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《名师一号》2015高考英语(人教版)一轮课时检测34 选修6 UNIT 1 ART.doc

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1、课时跟踪检测选修六Unit 1Art(计时:45分钟).词汇知识1 What do you think of the Spring Festival Gala of the Dragon Year? To be frank, it didnt _ me much.A. appeal to B. belong toC. occur to D. refer to答案与解析A句意:你认为龙年春晚怎样?坦率地说,它对我没有很大的吸引力。本题考查动词短语辨析。appeal to“吸引”; belong to“属于”; occur to“发生”; refer to“提及;参考;意指”。2I once _

2、to read an English novel, but there were so many new words that I had to give up halfway.A. attempted B. managedC. offered D. pretended答案与解析A根据后半句“但因为生词太多而被迫中途放弃”可知。“我曾经试图读一本英文小说”。attempt to do sth.“试图做某事”,符合句意。manage to do sth.“设法做成功某事”; offer“主动提出”; pretend“假装”。3Its _ of him to set his aim high bu

3、t do little, so he is always leaving things undone.A. controversial B. typicalC. conventional D. evident答案与解析Bit is typical of sb. to do sth.“做某事是某人常有的事”。controversial“有争议的”; conventional“传统的”; evident“明显的”。4I always _ follow the instructions of my doctor when taking medicine.A. generously B. purpos

4、efullyC. faithfully D. permanently答案与解析C句意:每次吃药我都严格遵循医生的嘱咐。faithfully“准确地;如实地;严格地”。generously“慷慨地;不吝啬地”; purposefully“有目的地”; permanently“永久地;持久地”。5On the one hand, we should develop our economy. _, we should protect the environment.A. On the other hand B. For the thingC. On the contrary D. By hand答案

5、与解析A句意:一方面,我们要发展经济;另一方面,我们要保护环境。on the other hand“另一方面”; for one thing“一来”,表原因; on the contrary“相反”; by hand“手工地”。.单句语法填空6I ran all the way to school yesterday, otherwise I _ (be) late for the annual talent show.答案与解析would have been句意:昨天我一路跑到学校,不然年度才艺表演我就会迟到。本句的后半句是虚拟语气,是对过去情况的假设,所以主句用would have don

6、e结构。7Professor Liu went to our school yesterday when I was ill at home. How I wish I _ (see) him.答案与解析had seen句意:昨天当我生病在家时,刘教授去了我们学校。我多么希望我见到他啊。wish后的宾语从句表示对过去情况的虚拟时,从句谓语应用过去完成时。8He was busy yesterday, or he _ (help) you with your experiment.答案与解析would have helped句意:他昨天很忙,否则他一定会帮助你做实验的。表示对过去情况的虚拟,应用

7、would have done。9The family _ (arrive) on time, but their car had a flat tyre on the halfway.答案与解析would have arrived句意:这一家人本来是会准时到达的,但他们的车在半路上轮胎破了。本题考查but并列句中的虚拟语气。10If my father _ (be) here yesterday, he would have stopped me from going surfing.答案与解析had been句意:如果我父亲昨天在这里,他就会阻止我上网。根据句意可知这句话是对过去发生事情的

8、假设,从句谓语动词用过去完成式。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A father came home from work late, tired and exhausted. He worked day and night, _11_ (hope) to earn more money for his only child. His 5yearold daughter _12_ (wait) for him at the door.“Dad, how much do you earn an hour?”asked the daughter

9、.“Why do you ask that?”“I just want to know. Please tell me how much you earn an hour.”“If you really want to know . I earn $20 an hour.”“Oh,” the little girl replied _13_ her head down. Looking up, she said, “Dad, may I borrow $10?”The father became angry.“Go to bed right now! Think about _14_ self

10、ish you are. I work hard every day, _15_ you just want to buy your silly toy!”The little girl _16_ (quiet) went to her bedroom, feeling sad. _17_ an hour or so, the father calmed down and started to feel sorry because she really didnt ask for money very often. So _18_ went to his daughters room and

