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1、随堂演练即时体验巩固提升.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1China has left a good _ (impress) for fighting against the flu with its careful organisation.答案与解析impressionleave a good impression“留下好印象”。2For the last two years, he _ (write) a book on the Second World War, but he hasnt finished it.答案与解析has been writing句意:最近两年他一直在写一本关于

2、二战的书,但他还没有完成。“写(书)”这个动作从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在,且要继续下去,故用现在完成进行时。3Ms. Li is strict _ her work; however, she is not so strict _ her students.答案与解析in; withbe strict in sth.“在方面要求严格”;be strict with sb.“对某人要求严格”。4Any student likes the teacher who is patient _ them when they have questions to ask.答案与解析withbe pat

3、ient with sb.“对某人有耐心”。5I repeated the telephone number a second time to my mother _ she could write it down.答案与解析so that/in order thatso that/in order that“以便”,引导目的状语从句。6I really appreciate _ (have) time to relax with you on this nice island.答案与解析havingappreciate后跟动名词作宾语。7The boy admitted _ (break)

4、the window while playing football.答案与解析breakingadmit后接动名词作宾语。8Well have a picnic in the park this Sunday_it rains or its very cold.答案与解析unless句意:除非星期日下雨,或者很冷,否则我们就去公园野餐。unless引导条件状语从句。9I havent seen Ann for _ long that Ive forgotten what she looks like.答案与解析so在so . that结构中,so后跟adj.或adv.,long是adj.。10

5、The thief followed her, with his eyes _ (fix) on the wallet in her pocket.答案与解析fixed“withn.v.ed”在此作状语。.单项填空1_ that you come here earlier tomorrow or youll be in trouble.A. Be sure of B. Make sureC. Its sure D. Make sure of答案与解析B句意:明天确保早点来,否则你就会有麻烦了。make sure“确定;确信;查明;弄清楚”,后可接that从句(that可以省略)或of sth.

6、。sb. be sure of sth.“某人对某事有把握”,后接名词或代词作宾语;Its sure that不存在,sure的主语常用sb.,不能用主语从句。此时可用certain代替,用Its certain that .意为“是一定的;有把握会”。2Sometimes it is not good manners to play a _ on others.A. grade B. jokeC. laugh D. topic答案与解析B句意:有时候开别人的玩笑是不礼貌的。play a joke on sb.“开某人玩笑”,是固定搭配。grade“分数;成绩”;laugh“嘲笑”;topic

7、“话题;题目”。3 What a beautiful day! Yes. Its _ that Id like to take a walk.A. such nice weather B. so nice weatherC. so nice a weather D. such a nice weather答案与解析A本题考查so/such . that结构的用法。weather为不可数名词,故排除C、D两项。such在此修饰名词weather,故本题选A项。4I remember Michaels telephone number is 5105612, but youd better _ o

8、f it.A. make fun B. make upC. make sure D. make progress答案与解析Cmake sure“确定;弄清楚”,符合题意。make fun“找乐子”;make up“编造”;make progress“取得进步”。5The editor of the magazine, Philip Green, is an editor for whom a lot of teenagers have the greatest _.A. respect B. energyC. description D. amusement答案与解析Ahave respect for sb.“尊重某人”。

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