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《名师一号》2014-2015学年高中英语(外研版)必修一 双基限时练4.doc

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1、双基限时练(四)Module 2Section .单词拼写1Ms. King praised Tom because his composition was well _ (有组织的)答案organised2When we pronounce a word _ (不正确地), the teacher is always patient.答案incorrectly3I didnt find the story _ (有趣的); in fact, I thought it was rather boring.答案amusing4Young people are always _ (精力充沛的) a

2、nd full of life.答案energetic5Some students feel rather _ (紧张的) before examinations, so they cant do well.答案nervous6She works very hard and always gets good _ (分数) in her exams.答案grades7I will _ (感激) it if you can help me with my English.答案appreciate8So _ (聪明的) a boy you are and you will catch up with

3、 the others soon.答案intelligent9We can do _ (科学的) experiments in this chemistry club.答案scientific10He has _ (承认) that he did not finish his homework.答案admitted11After learning some passages, the teacher asked us to write two _ (总结)答案summaries12When we turn on the TV, we can hardly _ (避免) seeing adver

4、tisements, which sometimes troubles us.答案avoid.介词填空1My first impression _ Mrs. Liu was that she was not only beautiful but also noble.答案of2Doctors should be patient _ their patients.答案with3Mr. White is strict _ his students and he is also strict _ his work.答案with;in4In a foreign country, you may hav

5、e a big problem _ language.答案with5As students,we should have respect _ our teachers.答案for.短语填空make sure, so that, make progress, tell jokes, do well in, fall asleep, in fact, make mistakes1Mike thought the girl was Mary, but _ she is her sister Lily.答案in fact2I dont dare to answer my teachers questi

6、ons because I am always afraid of _.答案making mistakes3Mr. Wu often _ when we get bored in class.答案tells jokes4The meeting room was very noisy, _ I couldnt hear what the reporter said.答案so that5If I _ in class, please wake me up.答案fall asleep6You have been working so hard that you will _ the coming m

7、onthly test.答案do well in7It may freeze tonight, so _ the plants are covered.答案make sure8Our teacher often says to us, “Study hard and youll_ every day.”答案make progress.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1Parents like to buy toys to keep their little babies _ (amuse)答案与解析amused句意:父母喜欢买些玩具逗他们的小孩子开心。由过去分词转化而来的形容词amused在此作

8、宾补,表示人自身的感受。2We are sure _ well learn English well with Mr. Li teaching us.答案与解析thatbe sure that .“确信”,符合句意。3Lucy asked for a separate room so that she could avoid _ (leave) with Tom alone.答案与解析being leftavoid后接动词ing形式作宾语,又因为Lucy与leave之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故用其被动形式。4I hate _ (have) to go to work in a very crow

9、ded bus every morning.答案与解析havinghate doing sth.强调习惯性或通常性的行为。5People appreciate _ (talk) with him because he is knowledgeable and humorous.答案与解析talkingappreciate后接动名词,不接动词不定式。6In the beginning, the man refused to say anything about the lost car, but he had to admit _ (steal) it because of the solid

10、proofs (铁证)答案与解析having stolenadmit后跟动词ing形式表示“承认做某事”,此处表示“承认偷过汽车”,动作已发生,应跟steal的完成时。7Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report _ her boss could read it the next morning.答案与解析so that/in order thatso that/in order that在此引导目的状语从句。8The crazy fans _ (wait) patiently for two hours and they wil

11、l wait till the astronauts safe return.答案与解析have been waiting“等待”这个动作从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在,且会继续下去,故用现在完成进行时。9With lots of trees and flowers _ (plant) here and there, the city looks very beautiful.答案与解析planted考查with复合结构。lots of trees and flowers和plant是被动关系,所以用表被动的过去分词作补语。10The lessons given by Mr. Smith a

12、re always _ (live) and interesting.答案与解析lively句意:史密斯先生讲的课总是很生动、很有趣。lively“生动的”,符合句意。.单项填空1My grandfather is as _ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.A. silent B. energeticC. talkative D. sensitive答案与解析B句意:我的祖父像年轻人一样有活力,不愿意整天闲坐着。energetic在此表示“精力充沛的”。silent“沉默的”;talkative“多话的

13、”;sensitive“敏感的”。2Be sure to give the umbrella to Tom. OK.Ill give it to him _ I see him.A. though B. immediateC. immediately D. once答案与解析Cimmediately相当于as soon as“一就”,作连词,引导时间状语从句。3Its impolite to speak _ while others are sleeping.A. loud B. louder C. loudly D. aloud答案与解析Cspeak loudly“大声说”,loudly“大

14、声地”,强调声音吵闹而影响他人。4He is a popular teacher but he is strict _ his students and _ his teaching.A. with; in B. in; withC. with; on D. on; with答案与解析Abe strict with sb.“对某人要求严格”;be strict in sth.“对某事要求严格”。5We are so pleased with the progress that she has _ in her researches in recent days.A. made B. respe

