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本文(《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(牛津译林江苏专用必修四)习题 单元检测卷(二) WORD版含答案.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(牛津译林江苏专用必修四)习题 单元检测卷(二) WORD版含答案.docx

1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家单元检测卷(二)第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.A girl became a writer at age of 12, age when many children are still in the primary;an B.the;;the D.the;the答案B解析考查冠词用法。at the age of.为固定结构,an age when.是the age of

2、 12的同位语从句。22.After about an hours ride,we finally got to was then called “Mercury Hotel”.A.the place D.what答案D解析该题考查由what引导名词性从句的用法。23.He cant come, he would have called me.A.otherwise D.therefore答案A解析句意为:他来不了了,不然的话,他会给我打电话的。otherwise否则,要不然,表示转折;and表示并列;so表示因果;therefore表示结果。24.

3、I was out of town at the time,so I dont know exactly how it .A.was happening B.happenedC.happens D.has happened答案B解析“事情的发生”是和“was out of town”同时发生的,故用一般过去时。25.How about camping this weekend,just for a change?OK, you want.A.whichever B.howeverC.whatever D.whoever答案C解析句意为:这个周末我们换一下方式,去野营怎么样啊?好的。你想做什么就

4、做什么。答语为省略句式,全句应为:OK,whatever you want to do.。whichever不论哪个;however无论怎样;whatever无论什么,不管什么;whoever不论是谁。26.We used to share only one bed together while now we can sleep in beds.A.dividing B.separatedC.divided D.separate答案D解析句意为:我们以前睡一张床,但现在可以分床睡了。separate可作形容词,表示“单独的,分开的,不同的”。27.On my way home,I one of

5、 my best friends.A.came across B.came aboutC.came at D.came down答案A解析句意为:在回家的路上,我偶然遇到了一位我最好的朋友。come across偶然遇见;come about发生;come at朝扑过来;come down下降。28.The government and the public should protect the globe from being polluted .A.hand by handB.face with faceC.side by sideD.shoulder with shoulder答案C解析

6、句意为:政府和公众应该肩并肩地共同保护地球免遭污染。side by side肩并肩;一起,共同之意。A、B、D三项的正确搭配应为hand in hand手拉手,共同,一起;face to face面对面地;shoulder to shoulder肩并肩;共同。29.You can do it if you want to,but in my opinion,its not worth the it involves.A.effort B.attemptC.force D.strength答案A解析句意为:如果你想去做的话你就去做,但我觉得它不值得你这么努力。the effort it invo

7、lves需要付出的努力;effort努力;attempt尝试;force力量,武力;strength力气,力量。30.Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues with her stories.A.amused amuse be amused答案A解析考查非谓语动词。keepsb./sth.done,根据句意,sb.与它后面的动词构成被动关系,故选A项。31.Protecting our environment from being polluted is to the

8、whole society.A.of great significanceB.of great significantC.with great significanceD.with great significant答案A解析句意为:保护我们的环境免受污染对整个社会都具有重要意义。significance用作名词,表示“意义,重要性”。be of great significance相当于形容词very significant。32.Ill look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little .A.wait B.timeC.p

9、atience D.rest答案C解析考查名词词义辨析。句意为:我将尽快调查此事,请耐心点。have a little patience耐心点,表示安慰对方。33.All night long he lay awake, how to drive the American invaders back think B.thinkingC.thought D.being thought答案B解析句意为:他彻夜未眠,思考着如何赶走美国侵略者。he与think之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词作伴随状语。34.He is used to the matters that I dont k

10、now .A.dealing with;what to do with themB.dealing with;how to deal with;what to do with with;how to deal with them答案B解析句意为:他习惯处理那些我不知道怎样处理的事情。be used to doing表示“习惯于”。题干中定语从句的关系词that在从句中充当with的宾语,故with后的them多余。35.We hoped that by the end of the year we the job.A.would have finished

11、B.finishedC.had finished D.will finish答案A解析主句的谓语动词“hoped”为过去式,故从句的谓语动词也应该用过去时态,排除D项;又由从句中的介词短语“by the end of the year”可知应用将来完成时,故选A项。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。When I was growing up I do not recall hearing the words “I love you” from my father.When your father 3

