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2017-2018学年高中英语人教版必修四教学案:UNIT 2 SECTION 5 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、技法指导海报属于应用文的范畴,是一种用于告知广大群众各种信息的宣传性招贴,其宣传内容涉及影视作品、体育赛事和学术报告等。海报往往以通告的形式张贴在公共场所。它由标题、正文、出海报的单位以及日期构成。海报写作形式灵活,语言活泼。内容及格式要求:1标题:海报通常用活动内容作标题,如“Lecture”,“Football Match”等。2正文部分:要写清楚具体内容、活动时间、活动地点以及举办单位等。语言多用十分简略的缩略语、省略句等。3落款:登海报的单位、团体名称一般写在右下角,日期写在署名下一行的左下角,有时候也可不写日期。黄金表达1The Hong Kong Book Fair is rega

2、rded as the largest book fair in Asia香港书展被认为是亚洲最大的书展。2Not only Chinese books from all parts of the country but also foreign language books from many other countries are shown at the book fair书展不仅展出全国各地的中文书,还展出多个国家的外文书籍。3We set it up so that students can publish their English compositions, communicat

3、e ideas and improve writing skills我们为学生设立它的目的是让学生发表他们的英语作文,交流观点,提高写作技能。4Some experienced teachers will guide you online, where you will surely make rapid progress in your ability to write一些有经验的老师会在线指导你,你一定会在写作方面快速取得进步。5For those whose articles are very good, we will award each of them an English mag

4、azine那些文章写得很好的人,我们会奖励每人一本英文杂志。6We are looking forward to your compositions for this column我们很期待你向该专栏投稿。7Somebody who lost the purse is expected to come to get it希望丢失钱包的人前来认领。8Pen lost Whoever has found it, please inform us about it丢失钢笔一支,拾到者请与我们联系。9Everyone is welcome to watch the match and cheer th

5、e players up欢迎大家去观看比赛,为队员加油助威。写作规范题目要求根据下面提示为“绿叶”有机蔬菜生产基地写一篇介绍性海报。1坐落在城西;2历经20年已经发展成占地1 000多亩的大农场;3配备有现代化的设施;4生产过程中不使用任何化肥;5富含营养;6产品出口几十个国家;7联系方式:Tel: 666888123Email:Green Leaf Green Leafcom三步作文法第一步:搜索单元词汇1化学的chemical_2肥料 fertilizer3有机的 organic4扩展;伸展 expand5十年 decade6装备;配备 equip_7土壤 soil8营养 nutritio

6、n9出口 export第二步:巧用单元语法和句型(一)完成句子1你是否梦想能天天吃到没有化肥的绿色蔬菜呢?Have you ever dreamt of eating_green_vegetables_without_chemical_fertilizer every day?2它坐落在城西。It_is_located_in_the_west_of_the_city(locate)It_lies_in_the_west_of_the_city(lie)3历经20年它已经发展成占地1 000多亩的大农场。It has_expanded_into_a_big_farm_covering an ar

7、ea of more than 1,000 muin_the_past_two_decades(使用现在分词短语作定语)It has_expanded_into_a_big_farm_which_covers an area of more than 1,000 muin_the_past_two_decades (使用定语从句)4真正让它与众不同的是这儿的蔬菜在种植过程中没有使用任何化肥。What really makes it different from others is that the vegetables here are grown without any chemical f

8、ertilizer5肥沃的土壤让这些蔬菜营养丰富。The rich soil makes these vegetables full_of_nutrition6它出口到世界上许多国家。It is_exported_into many countries in the world(二)根据所给要求,用以上句子完成句式升级升级一:用locate的过去分词短语作状语,连接2、3句Located_in_the_west_of_the_city,_it_has_expanded_into_a_big_farm_covering/which_covers_an_area_of_more_than_1,00

9、0_mu_in_the_past_two_decades升级二:用过渡词as a result连接5、6句The_rich_soil_makes_these_vegetables_full_of_nutrition;_as_a_result,_it_is_exported_into_many_countries_in_the_world第三步:连接过渡成篇Have you ever dreamt of eating green vegetables without chemical fertilizer every day? Please go to Green Leaf an organic

