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《创新方案》2017届高考英语二轮复习专题滚动检测:6 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、专题滚动检测(六)(限时:30分钟情态动词和虚拟语气完形填空阅读理解1篇).用所给动词的适当形式填空1(2012安徽高考)Grace doesnt want to move to New York because she thinks if she _ (live) there, she wouldnt be able to see her parents very often.2(2012浙江高考)Had they known what was coming next, they _ (have) second thoughts.3(2012北京高考)Dont handle the vase

2、 as if it _ (be) made of steel.4(2012湖南高考)Sorry, I am too busy now.If I _ (have) time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.5(2011北京高考)Where are the children? The dinners going to be completely ruined.I wish they _ (not be) always late.6He insisted he _ (send) to the city. 7His expression sug

3、gested that he _ (pass) the test. .翻译句子1昨天我如果知道你的电话号码的话,我就告诉你真相了。_2如果我年轻10岁,我会从头开始的。_3要是我早想到这一点,我就不会做这样愚蠢的事情了。_4如果他告诉我了这件事,我就和他一块去了。_5在踢球前他犹豫了一下,不然的话他就会进球的。_.完形填空As my husband, Mark and I rode our bicycles on the treelined streets in our neighborhood this spring, we took great _1_ from the beauty an

4、d fragrance of the flowering trees and shrubs. We drew in deep breaths as we passed by the honeysuckle and lilac, and _2_ their sweet scents.One particular street is lined with Bradford pears. The flowers _3_ in early spring and bring a magnificent burst of _4_. We made our route _5_ when the buds s

5、tarted to open in order to be surrounded by the canopy of _6_ that the street trees provided. Last week, for three consecutive (连续的) days, we biked that _7_.On the fourth day, as we approached the street, I mentioned to Mark that we should _8_ again.He said, “The flowers are _9_ and there is nothing

6、 to see.”I turned to look down the street and saw a _10_ of white blossoms on the trees and said, “No, those trees are in full bloom!”I was _11_ at what Mark said. How could he have seen the same trees as _12_ and past their prime flowering time, and I saw them in full bloom? _13_ our perceptions at

7、 that moment in time were amazingly _14_.I can see no point in arguing or trying to _15_ Mark about his perceptions. Perhaps my view of life tends to lean towards _16_. Maybe because of my spinal cord injury and the life I have regained, I view things differently, as I see life full of _17_.Spring i

8、s an ever _18_ season. One strong rainstorm or heavy wind removes the blossoms from the trees. The growing cycle that follows _19_ the new growth of leaves, followed by the emergence of fruit. Some people choose to spend their lives focusing on the faded flowers, _20_ others see their lives flourish

9、ing with flowers.1A.pleasureBtroubleClesson Dbenefit2A.reflected BexperiencedCtasted Dreceived3A.fall BarriveCwave Dappear4A.feeling BlaughterCcolor Dtears5A.possible BpurposefulCmeaningful Dchangeable6A.leaves BgrassCflowers Dshade7A.route BtimeCday Dcity8A.come up Bturn aroundCfind out Dride by9A.

10、picked BdestroyedCfaded Dblown10A.sea BpictureCpart Dcorner11A.pleased BexcitedCfrightened Damazed12A.unimportant BunattractiveCimproper Dpriceless13A.Obviously BFortunatelyCNaturally DUnluckily14A.correct BsimilarCdifferent Drealistic15A.warn BconvinceCargue Dpoint16A.optimism BsightCromance Dreaso

11、n17A.challenge BhardshipCpromise Duncertainty18A.lasting BchangingCcoming Dmoving19A.takes over Bgets onCmakes out Dbrings on20A.while BsinceCwhen Dunless.阅读理解(2014海南文昌中学模拟)Parents should ban electronic media during mealtimes and after bedtime as part of a comprehensive “family media use plan”, acco

12、rding to new recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics.“Excessive media use is associated with obesity, poor school performance, aggression and lack of sleep,” said Marjorie Hogan, coauthor of the new policy.Families should have a nodevice rule during meals and after bedtime, the guide

13、lines say.Parents should also set family rules covering the use of the Internet, cellphones, including, perhaps, which sites can be visited, and who can be called.The policy also restated the existing recommendations: kids should limit the amount of screen time for entertainment to less than two hou

14、rs per day; children younger than 2 shouldnt have any TV or Internet exposure.Also, televisions and Internet accessible devices should be kept out of kids bedrooms.Doctors say parents need to obey the family rules, too, to model healthy behavior.That, some say, may be the toughest part.“If you go to

15、 any restaurant, Family 3.0 is mom and dad on their devices and the kids on theirs,” says Donald, a pediatrician and an AAP spokesman.“Who is talking to each other?”Children aged from 8 to 18 spent an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes a day consuming media for fun, including TV, music, video games a

16、nd other contents in 2009, according to a 2010 report from the Kaiser Family Foundation.The report was based on a survey of 2002 third through twelfth graders, 702 of whom completed a sevenday media use diary.That was up about an hour and 17 minutes a day from five years earlier.About twothirds of 8

