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1、双基限时练(九)Unit 5Warmup & Lesson 1.单词拼写1This story is said to be _ (特别地) interesting and exciting.答案extremely2Her new _ (唱片) will come out next month.答案album3The top three students will be given _ (奖品) for their good achievements.答案awards4Modern farming methods can have a bad _ (影响) on the environment.

2、答案effect5He replied, but his answer _ (使失望) the little boy.答案disappointed6All the leaders praised all the actors and actresses for their wonderful _ (表演)答案performances7The news soon spread _ (遍及) the whole city.答案throughout8The computer _ (系统) has broken down and needs fixing again.答案system9All the

3、visitors are deeply _ (留下印象) by the beautiful scenes.答案impressed10She used her familys history as a _ (基础) for her novel.答案base.短语填空have an effect on, be used to doing sth., come out, give a performance, be sure of, such as, warm up, be impressed by, pick up, worry about1Animals _ cats, dogs, pigs a

4、nd sheep are closely related to human life.答案such as2The exam is easy; I _ all the answers.答案am sure of3Often at the expense of third world countries, many “developments” have _ their natural surroundings.答案had an effect on4He promised to _ a ticket of the CBA final for me.答案pick up5She _ wonderful

5、_ yesterday evening.答案gave a; performance6Its not surprising that many women _ their weight.答案worry about7Theres a collection of short story (小说集) by Jack that have _.答案come out8My grandparents _ living a quiet life in the country.答案are used to9Let the engine _ before you drive off.答案warm up10The ma

6、nager _ greatly _ his talent.答案was; impressed by.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so lets have _ one this month.答案与解析another句意:上学期我们举行了一次野餐,很有趣,所以这个月我们再举行一次吧。one代指picnic。another“再一;又一”。2“Dont get angry _ the children so often.After all,they are too young,”he said _

7、anger.答案与解析with; inget为连系动词,get angry with sb.意为“生某人的气”;“他生气地说”用he said in anger。3Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge _ to base our thinking.答案与解析on which考查“介词whichto do”修饰先行词knowledge。句意:没有事实,我们不能形成一个有真正价值的意见,因为我们需要有确凿的知识作为我们思考的依据。4The engine of

8、the ship was out of order and the bad weather added _ the helplessness of the crew at sea.答案与解析toadd to“增加”。句意:轮船的发动机出了故障,恶劣的天气又增加了在海上的船员的无助感。5 Im not used _(get) up so early yet, but I have to adapt myself _ it. Yeah. Just as the saying goes, “An early bird catches the worm.”答案与解析to getting; to第一个空

9、表示“习惯于做某事”,用be used to doing;第二个空用adapt oneself to .表示“使自己适应”。6The dictionary is being printed and it will soon come _.答案与解析outcome out“出现;出版;(秘密等)传出;被获知”。7Although he had a disease of the brain which _(get) worse, he decided to continue _ his research and his writing.答案与解析was getting; with句意:虽然他大脑的

10、疾病越来越糟,他还是决定继续研究和写作。continue with sth.“继续做某事”。8 Tonight the blind boy will perform _ the piano at the party. Great! He succeeded at last! He _(perform) a wonder.答案与解析on; has performedperform表示“做;完成;执行”等时,是及物动词,其后直接接名词;perform表示“演奏”时,通常是不及物动词,要表示演奏某种乐器,通常借助介词on或at。句意:今晚那位双目失明的男孩将要在晚会上弹钢琴。太好了!他终于成功了!他

11、创造了奇迹。9Please make sure _ you have closed all the windows and turned off the lights before you leave the room.答案与解析that句意:在你离开房间前,请务必检查一下你是否把所有的窗子和灯都关上了。make sure“务必;一定;千万”后接that宾语从句。10Its so cold outside. Come in and warm yourself _ by the fire.答案与解析upwarm . up“使暖和”。11Id like to study law at univer

12、sity _ my cousin prefers geography.答案与解析while句意:我上大学时想学法律,而我表妹想学地理。while为并列连词,意为“而,却”,符合句意。12 When did you last hear _ Jay? He phoned me this morning, and we agreed _ a time and place to meet.答案与解析from; on句意:你最后一次得知Jay的消息是什么时候?今天早上他给我打电话了,我们约定了见面的时间和地点。hear from“收到的来信;得知某人的消息”;agree on .“在方面取得一致意见”。

13、13Im sure the beauty of nature there will make _ excellent impression upon you.答案与解析anmake an impression upon/on sb.“给某人留下印象”。.单项填空1The basketball game is not _;its just recorded.A. alive B. liveC. living D. to live答案与解析B根据“its just recorded”(只是录制的)可知题意应是“这场篮球赛不是现场直播的”,只有live表示“现场直播的”。2Many students

14、 signed up for the _ race in the sports meeting to be held next week.A. 800metrelong B. 800metreslongC. 800 metre length D. 800 metres length答案与解析A考查复合形容词的构成,属“数词词干名词形容词”类,其中的名词用单数。3He is really a _ architect.All the buildings he designed are quite different from the traditional ones.A. traditional

