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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday Section A 2a-3c教案(新版)人教新目标版.doc

1、Unit 8 Section A 2a3c. 教学准备1教师: 录音机、磁带、多媒体课件、制作序数词和基数词的教学图片或幻灯片。2学生: 复习基数词的构成;预习序数词的结构;调查了解同学、朋友或家人的生日。. 教学目标1知识目标: (1)词汇: happy, old, how old, party, see you, first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth(2)句型: When is Alices birthday? Her birthday is on September 5th.When is your

2、fathers birthday? His birthday is on April 21st.How old are you? Im twelve.2能力目标: 通过对本课的学习, 培养学生英语表达的能力, 增强用英语进行交际的能力。3情感目标: 增进同学之间的了解和友情, 学会在交流中关注他人的情感。4文化意识: 了解英语国家人们的日常交际内容, 提高跨文化交际的能力。. 教学重点1词汇: happy, old, party, first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth2句型: When is Alices

3、birthday? Her birthday is on September 5th.When is your fathers birthday? His birthday is on April 21st.How old are you? Im twelve. 教学难点1让学生熟练运用下列句型, 正确交流和表达信息: When is somebodys birthday? His/Her birthday is on.How old are you? Im twelve/thirteen.2让学生掌握序数词的构成和用法。. 教学步骤Step 1: Leadin建议1: 教师问学生以前学过的数

4、词有哪些, 找几个学生说一说, 并问学生这些数词叫什么数词, 通过这种方式复习基数词。然后出示first, second, third, fourth, fifth等序数词的图片, 问学生这几个数词叫什么数词, 引出序数词的概念。For example: T: How many numbers have we learned? Can you say some?Ss: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.T: What kind of numbers are they?Ss: They are cardinal n

5、umbers.T: Look at these numbers: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth.What kind of numbers are they?Ss: They are.Then the teacher introduces the definition of “ordinal numbers”建议2: 做一个抢答游戏。让学生看图片上的阿拉伯数字, 快速说出这个数字代表的单词, 问学生叫什么数词, 通过这个练习复习基数词。然后出示几个带有序数词的图片, 让学生抢答, 引出序数词的概念。For

6、example: T: Class! Lets play a game. Look at the numbers in the picture. Can you say them out as quickly as you can?S1: One.S2: Two.S3: Three.T: Look at the numbers: first, second, third, fourth, fifth.Can you say them out as quickly as you can?S1: First.S2: Second.S3: Third.T: What kind of numbers

7、are they?Ss: They are.Then the teacher introduces the definition of “ordinal numbers”Step 2: Presentation建议: 在幻灯片中展示1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st。让学生先听一遍录音, 不要跟读, 一边听, 一边注意每个数字的读音。再放一遍录音, 让学生模仿跟读, 纠正自己的错误发音。For example: T: Class! Look at these ordinal numbers. Lets listen to the tape, d

8、ont follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each number.T: Now, please listen again. This time, listen and repeat the tape.Ss: 1st,2nd,3rd,4th.28th,29th,30th,31st.Step 3: Practice建议1: 教师让学生朗读表格中的序数词。首先让全班学生齐读两遍。其后, 将全班同学分成A、B、C三大组, 开展朗读比赛, 看哪一组读得好。For example: T: Class! Please read the ordi

9、nal numbers aloud twice.Ss: 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th.28th,29th,30th,31st.T: Lets have a reading competition among three groups! See which group can read the best!建议2: 先让学生自己读表格中的序数词, 然后做一个接力游戏, 看看谁能说得又对又快。T: Class! Now lets have a saying relay race! See who can say faster and better!S1: First.S2: Sec

10、ond.S3: Third.Step 4: Task建议1: 教师播放录音, 学生将听到的数字画圈。如果大部分学生没有听懂,可以再放一遍录音。2b部分是对2a的一次听力巩固练习, 主要检测学生的发音是否正确。让学生再听一遍录音, 将听到的名字、月份、日期配对。2c部分主要检测学生能否准确的获取信息。听完后, 核对答案, 检查学生听的情况。For example: T: Class! Can you read and say the ordinal numbers? Now, lets have a listening test.Let the students listen to 2b.Che

11、ck the students answers. See how well they did.T: Next, class! Lets listen again and match the names, months and dates.Then get to 2c.建议2: 完成2b、2c后, 让学生默读一遍听力材料, 重点看自己没有听懂的地方。然后让学生再听一遍录音, 以便让学生能完全听懂录音。For example: T: Class! Please read the listening text silently, pay attention to the drills that yo

12、u didnt understand just now.After that, let the students listen again to see if they can catch all the listening text.Step 5: Practice建议: 看着2c表格中的内容, 教师问, 学生答。可以让全班学生齐声回答, 也可以找单个学生回答。给学生做个示范, 然后让学生两人一组对话, 谈论表中人物的生日。For example: T: Class! When is Alices birthday?Ss: Her birthday is on September 5th./

13、S1: Her birthday is on September 5th.Then get to the pair work.A: When is Alices birthday?B: Her birthday is on September 5th.Step 6: Task建议: 问几个学生他们父母的生日是什么时候, 然后让学生互相询问彼此家人的生日。通过这种开拓性的训练, 进一步巩固所学的句型, 培养学生用英语交际的能力。For example: T: Class! When is your fathers birthday? Do you know?S1: His birthday is

