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云南省普洱市景东彝族自治县第一中学2019-2020学年高一月考(三)英语试卷 WORD版含答案.doc

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云南省普洱市景东彝族自治县第一中学2019-2020学年高一月考(三)英语试卷 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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云南省普洱市景东彝族自治县第一中学2019-2020学年高一月考(三)英语试卷 WORD版含答案.doc_第10页
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1、英语试卷一、单选题(共20题;共20分)1.Was it through Mary _ was working at a high school _ you got to know Tom? A.who; whomB.that; whichC.who; thatD.that; who2.There is no doubt _ humans should protect the environment.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.why3.John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.Oh

2、, !A.cheer upB.well downC.go aheadD.congratulations4.My father thinks I am not capable _ my own living, but I mean _ him that he is wrong. A.to earn, to showB.of earning, showingC.of earning, to showD.in earning, to show5.Mr. Smith arrived at the office every morning at precisely ten oclock, _ his b

3、at on a peg near the door and went his way to his desk. A.hangingB.hangedC.hungD.and hanged6. Where did you get to know her? It was on the farm _ we worked.A.thatB.thereC.whichD.where7.It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite _ to perform skillfully yourself. A.otherB.anothe

4、rC.the otherD.others8._ the plan means that we must start from the very beginning. A.CoveringB.AvoidingC.DesigningD.Abandoning9.Two years ago, the 9-year-old girl set up _ organization named Angel to help _ homeless. A.the;B. ; theC.an; aD.an; the10.When the meeting was , they all to their feet and

5、left. A.at the end; raisedB.at an end; roseC.in the end; raisedD.by the end; rose11. Mr Wang, I have trouble _ the text. Remember _ it three times at least.A.to understand, readingB.understanding, readingC.understanding, to readD.to understand, to read12. Why does she always ask you for help? There

6、is no one else _, is there?A.who to turn toB.for her to turnC.for whom to turnD.she can turn to13.Getting a good degree is the only way to get a _ job. A.good-payingB.well-paidC.good-paidD.well-paying14._, I am studying medicine at a university. A.In a momentB.At the momentC.For a momentD.The moment

7、15.They asked him to tell them everything he saw at the front. A.whoB.thatC.whichD.where16.Paper produced every year is the worlds production of vehicles. A.the three times weight ofB.three times the weight ofC.as three times heavy asD.three times as heavier as17.What do you imagine _ to Johnson? A.

8、happeningB.having happeningC.has happenedD.to have happened18. What do you think of the present economic situation? When big firms reduce their expenses, we _ know that times are really hard.A.shallB.couldC.mustD.need19.Is this research center_ you visited the modem equipment last year? A.whereB.tha

9、tC.the one thatD.the one where20.They left no stone _ in their desire to achieve their best. A.turnedB.takenC.unturnedD.undertaken二、填空题(共5题;共14分)21._(fortunate), you were out when we called. 22.When I was a child, I d_ of becoming a scientist. 23.You only have to pay 20 yuan; children travel at half

10、 _(费用). 24.When I opened the door, I noticed someone _(sit) by her side talking with her. 25.课文原文填空 I began only as a calculating machine in France in 1642. I was developing _in the following years. About two hundred years later, I was built _an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. Programmed by a

11、n operator _used cards with holes, I could “think” _and produce an answer quicker than any person, which was considered a technological revolution at that time and the start of my artificial _. In 1936 Alan Turing wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a “universal machine” to _difficult

12、mathematical problems. From then on, I grew rapidly _in size and in brainpower. By the 1940s I had grown as large as a room. As time went by, with the improvement of my memory, I was made smaller and smaller. Since the 1970s, I have been _in offices and homes, and many new _have been found for me. I

13、 have become very _in communication, finance and many other fields.三、翻译(共1题;共1分)26.The best way is _ (屏住呼吸) and pretend to be dead when you come across a bear in the forest. 四、任务型阅读(共2题;共10分)27.任务型阅读 Ebola is a dangerous virus that can cause people to get very sick and even die. The virus is causing

14、 the biggest problems in western Africa, where it has spread quickly._But it can get worse and cause life-threatening symptoms (症状), such as bleeding and trouble breathing._ Ebola does not spread like colds or the flu because it does not float through the air. Ebola also doesnt spread through food o

15、r water, like some other viruses. Instead, Ebola spreads when someone touches the body fluids(液体) of a sick person._ An outbreak is when many people are getting sick with the same illness around the same time. You may have heard of a flu outbreak, which is when lots of people get sick from the same

16、types of flu virus. When an outbreak happens because of a virus, more people could get sick because there is a lot of that virus around. Where did Ebola come from?Scientists arent sure how the first person gets Ebola at the start. _Tropical animals in Africa believed to carry the virus include great

17、 apes, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, fruit bats, porcupines, and forest antelopes. What do kids need to do about Ebola? Ebola is making many people sick in Africa, but no matter where you live, its always a good idea to wash your hands well and often. _A. What is an outbreak?B. How do people catch

