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本文(七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip教材听力原文及译文(新版)人教新目标版.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip教材听力原文及译文(新版)人教新目标版.doc

1、Unit 11 How was your school trip?听录音并圈出1a 中卡罗尔在她的学校郊游时做的三件事情。鲍勃:嗨,卡罗尔。昨天你的学校旅行怎么样?卡罗尔:太棒了!鲍勃:你去动物园了吗?卡罗尔:不,我没去。我去了农场。看,这是我的照片。鲍勃:你看见一些奶牛了吗?卡罗尔:是的,我看见了。我看到许多。鲍勃:你骑马了吗?卡罗尔:不,我没骑。但我给一头奶牛挤奶了。鲍勃:你喂鸡了吗?卡罗尔:哦,我看到一些鸡,但我没喂它们。鲍勃:你还做什么了?卡罗尔:我和朋友去农场周围散步并和一位农民交谈了。听录音并在你听到的问题前打“”。鲍勃:那么,卡罗尔,那位农民好吗?卡罗尔:是的,他很友好。他带我们

2、参观了农场。鲍勃:真的吗?你看见了什么?卡罗尔:我们看见了很多有趣的事情,并且从他那儿了解了很多农事。鲍勃:那太棒了!你问他问题了吗?卡罗尔:是的。我问他农民是否种草莓。鲍勃:他们种吗?卡罗尔:是的,他们种。从十二月到六月他们都种草莓。鲍勃:苹果呢?他们种苹果吗?卡罗尔:是的,他们种。他们大约九月份摘苹果。Section A1b Listen and circle the three things Carol did on her school trip in 1a.Bob: Hi, Carol. How was your school trip yesterday? Carol: It wa

3、s great! Bob: Did you go to the zoo?Carol: No, I didnt. I went to a farm. Look, here are my photos.Bob: Did you see any cows?Carol: Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.Bob: Did you ride a horse?Carol: No, I didnt. But I milked a cow.Bob: Did you feed any chickens?Carol: Well, I saw some chickens but I did

4、nt feed them.Bob: What else did you do?Carol: My friends and I went for a walk around the farm and talked with a farmer.2a Listen and check()the questions you hear.Bob: So, Carol, was the farmer nice? Carol: Yes, he was very friendly, and he showed us around the farm. Bob: Really? What did you see?C

5、arol: We saw a lot of interesting things and we learned a lot from him about farming.Bob: Thats great! Did you ask him any questions?Carol: Yes. I asked him if the farmers grew straw-berries.Bob: Do they?Carol: Yes, they do. They grow them from December to June.Bob: And apples? Do they grow apples?C

6、arol: Yes, they do. They pick the apples around September.鲍勃:你们摘草莓了吗?卡罗尔:是的,我们摘了。我们也带回家一些!鲍勃:哦,哇!它们好吃吗?卡罗尔:它们很好吃!再听一遍录音。正确的圈T,错误的圈F。鲍勃:那么,卡罗尔,那位农民好吗?卡罗尔:是的,他很友好。他带我们参观了农场。鲍勃:真的吗?你看见了什么?卡罗尔:我们看见了很多有趣的事情,并且从他那儿了解了很多农事。鲍勃:那太棒了!你问他问题了吗?卡罗尔:是的。我问他农民是否种草莓。鲍勃:他们种吗?卡罗尔:是的,他们种。从十二月到六月他们都种草莓。鲍勃:苹果呢?他们种苹果吗?卡罗尔

7、:是的,他们种。他们大约九月份摘苹果。鲍勃:你们摘草莓了吗?卡罗尔:是的,我们摘了。我们也带回家一些!鲍勃:哦,哇!它们好吃吗?卡罗尔:它们很好吃!Bob: Did you pick any strawberries?Carol: Yes, we did. And we took some home, too!Bob: Oh, wow! Were they good?Carol: They were delicious!2b Listen again. Circle T for true or F for false. Bob: So, Carol, was the farmer nice?

8、Carol: Yes, he was very friendly, and he showed us around the farm. Bob: Really? What did you see?Carol: We saw a lot of interesting things and we learned a lot from him about farming.Bob: Thats great! Did you ask him any questions?Carol: Yes. I asked him if the farmers grew straw-berries.Bob: Do th

9、ey?Carol: Yes, they do. They grow them from December to June.Bob: And apples? Do they grow apples?Carol: Yes, they do. They pick the apples around September.Bob: Did you pick any strawberries?Carol: Yes, we did. And we took some home, too!Bob: Oh, wow! Were they good?Carol: They were delicious!听录音并回

10、答问题。托尼:简,你的学校旅行怎么样?简:哦,很糟糕。托尼:真的吗?你们去哪儿了?简:哦,我们去了乡下并爬山了。但是天气很冷。一整天都在下雨。托尼:哦,那太糟了。简:嗯!托尼,你的学校旅行怎么样?托尼:哦,这儿也正在下雨,所以我们没有去农村。简:那么你们做什么了?Section B1b Listen and answer the questions. Tony: How was your school trip, Jane? Jane: Oh, it was terrible. Tony: Really? Where did you go?Jane: Well, we went to the

11、countryside and climbed a mountain. But the weather was so cold. It rained and rained all day long.Tony: Oh, thats too bad.Jane: Ugh! How about your school trip, Tony?Tony: Well, it was raining here too, so we didnt go to the countryside.Jane: So what did you do then?托尼:我们去了一家艺术博物馆。棒极了。有许多有趣的东西可以观看。


13、确很漂亮的油画。然后我们在博物馆餐厅吃午饭。食物真的很美味!之后,我们去了一间特殊的绘画室,并画画。那真是太有趣了!简:听起来你度过了一个愉快的学校旅行。托尼:是的。我们玩得真的很开心!Tony: We went to an art museum. It was great. There were so many interesting things to see. I saw some really beautiful paintings. Then we had lunch at the museum restaurant. The food was really delicious! A

14、fter that, we went to a special art room and drew pictures. It was so much fun!Jane: Sounds like you had a great school trip.Tony: Yes. We had a really good time!1c Listen again. What did Jane and Tony do ontheir last school trip? Check()Tony or Jane. Tony: How was your school trip, Jane? Jane: Oh,

15、it was terrible. Tony: Really? Where did you go?Jane: Well, we went to the countryside and climbed a mountain. But the weather was so cold. It rained and rained all day long.Tony: Oh, thats too bad.Jane: Ugh! How about your school trip, Tony?Tony: Well, it was raining here too, so we didnt go to the

16、 countryside.Jane: So what did you do then?Tony: We went to an art museum. It was great. There were so many interesting things to see. I saw some really beautiful paintings. Then we had lunch at the museum restaurant. The food was really delicious! After that, we went to a special art room and drew pictures. It was somuch fun!Jane: Sounds like you had a great school trip.Tony: Yes. We had a really good time!

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