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2022高考英语话题复习一轮学案:主题语境25重要国际组织与社会公益机构 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、主题语境25重要国际组织与社会公益机构课前 常见单词1accomplish vt.(通过努力)完成;实现(achieve)accomplishment n. C成就(achievement)U完成2account nC常用复数账;账目账户;账号叙述;报道;描写open/close an account 开/销户on account of 因为;由于(because of)take account of/take .into account考虑到;把考虑进去account for (数量、比例上)占是的原因;解释/说明(explain)3alike adj.不用于名词前同样的;相像的(simil

2、ar)adv.相似地;相同地;同样都4clarify vt.澄清(思想、问题等)5collection nC(故事、诗歌、音乐等的)作品集;专辑C募捐;募集的钱U收集;采集6conflict n战斗;武装冲突 vi.矛盾;冲突;不一致7description n. 描写;描述形容;叙述beyond description 难以描述;难以形容8divide vi. & vt.划分;分割;分配;分开vi. & vt.除以vt.使产生分歧9division n分开;分配U除法分裂;分歧;差异10divorce vi. & vt. (与)离婚 n离婚;分离divorced adj. 离婚的11dyna

3、sty n. C王朝;朝代12export(反义import) nU出口;输出C常用复数出口商品;输出品 vt. & vi.出口;输出13fold vt.折叠;折起来;合拢包;裹folding adj. 可折叠的14imaginary adj. 想象中的;虚构的15instant adj. 立刻的;马上的 n瞬间;片刻instantly adv. 立即;马上 conj.一就16kingdom n. C王国(生物等的)界the animal kingdom动物界17nationwide adj.全国性的;遍及全国的 adv.在全国18oppose vt. 反对;抵制oppose doing st

4、h. 反对做某事opposed adj. 反对的19organize vt. 组织;安排;规划organization n. 组织;机构;团体20plus adj.正的;零上的;多;余 prep.加;加上(反义minus);外加;另有 nC加号;正号;有利因素 conj.并且;而且21police n集体名词,作主语时谓语动词用复数警察局;警方 vt.监督;管制22possibility n可能性;可能可能的办法发展前途;潜在价值23province n省;行政区24put vt.放置(place);安装;把送往写上;标上说;表达;提出使处于(某种状态)认为;把视为put aside把放在一边

5、;把撇开不理储存备用put away 把收起;放好储存备用put back 把放回原处;使恢复原状推迟;延迟put down 放下写下;记下镇压put forward 把提前;提出put into 把投入;(使)进入(状态);把翻译成put off 延期;推迟put up 举起;抬起;提高公布;张贴(布告、相片等)建造(房屋等);搭建留宿;住宿 put up with 忍受;容忍25quantity n. 量;数量26royal adj. 王室的;皇家的;盛大的27sightseeing n. U观光;游览go sightseeing去观光a sightseeing tour 观光旅行28sp

6、lendid adj.壮丽的;辉煌的;灿烂的(magnificent)极好的;绝妙的29sponsor n赞助者;资助者发起者;主办者保(证)人 vt.赞助;发起30thrill nC激动;兴奋令人激动/兴奋的事vi. & vt.极为激动/兴奋thrilled adj.不用于名词前非常激动的;兴奋的thrilling adj. 令人激动的31typical adj.典型的;有代表性的typically adv. 典型地;一般地;不出所料地32uniform n. 制服33unwilling adj. 不愿意的;勉强的unwillingly adv. 不情愿地34warning n. 警告;告诫

7、35weaken vt. & vi. 使变弱常用词块1consist of由组成2divide .into 把分成3look back (on) 回忆;回顾4break away (from) 挣脱(束缚);脱离5take the place of 代替6to ones credit为带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在名下7leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑8break down (机器)损坏;破坏9in memory of 纪念10be unwilling to do sth. 不愿意做某事11make a list of 列的清单12at one time 曾经;一度13in favour of

8、支持;赞同14with/have a history of 有的历史15arouse ones enthusiasm for激发某人对的热情一、单词拼写(根据提示写出单词)1We should settle conflicts (冲突) in a peaceful way; thus friendship will come into being.2This is a good chance to go abroad, so she is unwilling (不愿意的) to give it up.3We spent the days going sightseeing (观光) and t