15、B. activeC. lively D. creative答案与解析D根据后一句“他设计的所有建筑都有别于传统建筑”可知他是“有创造性的”建筑设计师。4He told me an _ story,which I could not believe.A. ordinary B. extraordinaryC. extraordinarily D. usual答案与解析B从“我不相信那个故事”来看,可知他告诉了我一个“不同寻常的、奇特的”故事。extraordinarily是副词形式,不用作定语。ordinary与usual表示“寻常的;平凡的”,不符合语境。5Dont worry if you

16、 dont understand everything. The teacher will _ the main points at the end.A. recover B. reviewC. require D. remember答案与解析Brecover“恢复”;review“回顾;复习”;require“要求;需要”;remember“记忆”。根据句意,应选B项。6Apart from your parents, your brother or sister may also _ what you do in the future.A. effect B. affectC. effec

17、tive D. influential答案与解析B本题需要分清这几个词的词性。effect是名词,effective是形容词“有效的”,influential是形容词“有影响力的”。may是情态动词,其后要跟动词原形,故选B项。7It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to _.A. rewards B. prizesC. awards D. results答案与解析Areward“报酬;奖赏”;prize指对各种竞赛中获胜者所给的奖励;award指由政府或社团组织

18、给予奖励;result“结果”。由此及句意可知,应选A项。8A lot of people here, _, John, would rather have coffee.A. like that B. such asC. for example D. as though答案与解析C句意:这儿的许多人喜欢喝咖啡,比如约翰。9The sunlight came in _ the windows and lit up the whole room.A. through B. acrossC. on D. over答案与解析Athrough表示从某物体空间内部穿过,与in有关;across从某物体表

19、面上穿过,与on有关。阳光穿过窗户照射进来,应用through。10The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly _.A. atmosphere B. stateC. situation D. phenomenon答案与解析A句意:这两个国家的最高领导人在友好的气氛中进行交谈。atmosphere“气氛;氛围”;state“状态”;situation“形势;局面”;phenomenon“现象”。.完形填空My daughter has been crazy about raising a pet (宠物

20、) for a long time.Last spring I bought two newlyhatched chickens for her. She got _1_ and took good care of them. _2_, a few days later, both chickens died. She burst into tears from _3_. I helped her _4_ the two chickens under a tree behind our house.I thought it would be the _5_ of her ideas._6_,

21、I was wrong. Children are children _7_. The failure didnt _8_ my daughter in any way. She still tried to keep a small animal or even a snail.One day last winter, I noticed under the eaves (屋檐) of the house a family of sparrows. My daughter and I could _9_ the sparrows as our“pets”, but we didnt.So I

22、 told her to _10_ the grains on the windows. A few minutes later, the sparrows came to land on the windowsill _11_ and pecked at the rice. Suddenly my daughter asked me, “Mum, can we catch and _12_ the sparrows, and let them live with us in the room?How _13_ it is for them to live outside.” “Oh, my

23、dear, I do not think its a good idea. You know,”I explained to her, “the sparrow is a bird who loves _14_. No one can keep them in a cage. If they are caught, they will _15_ quickly. They are _16_ to living outside. Moreover, they have warm nest under the eaves.”From then on, we have set up a kind o

24、f _17_ with the sparrow family. We feed them frequently and _18_ them as pet birds. However, we do not need to _19_ them. We _20_ seeing these little birds flying and jumping among branches, leaves and flowers in the spring mornings.1A. interested B. excited C. disappointed D. encouraged2A. Naturall

25、y B. SuddenlyC. Unfortunately D. Finally3A. excitement B. feeling C. sorrow D. heart4A. bury B. put C. dig D. set5A. end B. beginning C. wish D. reality6A. Thus B. Then C. Therefore D. However7A. at all B. in all C. after all D. for all8A. upset B. encourage C. help D. impress9A. look B. actC. catch

26、 D. feed10A. throw B. pour C. pile D. scatter11A. one after another B. one another C. every other D. each other12A. stay B. cage C. love D. watch13A. free B. happyC. cold D. warm14A. freedom B. springC. trees D. flying15A. please B. starveC. suffer D. die16A. safe B. proudC. happy D. used17A. neighb

27、our B. understanding C. friendship D. relationship18A. think B. dreamC. treat D. appreciate19A. hurt B. possess C. belong to D. hatch20A. enjoy B. would like C. want D. consider答案与解析1B因为My daughter has been crazy about raising a pet,因此当“我”bought two newlyhatched chickens for her,她非常兴奋。其他选项不能表达女儿得到这些

28、新孵出的小鸡的心情。2C因为a few days later,both chickens died,因此作者说unfortunately。其他选项不能准确表达小鸡死掉后作者女儿的心情。3C她如此喜爱的两只小鸡死了,因此她难过地哭起来。空前的from相当于because of,因此可以排除其他选项。4A从空后的“under a tree behind our house”可以推出,小鸡死后,我们把它埋在了树下。结合常识我们可以排除其他选项。5A因为小鸡死了女儿很伤心。所以“我”原以为,她以后就再也不要小宠物了,因此“我”认为it would be the end of her ideas。其他选

