适当地,合适地”。hopelessly“绝望地”;needlessly“不必要地,无用地”;constantly“不断地,时常地”,均不符合题意。5There was such a long queue for fried chicken at KFC that we _ gave up.Aeventually BunfortunatelyCgenerously

5、 Dpurposely答案与解析:A句意:在肯德基排队买炸鸡的人太多了,我们最终放弃了。eventually“最后,最终”,符合题意。unfortunately“不幸地”;generously“慷慨地”;purposely“故意地”。6Their bright eyes and smiling faces _ the impression that they were very excited.Adetermined BconveyedCshaped Dfunctioned答案与解析:B句意:他们明亮的眼睛和微笑的表情传达出了他们给别人的印象是他们很兴奋。convey“传达”。determin

6、e“决定”;shape“形成”;function“运行;起作用”。7Ive been working on this problem for a long time. But I still cant work it out._. You might as well do something else now.ACheer up BTake it easyCCome on DNever mind答案与解析:B句意:我已经花很长时间去处理这个问题了,但是我还是没能解决。放松一下,现在你也可以做点其他的事。take it easy“别紧张;放松”,符合题意。cheer up“振作点;高兴点”;co

7、me on“加油;快点”;never mind“不要紧;没关系”。8It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldnt _ all that Bob had suffered in the past five years.Amake up for Blook up toCput up with Dfit in with答案与解析:A金钱“弥补”不了过去五年鲍勃所受的罪,make up for“弥补”,符合题意。9I _ you a valuable present for your birthday, but I _ money.Awould lik

8、e to give; ran out ofBwould like to have given; ran out ofCwould like to give; was run out ofDwould like to give; ran out答案与解析:B句意:我原本想要给你一份贵重的生日礼物的,但是我把钱花光了。would like to have done“过去想要做某事而实际未做”;run out of“用完;耗尽”,为及物动词短语,其主语通常是人。10My friends are leaving tomorrow afternoon.I would rather they _ on a

9、n early train.Ahad left BleaveCwill leave Dleft答案与解析:D句意:我的朋友明天下午走。我宁愿他们乘早班火车离开。would rather后接从句时,从句谓语要用虚拟语气,对现在或将来虚拟用过去时,对过去虚拟用过去完成时。11The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a _ attitude.Achangeable BalternateCmovable Dflexible答案与解析:Dflexible“灵活的,可变通的”。能快速的适应新形势只能是态度

10、灵活。changeable“可改变的”;alternate“交替的”;movable“活动的”。12I enjoy reading all kinds of books in my spare time, Bernard Shaws plays _.Ain common Bin totalCin turn Din particular答案与解析:D句意:我业余时间喜欢各种各样的书,特别是萧伯纳的戏剧。in common“共同”;in total“总计”;in turn“依次”;in particular“尤其,特别”。故选D项。13I was so excited at the news th

11、at I could hardly _ my feelings in words.Acarry BconveyCsurvey Dcommunicate答案与解析:Bconvey ones feelings“表达感想”。14The teacher stressed again that the students should not _ any important details while retelling the story.Abring out Blet outCleave out Dmake out答案与解析:C句意:老师再次强调说,学生们复述故事时不应该漏掉任何重要的细节。bring

12、 out“取出,出版”;let out“放出,发出”;leave out“省略,遗漏”;make out“辨别出”。15_ we know each other well, we can get along fine.ANow that BNot untilCBefore DDuring答案与解析:A句意:既然我们彼此很熟悉了,我们就能很好地相处。now that“既然”。.阅读理解Quitting cigarettes had always been painful for Michele Fenzl, a 55yearold computer operator from Denver. I

13、n 35 years of smoking a pack a day, nothing else could make her at ease.Until ear seeds.Last June, her acupuncturist(针灸医生), Karen Kurtak, started attaching tiny black seeds of a special plant to specific points on her ears, to relieve her desire twice a week with needles. It is hard to say which asp

14、ect of her program helped Ms Fenzl stop smoking, but she believed her success belonged to the seeds she calls “life savers” Long part of traditional Chinese medicine, “auricular therapy”, as it is called, includes stimulating key points of the outer ear with seeds or needles as in traditional acupun

15、cture. Ear seeds have long been used in America for addiction treatment. But today, with the growing demand for alternative ways, there has been an increase in the practice of using ear seeds for health issues from anxiety to pain. “They are used for people in situations of trauma(外伤),” said Cynthia

16、 Neipris, a professor of the Pacific College of Chinese Medicine, which trains students to use ear seeds. “And, because the seeds are worn home, its an added plus because it involves the patient in their own healing process.” It is not known precisely how ear seeds work nor has enough research been

17、done to prove which ailments(小病) they help relieve. But licensed acupuncturists as well as doctors from worldclass hospitals recommend them. Dr P. Grace Harrell, an anesthesiologist and an acupuncturist said, “We dont know exactly what the ear seeds do. What I do know is that more people are wearing