9、he evenings sitting in the bars drinking the local wine.4A policeman in uniform (制服) came up to the elderly woman, asking kindly what was happening to her.5On no account (叙述) can we ignore the value of knowledge.6We are planning a trip to Yuntai Mountain in Henan Province (省)7Our class is planning t

10、o watch the dragon boat race on May 30, when the Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated nationwide (全国范围内)8Summer in these cities is hot and rainy, so take summer wear plus (加上) an umbrella with you.9The splendid (壮丽的) scenery of sunset on the beach will definitely leave a deep impression on you.10. A l

11、ot of our land is used to grow crops for export (出口)二、词形转换(用所给单词的正确形式填空)1Any successful business relies on a division (divide) of labor.2There is a possibility (possible) that robots can take the place of human beings in all fields.3A new collection (collect) of photos brings an unsuccessful Antarct

12、ic voyage back to life.4Although her description (describe) sounded wonderful, the price was beyond our range, so we declined.5In his novels, some of these dangers are purely imaginary (imagine)6Ashleys pretty bedroom looked typically (typical) English,which made him excited.7The accomplishments (ac

13、complish)of the past year have been extraordinary.8I followed unwillingly (unwilling), trying to think through the panic.三、固定搭配(在空格处填1个适当的单词)1Our country is like a big family, consisting of fiftysix nations.2The town was named after Mr.Smith, in memory of his great contribution to its development.3A

14、s I saw the old photo, I always looked back on the scene where we had met.4Small cars may take the place of big cars in the future.5William isnt connected with the bomb explosion, because he broke away from the organization a year ago.6The library is divided into three zones, and the upper floor is

15、a quiet zone with over half a thousand seats for silent reading.7It is greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you had found in the hotel.8The editors decided to leave out this chapter to make the book shorter.9If you carry on working like that, you will break down sooner or later.10At_o

16、ne time young people are being forced into earning money before finishing their education.四、形变动词(用所给动词的正确形式填空)1The easiest way to_accomplish (accomplish) this is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should.2He planned to deliver a speech to_clarify (clarify) the situation.3Divided (d

17、ivide) into four groups, the whole class began to analyse the problem.4Body language can give away a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded (fold) can send out a signal that you are being defensive.5I feel great sympathy for the little girl whose parents got divorced (divorce) three

18、years ago.6Most of the students interviewed last week opposed having (have) classes on Sunday.7In my opinion, it is very difficult to_put (put) your plan into practice.8I looked at the list and felt my determination weakening(weaken)五、熟词生义(写出画线部分在具体语境中的含义)1account (熟义:v.叙述)Its reported that Taobao a

19、nd Tmall account for more than half of all parcel deliveries in China. v.占比例My bank accounts show that I have spent more than I received. n.账单2divorce (熟义:v.与人离婚)They believed that art should be divorced from politics. v.使分离;使脱离六、单句写作(依据汉语提示补全句子)1在我看来,在我们真实的生活中我们应该重视我们的朋友,而不是手机,这一点很重要。In my opinion,

20、 it_is_important_that_we_should_value_our_friends instead of phones in our real life.(it isadj.that .)As far as Im concerned, it_is_important_for_us_to_value_our_friends instead of phones in our real life.(it isadj.for sb.to do)2新能源汽车将会逐渐取代污染严重的汽车。Gradually, newenergy cars are going to take_the_plac

21、e_of cars which pollute heavily.3如果我们想有一个好的学习环境,我们必须保持校园干净整洁。(keep宾语宾补)We_must_keep_the_campus_clean_and_tidy,_if we want to have a good studying environment.4老师对他所做的事很满意,于是在班上表扬了他。(过去分词短语作状语)Satisfied_with_what_he_had_done,_the teacher praised him in class.5如果按照说明吃,这种药就没有副作用。(省略句作状语)When_taken acco

22、rding to the directions, the drug has no side effects.6现在英国的大学吸引了大量的中国申请人。Now the British universities are attracting a_great_number_of_Chinese_applicants.7莎士比亚是英国历史上最著名的剧作家之一。Shakespeare_is_known_to_be one of the most famous playwrights in British history.8假如给予更多的关心和照顾,这个孩子就不会变得如此自私和淘气。(过去分词短语作状语)G

