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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag知识点总结 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

1、UNIT4 Section A1.table 桌子(教材第19页)table 可数名词,意为“桌子”。There is a table in my room. 在我房间里有一张桌子。拓展at table 在进餐,在吃饭 at the table 在桌子旁边辨析:table 与 desktable指“圆桌;饭桌”,是用餐,会谈或消遣时所用的桌子,可以是方形的,圆形的。一般不带抽屉A table for two,please.请安排两人一桌的位子。desk指“书桌;课桌”式读书,办公时所用的桌子一般带有抽屉There are many desks in our classroom.在我们的教室里有

2、许多书桌。2.Where are my books?我的书在哪里?(教材第19页)where 疑问副词,意为“在哪里”,用来引导特殊疑问句。句型“Where+be+主语?”用来询问“某人或某物在哪里”,主语为第三人称单数时,动词be用is;主语为第二人称或复数时,动词be用are。在回答该句型时,用“主语be+表示地点的介词短语”这一结构,有时也可直接用“表示地点的介词短语”回答。答语中的主语一般用人称代词代替,避免与前面问句中的名词重复。Where is your father?你爸爸在哪里?He is in his room.他在他的房间里。Where are your keys? 你的钥

3、匙在哪里?They are on the table.它们在桌子上。3.Theyre on the sofa.他们在沙发上。(教材第19页)(1)they是人称代词主格,意为“他们;她们;它们”,是人称代词he,she或it的复数形式。常用来指代复数的人或物。These boys are my brothers.They are students.这些男孩是我的兄弟,他们是学生。(they指代my brothers)I have two books。They are interesting.我有两本书,它们很有趣。(they 指代two books)Helen and Mary are goo

4、d friends. _ often help each other.A. Them B. Theirs C.They D.Their解析:我们可采用“语法分析法”解答本题。them“她(他它)们”,宾语形式;theirs“她(他它)们的”,名词性物主代词;they“她(他它)们”,主格形式;their“她(他它)们的”形容词物主代词。此处需要作主语的人称代词指代Helen and Mary,所以用人称代词的主格形式they。 答案:C(2)on 介词,意为“在上”,其后常接名词或代词构成介词短语,表示位置关系,强调一物在另一物的表面上,且两物体有接触面。The pictures are on

5、 the wall.图画在墙上。(3)sofa名词,意为“沙发”,是一个根据英语读音而翻译出来的音译词。拓展英语中常见的音译词还有jeep 吉普车 cartoon 卡通chocolate 巧克力 coffee 咖啡4.Its under your bed.它在你的床下面。(教材第19页)(1)under介词,意为“在下”,其后常接名词或代词构成介词短语,表示位置关系,通常用于指位于某物的正下方,且两物体不接触。The car is under the tree.这辆小汽车在树下面。My shoes are under the bed.我的鞋子在床下面。拓展bedroom卧室 go to bed

6、 上床睡觉 make the bed 整理床铺5.Come on,Jack!快点儿,杰克!(教材第20页)(1)come on此处表示催促,意为“赶快,快点儿”。英语中还可以用Hurry up!表示催促。Come on.Its dark.快点儿,天黑了。拓展come on 的其他含义1)用来表示请求,鼓励,劝说等,意为“来吧;行啦。”。Come on,Kate.Dont be shy.来吧,凯特。别害羞。2)用来体育竞赛等场合鼓励队员,意为“加油”。“Come on! Come on!” shouted the students.“加油!加油!”学生大声喊道。3)用于挑战和激怒对方,意为“来吧

7、;好吧;试试吧”。Come on!Im not afraid od you.来吧!我不怕你。4)用于招呼别人,意为“来,过来”。Come on!This way,please.来,请走这边。(2)come 作不及物动词,意为“来;来到”,反义词为go,意为“去”。Come to my house this Sunday,please.这个星期天请来我家。6.I think its in your grandparentsroom.我认为它在你(外)祖父的房间里。(教材第20 页)(1) I think意为“我认为”,此结构用来表述自己的主观想法或对事物的看法,后面常接that引导的带有主谓结构

8、的句子,在口语中that可省略。I think (that) the keys are Alices.我认为这些钥匙是艾丽斯的。注意:I think 的否定形式为“I dont think”,意为“我认为不”I dont think he is right.我认为他不对。(2)think 动词,意为“认为,想;思考”。I think the baseball is Bills.(3)grandparents是复数名词grandparents的所有格,意为“(外)祖父母的”。以s结尾的复数名词,直接在结尾加“”构成名词的所有格。My schoolbag is in my parentsroom.

