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七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here第5课时学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版.doc

1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here课题Unit 8第5课时课型新授编号8-5学科英语班级七年级领导签字执笔人使用人使用时间学习目标1. 谈论某个地点的具体位置;2. 写一篇介绍你家周围环境的短文。学习重点、难点写一篇介绍你家周围环境的短文课时安排1课时自主预习翻译1.在对面_ 2.购物_ 3.到达那里_4.在我家附近_5.左拐_ 6.在右边_7.在上学的日子_8.空闲的时间_展示交流Step 1Review & Lead-in1. Read 2b on P47together.2. Put thewords you learned in differ

2、ent blanks. Finish Self Check: Ex.1.3. Finish Self Check: Ex.2.4. Finish Self Check: Ex.3.5. Check the answers.Step 2 Presentation1. Go through the words in the box quickly.2. Fill in the blanks in the passagewith the words. Finish 3a. Check the answers.3. Read the passage together.Step 3 Writing1.D

3、raw a map of your neighborhood. 2.Write a passage about your neighborhood according to the questions in the box. Finish 3b. 3.Show time: show your passage to the class.知识探究1. money 是不可数名词, 作单数看e.g. 钱是重要的,但并不是一切。Money_ important, but it isnt everything. “免费的”e.g. 这些书都是免费的。 These books _ _ 【拓展】

4、free 空闲的;(反义词)_ e.g. 格林先生本周不忙。 Mr. Green isnt busy this week. 同义句: Mr. Green_ _this week.3. easily 容易地(副词), 形容词:_ e.g. 公共汽车站离这里不远,你能很容易地找到。 The bus stop is not_ _ here. You can find it _.巩固提升一、 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1. If you want to send a letter, you must go to the p_ o_.2. There is a s_ near here, and w

5、e often go there to buy everything.3. We often get money from the b_.4. I am very h_. I would like something to eat.5. The hospital is b_ our school and the bookshop.6. Is there a garden in your n_?二、用所给单词的反义词填空。1. The supermarket is on the _ of the street. (right)2. They are doing their homework in the _classroom. (noisy)3. Next to the hotel is a _ house with an interesting garden. (big)4. Go _ this street and you can find the shop. ( up)5. My English book is very _. (old)

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