LESSON 21【学习目标】1综合考验知识点,巩固训练。【学习重难点】重点:1单词的认读。2功能句的理解。3对课文的熟悉。【学习过程】一、达标检测。1看图,在空格上填充合适的字母。sm_l_ryco_ _ _2按要求填词。(1)Find a short word in the longer word. Then write it on the line. The first one is done for you.stamp storybook sandwich hamburger watermelon_ _ _ _ _(2)Write the opposite of the word or words on the line. The first one is done for you.happy smile sit hot take off_ _ _ _ _2看图选词填空。(1)stamp, pound, feetPlease stamp your feet.(2)smile, cry, playBabies_ when their mothers_ with them.(3)cold, shivering, screamingIts so_. The little girl is_.