23、iven_more_attention_and_care,_the child wouldnt have become so selfish and naughty.课堂 一、这样学主题强化“语言能力”和“学习能力”1account vi.& vt.认为;说明;总计有n.说明;理由;计算;账目;叙述以文化人He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night.他详细描述了那个灾难性夜晚所发生的事。(1)account for解释;是的原因;占比例(2)on account of 由于;因为on no account 决

24、不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)(3)(4)give sb.a full account of sth.给某人详细叙述某事对点练习完成句子(2017江苏高考书面表达)The application of new technologies and the wide appeal of movie stars could also account_for the increase.新技术的应用和电影明星的广泛吸引力也解释了(票房)增加的原因。On_no_account must employees make personal telephone calls from the office.雇员绝对

25、不能在办公室打私人电话。Im writing to give_you_a_full_account_of my unforgettable trip to Europe.我写信给你详细叙述我难忘的欧洲旅行。2instant n瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;立刻的以文化人The instant Lang Ping stepped into the stadium, nobody could stay seated.郎平一踏进体育场,所有的人都站了起来。(1)in an instantinstantly adv.立刻;马上for an instant 一时;暂时(2)对点练习单句语法填空He paus

26、ed for an instant before continuing.In an instant, he took off his coat and jumped into the water.完成句子Please send me an email the_instant/instantly_you_reach_Yunnan.你一到云南就请给我发电子邮件。3oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量以文化人Today more and more English words find their way into the Chinese language. Some people supp

27、ort it while others oppose.现在,越来越多的英文单词进入到汉语中,有些人支持,然而有些人反对。(1)oppose (doing) sth.反对(做)某事oppose sb./sb.s doing sth. 反对某人/某人做某事(2)opposed adj. 反对的;对立的be opposed to 反对;与对立(to为介词)对点练习单句语法填空However, many students and parents oppose separating (separate) students into science and art.Her parents are oppo

28、sed her (she) going abroad.The mayor is strongly opposed to building (build) a new hall, which may cost a lot of money.Opposing (oppose) the plan of raising prices, the public decided to go on strike on Sunday.联想发散表示“反对;不赞成”的表达还有:disagree with; disapprove of; be against; object to; hold negative att

29、itudes towards等。4organize vt.组织;安排;规划以文化人During English classes, with the help of our teacher we often organize discussions about problems we meet.英语课堂上,在老师的帮助下,我们经常就所遇到的问题进行讨论。(1)organize sb./sth. (into sth.)组织某人/某事;将编入系统或组织organize a picnic 安排一次野餐活动(2)organization n. U组织的活动C组织;机构;系统organizer n. (事

30、件、宴会、聚会等的)组织者(3)organized adj. 有组织的;有序的;效率高的对点练习单句语法填空Our monitor is a highly organized (organize) student.He has involved in the organization (organize) of a special activity.完成句子Id like to_organize_us_students_into_four_helping_groups.我想把我们同学分成四个帮扶小组。Through_the_highly_organized_event,_we learned

31、about the spirit of team work.通过这次组织有序的活动事件,我们了解了团队合作的精神所在。5quantity n量;数量以文化人In terms of quantity, production grew faster than ever before. 从数量上看,产量增长的速度比以往任何时期都要快。in quantity/in large quantities大量a large/small quantity of 大/少量的(large) quantities of 大量的对点练习完成句子/一句多译He always buys things in_quantity

32、/in_large_quantities.他总是大宗采购物品。由于破坏了森林,大量的沙漠覆盖了陆地。As a result of destroying the forests, a_large_quantity_of_desert_has_covered the land.As a result of destroying the forests, large_quantities_of_desert_have_covered the land.对比填空A large quantity of tools was (be) sold in the market yesterday.Large q

33、uantities of rain are (be) needed in this area.名师点睛含quantity的短语作主语时,其谓语动词与quantity的单复数保持一致。6typical adj.典型的;有代表性的;象征性的;特有的以文化人A dough figurine is typical of traditional Chinese culture.面人是中国传统文化的代表。(1)be typical of .是的代表;是典型的It is typical of sb.to do sth.某人一向做某事(2)typically adv. 典型地;有代表性地;向来;通常对点练习单

