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1、主题群四 科学与技术 主题 2 Looking into the Future 展望未来 英 语 2023高 中 总 复 习 优 化 设 计 GAO ZHONG ZONG FU XI YOU HUA SHE JI 内 容 索 引主题词汇主题语篇主题写作主题词汇 词汇认知 项目 课标词汇 非课标词汇 补充词汇 名词(n.)phrase switch mode routine preference instant warning constant cancer potential leak wire fantasy innovation structure security crime clone

2、 occupation absence emphasis luxury career prospect resistance paragraph essay librarian knob appliance sensor command wiring nanobot prediction signpost assistant victim automation capacity client cell horizon cycle demand clue 项目 课标词汇 非课标词汇 补充词汇 动词(v.)persuade switch secure integrate leak detect s

3、tructure combine clone predict forecast oppose cease advocate command obey resist analyse regulate cite assess reckon slope frown 形容词(adj.)distant secure remote automatic efficient routine instant constant abnormal critical potential relevant available artificial rural accurate integrated electrical

4、 deceased artificial illegal immoral bound mechanical desperate faulty consistent 项目 课标词汇 非课标词汇 补充词汇 副词(adv.)nevertheless hence potentially tightly 短语(phr.)switch off/on remote control daily routine early on catch fire in this sense artificial intelligence keep in touch(with.)bank on on the horizon

5、词汇拓展 1.persuade vt.劝说;说服 n.说服 adj.有说服力的;令人信服的 2.secure adj.安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的 vt.获得;拴牢;保护 n.安全 3.automatic adj.自动的 adv.自动地 4.integrate vi.&vt.(使)合并;成为一体 adj.各部分密切协调的;综合的 n.结合;整合;一体化 5.efficient adj.效率高的;有功效的 n.效率 6.preference n.爱好;偏爱 vt.较喜欢 persuasion persuasive security automatically integrated integr

6、ation efficiency prefer 7.instant n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;速食的;速溶的 n.瞬间;片刻 adv.瞬间地 8.abnormal adj.不正常的;反常的 adj.正常的 adv.平常地;正常地 9.critical adj.严重的;关键的;批判性的 n.评论家;批评家 adv.批判性地 10.potential adj.可能的;潜在的 n.潜力;可能性 adv.潜在地;可能地 11.detect vt.发现;查明 n.发现;探测 n.侦探12.relevant adj.有关的;有意义的 n.相关性;重要性 adj.无关紧要的;不相关的 n.无关紧要;不

7、相关 instance instantly normal normally critic critically potentially detection detective relevance irrelevant irrelevance 13.fantasy n.幻想;想象 adj.极好的;富于想象的;荒诞不经的 14.available adj.可获得的;可购得的;(人)有空的 adj.无法得到;难以获得 vt.有用 15.crime n.犯罪活动;不法行为 adj.犯罪的 bine vt.&vi.(使)结合;混合 adj.化合的;联合的 n.合并;结合 17.predict vt.预测

8、;预言;预料 n.预测;预言 adj.预言的18.occupation n.职业;占领 vt.占领;占据 19.oppose vt.反对;抵制;阻挠 n.反对 adj.反对的 fantastic unavailable avail criminal combined combination prediction predictive occupy opposition opposed 20.absence n.不存在;缺乏;缺席 adj.缺席的 21.advocate vt.提倡;支持;拥护 n.提倡者;支持者;拥护者 n.拥护;支持 22.emphasis n.强调;重视;重要性 v.强调;

9、重视 23.luxury n.奢华 adj.奢侈的 24.resist vi.&vt.抵制;反抗;抵挡 n.抵制;反对;抗拒 adj.抵抗的;抵制的 25.accurate adj.精确的;准确的 adv.精确地 n.精确(性)adj.不准确的;有误的 n.不准确;有错误 absent advocacy emphasiseluxurious resistance resistant accurately accuracy inaccurate inaccuracy 词汇应用 用适当的单词或短语填空 1.Or,have you ever forgotten to (关掉)the TV or co