11、gave her $10.The little girl jumped from the bed. “Oh, thank you, Dad!” She was really happy indeed.Then she took out her own savings and said,“Dad, I have $20 now. Can I buy _19_ hour of your time? Please come home _20_ (early) tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.”答案与解析11hopinghope与其逻辑主语

12、he为主动关系,故用现在分词形式作伴随状语。12was waiting过去进行时表过去正在发生的动作。小女孩正在门口等他。13with小女孩低着头回答, with结构作伴随状语。14how考虑一下你是多么自私啊。how引导感叹句,强调形容词selfish。15butbut在语意上表转折,意为“但是”。16quietly所给词在句中作状语修饰动词went,故填quietly。17Afterafter an hour or so“大约一个小时以后”。18he空格处在句中作主语,故填人称代词he,指the father。19anan hour“一小时”。20earlier“请明天回来得早一点儿”,该

13、处暗含比较级,故填earlier。.完形填空Coffee is our dog, dads favourite. Five years ago, _21_ suffered strokes, and the doctors told us he would not _22_ through. Mum and we sisters took turns taking care of him, trying to _23_ him by asking questions, such as, “Are you OK?” “Do you know who we are?”. _24_, we neve

14、r got the answers we were _25_. As the months went by, I started to miss our _26_, thinking of those funny things he would do. So one day, when I was asking dad our daily questions, without even _27_ it, I blurted out (脱口而出): “Is Coffee a tiger?” Suddenly, we saw dad move _28_, the corner of his _29

15、_ began to turn up, smiling! It was the first _30_ in four months that dad had _31_ any awareness. Coffee called dad back to _32_!Since then, Coffee came into our _33_. I would remind him of how Coffee _34_ walking on grass. Every time we threw a ball in our garden, Coffee would run _35_ the edge, o

16、n the brick pavers (小道), to the closest point where the ball had _36_, tiptoe onto the grass to pick it up, then run back along the pavers again.It took one year before dad was _37_ well enough to return home, and Ill never forget the homecoming. Coffee was waiting for dad and, with no idea that he

17、wasnt as steady on his feet as before, Coffee rapidly jumped himself into dads _38_, almost pushing dad over. But dad didnt seem to _39_ one bit: the smile on his face was the most _40_ Ive ever seen and the tears in his eyes said it all.21A. mum B. I C. dad D. Coffee22A. pull B. get C. put D. go23A

18、. help B. comfort C. save D. awake24A. Fortunately B. Sadly C. Strangely D. Firstly25A. learning about B. hoping for C. caring about D. looking for26A. home B. garden C. dog D. neighbour27A. asking B. minding C. hearing D. realizing28A. calmly B. quickly C. slowly D. worriedly29A. mouth B. ear C. fa

19、ce D. nose30A. notice B. sign C. sight D. view31A. showed B. lost C. found D. expressed32A. thought B. smile C. spirit D. life33A. conversations B. hearts C. memories D. stories34A. loves B. hates C. cares D. knows35A. along B. over C. on D. beyond36A. came B. left C. hit D. landed37A. immediately B

20、. only C. finally D. hardly38A. hands B. arms C. eyes D. tears39A. mind B. feel C. see D. stand40A. interesting B. colourful C. beautiful D. surprising答案与解析21C根据下文可知,是“父亲”患了中风。22A根据下文可知,医生告诉作者及其一家人,父亲过不了这道难关了。pull through“恢复健康;渡过难关”。get through“通过;完成”; put through“接通;完成”; go through“经历;经受”。23D根据下文可知

21、,家人轮流看护着父亲,向父亲提问一些问题,目的是唤醒他。24B令人难过的是家人们得不到他们希望得到的回答。25Bhope for“希望;盼望”,符合文意。learn about“了解”; care about“关心”; look for“寻找”。26C第二段尾句“Coffee called Dad back .”可知,作者挂念的是她和父亲喜欢的那只“狗”。27D根据上文可知,由于作者想起了Coffee,她毫无“意识到”地问起了父亲“Is Coffee a tiger?”。28C根据下文可知,父亲“慢慢地”动了起来。29A由smiling可知,嘴角开始翘起来是笑的动作。故选A项。30B这是四个月