34、句语法填空It is typical of him to_turn (turn) a deaf ear to others advice.He was typically (typical) modest about his achievements.As a carrier of culture, jiaozi is typical of traditional Chinese cuisine culture.1consist of由组成以文化人The training consists of a variety of activities, such as table tennis, wh

35、ich you are very interested in.训练包括各种活动,例如你很感兴趣的乒乓球。由组成(2)consist inlie in 存在于;在于consist with 与一致/相符对点练习单句语法填空Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures.Five people make up the team; in other words, the team consists of five people.Students are provided with a packed lunch,

36、 consisting(consist) of a sandwich, a drink and a dessert.一句多译生活中不仅仅有阳光,还有艰难的日子。Life consists_of not only sunshine but also hard times.Life is_made_up_of not only sunshine but also hard times.Not only sunshine but also hard times make_up life.2take the place of代替;取代以文化人Computers can not take the pla

37、ce of human brains, and nor can other machines.电脑不能代替人脑,其他机器也不能。(1)take ones place代替;就位take place 发生;举行(2)in place 在适当的位置;适当in place of 代替;顶替对点练习选用上述短语填空The talent show, whose theme is “Innovations on Campus”, will take_place in our school gymnasium from 8:30 to 11:30 am.on April 30th.When his secre

38、tary went on holiday, Miss Tyson took_the_place_of him/took_his_place.After the dinner, an expression of thanks to the host would be in_place.If I refused to go, they would send Jack to attend the meeting in_place_of me.3break down(机器)损坏;破坏;(谈判、计划等)失败;破裂;(身体)垮掉;(化学)分解以文化人The two countries are going

39、to meet to break down some barriers to trade between them.这两个国家将会面以打破他们之间的一些贸易壁垒。break away (from)挣脱(束缚);脱离;摆脱break off 中断;折断break into 破门而入;强行闯入break in 强行进入屋内;打断;干扰break out 爆发;发生break up 驱散;分散;打碎;分手对点练习写出下列句中break down的含义The peace talks broke down with no agreement reached.失败Your health will brea

40、k down if you always stay up late.垮掉It was bad luck that my car broke down on the way to Beijing. 出故障(2018北京高考)Bertocchini agrees and hopes her teams findings might one day help employ the enzyme to break down plastics in landfills.分解用break out/break away from/break into填空She is trying to break_away

41、_from the bad habit, which makes her parents happy.A fire broke_out last night, which caused a lot of damage.The room is in a mess.It must have been broken_into.4in favour of支持;赞同以文化人Last month local residents voted in an assembly in favour of the plan. 上个月,当地居民在一次集会中投票,表示支持该计划。in favour with受支持/喜爱i

42、n ones favour 有利于某人do sb.a favourdo a favour for sb. 帮某人忙ask a favour of sb. 请某人帮个忙owe sb.a favour 欠某人一份情对点练习单句语法填空Ill raise both hands in favour of banning smoking inside the schoolyard.She was not in favour with the media just now.It looks as if the international situation is in our (we) favour.Co

43、uld you do me_a_favour and pick up Sam from school today?完成句子Mary asked_a_favour_of_me,_but I was too busy to help her.玛丽请我帮个忙,但是我太忙以至于不能帮她。Do_me_a_favour/Do_a_favour_for_me and turn the radio down while Im on the phone, will you?帮我一个忙,我在打电话,把收音机的声音调小一点好吗?5It seemed strange/important . that .以文化人It

44、seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. 这个发展了共产主义的人竟然生活并死在伦敦,这似乎很奇怪。用法规则(1)情态动词should表示“惊奇、怀疑、惋惜、理应如此”,意为“竟然;居然”。(2)it作形式主语,而真正的主语是that引导的从句。常用句式有:It is important/necessary/natural/strange that .;It is a pity/shame/pleasure/surprise that .等。注意事项本

45、句型如果描述现在或将要发生的事情,用“shoulddo”的形式;如果描述过去发生的事情用“should have done”的形式。对点练习完成句子It_seemed_strange_that I should be so busy this weekend.这似乎是一件怪事:这个周末我竟然这么忙。You cant imagine that a wellbehaved gentleman should_be_so_rude_to a lady.你想象不出这么彬彬有礼的绅士竟然对一位女士如此粗鲁。It is a great pity that the young man should_have_

