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本文(七年级英语下册 Unit 8 The seasons and the Weather Topic 3 Let’s celebrate同步学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

七年级英语下册 Unit 8 The seasons and the Weather Topic 3 Let’s celebrate同步学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版.doc

1、Unit8The Seasons and the Weather Topic 3 Lets celebrate!Section A 【学习目标】1. 学习新单词及一些节日的名词:festival , dumpling ,turkey, sweet, riddle, pie , believe, the Spring Festival, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Lantern Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Easter2. 学习中国及西方国家的一些传统节日3. 了解西方国家的风俗和文化【学习重难点】了解中国及西方国家的一些传统节日了解西方

2、国家的风俗和文化【学习方法】自主学习, 合作交流, 综合探究【学习过程】学习指导:1自主学习(1)Listen to the new words and repeat, then write down these words, check in pairs.(听单词录音并跟读,然后把这些词写下来,完成后同桌互相检查。全部写对而且字很整洁的请给他她画一个笑脸,错很多且字迹不工整的请画哭脸。)节日_ 火鸡_饺子_ 甜的_谜语_ 南瓜_果馅饼_ 运气_前夕_ 相信_傻子_ 满的_月饼_ 午夜 _(2)写出sectionA 中的节假日名称及对应的日期。如:Spring Festival 春节Janua

3、ry / February 一月或二月FestivalsDateFoodActivitiesSpring FestivalJanuaryFebruarydumplingsDecember 25thgive each other presentsThanksgivingthe 4th Thursday in NovemberLantern Festivalsweet dumplings_2交流展示;Read 1a carefully, and fill in the chart.3自主学习:1)Listen to 1a and repeat.2)Listen to 2 and complete

4、the sentences , then check the answers.3)Listen to 2 again and repeat.4合作学习:1)学生1说日期,让学生2说出节日;或说学生1说出节日,学生2说出日期(检查学生是否能记住节日的准确日期)如:S1: When is Teachers Day?S2: On September 10th.S1: What festival is it on April 1st?S2: April fools Day.2)学生小组讨论1b中的问题5综合探究:进行一个采访活动,调查各个学生最喜欢的节日NameFavorite FestivalWhy

5、如:S1: Whats your favorite festival?S2: Christmas.S1: Why?S2: I like the presents. And I can send cards to my friends.【作业布置】情景交际。从方框内选择恰当的句子补全对话,使对话完整、通顺。A: When is May Day?( ) B: 1 A: How do people celebrate it?( ) B: 2 ( ) A: 3 B: Its on the lunar May 5th.A: What do people do on that day?( ) B: Peo

6、ple hold dragon boat races in many places and 4( ) A: 5 A. They often go shopping or traveling.B. Its on May 1st.C. When is National Day?D. When is Dragon Boat Festival?E. eat rice dumplings to remember Qu YuanB: Its October 1st. Its the birthday of our country.Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather Top

7、ic3 Lets celebrate!Section B【学习目标】1学习一些新单词:important ,prepare ,church ,put up ,open ,gift ,grape2学会谈论节日,习俗和文化。3学会表达愿望和祝贺。【学习重点】1学会谈论节日,习俗和文化。2学会表达愿望和祝贺。【学习方法】自主学习, 合作交流, 综合探究【学习过程】1自主学习(1)Listen to the new words and repeat, then write down these words, check in pairs.(听单词录音并跟读,然后把这些词写下来,完成后同桌互相检查。全部

8、写对而且字很整洁的请给他她画一个笑脸,错很多且字迹不工整的请画哭脸。)准备_ 重要的_教堂_ 打开_礼品_ 葡萄_装饰_ 长筒袜_问候_ 愉快的_集会_ 挂起_2小组讨论:小组讨论下面两个问题:What do you know about Christmas?Do you like Christmas? Why or why not?3自主学习:1)Read 1a and then answer the following questions.When is Christmas ?_What do people often do on Christmas Eve?_How do people