10、 vegetable baseLocated in the west of the city, it has expanded into a big farm covering an area of more than 1,000 muin the past two decades It has been equipped with advanced facilities What really makes it different from others is that the vegetables here are grown without any chemical fertilizer

11、 The rich soil makes these vegetables full of nutrition; as a result, it is exported into many countries in the worldIf you are interested, please contact us in the following waysTel: 666888123Email: Green Leaf Green Leafcom阅读理解Today just as technology changed the face of industry, farms have underg

12、one an “agricultural revolution” On the farm of today, machines provide almost all the powerOne of the most important benefits will be the farm computer A few forwardlooking farmers are already using computers to help them run their farms more efficiently The computers help them keep more correct re

13、cords so they can make better decisions on what crops to plant, how many animals to buy, when to sell their products, and how much profit they can expect Because of the growing importance of computers on the farm, students at agricultural colleges are required to take computer classes in addition to

14、 their normal agricultural courses There can be no doubt that farmers will rely on computers even more in the futureAnother technological advance which is still in the experimental stage is the robot Scientists are now developing robots that will be able to shear sheep, drive tractors, and harvest f

15、ruit Even complex jobs will be done by robots For example, in order to milk their cows, farmers must first drive them into the barn, then connect them to the milking machines, watch the machines, and disconnect them when they are finished In the future, this will all be done by robots The complete r

16、obotization of the farm is far in the future, but engineers expect that some robots will be used before long1What does the underlined word “forwardlooking” in the second paragraph mean?AFarseeingBYoungCExperienced DFortunate解析:选A词义猜测题。farseeing“有远见的”;young“年轻的”;experienced“熟练的,有经验的”;fortunate“幸运的”;这

17、是一场农业革命,使用电脑的好处还在期待中,因此使用者们应该是有远见卓识的,故选A。2Which of the following statements is TRUE?AFarmers in the future will depend totally on computersBBoth computers and robots have been in use on todays farmsCFarmers mainly use machines on their farms at presentDStudents at agricultural colleges must take com

18、puter classes because they can do nothing without the help of computers on todays farms解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段末句可以看出现在农场主要是机械化,C项正确。3By writing the passage, the author intends to _Aimpress upon readers that computers are farmers best friendsBtell readers what farmers in the future are likeCinform readers o

19、f the technological progress in agricultureDhelp readers to compare computers and robots解析:选C写作意图题。本文主要讲的是农场上要经历的变革:电脑控制、逐渐实现机器人操作,显然是向读者介绍农业上的技术进步,故选C。任务型阅读One of the toughest things to do when getting to know people professionally is remembering their names And its also an extremely useful skill t

20、o have in your daily life 1_ Here are some tricks to remembering any name:Ask for their business cardWhen you meet someone in a working situation, ask for their business card Write down a few notes about the person and his appearance so you can tell him from the other people youve met 2_3_At the end

21、 of your conversation, ask the person youre speaking with to repeat his name just to make sure you have it right Hearing it once more will help you memorize it as wellVisualize (视觉化) an image4_ For example, if you meet a Catherine, then try to connect the image of a cat with her That way, when you m

22、eet the woman again, the image of a cat will arise, and it will be easy to work out what her name isInject it into conversationSay the persons name as often as you can during the conversation without getting him/her awkward For example, inserting the name casually in sentences like “I really agree w

23、ith you, John” or “5_” will do wonders for memorizing namesAYou can always turn to the card for help if you forget his or her nameBAttach an image to the nameCRepeat it in your mindDShowing a stranger you remembered his/her name can leave a good impressionEJohn, how do you like living in the city?FC

24、reate an attractive imageGAsk again语篇解读:本文向我们介绍了记住别人名字的小窍门。1解析:选D本空位于首段,总领全文。前两句讲记住别人的名字很重要。所以此空选D:向一个陌生人展示你记住了他/她的名字会留下一个好印象。2解析:选A根据关键词的原则,A项中的card与小标题Ask for their business card呼应。3解析:选G根据本节ask the person youre speaking with to repeat his name可知选G。4解析:选B本节小标题是:视觉化。所以此空选B:给这个名字配上插图。此题容易误选F,但是F项没有说