18、 Ebola?C. Why do I need to wash my hands?D. Its very important that infected people get treatment right away.E. Ebola symptoms can start with fever and headache, kind of like the flu.F. But they think that people may pick up the virus by touching or eating infected animals.G. Keeping hands clean can

19、 help protect you from common illnesses like colds and the flu. 28.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 _ People use money to buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of other things they need or want. When they work ,they usually get paid in money. Most of the money today is made of m

20、etal or paper. _ One of the first kinds of money was shells. Shells were not the only things used as money. In China, cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice was used as money for a long time. Elephant tusks, monkey tails and salt were used as money in parts of Africa. The first

21、metal coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in the centre. _ Different countries have used different metals and designs for their money. _ Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money. Later some countries began to make coins of gold and silver. But even gold and silve

22、r were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. _The first paper money looked more like a note from one person to another than the paper money used today. Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.A.

23、The first coins in England were made of tin (锡)B. But people used to use all kinds of things as money.C. No one knows for certain when people began to use money.D. People strung(串连) them together and carried them from place to place.E. Money, as we know,is all made of paper.F. They began to use pape

24、r money.G. Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services. 五、单词拼写(词汇运用)(共2题;共6分)29.They come from Germany. They are G_. 30.单词拼写(根据所给汉语或首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式) (1)I am very g_to him for his help and his being kind to me. (2)He_(不理睬) the doctors advice and continued smoking. (3)He was tire

25、d but still had a_(系列) of meetings to go to. (4)It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as_(流畅) as a native English speaker. (5)The father_(恢复) from the death of his loved son at last. 六、语法填空(共2题;共11分)31.Neil Armstrong was the first man _(land) on the moon in 1969. 32.根据How life began o

26、n the earth课文内容,在下文空格中填上恰当的词语,使文章连贯完整。 No one knows exactly _the earth began. According to a widely accepted theory, the earth began with a “Big Bang”,_exploded loudly and produced water vapor and many gases,_(make) the earths atmosphere. As the earth cooled down, water appeared and stayed_the surfa

27、ce. It was the presence of water_allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas, which made _possible for life to develop. First, the appearance of small plants encouraged the development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish. Next, green plants began to grow on la

28、nd. _were followed by land animals. So reptiles appeared for the first time. Later, dinosaurs developed._they suddenly disappeared. After that, mammals came into being. Finally, humans appeared and spread all over the earth. However, they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, maki

29、ng the earth too hot_(live) on. So whether life will continue on the earth will depend on _this problem can be solved. 七、完形填空(共1题;共20分)33.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Meow, meow, meow, is what I heard as I walked through the alley(小巷;胡同). I approached the noise and noticed a tai

30、l sticking out from under a piece of wood. Under the wood was a 1 black and white cat. I picked him up and 2 he must be freezing to death. I 3 home with the cat held in my jacket. My new best friend, who soon became known as Little Bit, received his name because he was almost 4 when I held him in my

31、 hands. He stood about five inches tall. Little Bits small size had a great advantage - he 5 perfectly in the pocket of my jacket, which made 6 him everywhere very easy. Any time I was home, he wouldnt leave my 7 . He was always eager to play with me. When I fell asleep at night, he would always 8 u

32、p around my head to ensure that I was warm. Unfortunately, I grew up. My teenage life 9 my relationship with Little Bit. I lived at such a fast pace that I stopped 10 time for him. My free time was spent with my friends instead. I would come in the house on my phone and not 11 him at all. His meows

33、became an annoyance to me, but it wasnt his 12 that he wanted his best friend back. Time had caused a 13 to Little Bit. His body began 14 down and by the time I realized something was wrong with him, he had already lost his balance. He lay there and looked at me, and 15 this day I still remember the

34、 16 look in his bright green eyes. I took him to the vet (兽医), but there was nothing he could do. The last time I 17 him he wasnt the same tiny cat I had found ten years before. Little Bit filled my arms and he was put to sleep that day. Little Bits 18 made me realize how much he meant to me. He was

35、 always there for me when I needed him. I 19 our last years together and I feel sorry for not always being there for him. I will always 20 the special memories we made.1. A. lovelyB. tinyC. prettyD. friendly2. A. agreedB. insistedC. realizedD. proved3. A. leftB. stayedC. droveD. hurried4. A. weightl

36、essB. uselessC. breathlessD. hopeless5. A. grewB. fittedC. playedD. existed6. A. showingB. keepingC. takingD. guiding7. A. mindB. heartC. bodyD. side8. A. riseB. standC. wakeD. roll9. A. weakenedB. fastenedC. deepenedD. sharpened10. A. makingB. losingC. wastingD. gaining11. A. overlookB. interruptC.

