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《名师一号》2015高考英语(人教版)一轮基础练夯实:选修6 UNIT 1 ART.doc

1、名师一号 高考总复习 模块新课标 新课标版英语基础一练夯实练基础小试牛刀.词汇知识1(2013安徽卷)David is _ animal fur, so he wont visit anyone who has cats or dogs in the house.A. curious about B. allergic toC. satisfied with D. fond of答案与解析B由句子后面可知戴维对动物毛过敏。be curious about“好奇”; be allergic to“过敏”; be satisfied with“满意”; be fond of“喜欢”。2No one

2、 can _ what happened yesterday.A. put off B. make upC. look through D. figure out答案与解析D句意:没人清楚昨天发生了什么事。figure out“弄清楚;明白”;put off“推迟”;make up“组成;化妆;弥补”;look through“浏览;翻阅”。3 Did he say anything that _ to you especially? Not really. Actually I slept halfway through his speech.A. adapted B. attachedC.

3、 appealed D. referred答案与解析C根据答语“听演讲听到一半就睡着了”可推知上句询问:他有没有讲一些吸引(appealed to)你的东西?故选C项。adapt to“适应”; attach to“粘上;附上”; refer to“指的是;谈及”。4It seems that we value what we are trying to get more than what we _ right now.A. take B. bringC. possess D. lose答案与解析C句意:好像我们更重视想得到的东西而不是现在拥有的东西。possess“拥有;占有”,符合句意。

4、take“带走”; bring“带来;造成”; lose“失去”。5(2013大连高三质检)_, John and I were born on the same day of the same year, and we have a lot in common.A. By all means B. By coincidenceC. By design D. By a chance答案与解析B句意:碰巧我和约翰同年同月同日生,而且我们有很多共同点。根据were born on the same day of the same year可知是“碰巧”,故答案为B项。by all means“可以

5、;没问题”; by design“故意地”; by a chance应改为by chance“偶然地”。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Emma: I hear youve given up sailing.Robert: Not _6_ (complete). I still go every now and then, but Im much _7_ interested in surfing nowadays. Its more of a challenge, _8_ I still go out in a boat occasio

6、nally.Emma: When did you begin to show interest in surfing?Robert: It was last summer. My friend invited me to go with him. He is _9_ expert in surfing. At first I just watched. But he kept _10_ (encourage) me to have a try. So I did it. I felt it _11_ (fantasy). Always up and down with the waves, a

7、nd it was just one race after _12_ between the surf rider and the wavers. I like this sport. Because it can always keep me _13_ high spirits.Emma: Do you like any other sport? Like football?Robert: I have no interest in ball games _14_ any other sports. But I like all water sports. _15_ sailing, in the future, I may try water skiing, windsurfing or something else. 答案pletely7.more8.but9.an10.encouraging11.fantastic12.another13.in14.or15.Besides3

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