9、greet each other on Christmas day?_2) Listen to 1a and repeat.3) Read i1a again and complete the table in 1b4) Listen to 2a and choose the right pictures.5) Listen to 2a again and complete the sentences in 2b4交流展示:翻译下列短语和句子。1)知道/了解_ 2) 忙于做某事_3) 去购物_ 4) give sth. to sb_5) 去教堂_ 6) 挂起 _7) at the end of

10、 _ 8) 好运_9)他们认为礼物一定是来自圣诞老人。_5综合探究:完成下面短文。On Christmas _, the night of December 24th, families often go to _ and sing _ songs. Children _ up stockings _ the fireplaces or at the _ of their beds before they go to _. On the morning of Christmas Day, children always get up very _ and open the _ in the s

11、tockings. They think the presents must be from _ _.单项选择( ) 1 What are the students doing? They are busy their homework.Ato doBdoCdoing ( )2_ Christmas Eve, I hung my stocking by the fireplace.AAt BOn ( )3Thank you _ your Christmas cardAtoBfor( )4Lets _ this festival.AcelebratesBcelebrate( )5Please _

12、 me something about Christmas.AtellBspeak七年级英语下册导学案 UNIT 8 Topic 3 Section C学习目标Studying aims1. 了解中国春节小常识.2. 继续学习用一般现在时表达风俗习惯一、课前预习 Having a tryVocabulary词汇(你知道下列单词吗?请试着写出来)1.重要事情,大事n._2.午夜n._ 3.运气好的,幸运的adj._4.万圣节前夕n. 5.吓人的adj._6.鬼,幽灵n._7.敲v./n. (v.过去式)_ 8.呼喊v./n. (v.过去式)_ 9.款待,招待v./n. (v.过去式)_Phras

13、es 词组(请同学们在P101-102划出下列词组,并写下。) 1.开始做某事 2.在的前夕 3.熬夜_ 4.在阴历新年的第一天 5.压岁钱 6.敲门 7.把脸涂成白色 8.请客还是捣乱 9.捉弄某人 10.把最美好的祝愿带给 Sentences 句子(请在P101-102中划下下列句子并写下。)1.在除夕夜,全家都聚集在一起吃一顿大餐。2.他们守岁,并在午夜吃饺子求好运。3.在农历大年初一,孩子们穿上新衣服并向他们的父母拜年。4.他们很开心可以从父母那里得到压岁钱.二、新知导学Working out the difficulties1. In China, the Spring Festiv

14、al is a big event. People usually start preparing for the festival one month before it comes.start意为: ,与begin同义,常见搭配有: .e.g. It started / (rain). 开始下雨了.2. We all wear scary clothes, and colored our faces white and mouths black like ghosts. colored our faces white意为: .color+n.+adj.表示把涂/漆/ 刷成色.e.g. Yo

15、u had better our wall .I think it looks nice. 你最好把墙刷成黄色,我认为那样看上去好些。3.Then we knocked on our neighbors doors and shouted,“ trick or treat”. (1)knock on意为: 相当于knock at .e.g. I / the door, and it opens.我敲了敲门,然后门开了.(2)shout意为: .拓展:shout to sb.向某人喊话. The policman the driver, “stop”.警察向司机大声喊, “停车”. shout

16、at sb.冲某人喊(有叫骂的含义) The woman the man angrily.那位妇女生气地向那位男士喊着.(3)treat 名词意为: .e.g. This is my .我来请客.拓展:treat v. 意为: 强调治疗的动作,不涉及治疗的结果. e.g. They are trying their best to her. 他们正设法为她治病. treat v. 还可作 讲, e.g. The villagers the old people well.村民们对老人照顾的很周到. 四当堂检测(一)根据题意,用方框中短语的适当形式填空.shout at, stay up, lu

17、cky money, knock on, put on1. During(在期间)the Spring Festival, children can get _from their parents .2. _your coat, please. It is very cold outside.3. He often _to watch TV at night.4. Dont_ the old people. Its impolite(不礼貌的).5. You must_ the door before you go into the others room.(二)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空