12、6 says them to you when you are a child,it gets tougher and tougher for him to say those words as he gets 37 .To tell the truth,I could not honestly remember 38 I had last said those words to him either.I decided to 39 my ego(自尊) and make the first move.After some 40 ,in our next phone conversation

13、I 41 the words, “Dad.I love you!”There was a 42 at the other end and he awkwardly(笨拙地) 43 , “Well,same back at you!”I chuckled and said,“Dad,I know you 44 me,and when you are ready,I know you will say what you want to say.”Fifteen minutes later my 45 called and nervously asked, “Paul,is everything 4

14、6?” I explained to her perfectly.A few weeks later,Dad 47 our phone conversation with the words,“Paul,I love you.” I was at work during this 48 and the tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally “ 49 ” the love.As I sat there in tears,I 50 that this special moment had taken our fatherson 51 to a

15、 new level.A short while 52 this moment,my father narrowly 53 death following heart surgery.Many times since,I have pondered(沉思) the thought, 54 I did not take the first step and Dad did not 55 the surgery,I would have never “heard” the love.36.A.ever B.sometimesC.never D.often答案C解析根据下一句“.it gets to

16、ugher and tougher for him to say those words.”可知,当你还是孩子的时候都说不出口,当他的时候就越来越难了。37.A.stronger B.olderC.slower D.taller答案B解析句意为:当你还是孩子的时候,你父亲不对你说这些话,随着他年龄越来越大,他对你说这些就越来越难了。38.A.when B.howC.why D.where答案A解析根据语境可知,作者也不记得最后一次跟父亲说“我爱你”是什么时候的事情了。39.A.get over B.figure outC.take up D.set aside答案D解析set aside把放置

17、在一边,符合语境。40.A.research B.hesitationC.patience D.wonder答案B解析由句意可知,经过一番犹豫后,作者在电话中说出了“我爱你”。41.A.burst out B.worked onC.made up D.looked for答案A解析burst out脱口而出;work on从事于;make up编造;look for寻找。根据语境可知,作者对父亲脱口而出“我爱你”。42.A.cry B.coughC.laughter D.silence答案D解析根据下文父亲笨拙地回答说“也爱你!”可知父亲是没有思想准备的,所以此时电话那头应该是片刻的沉默。43

18、.A.replied B.apologizedC.shouted D.asked答案A解析根据引号里的内容可知,父亲很笨拙地回答儿子的话。reply回答,回复,符合语境。44.A.respect D.miss答案B解析结合本文主题“父爱不容易说出口”,可知作者在说他知道父亲也爱他。45.A.father B.motherC.wife D.brother答案B解析根据下文“I explained to her perfectly.”可知,是作者的母亲打电话询问。46.A.happy B.overC.OK D.crazy答案C解析母亲打电话来询问“一切还好吗?”,根据下文

19、“I explained to her perfectly.”也可知,OK符合语境。47.A.concluded B.introducedC.attracted D.interrupted答案A解析由下文可知,父亲用“保罗,我爱你!”结束了这次通话,conclude结束,符合语境。48.A.meeting B.programC.conversation D.trip答案C解析根据上文“.Dad our phone conversation with the words.”可知,C项符合语境。49.A.felt B.heardC.received D.touched答案B解析父亲在电话里说出了这

20、句话,所以作者应该是“听到了”才符合语境。50.A.realized B.noticedC.understood D.observed答案A解析由上文父亲对作者说“我爱你”,作者才意识到这一特殊的时刻已经使得他们的父子上升到了一个新水平。51.A.communication B.distanceC.connection D.relationship答案D解析四个选项中,只有relationship最符合语境,句意为:使得我们父子关系上升到了一个新水平。52.A.since C.after D.of答案C解析由下文可知,在这之后不久,父亲做了次手术,after符合语境。53.A.avo

21、ided B.escaped C.reduced D.refused答案B解析父亲手术后九死一生。narrowly escape death险些死亡,符合语境。54.A.because B.asC.if D.though答案C解析根据句意可知,要是作者没有迈出第一步,父亲也没有从手术中幸存下来,作者将永远不会再听到“爱”。55.A.survive B.requireC.perform D.accept答案A解析根据语境可知,作者的父亲从手术中幸存下来了,故选survive活下来,幸存。第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,