9、我的书包在我父母的房间里。拓展名词所有格的构成方法:1)一般情况下,在单数名词的词尾加“ s”。Jims book 吉姆的书2)以s结尾的复数名词在词尾加“ ”。the studentsbasketball 学生们的篮球3)不以s结尾的复数名词在词尾加“ s”。Childrens Day 儿童节 mens clothes 男装注意:一般情况下,名词词尾加s后,在清辅音后s/;在浊辅音或元音后读z/。4)表示两个人(或多人)共有某人或某物是,只在最后一个名词的词尾加“s”;如果为各自所有,每个名词词尾都要加“是”Kate and Marys room 凯特和玛丽的房间(共同拥有的房间)Kates

10、 and Marys rooms 凯特的房间和玛丽的房间(各自拥有的房间)7.And my hat? 那我的帽子?(教材第20页)(1)这是一个省略句,其完整形式为“And where is my hat?”.Where is my pen,Bob? 鲍勃,你的钢笔在哪里?Its in the pencil box. 他在铅笔盒利。And your ruler? 你的尺子呢?Its on the desk.它在书桌上。注意:在英语口语中,为了使语言简洁明了,在不引起歧义的情况下,可根据语境省去与上文相同的内容,而用and来连接。(2)hat可数名词,意为“帽子”,常指带檐的帽子。Jennys

11、hat is red.珍妮的帽子是红色的。8.I dont know. 我不知道。(教材第21页)(1)对他人的询问或提出的问题,若不知道或不清楚时,常用I dont know.回答。日常交际中,通常在前面加上sorry或Im sorry.这样显得礼貌,客气。Where is my watch? 我的手表在哪里?I dont know.我不知道。Where is Li Ping?李平在哪里?Sorry,I dont know.对不起,我不知道。(2)dont为助动词do与not的缩写形式。含有实义动词的句子在变成疑问句或否定句时,需借助助动词do 或does。1)section B1.radi

12、o 收音机(教材第22页)radio此处为可数名词,意为“收音机”,复数形式为radios。 My grandfather has two radios. 我的爷爷有两台收音机。拓展以o结尾的名词变复数时,可以在词尾直接加-s的单词有:zoo 动物园;kangaroo 袋鼠;bamboo 竹子;photo 照片;radio 收音机;piano 钢琴等。助记以o结尾复数形式应加-s的名词 袋鼠在动物园里一边观看竹子的照片,一边聆听收音机里的钢琴声。 2.clock 时钟(教材第22页) Clock 可数名词,意为“时钟”。 There is a clock on the wall. 墙上有一个时

13、钟。注意clock与oclock在形式上只有很小的差别,但意义不同:clock的意思是“钟表”,而oclock的意思是“点钟”,表示整点。如five oclock “5点钟” 辨析clock与watchclock指挂钟,闹钟,或建在钟楼,钟塔的钟表等。 watch指手表,怀表或者秒表等。3.tape player 磁带播放机(教材第22页) Player此处用作可数名词,意为“播放机”,是由“play(播放)+er”构成的。 a CD player 一台CD播放机 a video player 一台录像播放机 拓展Player 用作名词时还可意为“运动员,选手,球员”。 a basketbal

14、l player 一名篮球运动员4. Im tidy,but Gina is not. 我爱整洁,但是吉娜不(整洁)。(教材23页) (1)tidy此处用作形容词,意为“整洁的,仅仅有条的”,即可放在连系动词的后面作表语,也可放在名词之前作定语。 常见短语:keep tidy 意为“保持整洁”。Tidy的反义词为 untidy,意为“不整洁的,凌乱的”。 The room is very tidy. 这个房间很整洁。 I like keeping tidy. 我喜欢保持整洁。 He is a tidy boy. 他是一个爱整洁的男孩。 Johns room is very untidy. 约翰

