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《名师一号》2014-2015学年高中英语随堂演练必修一 3-1.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家随堂演练及时体验巩固提升.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1A teacher who is just interested in his teaching but doesnt care _ students is not a good teacher.答案与解析aboutcare about在此表示“关心,在乎”,符合句意。2The boy insisted that he _ (not, steal) the money and that he _ (set) free at once.答案与解析hadnt stolen; (should) be setin

2、sist这个词如果表示“坚决要求做某事”,从句谓语动词要用(should) do;如果表示“坚持认为某一观点、主张”时,从句的谓语要根据主句的谓语情况而定。3_ you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty.答案与解析Onceonce“一旦”。4He didnt give in _ the enemy even under death.答案与解析togive in作“屈服;让步”讲时是不及物动词,若表示“向屈服/让步”,用“give in to.”。5Although she is young, _ she is c

3、lever and brave.答案与解析yetbut不能与although连用,但yet可以。6One of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier _ (operate) than the old one.答案与解析to operate在“主语beadj.不定式”结构中,不定式常用主动形式表示被动含义。句意:这种新模型的益处之一就是它比旧模型更容易操作。7_ (determine) to give up smoking, he threw away his _ (remain) cigarettes.答案与解析Determine

4、d; remainingdetermined是形容词,意为“坚决的”,形容词短语在此作状语;remaining“剩下的”,作定语修饰cigarettes。8I prefer studying English at home _ (watch) the match.答案与解析to watching句意:比起去观看比赛我更愿意在家学英语。prefer doing . to doing .“比起更喜欢”,符合句意。9We are flying at _ altitude of 20,000 feet. I feel very nervous.答案与解析anat an altitude of“在高度”

5、。10She imagined _ (walk) into the office and _ everyone what she thought of them.答案与解析walking; telling根据imagine后只跟动词ing这一用法,可知首空应该填walking,另外一空前有并列连词and,可知应填telling,和前面的walking一起构成并列动名词短语作宾语。句意:她想象自己走进办公室,对每个人都说出自己对他们的看法。.完成句子1Its a small town. You would never _ _ (梦想) shopping after 5 oclock in the

6、 evening.答案dream of/about2He _ _ _(决心) catch up with his classmates.答案is determined to3We _ _ _ _ _ _ (得下定决心)quickly, or theyll go without us.答案have to make up our minds4He _ _ _ (坚持付) the bill.答案insisted on paying5Its hard to make him _ _ _ (改变主意)答案change his mind6The boy kept crying. His parents f

7、inally _ _ (屈服) and bought him the expensive toy.答案gave in7It is happy to have friends to _ _ (关心)答案care about8I _ _ _ (试图说服) him to _ _ _(戒烟), but he didnt listen.答案tried to persuade; give up smoking9I have lived here _ _ _ _ _ _ (从小)答案ever since I was a child10He _ _ (毕业于)Tsinghua University.答案gra

8、duated from.词语知识1Its a long journey, so I prefer _ a train rather than _ a bus.A. to ride; take B. take; to takeC. ride; to take D. to take; to ride答案与解析Aprefer to do A rather than do B“宁愿做A而不愿做B”。rather than后不定式要省略to,A项正确。2The doctor tried to _ him to give up smoking, but he wouldnt listen.A. advis

9、e B. suggestC. agree D. persuade答案与解析D句意:医生试图说服他戒烟,但是他不听。说而不服用advise或try to persuade。D项正确。3All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he _ badly wounded and that he _ at once.A. should be; be operated onB. were; must be operated onC. be; was operated onD. was; be operated on答案与解析D句意:医院里所有医生都坚持认为他

10、受伤严重,坚决要求对他立刻实施手术。第一空insist意为“坚持认为/说”,不用虚拟语气,第二空insist意为“坚决要求”,应用虚拟语气,即(should) do形式。故D项正确。4To keep _ with the rapid changes of society, the old man keeps the habit of reading newspapers every day.A. terms B. paceC. progress D. touch答案与解析B句意:为了跟上社会日新月异的步伐,这位老人保持着每天读报的习惯。keep pace with“保持/跟上的步伐”; kee

11、p in touch with“和保持联系”。B项正确。5Youll find this map of great _ in helping you to get around London.A. fare B. costC. value D. charge答案与解析Cfare“交通工具的费用”; cost“生活费用”; charge“索取的服务费”,均不合句意。value可指“商品的价值”,亦指“用途,益处”, of great value“很有价值”,符合句意。6He gave me just the book I wanted as if he was able to _ my mind.A. read B. haveC. make up D. change答案与解析Aread ones mind“读懂某人的心”。Part Learning about Language- 5 - 版权所有高考资源网


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