22、选出最佳选项。ATaylor Swift,23,USUnlucky in love as she may be,Swift was lucky at the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night.The singer received the nights top honor,Artist of the Year,as well as Top Billboard 20 Artist,Top Female Artist,Top Country Artist and Top Digital Songs Artist.Her album Red topped

23、the Billboard 200 and country album categories,and her single We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together was named Top Country Song.Adele,25,UKAdele has been appointed a member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire this week during Queen Elizabeth s annual Birthday Honors,the BBC reports.Th

24、e singer was recognized for her service to music.The award is another highlight in a fruitful year for Adele,who,in addition to a Grammy and a Golden Globe,won a Best Original Song for Skyfall in Oscar 2013.Robert Downey Jr,48,USThe actor,best known for playing the superhero Iron Man,left an 18month

25、old fan in floods of tears because he wasnt wearing his characters red and gold suit in public.The heartbreaking meeting happened last Thursday while the actor was out for a walk in the Massachusetts towns of Sunderland and Shelburne Falls.A photo of the crying kid and Downey looking both concerned

26、and awkward quickly made its way into the international news.Jennifer Aniston,44,USIn the 10 months since her August 2012 engagement(订婚)to Justin Theroux,all eyes had been on Aniston,with fans wondering just when she will become Mrs Theroux.But multiple sources in contact with Aniston and her inner

27、circle say that plans for the much expected wedding appear to be left for the present time.The couple decided to delay the big day because theyre both busy with work.56.2013 has been a fruitful year for Adele for she has won all the following awards EXCEPT .A.the Golden GlobeB.the GrammyC.Artist of

28、the Year in BillboardD.Best Original Song in Oscar答案C解析细节理解题。根据Adele,25,UK部分的最后一句“.in addition to a Grammy and a Golden Globe,won a Best Original Song for Skyfall in Oscar 2013.”可知,只有C项没提到。57.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A.We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together was written f

29、or Taylor Swifts country.B.Adele sang on the BBC to celebrate Queen Elizabeth s birthday.C.Robert Downey Jr did not know what to do when the kid started crying.D.Jennifer Aniston is working on her wedding despite her busy schedule.答案C解析推理判断题。根据Robert Downey Jr,48,US中的“The actor,best known for playin

30、g the superhero Iron Man,left an 18monthold fan in floods of tears because he wasnt wearing his characters red and gold suit in public.”可知C项正确。BThe first step in exercising for most people is determining whether or not they should.This is particularly true with anyone over thirtyfive,especially if t

31、hey have been heavy mokers.Likewise,young adults who have been very inactive should proceed slowly and with caution.A physical evaluation from a physician is recommended,preferably one that includes an exercisestress test.While a person is exercising,a stress test detects cardiovascular(心血管的) proble

32、ms that might not show up when the body is at rest.This is done by monitoring blood pressure,pulse rate,oxygen consumption,and the hearts electrical activity while exercising.Whatever exercise program is selected,it is important to start with warmup periods.These should include stretching exercises,

33、jumping jacks,or active walking.The idea is to increase heart rate and circulation slowly without placing a sudden strain on the heart or the muscles that are starting to work.The next phase in developing an exercise program is to determine the amount of exercise that is enough to condition the musc

34、les and cardiovascular system without excessively exhausting the body.This involves taking ones pulse and finding ones target zone.This target zone,or safetraining pulse rate,is established by subtracting ones age from 220 and then taking 60 percent to 80 percent of that total.If you are just starti

35、ng to exercise,60 percent is recommended;80 percent is recommended if you are already in good condition.58.Who is the intended reader of the passage?A.A social worker.B.A physician who is in charge of physical checkups.C.Any wouldbe sportsman.D.Anyone who wants to take up exercise.答案D解析读者对象题。因为整篇内容是

36、关于如何锻炼的,所以读者当然是想进行锻炼的任何一个人,故选D。59.What is NOT mentioned as a part of a stress test in Paragraph 1?A.Watching the hearts electrical activity.B.Examining the blood pressure.C.Observing oxygen consumption.D.Increasing blood circulation.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第一段中“While a person is exercising,a stress test detect