29、项可以依据下一段的内容排除。6DI was wrong与I thought it would be the end of her ideas前后为转折关系。A、C两项表因果关系;then为副词,意为“然后”,不符合句意。7C句意:孩子毕竟是孩子。after all“毕竟;还是”。at all用在否定或疑问句中,为了加强语气,in all“总共”。8A从后面的“She still tried to keep a small animal or even a snail.”可以知道失败并没有给她太大的打击。upset“使烦乱、使失常”。其他选项不符合上下文情景,也不符合语法。9C从下文女儿的建议:

30、“Mum,can we catch .”以及“我”的回答可知,我们本来是可以抓住麻雀当作宠物的。联系下文“but we didnt”以及后来我们一起喂养这些麻雀,可以排除其他选项。10D从空后的“the grains on the windows”,可以知道,“我”告诉她把谷粒撒在窗台上。scatter“均匀散开”。throw“扔”,pour“倾;倒”,pile“堆积”都不符合作者和女儿对待鸟儿的态度。11A因为麻雀陆续落在窗台上,因此用one after another。one another与each other都表示“彼此”,every other“每隔一个”。12B从空前的“can w

31、e catch”可以推知,她要把麻雀养在笼子里,cage在这里是动词,意思是“用笼子养”。联系空前的catch我们可以排除其他选项。13C联系空前的“let them live with us in the room”和空后的“to live outside”,还有下一段最后一句作者的回答可知她以为麻雀在外面太冷了。其他选项不是女儿要把它们养在笼子里面的理由。14A联系空后的“No one can keep them in a cage.”可以得此答案。D项只是freedom其中的一方面。15D因为没有人可以把他们养在笼子里,因此如果它们进了笼子,很快就会死掉的。依据常识,排除其他选项。16D

32、从空后的“to living outside”可以知道,作者想说“它们习惯于住在外面。”be used to doing为固定搭配,意思是“习惯于”。再联系后面的“Moreover,they have warm nest under the eaves”也可以得此答案。其他选项与前面的叙述矛盾,因此可以排除。17C我们经常喂养它们,并把它们当成宠物来养,因此说我们与这群麻雀之间建立了友谊。relationship意思是“关系”,不能充分说明“我们”与麻雀的关系。18C我们把它们作为宠物鸟来养。treat在这里是“对待、看作”的意思。其他选项不能表达“我”饲养麻雀的方式。19Bpossess t

33、hem在这里指的是catch and cage them。其他选项不能准确表达此时作者的观点。20A因为我们已经把它们当作宠物来养。因此我们非常喜欢他们在春天的时候在院子里的树间跳跃。enjoy doing sth.“喜欢干某事”。其他三项不符合语意。.阅读理解What do you usually do after school? Playing football? Watching TV? Come on, we need something new! Lets see how kids in foreign countries spend their free time!Mess aro

34、und with DressupDo your parents have any old clothes? See if you can get an old box and start collecting hats, shoes and clothes now! Then, when your friends come over after school, you can play dressup. See if you can make yourself into a doctor, or a cowboy, or even a spaceman! Use glitter paint a

35、nd old material to decorate the clothes the way you like them.If you are really clever, you could even put on a show for your family! Let your imagination run wild!_Want to learn new things after school? Want to make new friends who arent in your class? You can get both of them in clubs. In other co

36、untries schools, there are usually all kinds of clubs for kids to join. There is French club, student government, theatre, choir (合唱队) and photography club.Take photography club as an example. One may learn all the necessary skills about taking photos. For example, you will learn how to choose a cam

37、era, how to use the light and how to develop pictures. Sounds cool, right?But thats not all. One can also make a lot of friends in clubs. Its always good to enjoy your spare time with friends, isnt it?1What is the best title for the last three paragraphs?A. Join a Club B. Learn a ClubC. An Important

38、 Club D. A Photography Club答案与解析A文章最后三段介绍了学校的各种俱乐部。在俱乐部中可以学习知识技术,更可以交朋友。A项最能概括此部分内容。2From the first paragraph we know _.A. foreign kids dont like watching TVB. Chinese kids like playing football with foreign kidsC. playing football is not popular with foreign kids D. foreign kids have some different

39、 ways to spend their free time答案与解析D除了老套的踢足球、看电视,国外孩子的课后活动还有很多新鲜的东西。D项正确。3When you join a photography club, you CANNOT _.A. enjoy your free time B. get a camera for freeC. make some new friends D. learn to take pictures答案与解析B根据文章最后两段可知,加入摄影俱乐部可以学习摄影、交朋友,享受闲暇时光,但没有说可以免费获得相机。4The text mainly talks about _.A. how to take a good picture B. how to join a photography clubC. afterclass activities in foreign countriesD. putting on a show in foreign schools答案与解析C文章第一段末句就是文章的主题句,C项正确。


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