LESSON 7【学习目标】1综合考验知识点,巩固训练。【学习重难点】重点:1单词的认读。2功能句的理解。3对课文的熟悉。【学习过程】一、达标检测。1写一个句子来讲述每一幅画,第一个为例子。(1)Pat, cut the cake Pat is going to cut the cake.Pat is cutting the cake.(2)Jenny, tie the bell on her pet_(2)Mike, have dinner_2写两句话来讲述每一幅画,第一个为例子。(1)bones in the dish, is going toThere are bones in the dish.The dog is going to eat the bones.(2)milk in the bowl, is going to_(3)fish in the dish, are going to_(4)worms on the ground, are eating fish in the dish, are going to_