22、以来,爸爸第一次显示出还有意识的迹象。sign“迹象”,符合文意。notice“注意”; sight“视力”; view“观察;观点”。31Ashow“显示”,符合文意。32DCoffee把爸爸唤醒,使他又回归到了生活的世界。33A自从那时起Coffee成了我们“交谈”的话题。34B根据下文讲到的Coffee在草地的边缘,铺砖的小道上走,可知它不愿到草地上去。hate“厌恶”,符合文意。35ACoffee不愿踏草地,绕着草地的边缘跑,故用along。36D指球落地的动作,用land。37C爸爸在医院住了一年才“最终”恢复健康,返回到家里。38B这里描述Coffee和爸爸亲密拥抱的情景。Coff

23、ee一下子扑到爸爸的怀里,险些把他扑倒在地。39A但是爸爸似乎一点儿也不“介意”。40C爸爸的脸上露出了“美丽”的笑容。.阅读理解The 30 miles of steep roads that snake through the mountains of Logan Canyon in Utah are enough to make most drivers hands sweat. But Andersen, a 46year old father of four, wasnt expecting any trouble on the road last New Years Eve, wh

24、en he set off for a ski trip to the Bear River Mountains with nineyearold daughter Mia, fouryearold son Baylor, and nineyearold neighbour Kenya. Andersen had driven through the Canyon hundreds of times over the years.The weather was fine but the higher they drove, the more slippery the roads became.

25、 Rounding a sharp Uturn at mile marker 473, Andersen saw a truck that had skated off the road and immediately tapped his brakes. In an instant, the car was sliding at 25 miles per hour toward the shoulder of the highway, then rolling down a steep tenfoot dam toward the extremely cold Logan River. As

26、 it hit the water, the car tipped toward the passenger side, hesitated, and then rolled onto its roof and sank into the river.There was no time to tell the kids what to do. The crash had broken a few windows, and within seconds, the upsidedown car was filled with water. “It was frightening how fast

27、we were completely underwater,” remembers Andersen, a softspoken product development manager.“Youre thinking, is this how its all going to end?”Having lost all sense of direction, Andersen began to search the freezing water for the kids. Mia had been right next to him in the front seat; now, in the

28、blackness, he couldnt find her.“I thought, if I dont get out, maybe none of us are going to get out.” Andersen got out of his seat belt, swam through a broken window, and, deeply and quickly, breathed air at the surface. Thats when he saw a group of men, about ten in all, appear at the top of the da

29、m. One after another, they raced down into the water. Helping onto safety all the three children, they began to shout at the father,“Who else is in the car?”Andersen says respectfully, “It_was_like_the_sight_of_angels_(天使)”41What might be the main reason for the car accident?A. The sharp Uturn.B. Th

30、e steep dam.C. The sudden brakes.D. A truck hitting the car.答案与解析C根据第二段中的描述“. Andersen saw a truck that had skated off the road and immediately tapped his brakes.”可知,事故是由于急刹车造成的。42Andersen didnt expect any trouble on the road because _.A. he was familiar with the roadB. he was good at drivingC. his

31、hands didnt have sweatD. the weather was fine答案与解析A根据第一段的最后一句“Andersen had driven through the Canyon hundreds of times over the years.”可知,安德森很熟悉这条路。43What can be learned from the last paragraph?A. Andersen lost consciousness in the water.B. Strangers helped Andersen out of the car.C. Andersen liked

32、Mia most among the children.D. Strangers teamed together to save three children.答案与解析D根据该段中的“Thats when he saw a group of men, about ten in all, appear at the top of the dam. One after another, they raced down into the water.”可知, D项正确。44The underlined sentence is to express Andersens feeling of being _.A. tired B. excitedC. doubtful D. grateful答案与解析D根据上文可知,这句话表达了安德森的感激之情。45Which of the following can be the best title of the text?A. Stay Calm When in TroubleB. Drive rounding a UturnC. Miracle Rescue from an Icy RiverD. Mystery of the Bear River答案与解析C根据故事情节可以判断C项“冰冷河里神奇救援”适合作本文标题。


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