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2011届高考英语一轮复习精品学案:UNIT 14 FESTIVALS(新人教).doc

1、SBIB Unit 14 Festivals 万圣节 素材新挖掘考点1. conflict n. 斗争;战斗;冲突 vi.战争;冲突 No fighting or conflicts are allowed. You can take the following methods to solve the conflicts in work.你可以试着利用下面的方法来解决职场矛盾。conflict n. & vi.战争;战斗;冲突conflict with 冲突;争执;抵触(1)If so, your points of view are bound to _ (起冲突) with his.(2

2、)The oil caused the _(冲突)between the two countries.(3)There existed _(冲突)between religion and science in history. (4)我们的政治观点不一致。(写作小练笔:主谓;political views) _conflictconflictconflictOur political views conflict.考点2. honour vt.尊敬;给以荣誉They used to honour their ancestor.The prize was to honour him for hi

3、s great discoveries.这项奖励是为了对他的重大发现而表现的敬意。honour vt. 使感到荣幸,尊敬honour n. 荣誉,敬意,光荣的人或事honoured adj. 受尊敬的 in honour of为向表示敬意 be honoured for / as向某人表示敬意(1)I have the _(荣誉)to inform you that you can attend the Tenth Party Congress. (2)Im _(荣幸)to take part in your wedding.(3)She named the radioactive miner

4、al Polonium in _ (敬意)of her motherland. (4)我很荣幸你仍然记得我。 (写作小练笔:主系表+从句;remember) _honour honoured honour Im honoured that you still remember me.考点3. respect vt. & n.尊敬;尊重We should learn to respect life and nature. The students show great respect for their history teacher.学生对他们的历史老师表示出极大的尊重。respect vt.

5、 & n. 尊敬 show respect to 尊敬;尊重respects 敬意;问候 out of respect (for) 出于尊敬(1)The teacher _(受尊敬)by them.(2)我深深敬佩她的勇气。(写作小练笔:主谓宾;deeply, courage) _(3)We should _ other peoples cultures and values. A. measure B. respect C. balance D. learn B。尊重别人的文化和价值观符合文意。(4)Visitors in India always avoid hurting cattle

6、out of _ for the local custom. A. care B. respect C. love D. protection B。out of respect for sb.“出于对某人的尊敬”符合逻辑。is respectedI deeply respect her courage.考点4. dress up盛装;打扮; 装饰People celebrate Mardi Gras by dressing up and watching parades. Tonight need dressing up because we have to go to a modern re

7、staurant.今晚要盛装打扮,我们要去一家很时髦的餐厅。dress up (as)盛装;打扮; 装饰dress vt. 装饰;穿衣make up 化妆(1)We are supposed to _(装扮)as movie characters for the party, what a novel idea!(2)Flora likes to _(打扮)for a party.(3)She_(化了妆)her face to look prettier. (4)Do we have to dress up to visit her birthday party?(英译汉) _dress up

8、dress upmade up去参加她的生日宴会,我们得打扮打扮吗?考点5. in ones opinion 按照的看法In my opinion, we should forbid fighting or conflicts on Peace Day. In my opinion, many teenagers depend too much on their parents.以我的观点看,很多青少年现在太依赖父母了。in ones opinion 按照的看法form an ill opinion of对有不好的评价have a high opinion of 有很高的评价(1) _(以我的

9、看法), it is a good habit to wash our hands before a meal.(2) _(在专家看来), most cloned animals suffer from several birth defects or die.(3)我认为你犯了一个严重的错误。 (写作小练笔:主谓宾;mistake) _考点6. play a trick on sb 开某人玩笑;欺骗某人In my opinion In experts opinion In my opinion, you are making a terrible mistake. Our friends w

10、ill play tricks on us and try to fool us. People like to play tricks on their friends on April Fools Day.在愚人节那天,很多人喜欢开朋友的玩笑。play a trick on sb 开某人玩笑play jokes on戏弄kid sb =tease sb. 取笑某人fool sb 愚弄某人take in 欺骗;摄取; 包括(1)The children played a _(捉弄)on their teacher. (2)We all played a _(玩笑)on him.(3)I wa

11、s completely _(欺骗)by her story.(4)Dont do that silly thing or our friends will _ (拿我们开玩笑)and try to fool us. 考点7. take in 欺骗;摄取If a person is taken in, he or she is called “April fool!”The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies.营业员发现欺骗老年妇女很容易。trickjoke taken inplay tricks on us take in收留;吸收;收容

12、(某人);欺骗;摄取take over 接受;接管; 接任take up开始从事;专注于;占据take away拿走; 夺走; 拆去take on 雇佣 take off 起飞;成功(1)Do you know that he has _(欺骗)his father?(2)If you believe him, youll certainly _(被欺骗).(3)_(别被他欺骗)by his nice smile; hell cheat you.(4)Her lecture _(包罗)all the recent developments in the subject.(5)They _(吸收

13、)every word of my lecture.考点8. No fighting or crimes are allowed. 任何打斗和犯罪行为都是不允许的。In the early Olympic Games, only male athletes are allowed to compete.在奥林匹克运动会早期,只有男性运动员才能参加比赛。taken inbe taken inDont be taken intook intook inallow sb. to do sth. 允许某人干某事allow doing允许干某事allow sb. sth. 允许某人某事allow sb.

14、 in/inside/into允许某人进入(1)We _(允许吸烟)only in restricted areas. (2)Nopets _(被允许)inside. (3)The government servants arent _(允许)to accept rewards. 【高考链接】 -Can I smoke here?-Sorry. We dont allow _ here. A. people smoking B. people smoke C. to smoke D. smoking 【答案】D。【解析】此题考查非谓语动词。allow doing 或allow sb. to do“允许干某事”。allow smokingare allowedallowed

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