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1、语 篇 提 能.完形填空There was a sweet, wonderfilled little girl who was hurt over and over again. She thought that she was so bad that others just couldnt be _1_ to her.She asked many wise people to help her _2_ why she was so bad that even her mother hurt her, and why she was unable to be _3_ so that other

2、s wouldnt hurt her. So she was on a trip that she thought was to help her be “better”, but she carried a big _4_ with her everywhere she went. _5_ was all the hurt she had experienced. During the trip she willingly _6_ what the wise people said about forgiving (宽恕)After many years, she decided to _7

3、_ the bag up and just see what happened. When she looked inside it was filled with bits of paper. Once they had words on them, detailing the hurt. But as time went on, the words _8_ slowly. She had been carrying this bag that held nothing _9_ the image of something that once was.The little girl had

4、now become a middleaged woman. She _10_ that it was silly to carry that bag around. She started _11_ and dancing and she felt free!She was able to see that her mother loved her child, but was _12_ that her little girl felt unloved. By throwing away the bag of paper and forgiving those who _13_ her,

5、she looked in the mirror and said, “I am clever, interesting and kind.” But most _14_, she was able to say “I am lovable.” Although it took many years, she was finally open to bringing _15_ into her life.She finally saw the sweet, wonderfilled little girl that she had always been.1. A. bad B. sorryC

6、. thankful D. nice2. A. guess B. understandC. expect D. invent3. A. better B. worseC. angrier D. harder4. A. bowl B. basketC. bag D. purse5. A. Under B. AboveC. Outside D. Inside6. A. agreed with B. fought againstC. gave up D. gave in7. A. pick B. openC. put D. break8. A. disappeared B. appearedC. s

7、howed D. changed9. A. and B. withC. among D. but10. A. hoped B. forgotC. realized D. remembered11. A. crying B. laughingC. shouting D. worrying12. A. sad B. happyC. excited D. hopeful13. A. liked B. hurtC. educated D. ignored14. A. crazily B. terriblyC. nervously D. importantly15. A. trouble B. love

8、C. money D. future答案与解析1D她认为自己坏得别人不可能对她好。be nice to sb.“对某人好”。2B她请教许多智者帮她弄明白(understand)为什么她坏得甚至她的妈妈也伤害她。3A她为什么不能变得好一点(better)呢?与前面的bad相对。4C该空与下文7空后的bag相照应。5D在包里她装的是她经历的所有伤害。inside指在包里,与7空后的inside相应。6A她同意智者们说的关于宽恕的话。agree with“同意某人的话”; fight against“与斗争”; give up“放弃”; give in“屈服”。7B她决定打开包看看包里的东西。ope

9、n“打开”。8A纸上面的话慢慢消失(disappear)了。9D她一直背着这个包,里面什么也没有,除了(but)曾经想象的东西。10C她意识到背着这个包太傻了。realize“意识到”。11B她开始笑(laugh)。12A妈妈伤心(sad)自己的女儿觉得自己不被爱。13Bhurt与第一段中的hurt呼应。14Dmost importantly“最重要地是”。15B尽管花了许多年,她最终敞开心胸把爱融入生活。.阅读理解七选五Question: My daughter has many friends. She feels they are her best friends in the whol

10、e world. They often hold noisy parties at my house at weekends. _1_As a mom, what should I do?Answer: As a mom who had similar experiences, I can understand your feelings. _2_ As we know, teens often try out different ways of being, which includes making friends with different kinds of people. Below

11、 is some advice Id like to offer to parents like you. Do not jump in. Dont make your child feel foolish in front of her friends. Dont try to teach the “bad friends”. _3_ Wait until her friends have left your house and discuss your feelings with your child. Coach, dont tell. If you begin by speaking

12、badly of the friends your teen loves, you will immediately create a wall between you and your daughter. _4_ It will encourage her to talk and the answers may surprise you. You may even change your mind about the friends. If you are still not certain that their friendship is a healthy one, express yo

13、ur worries openly, but dont tell her what to do. _5_ Teens need to have some rules set for them. For example, if youre uncomfortable with your teens friends, you need to say something to your child about it.A. Thats not your job.B. Set some house rules.C. Share your own friendship stories.D. Get to know your childs friends and their parents.E. Its natural for a mother to try to protect her child.F. Everyone except her can see how bad her friends are.G. Instead, start by finding out what your teen likes about her friends.答案1.F2.E3.A4.G5.B

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