37、s cardiovascular(心血管的) problems that might not show up when the body is at rest.This is done by monitoring blood pressure,pulse rate,oxygen consumption,and the hearts electrical activity while exercising.”可知选D。60.The underlined word “excessively”in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ”.A.slightly B.overlyC

38、.attentively D.physically答案B解析词义猜测题。根据最后一段中“that is enough to condition the muscles and cardiovascular system.”可知,划线词要表达的意思与enough相反,故选B。CEvery year many students went to the college bookstore to purchase the different textbooks that they need for their classes.Little do these students realize that,

39、in doing so,they are throwing good money away.It may sound unbelievable but textbooks,in some cases,actually cost as much as,if not more than college fees.Many people think that college bookstores are the most convenient source for textbooks.Titles are usually kept and students may purchase new text

40、books or choose to buy secondhand books and save money.But the money saved by purchasing secondhand textbooks from college bookstores is small compared to the amount they could save by shopping online.More and more online booksellers have begun selling textbooks at heavily discounted prices.Online s

41、econdhand bookstores are another source for college books as they keep a large number of textbooks,which means sizable savings for students.Students should avoid purchasing their textbooks at the first store that they surf online since there are so many “unreal” booksellers on the Net.Price isnt the

42、 only factor to consider when making an online purchase.Students should also consider shopping costs and delivery time when making their decision.Online auctions(拍卖) are another option for students seeking a bargain.This option,however,has its pros and cons.A plus is that students can get incredibly

43、 cheap books.One problem is that while online bookstores have a system in place that ensure you receive your order within a reasonable amount of time,with an auction purchase,however,you must depend on the auction sellers timetable.One way that students can really save is by getting books for free.P

44、roject Gutenberg is one resource that English majors will find invaluable.Here students can legally download a huge collection of classic novels.In the past students needing help with their studies would often have to spend a lot of money buying expensive study guides.Today that is no longer the cas

45、e.Cashstrapped students can now visit the website SparkNotes for free downloadable study guides as well as classics.61.Which of the following is the best title of this passage?A.Learning to Save on TextbooksB.Why Buy TextbooksC.Online ShoppingD.Tips for Buying Secondhand Textbooks答案A解析标题归纳题。本文主要讲在线购

46、书比去学校书店买更节省,最后一段还介绍了一种能免费获得教科书的节省的方法,所以本文主要讲在教科书方面怎样省钱。故选A。62.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a source to obtain textbooks?A.College bookstores.B.Online used bookstores.C.Online auctions.D.Secondhand bookstore centres.答案D解析细节理解题。第一段讲到college bookstore;第三段第二句“Online secondhand bookstores a

47、re another source for college books.”提到了在线二手书书店;第四段讲到在线拍卖,但始终没提到D项。63.The underlined expression “pros and cons”(Paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to “ ”.A.professionals and and sadnessC.advantages and disadvantagesD.processes and conditions答案C解析词义猜测题。根据画线词下面两句的解释“A plus is that.O

48、ne problem is that.”可知,“pros and cons”指“正反两方面”,即“优点和缺点”,与C项意思相同。64.According to the passage,Project Gutenberg is probably .A.a government project aimed at helping English majorsB.a project to help poor students get free learning materialsC.a website for English majors to get the guides from language

49、 expertsD.a website for students to get free sources for English learning答案D解析推理判断题。文章最后一段“Project Gutenberg is one resource that English majors will find invaluable.Here students can legally download a huge collection of classic novels.”说明它是一个可以为英语学习获取免费资源的网站。故选D。DAfter having been settled in our n

50、ew home for almost a year,I decided to finish unpacking the last few boxes.Hidden low in the pile was a box simply marked “Nick”.Excitement shook my emptynest heart upon seeing the name of my eldest son,who now lives eleven hundred miles away.Delighted,I spent hours studying the artwork,awards and r

51、eport cards that propped my memory door wide open and let the days of his childhood come home.I found his soccer “trading card” at age six and a Mothers Day card from the year he was nine.I found an award Nick won in the second grade for top sales in a school fundraiser.First place in the entire ele

52、mentary school.Even at the age of seven,he had a way with people.Next I found an envelope addressed to Nick in my own handwriting.“For Nick to read when he is grown”,the envelope said.I have a tradition of writing letters to my kids at different times in their lives and saving them to read when they