46、missed such a golden opportunity.真可惜,这位年轻人竟会错过这样一个绝好的机会。6where引导地点状语从句以文化人The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.水很浅,但在礁石的尽头,有一个陡坡直降到了沙质海底。用法规则where ., there be .,意为“在地方, 有”, where引导地点状语从句。另外 wherever“无论什么地方;无论在何处”也可引导地点状语从句。注意事项where在句中

47、引导地点状语从句时,很容易和引导定语从句相混淆,区别的关键在于where前面是否有需要修饰的先行词。例如:High buildings have arisen where there was nothing a year ago.(状语从句)High buildings have arisen in the place where there was nothing a year ago.(定语从句,先行词为the place)对点练习完成句子I cant hear the professor clearly as there is too much noise where_I_am_sitt

48、ing.因为我坐的地方噪音太大,所以我听不清教授在说什么。As far as Im concerned, you are free to go wherever_you_like.就我个人而言,你愿意去哪里就去哪里。Where_we_see_competitions,_there are online votes.在我们看到竞争的地方,就有在线投票。We are going to meet at the school gate at 7 am. and cycle to the nearby mountain, where_we_can_go_hiking_and_enjoy_a_picnic

49、.我们打算上午7点在校门口见面。骑自行车去附近的山里,在那里我们可以去远足和享受野餐。 “完形”语段练中巩固Xiao Ming works very hard every day and often stays up late. His back is very painful; many colleagues think it is the typical (典型的) symptom of staying up late, so they oppose (反对) him to do so. They say his body will break_down (垮掉) sooner or la

50、ter. But still there are some people who are in_favor_of (支持) him, believing that he can calm down at night and think about problems and come up with good solutions. Personally, I think it is better to find a suitable way to take_the_place_of (代替) the long staying up.“双语”美文以读促写Everest: Tea on Top of

51、 the WorldBecause we were here out of season, supper on the first night was spent with a Sherpa family in a wellstocked kitchen, warmed by a woodburning stove. We were soon glowing with food and warmth, and the delicious knowledge that there was nothing to do: no more sights, no activities, no telev

52、ision. When it gets dark in the Himalayas, it gets really dark, so by 8:30 pm we were tucked up in bed.It was just as well since we were to rise early the next day, continuing our trek into the Sagarmatha National Park, a World Heritage Site stretching all the way to Everest. This was our first real

53、 “wow” moment, especially when we crossed the bridge (another wobbly rope affair) to the other side of the valley and caught our first glimpse of Everest a tiny triangle peeking through the trees and clouds.On our fourth day, we had that tea with the best view in the world. At that moment, I underst

54、ood why Everest is so enticing and why people do the craziest things to get to the top.(Finished)译文助读珠穆朗玛:在世界之巅品茶因为恰逢淡季,我们在尼泊尔的第一个夜晚是在当地的夏尔巴人家里度过的,厨房里食物贮藏丰富,我们在炉火的温暖中享用了晚餐。很快,食物和热量让我们恢复了生机,而且,还有个好消息就是不用做任何事没有风景,无须运动,也没有电视。喜马拉雅的夜幕降临了,八点半时,天完全黑了下来,我们上床休息了。第二天,我们早早地起了床,出发前往世界文化遗址萨加玛塔国家公园。公园地域广阔,园区一路绵延直

55、至珠峰。当我们走过另一座索桥,来到山谷另一边的时候,我们都被眼前的景色惊呆了我们终于目睹了掩映在云彩之下、森林之中的珠峰峰顶。旅程的第四天,我们一边欣赏着最美的风景一边品着茶。那一刻,我理解了为何珠峰如此吸引人,我也明白了为什么人们不顾一切做这件世界上最疯狂的事。(结束)二、这样考主题注重“思维品质”和“文化意识”.Reading 精读高考真题,发掘内蕴价值 (2019全国卷阅读理解D篇)1 Bacteria are an annoying problem for astronauts. The microorganisms (微生物) from our bodies grow uncontr