37、 acknowledgeD. recognize12. A. desireB. purposeC. faultD. greed13. A. fearB. lossC. delayD. concern14. A. droppingB. tearingC. calmingD. shutting15. A. onB. toC. inD. for16. A. shamefulB. hatefulC. harmfulD. sorrowful17. A. helpedB. protectedC. heldD. cured18. A. illnessB. deathC. sadnessD. pressure

38、19. A. regretB. botherC. confuseD. dream20. A. treasureB. admireC. evaluateD. explore八、阅读理解(共1题;共6分)34.阅读理解 Camberwell College Swimming Pools Camberwell College of Arts has one 50m (Olympic sized) pool with a depth of 2m throughout, and one 25m pool with a 1m shallow end and a 4m deep end. Both pool

39、s may be used by the general public at certain times. 50m Pool The pool is often used for classes, but the general public may use two lanes(泳道)for lane swimming at the following times. Monday: 06:30-11:30 and 19:00-21:00 Tuesday: 06:30-11:30 and 18:00-21:00 Wednesday: 06:30-13:30 and 17:30-21:30 Thu

40、rsday: 06:30-13:30 Friday: 06:30-13:30 Weekends: 09:00-17:00 Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Please note that during College holidays, these times will be different. Call 04837 393560 for up-to-date information. 25m Pool The 25m pool is available for recreational (non-l

41、ane) swimming from 07:00-09:00 and 12:30-13:30 on weekdays, and 10:00-16:00 on Saturdays. Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied. We regret that the 25m pool will be closed for redecoration between 21st July and 18th August. The mens changing rooms will be closed for the week beginning 19th

42、August, and the womens changing rooms will be closed the following week. Alternative(可选用的)changing rooms will be made available. Were sorry for this.(1)When can the general public use the 50m pool on Sundays? A.06:30.B.13:30.C.18:00.D.21:00.(2)What do we know about the 50m pool? A.Its 4 meters deep.

43、B.Its usually used for teaching.C.Its unsuitable for children under 14.D.Its unavailable during College holidays.(3)The 25m pool will be closed _. A.for a weekB.on 26th AugustC.on 19th AugustD.for about a month九、改错题(共1题;共7分)35.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修

44、改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1). 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2). 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Jane, It is four days since mother receives the operation. She is feeling much more better. The doctors told me the operation was successful, but because her old age she had

45、to stay in hospital for other two weeks. The doctors also say it was quite necessary for him to do so. We expect to get a full report in two and three days. Please tell the good news to the rest of the family as soon as possible. You neednt come here. Im able to look at mother by myself. You can sen

46、d some flower to her. She will feel very happily.Yours,Mary 十、书面表达(共1题;共5分)36.假如你是李华,你班的美国交换生Tom结束了在你校一年的学习,即将回国。你和同学打算于12月30日下午在班上为他开一个欢送会(farewell party),特写信邀请他参加。要点包括:1)感谢Tom的帮助;2)欢送会的时间和地点;3)对Tom的美好祝愿。注意:1)词数100左右;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tom, How time flies! Its one year since you ca

47、me to study Chinese in our school.Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案解析部分一、单选题1.【答案】 C 2.【答案】 A 3.【答案】 D 4.【答案】 C 5.【答案】 C 6.【答案】 D 7.【答案】 B 8.【答案】 D 9.【答案】 D 10.【答案】 B 11.【答案】 C 12.【答案】 D 13.【答案】 B 14.【答案】 B 15.【答案】 B 16.【答案】 B 17.【答案】 C 18.【答案】 A 19.【答案】 D 20.【答案】 C 二、填空题21.【答案】Unfortunately 22.【答案】dreamed /

48、 dreamt 23.【答案】fare 24.【答案】sitting 25.【答案】 slowly;as;who;logically;intelligence;slove;both;used;applications;important 三、翻译26.【答案】to hold your breath 四、任务型阅读27.【答案】E;B;A;F;G 28.【答案】G;B;D;A;F 五、单词拼写(词汇运用)29.【答案】 Germans 30.【答案】 (1)grateful(2)ignored(3)series(4)fluently(5)recovered 六、语法填空31.【答案】to lan

49、d 32.【答案】how;which;making;on;that;It;They;However;to live;whether 七、完形填空33.【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B;(6)C;(7)D;(8)D;(9)A;(10)A;(11)C;(12)C;(13)B;(14)D;(15)B;(16)D;(17)C;(18)B;(19)A;(20)A; 八、阅读理解34.【答案】 (1)B(2)B(3)D 九、改错题35.【答案】receives received 删除more because后加of other another say said him her a

50、nd or at after flower flowers happily happy 十、书面表达36.【答案】 Dear Tom, How time flies! Its one year since you came to study Chinese in our school. Were all grateful for what you have done for us. In the past year, you have helped us a lot, without which we couldnt have made great progress in English. I

51、n addition, during this year, we have learned lots of cultures about your country that cannot be found in the book. Before you leave, many classmates and I intend to hold a farewell party for you, hoping that you can remember the wonderful time we spent together. By the way, the party will be held in our classroom on the afternoon of December 30. May you have a pleasant journey home and welcome to China again. And we are looking forward to your coming.Yours sincerely,Li Hua


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