17、 to 18yearolds said they had no rules on the amount of time they spent watching TV, playing video games or using the computer, the Kaiser report found.Use of mobile devices by young kids has soared.A new report from Common Sense Media, a childadvocacy group based in San Francisco, found that 17% of

18、children 8 and younger use mobile devices daily, up from 8% in 2011.1Which statement is TRUE according to the first paragraph?AParents are advised to ban electronic media after mealtimes.BA “family media use plan” is being carried out throughout America.CElectronic media are evil in the eyes of pare

19、nts and educators.DThe overuse of electronic media has caused many severe problems.2Why should parents themselves obey the family rules?AIts beneficial to their health.BIts essential to educate their kids.CIts beneficial to their work.DIts essential to develop good relationship with their kids.3What

20、 can be inferred according to the report from the Kaiser Family Foundation?AThe majority of the surveyed kids can use electronic devices as they like in their homes.BThe report was based on the statistics in 2002.C702 of the surveyed kids completed a sevenday media use diary.DKids are spending less

21、and less time using media for fun.4What can be the best title of the passage?AConsuming media for fun is a nature of kidsBNo use, no worryCMeasures should be taken to stop childrens overuse of electronic mediaDElectronic devices threaten the relationship of many families答案.1.were to live2.might have

22、 had 3were4.had5.werent6.(should) be sent7.had passed.1.If I had known your telephone number yesterday, I would have told you the truth.2If I were 10 years younger, I would start all over again.3If I had thought of it earlier, I wouldnt have done such foolish things.4If he had told me about it, I wo

23、uld have gone with him.5He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he would have scored a goal.1.解析:选A根据语境,作者和丈夫看到鲜花盛开的景象应该感到“快乐”,故用pleasure。2解析:选B根据上文的描述,作者和丈夫“体验”到了鲜花散发出的芬芳。3解析:选D由下文中的“in early spring and bring a magnificent .”可知,此处表示花刚刚“出现”。4解析:选C花蕾绽放,是一幅“色彩”斑斓的景象。5解析:选B从后文中的“作者

24、和丈夫为了被鲜花包围”可知,他们的路线很明确(purposeful)。6解析:选C从上文中的“when the buds started to open”可知,作者和丈夫是想被鲜花环绕。上文中的“The flowers”也是提示。7解析:选A上文中的“We made our route”是提示。8解析:选D从上文中的“Last week, for three consecutive (连续的) days, we biked that _7_.”可知,第四天,当作者和丈夫快到这条街的时候,作者向丈夫提到他们应该再次“骑车经过”这条街道。ride by“骑车经过”。come up“走上前”;tur

25、n around“转过来”;find out“弄清楚,搞明白”。9解析:选C根据后面的“and there is nothing to see”可知,作者的丈夫认为,花已经“凋谢”。10解析:选A从后面作者的回答“No, those trees are in full bloom!”可知,作者看到的是一片“花海”。11解析:选D因为丈夫看到的景象跟作者所看到的完全不同,因此作者感到“吃惊”。12解析:选B从上文作者丈夫说的话可知,他认为眼前的花已经不值得看,已经“没有吸引力”了,故选unattractive。13解析:选A从上文作者和丈夫不同的回答可知,“显然”他们的观点完全“不同”。14解析

26、:选C参见上题解析。15解析:选B从上文中的“I can see no point in arguing”可知,作者认为没有必要去跟丈夫争辩或尽力去“说服”他。convince“使相信,说服”。16解析:选A从后文可知,作者从伤痛中获得了新生,因此她对生活“乐观”,故用optimism。17解析:选C从上下文可以看出,在她的眼中,生活充满了“希望”。promise“希望”。18解析:选B从下文中的“One strong rainstorm or heavy wind removes the blossoms from the trees. The growing cycle that foll

27、ows .”可知,春天是一个不断“变化”的季节。19解析:选D此处指会“带来”新的生机。bring on“带来”;take over“接管”;get on“与相处,进展”;make out“辨认出”。20解析:选A前后是对比关系,故用while“而”。.1.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Excessive media use is associated with obesity,poor school performance, aggression and lack of sleep”可知,过度使用电子媒介通常与肥胖、学业不佳、具有攻击性和睡眠不足有关。因此,过度使用电子媒介会引起很多

28、的问题,故选D项。2解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Doctors say parents need to obey the family rules, too, to model healthy behavior.”可知,家长要想禁止孩子在就餐时和就寝后使用电子媒介,也应遵守家庭规则,以身作则塑造健康的行为方式,故选B项。3解析:选A推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“About twothirds of 8 to 18yearolds said they had no rules on the amount of time they spent watching TV, playing video games or using the computer, the Kaiser report found.”可知,大多数被调查的孩子在家中玩电子设备时没有时间限制。故A项说法正确。4解析:选C标题归纳题。本文是一篇调查报告。过度使用电子媒介通常与肥胖、学业不佳、具有攻击性和睡眠不足有关。因此,家长应该采取一定的措施禁止孩子在就餐时和就寝后使用电子媒介。故C项最适合作为文章标题。 版权所有:高考资源网()


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