53、 are older.This particular letter I had written to my son was dated Mothers Day fifteen years ago.He had been in kindergarten,and reading it brought back memories of the day I realized what a truly selfless,kind child I had been blessed with.Dear Nicholas,Today is Mothers Day.As I watch your beautif

54、ul sleeping face,I want to write this letter to give you later so you will always know how much joy you bring me.You gave me the best present Ive ever received today!It has a little story behind it that I will treasure forever.You have been diligently saving your allowance for weeks to buy some mate

55、rial for Grandma to make a tent for you.You had7.00 saved last week,but you asked me to take you to a nearby boutique where handmade crafts (which I love!) were sold.You were so cute,watching me as I looked at things,and if I liked something,you would ask how much it cost.We found an adorable little

56、 teddy bear with an antique lace collar and a ribbon tied around its neck and a ring attached.You pretended you loved it and even tried on the ring.You were very tricky for a fiveyearold boy!You bought the bear all by yourself and said you were sorry,but you spent all your money and would just make

57、me something for Mothers Day.(I would have loved anything you made!)This morning you woke me up with a big smile and a package wrapped in paper towels and tape.You were so proud and excited!There inside was the little bear that I will always treasure.You sacrificed your tent for me.I am so proud of

58、your sweet,generous spirit and the many ways every single day that you bring me joy.You are truly special and I am honored to be your mom.Love,MomI still have the bear and the little ring.And Nick did get his tent.I smile at the memories and place my letter for Nick in an envelope to mail to him.I h

59、ope reading it will remind him what a miracle he is and how blessed I feel to be his mother.How I missed my little guy!Each page in his school years book had a small school photo for that grade stuck to it.If I turned the pages fast,like a homemade cartoon book,I could see the transformation from pr

60、eschool to high school.It was like watching him change into an adult right before my eyes.This unexpected trip down memory lane was the best way I could think of to spend my Saturday.This is one box I will never unpack and put away.Its definitely one to keep close by and on days when my heart longs

61、for my firstborn,I will dig it out,open a box of tissues,and let the memories come home again.65.By saying “he had a way with people”in Paragraph 3 the author really meant that .A.Nick failed to persuade people to donateB.Nick was poor at getting on with peopleC.Nick had a gift for dealing with peop

62、leD.Nick kept himself cut off from people答案C解析句意理解题。结合前文中提到的“I found an award Nick won in the second grade for top sales in a school fundraiser.First place in the entire elementary school.”可以推测出,“had a way with people”应该指儿子很会和人打交道,所以才能拉来很多捐款。故答案为C项。66.According to the passage,the author wrote the le

63、tter on Mothers Day when Nick was .A.9 B.7 C.6 D.5答案D解析细节理解题。根据信中的内容“You were very tricky for a fiveyearold boy!”可知,作者写这封信的时候,儿子才五岁。故答案为D项。67.Having bought the bear,Nick promised to make his mother something for Mothers Day so as to .A.not let his mother downB.give his mother a his fa

64、lse kindnessD.make a fool of his mother答案B解析细节理解题。结合信的内容可知,儿子假装买了自己喜欢的小熊,而告诉妈妈会给她做个母亲节礼物,就是为了给妈妈一个意外的惊喜。故答案为B项。68.What kind of child was Nick according to the authors description of him?A.Independent but tricky.B.Devoted and optimistic.C.Generous and sincere.D.Talented but dishonest.答案C解析推理判断题。根据文中的

65、“what a truly selfless,kind child”及母亲信中的描述,Nick用自己省下来的钱买了母亲节的礼物,可见他对妈妈非常慷慨,对妈妈的爱是非常真诚的。故答案为C项。69.The author treasured the bear and the ring because .A.they represented her sons love for herB.they were just what the author lovedC.they were her sons favorite toysD.they were what her son could afford答案

66、A解析推理判断题。根据信的内容可知,作者的儿子用自己省下来的钱给妈妈买了礼物,虽然礼物不是很贵重,但因其是儿子的“爱”的表达,所以作者非常珍惜。故答案为A项。70.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A.A Letter to Nick B.A Blessed MotherC.An Excellent Son D.The Memory Box答案D解析标题归纳题。纵观全文,作者是因为整理东西时,意外地发现了装有儿子物品的盒子,从而向我们娓娓道出作者对儿子的想念。故答案为D项。第四部分任务型阅读(共10小题,每