18、 them. I have patients coming in and asking for the seeds.” Do the wonderful seeds draw unwelcome attention? “No one has ever commented on them,” said Laura Soncrant, 32, who wears the seeds because of her insomnia(不眠症). She said that pressing on them throughout the day has improved her sleep to the

19、 point that she cant live without them now. “There are even those days when the seeds have fallen off and I want to go to the acupuncturist just for them.”16. The passage is mainly about_.A. the negative effects of ear seeds B. the uncertainty of ear seedsC. the modern uses of ear seeds D. the way o

20、f using ear seeds17. Michele Fenzl uses ear seeds to_.A. help relieve the ailments from smoking B. reduce her dependence on smoking so muchC. stimulate the key points of the outer ear D. save her life from smoking18. It can be inferred from the passage that_.A. people havent accepted the use of ear

21、seedsB. ear seeds have long been used for health issuesC. ear seeds can save life in an emergent situationD. doctors from worldclass hospitals think highly of ear seeds19. The underlined word “them” in the last paragraph refers to_.A. ear seeds B. ailmentsC. all kinds of attentionD. acupuncture20. W

22、hich of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. People are worried about the use of ear seeds.B. Ear seeds can relieve peoples anxiety.C. Ear seeds are not useful for people with injuries.D. Those with ear seeds like to be noticed.答案与解析:16C文章前七段讲述了ear seeds的各种用途,如帮助戒烟和治疗外伤;最后两段讲

23、述了人们对ear seeds的神奇效果的态度。由此可知,本文主要是关于ear seeds的现代化的用途。B项只是文章倒数第二段的大意,故排除。17B由第三段可知,她把一种植物的种子戴在耳朵上是为了减小对吸烟的渴望,也就是为了减少对烟的依赖性。A项说为了减轻吸烟带来的疼痛,文章并没有提到。C项是对耳朵针灸的原理,不是作用。D项文章没有提到,第四段的“life saver”,只是一种比喻说法,说明这种针灸的效果很好。18D由文章的大意和最后两段可知,虽然有些针灸原理不清楚,但还是受到知名医生的推荐。由此可知,许多有名的医生对ear seeds的评价很高。19A本段的第一句就提到the wonder

24、ful seeds,由此可知此处them指的是ear seeds。20B根据第六段中的“there has been an increase in the practice of using ear seeds for health issues from anxiety to pain”可知,ear seeds能够缓解焦虑。.七选五Are you suffering a lot from test anxiety? Follow these tips to help you overcome it. _21_ Prepare for the test by developing good s

25、tudy notes.Pick out the main points of the information or follow a study sheet from the teacher.Know the who, what, when, where, why and how of any main ideas.Pick out the key words in the main points.Write a very short description of each point next to the key words.You will now have two sets of st

26、udy notes. _22_ Use the second to review right before the test.Teach yourself little memory tricks.Some people use mnemonic(助记符号)devices to remember facts.If there is a list of information, take the first letter of each word and make an interesting saying. _23_ Some people read all the questions fir

27、st and then begin working.Others start with the first question and dont look at the rest.They skip any hard questions and come back to them later.Do some relaxation exercises like deep breathing.Some anxiety is normal going into a test. _24_Review the material one last time right before bed.We often

28、 remember things that we read or think about right before going to sleep. _25_ Make sure you go to bed early enough the night before the test.It is very difficult to remember anything when you are overtired.AWork out a plan ahead.BGet a good nights sleep.CPay attention to the proper order of answeri

29、ng the questions.DUse the first detailed set to study the material.ELearn to develop a strategy for taking the test.FAlways get as much sleep as possible.GBreathing deeply helps you calm yourself and concentrate on the test.答案:21.A22.D23.E24.G25.B.短文改错I am sad to hear of Mr. Tian will lose his job f

30、or ever. He had taught me three years before I was took out of the mountains. I still remember him carry us on his back across the river. And he has been an only teacher in the school ever since I could remember. Yet, the government wants he to go home now. Thats to say, they dont allow him to be a

31、teacher any longer. Why? Thats unfair of all the teachers like Mr. Tian.Cities have many good teachers, and few want to work in a remote mountain school. The government has once sent some teachers there, but nobody of them stayed. What will happen to the little friends there once Mr. Tian away?I lov

32、e Mr. Tian. Best wishes to him!答案:I am sad to hear of /Mr. Tian will lose his job for ever. He had taught me three years before I was out of the mountains. I still remember him us on his back across the river. And he has been only teacher in the school ever since I could remember. Yet, the governmen

33、t wants to go home now. Thats to say, they dont allow him to be a teacher any longer. Why? Thats unfair all the teachers like Mr. Tian.Cities have many good teachers, few want to work in a remote mountain school. The government once sent some teachers there, but of them stayed. What will happen to the little friends there once Mr. Tian away?I love Mr. Tian. Best wishes to him!


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