18、.1. My mother often starts_ (cook) at 5:30 in the afternoon.2. Please give my best_ (wish) to your parents.3. Yesterday I _ (wear) a blue coat.4. We_ (not play) tricks on Tom last week.5. He_ (tell) me an interesting story last night.(三)用适当的介词填空.1. We are preparing _ the Spring Festival.2. They stay

19、 up and enjoy dumplings _ midnight _good luck.3. Thank you _ your parents.4. Could you tell me something _your favorite festival?5. I knocked _my neighbors door, but he wasnt in. 写作训练。What is your favorite holiday or festival ? what do people usually do on that day? 写一篇不少于60词的文章。 . . . . 英语七下Unit8 T

20、opic3 Section D 学案NAME:_一、学习目标1.掌握重点单词和表达;2. 了解一些节日的常识和习俗二、学习重难点重点单词和表达三、学习过程(一)旧知复习1. start _ sth / start _ _ sth 开始做某事2. _ _熬夜 _ _在午夜 _ _压岁钱 _ _敲(二)新单词学习P103-104(三)课文讲解1. many _ and _很多假期和节日2. There _(be) many holidays and festivals in China. 在中国有很多假期和节日。3. _ _ _(它们中的一个) is International Labor Day

21、. 其中之一就是国际劳动节。4. Its _ May 1st. 它在5月1日。“数词+连字符号+单数名词”构成一个复合词,相当于一个形容词。e.g. one-day一天的 two-week两周的 five-year-old 五岁的5. a _ holiday一个一天的假期 a _ training 一个两周的培训 a five- year-old boy 一个五岁的男孩 a 500-meter race 一场500米的赛跑6. People _(享受) a one-day holiday. They often go shopping or _(travel).人们享受一天的假期,他们经常去购

22、物或旅游。7. The Dragon Boat Festival is _ lunar May 5th. 龙舟节(端午节)在农历五月初五。8. _ this day, people have dragon boat races in many places.在这一天,人们在很多地方举办赛龙舟。 nation n.国家,民族 _adj.国家的,民族的 _adj.国际的9. October 1st is _ _(国庆节) of the PRC. 10月1日是中国的国庆节。watch . do sth“观看/注视.做某事”,强调观看的全过程或经常性的动作。watch. doing sth“观看/注视

23、.正在做某事”,强调事情正在发生。 go up上升 go down下降10. Many people watch the _ _(国旗) go up. 很多人观看升旗仪式。see . do sth“看见.做某事”see . doing sth“看见.正在做某事”11. I often see him _(read) books in the library. 我经常看到他在图书馆看书。12. I see him _(read) books in the library. 我看见他正在图书馆看书。四、课后作业一、完型填空The Spring Festival is our Chinese peo

24、ples special festival. It 1 in January or February. There are twelve different animal names 2 each Chinese year. They are mouse, tiger, rabbit, chicken, dragon 3 . This year is the year of mouse. 4 the Spring Festival, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. Every family 5 many kinds of

25、food and drinks. On the eve of the festival, there is 6 a big family dinner. People like eating jiaozidumplings. It 7 “reunion(团聚)”and “good luck.”After dinner all the family stay up 8 the New Year. They often watch TV and play games.On the first day of the lunar New Year, people 9 their new clothes

26、 and go to visit relatives(亲戚)and friends. They say “Happy New Year” and give the best wishes to 10 . Everyone has a great time.( )1. A. will comeB. comes C. came D. is coming( )2. A. for B. in C. on D. to( )3. A. later on B. right away C. and so on D. as well( )4. A. After B. On C. When D. Before( )5. A. prepares B. are preparingC. prepare for D. prepared( )6. A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. always( )7. A. meant B. means C. like D. likes( )8. A. welcome B. stop C. to welcome D. to stop( )9. A. wear in B. put on C. dress D. be in( )10. A. every otherB. the others C. each other D. one other

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