10、mputer?2.These smart homes will keep us (安全的),save us energy,and provide a more comfortable environment to live in.3.In the future,we will be using advanced technology every day for_(自动的)control of just about everything in our home.4.The future home will use integrated sensors to tell when you leave

11、 home each morning,and then go into an (节能的)mode all by itself.5.Your home will also learn your daily routine and (喜好),so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening.switch off secure automatic energy-efficient preferences 6.Your lights will come on the (瞬间)you enter the door alo

12、ng with your favourite music or TV programmes.7.If you start to have sleep or weight problems,it will send a (警告)to your phone.8.Smart toilets will be keeping (不断的)track of your health as well.9.They can warn you early on if there is something (不正常的)or if you have a (严重的)illness.10.If there is a sho

13、rt in the electrical wiring,your smart home will (发现)it and provide you with the (相关的)information.instant warning constant abnormal critical detect relevant 11.Many of these new innovations are already (可获得的)and being used in some homes.12.(从这种意义上来讲),the home of tomorrow is already the home of today

14、.13.Hence,we should (停止)accepting technology just because it is new.14.They advocate a simple life with an (强调)on hard work,family,and community.15.Its difficult to make (准确的)prediction about the effects on the environment.available In this sense cease emphasis accurate 主题语篇 考点浅析 1.Your lights will

15、come on the instant you enter the door along with yourfavourite music or TV programmes.你一进家门,灯就会亮起,还有你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目(会自动播放)。【提炼】the instant 引导的时间状语从句【浅析】the instant相当于连词,意为“一就”,引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as,the moment,the minute,the second,immediately,directly,instantly。如果主句为将来时,其引导的时间状语从句需用现在时表示将来。【仿写】(1)他一见

16、到我,就把这个好消息告诉了我。(2)我一下飞机就联系你。He told me the good news the instant he saw me.I will contact you the instant I get off the plane.2.They have lived mainly as farmers since the 18th century,and they willprobably be living the same way in the distant future.自十八世纪以来,他们基本上过着农夫的生活,而且在遥远的将来,他们的生活方式可能依然如此。【提炼】

17、将来进行时:will be doing 【浅析】将来进行时will be doing通常用于表示最近或较远的将来正在进行的动作。【仿写】(1)明天上午九点,我将在参加一次重要的会议。(2)如果你通过了这次测试,下个月将享受欧洲的免费旅游。I will be attending an important meeting at nine tomorrow morning.If you pass this test,you will be enjoying a free trip to Europe next month.语篇再现 Passage 1 Today,we have to use 1.(

18、switch)for our lights,knobs for our appliances,and remote controls for our TVs and air conditioners.In the future,well be using 2.(advance)technology every day for automatic control of just about everything in our home.The future home will use integrated sensors 3.(tell)when you leave home each morn

19、ing,and then go into 4.energy-efficient mode all by 5.(it).switches advanced to tell an itself You will no longer have to think about turning switches on and off yourself.Your home will also learn your daily routine and 6.(preference),so everything will be ready for you 7.you get home each evening.Y

20、our lights will come on the instant you enter the door along with your favourite music or TV programmes,and you will find your dinner already 8.(prepare)for you.All controls will respond 9.voice commands,so if you want to change your routine,you just say aloud 10.you want and the home system will ob

21、ey.preferences when prepared to what Passage 2 This morning,I saw the 1.(shock)headline:“PassengerDies When Car Crashes in Driverless Mode”.In the article,various people said that the public should oppose the idea of developing driverless cars.They said that some advances in technology were unnecess

22、ary and could even be 2.(danger).Hence,we should cease accepting technology just because it is new.3.the one hand,there are many different groups of people around the world who live happily in the 4.(absent)of new technology.They advocate a simple life with 5.emphasis on hard work,family,and communi

23、ty.They think that is better than caring about luxuries or following the lives of 6.rich and famous.shocking dangerous On absence an the On the other hand,new technology 7.(provide)people everywhere with many benefits over the years.For example,the latest weather-tracking computer programmes give pe