14、 on.T: When is your mothers birthday?S2: Her birthday is on.Then get to the pair work.A: When is your fathers/mothers/grandfathers.birthday?B: His/Her birthday is on.Step 7: Practice建议: 教师让学生大声朗读几遍2e中的对话, 接着让学生两人一组朗读对话。看看学生发音是否正确, 纠正学生的发音错误。然后让学生两人一组分角色练习对话并作表演。For example: T: Class! Please read the

15、 conversation in 2e aloud.Then let the students read the conversation in pairs.Next, call some pairs to perform the conversation in class.Step 8: Task建议1: 教师让学生用自己的姓名和生日, 分角色编对话并进行表演。For example: T: Class! Please make a new conversation, using your own names and own birthdays. Then we will have a pe

16、rformance.建议2: 教师向学生介绍, 班级里有一个同学的生日即将到来, 班级想为他举办一个生日聚会, 并邀请同学们参加。请同学们根据此内容编对话并分角色表演。For example: T: Class! Someones birthday is coming. We will have a birthday party for him. He wants us to go to the party. What do you want to say to him? Can you make a conversation about this topic? Please work in

17、pairs, then I will call you to act out.S1: Hi, S2.Your birthday is coming! Happy birthday to you!S2: Thank you.S1: When is your birthday?S2: My birthday is on.S1: So, how old are you?S2: Im.What about you?S1: Im.S2: Can you come to my birthday party?S1: Oh, yes. When is your party? And where is your

18、 party?S2: At.oclock this evening in my home.S1: OK, thats great. See you!Step 9: Practice建议: 教师让学生看3a的表格, 将问题和恰当的答语匹配, 然后让学生两人一组练习对话。For example: T: Class! Look at the questions and answers. Match each question with its proper answer. Then ask and answer in pairs. Ill call some pairs to act out.Ste

19、p 10: Consolidation建议1: 教师先让学生补全对话, 然后让学生两人一组练习对话。此项练习既能训练学生的书面表达能力, 又能训练学生的口头表达能力。For example: T: Class! Please complete the following conversation, and then practice it with your partner.S1: How_ are you, S2?S2: Im.S1: And _ is your birthday?S2: My birthday is _. How about you and your friend, S1?

20、S1: Well, my birthday is on_, and my friends birthday is on_.建议2: 教师先让学生补全对话, 然后让学生用自己和朋友的真实信息表演对话。For example: T: Class! Please complete the following conversation, and then practice it with your partner, using your and your friends real information.S1: How_ are you, S2?S2: Im.S1: And _ is your bir

21、thday?S2: My birthday is _.How about you and your friend, S1?S1: Well, my birthday is on_, and my friends birthday is on_.Step 11: Summary建议1: 教师让学生自己总结本节课所学的内容, 包括单词、句型, 并让学生自己总结出单词的构成规律(例如, 序数词的构成), 句型的用法。For example: T: Class! Lets sum up what we have learned in this class, including words and se

22、ntences. Can you sum up by yourselves?Then call some individuals to do it.The words are: 基数词序数词序数词缩写基数词序数词序数词缩写onefirst1stnineninth9thtwosecond2ndtwelvetwelfth12ththreethird3rdtwentytwentieth20thfivefifth5ththirtythirtieth30theighteighth8ththirtyonethirtyfirst31stThe sentences are: When is your birt

23、hday? My birthday is on May 2nd.When is his birthday? His birthday is on January 17th.When is her birthday? Its in August.When is Alices birthday? Her birthday is on September 5th.When is your fathers birthday? His birthday is on April 21st.建议2: (1)让学生看表格, 填出每个基数词对应的序数词及其缩写形式, 然后让学生自己总结出序数词的构成规律。基数词

24、序数词序数词缩写基数词序数词序数词缩写one1_nine9thtwo2_twelve12ththree3_twenty20thfive5ththirty30theight8ththirty-one31st(2)教师带领学生将本节课所学的句型用说唱的形式说出来。可以先让全班学生齐声说, 然后分成A、B两大组, A组问, B组答, 最后让学生自己总结when引导的特殊疑问句的用法。Can you ask peoples birthday? Lets say like following: You! When is your birthday? My birthday is on May 2nd.H

25、e! When is his birthday? His birthday is on January 17th.She! When is her birthday? Its in August.Alice! When is Alices birthday? Her birthday is on September 5th.Your father! When is your fathers birthday? His birthday is on April 21st.Step 12: Homework1仿照课本2e, 和你的同伴编一个对话, 并练习表演。2自己制作130的基数词和序数词的卡片

26、。要求: 卡片的一面是基数词形式, 另一面是序数词形式。3调查你周围的同学、朋友、家人、邻居等的生日, 绘制成表格。Unit 8When is your birthday?Section A 2a3cWordsSentencesone firsttwosecondthree thirdfivefiftheight eighthnineninthtwentytwentiethtwentyonetwentyfirstthirtythirtiethWhen is Alices birthday?Her birthday is on September 5th.When is his birthday?His birthday is on January 17th.When is her birthday?Its in August.6

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