15、的房间非常乱。【拓展】 Tidy作动词,意为“使整洁”,后面可接名词或代词作宾语。 Tidy you room,Tom. 汤姆,收拾好你的房间。but 连词,意为“但是”,可以连接两个并列成分(单词,短语或分句),表示前后意义上的转折或两种情况的对比。 My books are on the desk,but hers arent. 我的书在书桌上,但是她的不在。 辨析:but与and 两者均为连词,可连接两个独立的单词,短语或并列分句,其具体区分如下:but表示转折的逻辑关系或两种情况的对比,意为“但是”I know his name,but I dont know his phone nu

16、mber. 我知道他的名字,但是我不知道他的手机号。and表示顺承或并列的逻辑关系,意为“和;并列”I have a clock and its on the desk. 我有一个闹钟,它在书桌上。Going to the movies is good,_I really only like listening to music. A. and B. but C. so D. or解析:我们可采用“句意分析法”解答本题。由句意“看电影很好”和“我真的只喜欢听音乐”可知前后两个部分是转折关系,故用连词but。5.Ginas books are everywhere-on the bed,on t

17、he sofa and under the chair. 吉娜的书到处都是在塔的床上,在沙发上,还有在椅子下面。 (教材第23页) everywhere 副词,意为“处处,到处,各个地方”,相当于 here and there。助记: Every(每个)+where(在哪里)every-where(处处,到处)In spring,we can see flowers everywhere. 在春天,我们到处都能看到花。The balls are everywhere. 球到处都是。.Gina always asks. .吉娜总是问。 (教材23页) always 副词,意为“总是”,常用在一般

18、现在时句子中,表示动作发生的概率。注意:always与be动词连用时,放在be动词之后;与实义动词连用时,则放在实义动词之前。 The boy is always late for school. 这个男孩总是上学迟到。 She always likes to ask why. 她总是喜欢问为什么。 【拓展】 常见的表示频率的副词还有:usually 通常,often 经常,sometimes 有时,ever 曾经,never从不。同步练习一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1Wheres my pencil box?I _ know.AarentBdont Cisnt Dbe not2Whe

19、re are your computer games?_ are in my schoolbag.AI BYou CHe DThey3The pencil box is _ the bed but the schoolbag is _ the bed.Ain;on Bon;onCof;under Don;under4The apples are _ the tree and the bird is _ the tree.Aon;in Bin;on Cin;in Don;on5Are your books on the desk?No,_.Athey are Bthey arentCit isn

20、t Dit is6_ is my watch.AThese BThose CThis DThey7_?They are tables.AWhat are they BWhats thisCHow are you DWhere are they8Wheres your brother?He is _.Ain home Bat the schoolCat home Don school9Is this _ book?No,it isnt.I think its Jims.Ayour Bshe Cit Dhe10I ask for some _.AEnglish book BEnglish book

21、sCthing Dpencil box11_ is my skirt?Its behind the door.AWhere BWhat CWhose DWhich12There are many pictures _ the wall.Afrom Bon Cabout Din13Here are some _ of Lindas family.Aphoto BphotoesCphotos Da photo14This eraser isnt _.Its _.Amy;his Bmine;hisChis;her Dher;mine15_,boys;you can win(赢)ACome in BC

22、ome toCCome on DLets.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)My name is Grace.Look!This is a picture of _1_ family.A boy is in it._2_ is my brother,Tommy.Tommy is _3_ the sofa.A woman(妇女)is in the picture,too.She is my_4_.She is at the table.My father_5_ in the picture.He is at_6_with his students.A plant and a schoolbag _

23、7_on the table.The schoolbag is my brothers.Two_8_are under the chair.They are also my _9_.You can see some_10_.They are in the bookcase.1.A.his Bher Che Dmy2A.She BHe CIt DThey3A.on Bat Cunder Dof4A.teacher Bcousin Cmother Dfriend5A.isnt Bare Carent Ddont6A.desk Btable Cschool Bare Ca

24、m D/8A.rooms BkeyCeraser BbrothersCsister Dsisters10A.ID card BCDs Cbeds Dplant三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AThis is Jims room.Its a nice room.There are some pictures on the wall(墙)Theres a desk and a chair in his room.There is a sofa and a bookcase,too.The desk is between(在之间)the bed and

25、the bookcase.His schoolbag and pencil box are on the desk.There are some pencils,a pen and a ruler in the pencil box.Jims sofa is near the bookcase.His baseball is under the bed.1There is _ in his room.Aa desk and a chairBa desk and some chairsCa chair and some desksDsome desks and a chair2The desk