56、ollably on surfaces of the International Space Station, so astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week. How is NASA overcoming this very tiny big problem? Its turning to a bunch of high school kids. But not just any kids. It is depending on NASA HUNCH high school classrooms, like the one scien

57、ce teachers Gene Gordon and Donna Himmelberg lead at Fairport High School in Fairport, New York.2 HUNCH is designed to connect high school classrooms with NASA engineers. For the past two years, Gordons students have been studying ways to kill bacteria in zero gravity, and they think theyre close to

58、 a solution (解决方案). “We dont give the students any breaks. They have to do it just like NASA engineers,” says Florence Gold, a project manager.3 “There are no tests,” Gordon says. “There is no graded homework. There almost are no grades, other than Are you working towards your goal? Basically, its I

59、ve got to produce this product and then, at the end of the year, present it to NASA. Engineers come and really do an inperson review, and . its not a very nice thing at times. Its a hard business review of your product.”4 Gordon says the HUNCH program has an impact (影响) on college admissions and pra

60、ctical life skills. “These kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit back. I dont teach.” And that annoying bacteria? Gordon says his students are emailing daily with NASA engineers about the problem, readying a workable solution to test in space.(语篇中红体词汇为主题词汇)32What do we know about the

61、 bacteria in the International Space Station?AThey are hard to get rid of.BThey lead to air pollution.CThey appear in different forms.DThey damage the instruments.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“The microorganisms (微生物) from our bodies grow uncontrollably .astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week.”可推断,

62、国际空间站的细菌很难被清除掉。故选A。33What is the purpose of the HUNCH program?ATo strengthen teacherstudent relationships.BTo sharpen students communication skills.CTo allow students to experience zero gravity.DTo link space technology with school education.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“HUNCH is designed to connect high scho

63、ol classrooms with NASA engineers.”可知,HUNCH项目的目的是把太空技术和学校教育结合起来。34What do the NASA engineers do for the students in the program?ACheck their product.BGuide project designs.CAdjust work schedules. DGrade their homework.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Engineers come and really do an inperson review .Its a hard bus

64、iness review of your product.”可知,NASA的工程师们会检查学生们的作品。35What is the best title for the text?ANASA: The Home of AstronautsBSpace: The Final Homework FrontierCNature: An Outdoor ClassroomDHUNCH: A College Admission Reform解析:选B标题归纳题。本文讲述的是美国一所中学与NASA合作的联合科研项目,让学生完成与太空技术有关的任务或者说作业。B项与此内容密切相关,故选B。素养透析一、依据语

65、篇隐性考查的“语言能力” 1主题词汇语境中回顾(文中红体词汇多揣摩)2熟词生义语境中辨析(写出红体词汇的语境之义)We dont give the students any breaks. They have to do it just like NASA engineers .间歇;休息There is no graded homework. There almost are no grades, other than . 分级的Its a hard business review of your product. 审查;检查3生僻词汇语境中推断(写出汉语意思并识记积累)Bacteria a

66、re an annoying problem for astronauts. The microorganisms (微生物) from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Station .细菌Its turning to a bunch of high school kids. But not just any kids.群4用构词法解构词汇多领悟(写出词源或意义)Engineers come and really do an inperson review .亲自Gordon says

67、 the HUNCH program has an impact (影响) on college admissions (词源:admit) and practical life skills.录取5用语法知识破译长难句It is depending on NASA HUNCH high school classrooms, like the one science teachers Gene Gordon and Donna Himmelberg lead at Fairport High School in Fairport, New York.分析:It is depending on

68、. classrooms是主句,like是介词,后面接宾语the one,在the one后是一个省略了关系代词的定语从句。译文:这个问题取决于美国国家航空航天局的HUNCH中学课堂项目,就像位于纽约费尔波特的费尔波特中学的理科老师Gene Gordon和Donna Himmelberg领导的项目一样。6理清文章脉络文意通、解题准二、煅塑新型人才所考查的“思维品质” 文中第35题主要考查学生的概括性思维。作者介绍了美国航空航天局的一个项目:把高中的教室教学与太空的研究联系起来,使学生们得到NASA工程师们的指导。所以,文章的主旨应包含太空和教学这两个方面。故答案应该为B。一些考生由于缺乏概括性