25、明image和name的关系,所以还是B项合适。5解析:选EE项中的John和前一句的John呼应,而且这两句话都是讲在对话中多加使用别人的名字。完形填空I delivered a speech I had prepared for weeks The three _1_ were announced but I wasnt among themLosing is a part of life _2_, it was an unbearable feeling after I had made so many _3_, and yet still failed I thought of Lin

26、coln who lost the 1858 Illinois Senate race but never _4_ itI spent many hours in libraries making _5_ for the Lincoln Bicentennial (二百周年纪念的) Speech Contest After reading his biography, I found Lincoln met with many _6_, but that he never gave in to them While many history lessons can be applied to

27、_7_ life, I hadnt considered “the agony (痛苦) of defeat” a historically valuable learning experience I never dreamed I could _8_ Lincoln! I thought “_9_ successfully” was a very appropriate topic, given many defeats Lincoln experienced, so this became the _10_ of my speechAfter failing the speech con

28、test, I really wanted to _11_ again Lincoln had been an example of persistence (坚持), so I was not going to _12_ I reworked my speech for the following year, but again I was _13_I couldnt accept the _14_ that I had failed twice in what I had worked so hard on, until I _15_ the man whom Id spent so mu

29、ch time learning about Never mind the lost _16_ I had learned from a great man who had _17_ failure and disappointment I remembered Lincoln because he never gave up and persevered in his efforts to become the greatest American presidentWhile I did not earn awards in this contest, I gained a new _18_

30、 Through learning about Lincoln, Ive discovered I can fail successfully, and that it is _19_ to learn from those great historical people Now, whenever facing difficulties, I remember what Lincoln said after his unsuccessful Senate race:“The _20_ was slippery My foot slipped, but I recovered and said

31、 to myself, Its a slip and not a fall”1Awinners BlistenersCcompetitors Dspeakers解析:选A由下文的“Losing is a part of life”可知,作者在演讲比赛中失利,不在三个获胜者(winners)之列。2ATherefore BAlsoCBesides DHowever解析:选D虽说失败很常见,但(However)经过这么多的努力后还是失败了,这种感觉令人难以忍受。3Achanges BeffortsCmistakes Dcontributions解析:选B由下文的“yet still failed”

32、转折意义可知,作者为这次比赛做出了大量的努力(efforts)。4Afaced BcaughtCminded Dbeat解析:选C由第17空后的“because he never gave up and persevered in his efforts ”可推知,经历了很多失败的林肯对失败不介意(minded)。第16空前的“Never mind”也有提示。5Aforecasts BtranslationsCpromises Dpreparations解析:选D根据本空后的“reading his biography”以及第14空后的“I had failed twice”可推知,作者为演讲

33、比赛做准备(preparations)。6Afailures BattractionsCsuccesses Ddesires解析:选A根据第10空前的“given many defeats Lincoln experienced”可知,林肯经历了多次失败(failures),但他从未屈服。7Abusy BlongCmodern Dnormal解析:选C尽管历史教训可以用于现代(modern)生活,但作者从未将“失败的痛苦”看作一个宝贵的学习经验。作者也未曾想过他可以了解(understand)林肯。8Aask BunderstandCcontrol Ddisobey解析:选B参考上题解析。9A

34、acting BlivingCthinking Dfailing解析:选D林肯屡败屡战,最终成功的事例,证明了他的失败是“成功地失败(failing)。”10Atitle BendingCquestion Daward解析:选A由本空前的“a very appropriate topic”可推知,作者以此作为演讲的标题(title)。11Acry BleaveCcompete Dachieve解析:选C由第14空后的“I had failed twice”可知,作者想再次参赛(compete)。12Acome in Bput offChold on Dgive up解析:选D由本空后的“I r