26、is between the _ and the _.Asofa;bookcase Bbed;bookcaseCbed;sofa Dsofa;bed3Jims pencil box is _.Aon the desk Bnext to the deskCunder the bed Din the desk4Jims bed is near the _.Asofa BplantsCdesk Dbookcase5Jims _ is under the bed.Apen Bbaseball Cruler DwatchBThis is a room in Kates house.There is a

27、big bed,a table,a computer and some chairs in it.Theres a glass and some books on the table.There is a picture on the wall.Kate is in the room.She is looking at the picture.Her father and mother are in the school.They work hard.6Is there only one room in Kates house?AYes,there is. BThere is a bed.CT

28、here is a computer. DI dont know.7Whats in the room?AOnly a bed.BOnly a table.COnly some chairs.DA bed,a table,a computer and some chairs.8Is there anything on the table?AYes,there is. BNo,there isnt.CSome books. DA glass.9Who is at home?AKates father. BKates mother.CKates brother. DKate.10Kates fat

29、her and mother are _.Ateachers BstudentsCfriends Dat homeCDear Sally,When you go to see your brother,you can take some things to him:his math book,a baseball,notebooks,CDs and a video cassette.You both can play baseball tomorrow afternoon.Your brother needs the CDs.And you can enjoy the CDs together

30、.The math book is on the desk.The baseball is under the bed.The CDs are in the bookcase.The video cassette is behind the computer.Have a good time!Baby!Mom11Sally can take _ things to her brother when she goes to see him.Afive Bsame Cthree Dfour12.The math book is _.Aon the bed Bunder the bedCon the

31、 desk Din the desk13Sally doesnt have to take _ with her.ACDs Bthe baseballCa notebook Dthe soccer ball14Why does she take CDs?ATo give them back to her brother.BTo enjoy them with her brother.CTo sell them to her brother.DTo play with them.15Where is the video cassette?AIts on the computer.BIts in

32、the desk.CIts behind the computer.DIts behind the bed.四、书面表达(共15分)艾伦的爸爸在上班时忘了戴手表、帽子和钥匙。下面的表格是它们所在的位置。keyson the sofawatchon the tablehaton the bed他的妈妈让他把这些东西带给爸爸。假如你是艾伦的妈妈,写一张留言条。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。要求:3040词。Dear Alan,_Thanks,Mom 参考答案一、1. 答案:B点拨:考查助动词。主语为I,know为动词原形,其否定形式应在其前直接加dont。选B项。 2. 答案:D点拨:考查人称代

33、词。题目中的主语“your computer games”是复数形式,所以人称代词应用they。故选D项。 3. 答案:D点拨:句中的but说明前后的介词应为互为反义词,四个选项中只有D项符合,故选D项。 4. 答案:A点拨:考查介词。树自身结的果实在树上需用介词on,外在的人或物在树上需用介词in。故选A项。 5. 答案:B点拨:考查句型。由答语中的No可知是否定回答,排除A、D两项;问句中的主语your books是复数形式,代词应用they,排除C项。故选B项。 6. 答案:C点拨:考查指示代词。A项意为“这些”;B项意为“那些”;C项意为“这;这个”;D项意为“他们”。题意为“这是我的

34、手表”,是单数形式。浏览各选项,只有C项符合题意。故选C项。 7. 答案:A点拨:考查特殊疑问句。由答语“它们是桌子”可知,问句是询问“它们是什么?”。A项意为“它们是什么?”;B项意为“这是什么?”;C项意为“你好吗?”;D项意为“它们在哪里?”。浏览各选项,只有A项符合题意。故选A项。 8. 答案:C点拨:考查介词短语。“在家”应表达为at home;“在学校”应表达为at school或in the school。浏览各选项,只有C项符合题意。故选C项。 9. 答案:A点拨:考查形容词性物主代词。book是名词,其前面应用物主代词修饰,浏览各选项,只有A项your是物主代词。故选A 项。