69、思维,凭断章取义的思维而往往错选A、C或D三项。因为这三项各自包含了文中的一个方面,内容不全面,所以,考生要注意概括性思维品质的锻炼。三、贴合主流价值观所考查的“文化意识” 本文介绍了美国一所中学与NASA合作的联合科研项目,解决国际空间站的细菌问题。文章旨在让人们意识到把学校教育与国家的科学研究结合起来有利于开阔学生的眼界,拓展学习思路,培养学生创新精神和科学素养。不断吸取先进的理念,逐步树立努力学习科技的精神,培养青少年严谨的科学态度,深入理解“科教兴国”的战略思想。.Looking and Speaking 请用英语写出你“看”到的下面图片的主题概要参考答案Public_welfare_

70、must_be_done_with_heart.Public_welfare_activities_can_make_our_society_better.Public_welfare_can_promote_the_spirit_of_mutual_help_and_innovation.公益事业必须用心去做。公益行动让我们的社会更加美好。公益事业能激励大众的互助精神和创新精神。.Writing 增分写作,从写作基本功抓起 写作主题假定你是李华,你市将建一个大型图书馆,考虑到残疾人的需要,请你写一封信给负责该项目的总工程师,提出一些合理化建议。要点如下:1入口处应建设残疾人专用斜坡(ramp

71、)通道;2阅览室应尽量设在一楼,设置残疾人方便使用的卫生间;3书架高度的设计应考虑到坐轮椅的残疾人。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sir or Madam,I have heard that you are to be the architect for the new library in our city. Here I would like to offer you several suggestions. Yours faithfully,Li Hua4步写作流程第一步:句写对给词写句be placed on

72、, wheelchair, bookshelf, respect, opportunity, consider, access, disabled, ensure, have access to1我建议我们应该设计一个专门的轮椅斜坡通道。I_suggest_we_should_design_a_special_ramp_for_wheelchairs.2阅览室应该设在一楼,厕所应该建在确保残疾人容易到达的地方。Reading_rooms_should_be_placed_on_the_first_floor,_and_toilets_should_be_built_to_ensure_the_


74、_for_considering_my_proposal.第二步:量写够语句扩充7在句1前面加入“考虑到残疾人的需要”,并在其后加入状语“在图书馆入口处”。Considering_the_needs_of_disabled_people,I_suggest_we_should_design_a_special_ramp_for_wheelchairs_at_the_entrance_to_the_library.8把句3变换成be expected to do的句式,并使用短语be suitable for,最后加入简单句“它们应该设计得触手可及”。Bookshelves_are_expect

75、ed_to_be_suitable_for_people_in_wheelchairs._They_should_be_designed_to_be_within_easy_reach.第三步:语写美词句升格1句6用Id appreciate it if .和take . into consideration升级。Id_appreciate_it_if_you_would_take_my_proposal_into_consideration.2用被动语态改写句7。Considering_the_needs_of_disabled_people,_I_suggest_a_special_ram

76、p_for_wheelchairs_should_be_designed_at_the_entrance_to_the_library.3用too .to .句型改写句8。Bookshelves_are_expected_not_to_be_too_high_for_people_in_wheelchairs_to_reach.They_should_be_designed_to_be_within_easy_reach.第四步:篇连顺衔接成文根据语句间的逻辑关系,在提出建议时可添加过渡性词汇to begin with, besides, in addition连接成文。Dear Sir or

77、 Madam,I have heard that you are to be the architect for the new library in our city. Here I would like to offer you several suggestions.To_begin_with,_considering_the_needs_of_disabled_people,_I_suggest_a_special_ramp_for_wheelchairs_should_be_designed_at_the_entrance_to_the_library._Besides,_readi

78、ng_rooms_should_be_placed_on_the_first_floor,_and_toilets_should_be_built_to_ensure_the_disabled_can_have_access_to_them_easily._In_addition,_bookshelves_are_expected_not_to_be_too_high_for_people_in_wheelchairs_to_reach.They_should_be_designed_to_be_within_easy_reach.The_disabled_should_get_respect_and_the_equal_opportunity_to_read.I_sincerely_hope_you_will_find_these_suggestions_practical_and_beneficial._Id_appreciate_it_if_you_would_take_my_proposal_into_consideration.Yours faithfully,Li Hua


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