15、ctedC. kept D. graded答案与解析A本题考查make progress结构。.完形填空When I was a boy, every holiday that I had seemed wonderful. My _1_ took me by train or by car to a hotel by the _2_. All day, I seem to remember, I _3_ on the sands with strange _4_ children. We made houses and gardens, and _5_ the tide destroy th

16、em. When the tide went out, we _6_ over the rocks and looked down at the fish in the rockpools.In those days the _7_ seemed to shine always brightly _8_ the water was always warm. Sometimes we _9_ beach and walked in the country, exploring (搜寻) ruined houses and dark woods and climbing trees. There

17、were _10_ in ones pockets or good places where one could _11_ icecreams. Each day seemed a lifetime.Although I am now thirtyfive years old, my idea of a good _12_ is much the same as it was. I _13_ like the sun and warm sand and the sound of _14_ beating the rocks. I no longer wish to _15_ any sand

18、house or sand garden, and I dislike sweets. _16_, I love the sea and often feel sand running through my fingers.Sometimes I _17_ what my ideal (理想的) holiday will be like when I am _18_. All I want to do then, perhaps, will be to lie in bed, reading books about_19_ who make houses and gardens with sa

19、nds, who watch the incoming tides, who make themselves _20_ on too many icecreams.1A. teacher B. parentsC. nurse D. younger sister2A. sea B. lakeC. mountain D. river3A. played B. sleptC. sat D. stood4A. moved B. excitedC. anxious D. nervous5A. made B. broughtC. watched D. heard6A. collected B. jumpe

20、dC. turned D. climbed7A. light B. sunC. moon D. lamp8A. and B. yetC. but D. or9A. left B. came toC. stood by D. played by10A. sweets B. sandC. icecreams D. money11A. make B. sellC. buy D. offer12A. house B. holidayC. garden D. tide13A. hardly B. almostC. still D. perhaps14A. waves B. tidesC. hands D

21、. feet15A. destroy B. fixC. use D. build16A. While B. HoweverC. Otherwise D. Besides17A. wonder B. feelC. understand D. believe18A. strong B. weakC. young D. old19A. children B. boysC. girls D. grownups20A. happy B. tiredC. sad D. sick答案与解析1B作者回忆儿时假日,根据常识可判断为其父母(parents)带他远游。2A从后文提到的词语beach, sand等可知

22、作者在海边(by the sea)。3Aplay with sb.“与某人玩耍”。4B去海边度假,孩子们感到兴奋。moved“感动的”; anxious“焦急的”; nervous“紧张的”,均不合题意。5Cwatch sb./sth. do“看着某人/某物做某事”。6D从后面的looked down at判断,此处应该用climbed。7B由于在海边玩耍,心情好,所以太阳也特别明亮。8A前后两句为并列关系,所以用and。9A前文说“在海边玩耍”,后文说“乡村探寻、购物”,因此,该空应该用left表示离开海滨。10A根据下一段说的I dislike sweets。11Cmake, sell和o

23、ffer都不可能是孩子们的所为,故用buy表示“买冰淇淋”。12B上文叙述儿时度假的快乐时光,成年后他对于假期的想法依然如故。13C与上句照应,多年来,我“仍然”喜欢。14Atides指“潮汐”,而文中指“海浪”(waves)拍打岩石的声音。15Dbuild sand house(建造沙房子)此处应与文章开头make house联系。16B根据前后文可知,这两句话为转折关系,且空格后有逗号,所以用however。17Awonder“想知道”; feel“感到”; understand“明白”; believe“相信”。从句意看应该用wonder。18D作者回忆了儿童时代快乐的假期,但是不知道年

24、老以后理想中的假期是什么模样。19Achildren包括boys和girls,只有孩子们才迷恋于沙子堆成的小房子,所以此处用children。20D由于吃了太多的冰淇淋,病了。.短文改错Today I was having a PE lesson while I fell down and hurted my foot. I was in great pain at that moment, but I tried to act as if nothing happened until the class was over. Though I had difficulty walk back

25、to my classroom, but I still didnt tell anyone and even refused the offer of help from my classmates. As the result, the hurt on my foot became worse. Now I know I am wrong. We can tell others our need for help and accept their help. Someday we can help him in return. In this way, we can get along e

26、ach other happily and peacefully.答案Today I was having a PE lesson I fell down and my foot. I was in great pain at that moment, but I tried to act as if nothing happened until the class was over. Though I had difficulty back to my classroom, I still didnt tell anyone and even refused the offer of help from my classmates. As result, the hurt my foot became worse. Now I know I wrong. We can tell others our need for help and accept their help. Someday we can help in return. In this way, we can get along each other happily and peacefully.


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