35、eworked my speech for the following year”可知,作者没有就此放弃(give up)。13Acheated BdefeatedCmoved Dhonored解析:选B由第14空后的“I had failed twice”可知,作者再次被打败了(defeated)。14Aexplanation BruleCfact Ddecision解析:选C作者难以接受他再次失败的事实(fact),直到他想到(remembered)林肯。15Aforgot BbecameCremembered Dappreciated解析:选C参考上题解析。第17空后的“I rememb

36、ered ”也有提示。16Agoal BprizeCtreasure Dfriend解析:选B林肯的事例让作者不去计较当前的得失,忘记失去的奖品(prize)。第18空前的“While I did not earn awards in this contest”有提示。17Aexpected BdislikedCavoided Dexperienced解析:选D林肯的一生经历了(experienced)多次失败和失败带来的失望。第10空前的experienced有提示。18Alesson BrewardCdream Dtopic解析:选A作者通过将林肯与他的现状进行联系,从两次失败中得到了教训

37、(lesson)。19Adifficult BpossibleCuseless Dlate解析:选B作者发现他自己也可以成功地失败,并且发现从历史人物身上汲取经验是可能的(possible)。20Apath BhandCwindow Dsoap解析:选A根据本空后的“My foot slipped”可推知,此路(path)容易滑倒。语法填空Peter: Im sorry, Mary, Im late Have you been waiting long?Mary: Oh, half an hour Ive been reading this guide book Its really 1_ (

38、help) You look very hot and tired What would you like 2_ (drink)?Peter: Id love a bottle of mineral waterMary: The waitress 3_ (be) back in a moment Why are you so late? Did anything happen?Peter: Yes I went to the bank to cash some travelers checks 4_ they told me the computer system was temporaril

39、y (暂时地) down So I waited And then I started talking to another guy named Henry in the bank, and I forgot the timeMary: Oh, really? Does he work there?Peter: No, he is also a 5_ (tour) He is from New Zealand, 6_ is a beautiful country near Australia He has spent four weeks traveling around Europe, in

40、cluding BritainMary: Just 7_ usPeter: Yes Hes 8_ photographer and he showed me many beautiful photos he 9_ (take) of churches and museums Theyre beautiful! Oh, he also gave me this guide book He said he would go to Germany the next day and would not need 10_ any moreMary: Oh, he is so kind1helpful考查

41、词性转换。根据前面的“Its really”可知,所填词为形容词作表语,故用helpful。2to drink考查非谓语动词。would like to do sth是固定搭配,意为“愿意做某事”。3will be考查时态。根据时间状语“in a moment”可知,此处应用一般将来时,故填will be。4But考查连词。前后句子在逻辑上为转折关系,故用But连接。5tourist考查词性转换。根据后文“He has spent four weeks traveling around Europe”可知,他也是一位游客,故用tourist。6which考查定语从句。所填词引导非限制性定语从句

42、,指代先行词New Zealand,并在定语从句中作主语,故用which。7like考查介词。根据上下文内容可知,Peter 和Mary也在旅行,此处意为“就像我们一样”,填like。8a考查冠词。photographer意为“摄影师”,为单数可数名词,表示泛指,故此处填a。9had taken考查时态。take的动作发生在谓语动词动作showed之前,故用过去完成时,即had taken。10it考查代词。it指代前面的guide book。短文改错As is known to all, our school had launched a campaign against bad habit

43、s in order to establish a civilized campus And lots of bad behavior still exists in our school, what does great harm to the image of our school Therefore, I strong urge that we students stop throwing rubbish everywhere and spitting in the public Besides, everyone must discipline himself not make dir

44、ty marks or waste food Such bad manner as smoking and fighting should also be removed from our campus With the same time, we should also encourage students to help each other and have health competitions Once again Im here earnestly calling on everyone to take action to making our school a nicer place答案:第一句:hadhas第二句:AndBut; whatwhich第三句:strongstrongly; 去掉the第四句:not后加to第五句:mannermanners第六句:WithAt; healthhealthy第七句:makingmake


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