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1、随堂演练即时体验巩固提升.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1Which do you enjoy _ (spend) your weekend, walking in the wood or fishing by the lake?答案与解析to spendenjoy的宾语为“walking in the wood or fishing by the lake”,to spend your weekend为不定式短语作目的状语。2I didnt mean _ (eat) anything, but those apples looked so good that I couldnt help _

2、 (try) one.答案与解析to eat; tryingmean doing sth.“意味着做某事”,mean to do sth.“打算做某事”。cant help doing sth.“禁不住做某事”,为固定搭配。3You have to be careful enough to avoid _ (burn) while cooking.答案与解析being burntavoid后常接动名词作宾语。而此处burn与you为动宾关系,故应用动名词的被动形式。4Since youre bored with your present job, have you considered _ (

3、change) a new one?答案与解析changingconsider在此作“考虑”解,后接动名词changing作宾语。5I cant stand _ (work) with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _ (stop) talking while she works.答案与解析working; to stopstand在此作“忍受”解,其后接动名词作宾语,refuse to do sth.“拒绝做某事”,为常用搭配。6The city government doesnt allow _ (hunt) wild animals

4、in the forest.答案与解析huntingallow在此作“允许”解,其后常接动名词作宾语(allow doing sth.),接不定式作宾补(allow sb. to do sth.)。.单项填空1Its important for students to employ a word or a phrase according to the _ in the language we study.Asituation BexpressionCcondition Dtranslation答案A2We all know Jack is an honest man. He would ra

5、ther _ than _ with dishonest methods.A. be poor; got money B. be poor; get moneyC. was poor; have got D. is poor; got money答案与解析B句意:我们都知道,杰克是一个诚实的人,他宁愿一贫如洗,也不愿用不诚实的手段弄到钱。would rather . than . 用于连接平行结构,would rather后接动词原形。3He would rather _ a poor life than _ a lot of wealth by turning against his cou

6、ntry.A. to lead; own B. lead; ownC. leading; owning D. leading; owing答案与解析B本题考查would rather do . than do .结构的用法,意为“宁愿做而不愿做”,由该结构可知应选B项。4I was so angry that I _ throwing something at him. A. felt B. felt like C. wanted D. would like答案与解析Bfeel like后接动名词。5Tom apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plan. A. his being not able B. him not be ableC. his not being able D. him to be not able答案与解析Cfor为介词,后加动名词;not放在v.ing之前。


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