35、10. 答案:B点拨:考查词汇。题目中的some“一些”,表明其后的名词应用复数形式。选项中只有B项“英语书”是复数。故选B项。 11. 答案:A点拨:考查疑问词。A项意为“在哪里”;B项意为“什么”;C项意为“谁的”;D项意为“哪一个”。由答语“Its behind the door.(它在门后。)”可知是询问地点。故应选A项。 12. 答案:B点拨:考查介词。“在墙上”需用介词on。故选B项。 13. 答案:C点拨:考查名词复数。由系动词are可知“不止一张照片”,排除A、D两项;photo的复数形式直接在词尾加s,排除B项。故选C项。 14. 答案:B点拨:题干中的两个空所填的应作表语,

36、名词性物主代词可以作表语,而形容词性物主代词不能作表语,故选B项。 15. 答案:C点拨:根据句意“男孩们,加油啊,你们会赢的”可知,此处应选一个表示“加油”的短语,四个选项中只有come on有此意,故选C项。二、答案:1.D点拨:考查词汇。根据全文内容可知本文是讲我的一幅全家照。故选D项。2B点拨:考查人称代词。汤米是一男孩,人称代词需用he。故选B项。3A点拨:考查介词。“在沙发上”用介词on。故选A项。4C点拨:考查词汇。根据前一句中的woman一词可知“她是成年女性”,只有C项最符合题意。故选C项。5A点拨:考查系动词。根据主语My father是第三人称单数可知应选A项。6C点拨:

37、考查介词短语。at 均不与desk“课桌”和dresser“梳妆台”搭配,at与table搭配,意为“在吃饭,在进餐”,与句意不符。at可与school构成at school意为“在学校”。选C项。7B点拨:考查系动词。主语 a plant and a schoolbag是复数,系动词应用are。故选B项。8D点拨:考查词汇。two后接复数名词,排除B、C两项;在椅子下面的不可能是两间房,排除A项。故选D项。9B点拨:考查名词所有格。my与A、C、D三项搭配均构成名词短语,分别意为“我的弟弟(哥哥)”,“我的妹妹(姐姐)”,“我的姐妹们”,与题目中they表示的“baseballs”意义不符。

38、只有B项my brothers “我弟弟的”表示所有,符合题意。故选B项。10B点拨:考查词汇。some后用可数名词的复数形式,排除A、D两项;根据下句“它们在书橱里”,排除C项。故选B项。三、 A答案:1.A点拨:细节理解题。根据句子“Theres a desk and a chair in his room.”可知。2B点拨:细节理解题。根据句子“The desk is between(在之间)the bed and the bookcase.”可知。3A点拨:细节理解题。根据句子“His schoolbag and pencil box are on the desk.(他的书包和铅笔盒

39、在课桌上。)”可知。4C点拨:细节理解题。根据句子“The desk is between(在之间)the bed and the bookcase.(课桌在床和书橱之间。)”可知床在课桌附近。5B点拨:细节理解题。根据短文最后一句可知。B答案:6D点拨:细节理解题。通读全文,文中没有提到凯特的家里有几间房,只是说“This is a room in Kates house.(这是凯特家里的一个房间。)”,故“我不知道”,选D项。7D点拨:细节理解题。由句子“There is a big bed,a table,a computer and some chairs in it.”可知。8A点拨

40、:细节理解题。由句子“Theres a glass and some books on the table.”可知,桌子上有东西,所以应作肯定回答。故选A项。9D点拨:细节理解题。由句子“Kate is in the room.”和“Her father and mother are in the school.”可知凯特在家里。故选D项。10A点拨:细节理解题。由文中最后两句“她的父亲和母亲在学校里,他们工作很努力”可知凯特的父母是老师。故选A项。C答案:11A点拨:细节理解题。由句子“you can take some things to him:his math book,a baseb

41、all,notebooks,CDs and a video cassette.”可知萨莉需要带5样东西给他。故选A项。12C点拨:细节理解题。“The math book is on the desk.”可知选C项。13D点拨:细节理解题。由文中句子“you can take some things to him:his math book,a baseball,notebooks,CDs and a video cassette.”可知不需要带去的东西是the soccer ball。故选D项。14B点拨:细节理解题。由句子“And you can enjoy the CDs together.(你们可以一起听CDs。)”可知。15C点拨:细节理解题。由句子“The video cassette is behind the computer.”可知。四、答案:Dear_Alan,Please take these things to your father.Theyre his keys,his watch and his hat.His keys are on the sofa.His watch is on the table.His hat is on the bed.Thanks,

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