24、ople lots of warnings about potential natural disasters,8.saves many lives.Moreover,the Internet has made 9.possible for friends and family to keep in touch easily even if they are on opposite sides of the world.It has also made finding opportunities in life much 10.(easy).Of course,when new technol

25、ogy changes the way we live,it can be a scary prospect.Nevertheless,I will always look on the positive side of change and accept it rather than resist it.has provided which it easier 主题写作 写作指导 该写作主题是“欢迎或拒绝未来的变化(Welcome or reject future changes)”,这种题材的写作一般以议论文的形式考查,先表明自己是欢迎还是拒绝未来的生活方式,然后加以例证,最后总结归纳并重

26、申论点,这是标准的三段式作文。主题佳句 1.However,in the not-too-distant future,we will be living in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and remember to switch off the TV when we forget.然而在不久的将来,我们将生活在智能的家里。智能的家会在我们外出时锁好家门,会在我们忘记关掉电视的时候替我们关上。2.In addition,your smart home will be monitoring your

27、health for you every day.此外,你的智能家居每天都会监测你的健康状况。3.Smart toilets will be keeping constant track of your health as well.智能马桶也会持续跟踪你的健康状况。4.Smart homes will be able to prevent serious damage from accidents.智能家居将能够防止事故造成严重损害。5.Nevertheless,it will take some years before most new homes begin to use this n

28、ew technology.然而,还需要过些年大多数新住宅才会开始使用这种新技术。6.They said that some advances in technology were unnecessary and could even be dangerous.他们说,有些技术进步是不必要的,甚至可能造成危险。7.Hence,we should cease accepting technology just because it is new.所以,我们应停止仅仅因为技术是新的就接受它。8.On the other hand,new technology has provided people

29、 everywhere with many benefits over the years.另一方面,多年来,新技术给世界各地的人们带来了种种好处。9.Of course,when new technology changes the way we live,it can be a scary prospect.当然,当新技术改变我们的生活方式时,它可能会产生出一个让人担惊受怕的前景。10.Nevertheless,I will always look on the positive side of change and accept it rather than resist it.然而,我

30、将始终着眼于变革的积极一面,接受变革,而不是抗拒变革。写作训练 假定你是李华,最近收到英国朋友Adam的来信,和你探讨2050年的生活是什么样的。请你围绕以下要点给他回信:1.3D智能代替电视电脑,通过它人们可以感知到它所看到的东西;2.机器人可以代替人从事更多工作;3.人口不断增长,环境污染,水资源缺乏。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。范文展示 Dear Adam,I am more than happy to receive your last letter in which you asked me about the life in 2050.Frankly

31、 speaking,never have I imagined what the life in 2050 will be like.However,what I can predict is that life in the future will be quite different.With the science and technology developing,the computer and television will be replaced by a kind of 3D intelligent machine,which enables people to smell a

32、nd touch what it sees.As for the robots,many complicated tasks will be performed by them,preventing people from being exposed to the tough working conditions.However,the increasing population will be to blame for the severe pollution in the future,and the lack of water will also be one of the most t

33、roublesome problems.As far as I am concerned,only if we strike a balance between the development and environment protection will we have a better future!范文点评 本文是一封回信,内容是未来的生活描述。文章包括了题目要求的所有要点,运用的语句也很精彩。文章首句“I am more than happy to receive your last letter in which you asked me about the life in 2050

34、.”点明是一封回信并且提出下文要探讨的问题,more than是“非常”的意思,in which 引导的是定语从句;“Frankly speaking,never have I imagined what the life in 2050 will be like.”中运用了倒装句;With the science and technology developing 为 with的复合结构做状语;which enables people to smell and touch what it sees是非限制性定语从句,其中的what it sees为宾语从句;preventing people from being exposed to the tough working conditions为动词-ing形式做伴随状语;“As far as I am concerned,only if we strike a balance between the development and environment protection will we have a better future!”中成功使用了固定短语as far as I am concerned 和“if+状语”位于句首时的倒装句。总之,本文是一篇非常出彩的文章。


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