67、小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Emotional Intelligence(EQ or EI)is a set of abilities or competences that enable us to understand and manage ourselves and our emotions effectively.EQ also helps us understand and effectively relate to others.Stress tolerance,leadership,communica

68、tion,social responsibility,problem solving and creativity all require high EQ.Here are some of the major emotional intelligence competences that make up a fully integrated personality as well as a sample of a state of the art assessment that measures EQ.Emotional ExpressionThe ability to express you

69、r feelings and instincts(本能).Emotional expression is a necessary part of your day.Emotional Awareness of OthersThe ability to hear,sense or intuit what other people may be feeling from their words,body language(not verbal) or other direct or indirect clues.FlexibilityThe ability to bounce back,be fl

70、exible,and retain curiosity and hope in the face of adversity,change or challenge.OptimismBeing positive and optimistic.EQ is recognized to be one of the most important predictors of personal,business and professional success.In a world of unprecedented change and challenge it is our ability to incr

71、ease our EQ that will help us build the leadership,transparent communication and collaboration to lead better lives,do better business and contribute to a better world.IQ may get you the client,but your EQ skills will help you keep the client and build a growing practice.Why?Because,while human bein

72、gs like to make their decisions in an intelligent way to purchase a product or a service,the bottom line remains that we buy services and products from those we trust and like.It is our ability to trust and like another person that makes us feel comfortable with the relationship and inspires the des

73、ire to have or to purchase something from them.It is the human ability to put instincts,emotions and thoughts into the correct position in relation to each other that gives us the competence to increase our emotional intelligence.And it is the human ability to use the changes and challenges we face

74、to develop selfawareness and emotional management that helps us communicate better.With appropriate education and training,Emotional Intelligence can be developed throughout our lives.Like most human competences,Emotional Intelligence is best increased in the learning and the doing,and that is why E

75、Q focused coaching is so powerful.第五部分书面表达(满分25分)阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Recently,a video of a Chinese mainland mother defending her child after he relieved himself on a Hong Kong street has ignited heated debate across the country.While traveling with his parents,the 2yearold boy urinated (小便)

76、on the street in Mongkok,a popular shopping spot for many traveling to the island city.When a young man photographed the scene “out of disgust at the behavior”,the babys parents fought with him and tried to take his camera.The mother explained that theyd queued for a long time and the kid couldnt he

77、lp any more.Local passersby soon joined in the argument:most supporting the photographer and criticizing the parents for not showing due respect for local Hong Kong customs.The issue started a war of words on Weibo.Some net users have criticized the attitude of the local Hong Kong people towards the

78、 mainland visitors.They argue that the incident demonstrates how many Hong Kong people wrongly look down on mainland Chinese.At the other extreme of the debate are those who are critical of the mainland couple for bringing shame on the people of China through their actions.写作内容1.用约30个单词写出上文概要。2.用约12

79、0个单词就“大陆小童当街小便”的话题谈谈你的看法,内容包括:(1)你认为事件中谁的行为更加不恰当;(2)双方本可以怎么做以避免冲突;(3)对外出旅游者提建议。写作要求1.可以支持文中任一观点,但必须提供理由或论据;2.阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句;3.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;4.不必写标题。评分标准内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。参考范文The passage describes the debate that has resulted from an internet video clip taken in Hong Kong of a mainland co

80、uple encouraging their twoyearold child to urinate in a public area.It is really hard to judge which side is more to blame for the original dispute.On the one hand,its clear that the mainland couple didnt properly respect local Hong Kong customs.On the other hand,however,the actions of the Hong Kong

81、 photographer were also disrespectful and meanspirited.In fact,both parties could have behaved differently to avoid the conflict.The photographer could have been a little more gracious and understanding of the mainland couples situation,particularly if there were no public toilets available.But I th

82、ink the main responsibility was with the mainland couple.When travelling to different places,it is the responsibility of the visitor to be familiar with the rules of behavior of that place,and to act accordingly.The parents therefore,should have researched these customs more thoroughly.I strongly suggest that visitors to a new place should do careful research beforehand to avoid getting into similar trouble.- 16 - 版权所有高考资源网

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