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1、2012高考英语新题型训练8第八篇1. It snowed for the first time of the year last night, which announced the _ of winter. A. approach B. prediction C. organization D. appointment2. -Have you invited Mr. Smith to our party? - I certainly have, but I cant _ that he will be present. A. determine B. order C. recommend

2、D. ensure3. Although he was badly ill, he decided to insist that she not _ him. A. follow B. accompany C. assist D. comfort4. I am not a _ reader of this newspaper. I only read it every now and then. A. contemporary B. regular C. major D. usual5. _, her work has been good, but this essay is anything

3、 but satisfactory. A. In common B. In the wild C. In general D. In a row6. We all believe that Tom will make a first-class tennis player. Its simply a _ of time. A. matter B. problem C. question D. plan7. Therere many comments about the earthquake on the Internet, _ that people are concerned about i

4、t. A. declaring B. indicating C. announcing D. demanding8. When you get stuck, you need to _ the problem from different angles, which will lead to a solution. A. handle B. face C. narrow D. meet9. Faced with inflation, the government is _ all possible ways to control the continuous rise in prices. A

5、. classifying B. inspiring C. engaging D. employing10. We cant be defeated at any time as long as we could set aside disagreements and _. A. hold on B. hold together C. hold up D. hold out11. John was requested to _. his business in the office before he went home. A. establish B. settle C. enrich D.

6、 swap12. When Jim returned home ten years later, we found he had changed so much that we could hardly _ him. A. remember B. refuse C. recognize D. remind13. Because the young man was very _ in speaking this strange dialect, we asked him to help us communicate with the villagers here. A. official . B

7、. correct C. fluent D. native14. More and more people _ the campaign which aimed at protecting the endangered animals. A. set up B. joined in C. made up D. majored in15. A true friend cant be someone who _ you well because you are rich but leaves you when you are unlucky. A. makes use of B. gets tir

8、ed of C. pays attention to D. gets along with 完成句子1主管要求我们要通宵工作来完成任务。 The director required that we _ to complete the task. (work)2你可能不清楚她的儿子这个学期英语学习取得了多么大的进步。 You may have no idea _ in his English study this term. (progress)3那个男人如此困倦以至于他没有脱衣服就在他躺着的地方睡着了。 The man was so sleepy that he fell asleep _ ,

9、without undressing. (lie)4对于是否有必要继续这个计划这一问题他们仍然没有解决。 They havent settled the question of _ the project. (carry)5由于有许多工作要处理,他今天晚上又要熬夜。 _ , he has to stay up tonight again. (with)6这个国家由很多岛屿组成,其中最大的一个位于东南部。 This country _ ,the biggest of which lies in the southeast. (consist)7应多注意农村小孩的教育,尤其是女孩的教育。 _ th

10、e childrens education in the countryside, especially to girls.(pay)8只要一个人坚定思想,任何人都能成为他想成为的人,无论是医生、律师、还是科学 家甚至是总统。 Anyone can _ ,a doctor, a lawyer, a scientist, even a president as long as he sets his mind to it. (whatever)9对于认为内陆城市有着更好的机会发展壮大这一观点,你一定是错了。 _ in the belief that the inland cities have better chances of becoming powerful . (mistaken)10我多么希望我能和你一起在海边度过更多时光,但是这个寒假我必须回去上课。 How I wish _ more days with you by the sea but I have to attend classes this winter vacation. (spend)

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