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《名师一号》2014-2015学年高中英语达标微测选修六 4-3B.doc

1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家复习归纳整合高效复习考点全学会.单词速查1_/kwnttI/n.量;数量n.质量_2_/pz/vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量adj.反对的;对立的_3_/reInd/n.种类;范围4_/vrId/adj.平均的n.平均数v平均(是)_5_/dvkeIt/vt.拥护;提倡;主张n.支持,拥护_6_/knsIkwns;knsIkwens/n.结果;后果;影响adj.作为结果的;随之发生的;因而引起的_adv.所以,因此_7_/skmstns/n.环境;情况8_/lns/vi.看一下;扫视n一瞥9_/tend/vi.趋向;易于;照顾vt.照顾;护理n.倾向;趋势_1


3、1data/deIt/n. _22nuclear/njuklI/adj. _23casual/kjl/adj. _答案1.quantity; quality2.oppose; opposed3.range4.average; average5.advocate; advocacy6.consequence; consequent; consequently7.circumstance8.glance9tend; tendency10.state; statement11.consume; consumption; consumer12.subscribe13.pollution; pollut

4、e14.steady; steadily15.widespread16.random; randomly17.graph18.refresh19.existence; exist20.燃料21.资料;数据22.核的;核能的;原子核的23随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的.短语填空1The car crash _ (导致) three deaths.2The price of oil has _ by over 50 percent in less than a year.3At first they _ (反对) the scheme, but we managed to argue them rou

5、nd.4_ (代表) all the guests here, I wish to thank you for giving us this warm reception.5We want to know how it _ (发生) that humans speak so many different languages.6“I will not _ (忍受) your bad behaviour any longer,” said the girl angrily.7You can certainly do it well if you _ (继续) practising hard.8I

6、dont care about the price, _ (只要) the car is in good condition.9_ (大体上), I am in favour of the idea.10_ (大量的) fresh water are delivered to the city every day.答案1.resulted in2.gone up3.were opposed to4.On behalf of5.came about6.put up with7.keep on8so/as long as9.On the whole10.Quantities of.句式填空1_ _

7、 _ _ that he will pass the exam _ _.毫无疑问这次他会通过考试。答案There is no doubt; this time2Can you _ _ _ in English?你能用英语把自己表达清楚吗?答案make yourself understood3You may borrow the book _ _ _ _ _ _ clean.只要你保持书干净,就可以借给你。答案so/as long as you keep it.语篇填空We are concerned about global warming, but how did the global wa

8、rming (1)_ (发生)? Too much fossil (2)_ (燃料) that has been (3)_ (消耗) caused the global warming. Believe it or not, (4)_ (只要) you live on the earth you will suffer from the global warming, (5)_ (即使) you did not (6)_ (导致) it. It is so (7)_ (广泛的) that nobody can avoid it.Fortunately, there are (8)_ (大量的)

9、 things we can do. We can plant more trees, decrease the use of fossil burning, ride bicycles (9)_ (等等). In recent years, big companies have (10)_ (打算) to use hightechnology. Government offices (11)_ (反对) high energyconsuming enterprises. People also pay much attention to the (12)_ (影响) of the global warming.We strongly believe that the carbon dioxide emissions wont (13)_ (上升) and will (14)_ (稳定地) reduce.答案(1)come about(2)fuels(3)consumed(4)so long as(5)even if(6)result in(7)widespread(8)quantities of(9)and so on(10)tended(11)are opposed to(12)consequence(13)go up(14)steadily- 4 - 版权所有高考资源网

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