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1、1(2009年山东卷)Shall we have our picnic tomorrow?_it doesnt rain.AUntilBWhileCOnce DIf2(2009年辽宁卷)It just isnt fair:_I was working as a waiter last month,my friends were lying on the beach.Awhenever BthoughCfor Dwhile3(2009年福建卷)She had just finished her homework_her mother asked her to practise playing t

2、he piano yesterday.Awhen BwhileCafter Dsince4(2009年四川卷)The little girl who got lost decided to remain_she was and wait for her mother.Awhere BwhatChow Dwho5(2008年全国卷)The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit_the season.Awhatever BwhereverCwhenever Dhowever6(2008年浙江卷)Dont promise anything_yo

3、u are one hundred percent sure.Awhether BafterChow Dunless7(2008年辽宁卷)I like this jacket better than that one,but it costs almost three times_.Aas much Bas manyCso much Dso many8You can have the magazine_ I finish reading it.Athe moment Bin the momentCthe moment as Din the moment when9Dont worry.Ill

4、inform you_your daughter comes back to school.Awhen BhowCwhy Dwhere10Why doesnt Mr Li come to work today?_he has gone to Beijing to have a meeting.AIf BBecauseCThough DUntil11Nothing is so difficult in this world_you put your mind into it.Aas soon as Bas well asCas long as Das far as12I wont believe

5、 that little boy can run 100 meters in 15 seconds_I see it with my own eyes.Auntil BafterCwhen Dif13The mountain was_steep_few people in our city reached the top.Aso;as Bso;thatCas;as Dtoo;to14Hearing this,Jane was so sad that she ran out into the rain_I could explain.Asince BbeforeCif Dafter15_the

6、Internet is shortening the distance between people,it may also be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems.AWhen BWhileCIf DAs16Id get the book for you_I could remember who last borrowed it.Aexcept that Bif onlyCon condition that Dso that17How long did the meeting last yesterday after

7、noon?It was almost supper time_the meeting was over.Athat BuntilCwhen Dwhich18My uncle may come to see me.Therefore,I wont go out_he calls on me this morning.Aso that Bin caseCas long as Dnow that19_everybody is here,lets begin our meeting ahead of schedule.AWhen BAfterCSince DAlthough20_he took par

8、t in the competition,he won a second prize.AThe first time BFor the first timeCAt a time DAt one time21Can you describe_it happened?Yes,I was riding on my bike_a car knocked me down from behind.Awhen;as Bhow;asChow;when Dhow;while22While previewing his lessons,the little boy will make a question mar

9、k _ there is a question.Awhen BwhereCbecause Dwhich23Most birds find it safe to sleep in the trees,but _they have eggs or young chicks,they dont use a nest.Awhy BhowCunless Dwhere24_I really dont like art,I find his work impressive.AAs BSinceCIf DWhile25“Jim,dont go away.Stand_I can see you,” Mum to

10、ld my little brother.Awhere Bin whichCthat Dwhen26He is writing a book about new discoveries in science.I am sure,_it is printed,this book will be very popular.Aonce BsinceCnow that Deven if27_time went on,our teachers words proved true.AAs BWhileCWith DWhen28_Ive got my own car,I dont get as much e

11、xercise as I used to.AEven if BExcept thatCNow that DNow and then29Have you been to the Great Wall?Perhaps not in my memory._,it might have been during my early childhood.AIf any BIf soCIf ever DIf not30Its quite a time_Yao Ming was injured,but it wont be long_he returns to the court.Asince;before B

12、after;whenCbefore;since Dthat;when强化训练答案1D考查交际用语。if如果;假如。句意为:我们明天去野餐吗?如果天不下雨的话。2D句意为:这真不公平。我上个月在做服务员,而我的朋友们却躺在海滩上(玩)。前后分句是对比关系。四个选项中只有连词while有这种用法。3Awhen“在时候”;while“在同时”,表示伴随;after“在以后”,since“自从”。句意为“她刚完成功课的时候,妈妈就叫她练习钢琴”。 4Aremain是不及物动词,where引导地点状语从句。句意为:那个迷路的小女孩决定待在原地等她妈妈。5Awhatever在此处引导让步状语从句,其完整形

13、式应该是whatever the season is,此句中省略了连系动词is。6D根据题意“除非你有百分之百的把握,否则不要许诺任何事情”可知选D项。unless意为“如果不,除非”;whether是否;after在之后;how怎么,如何。7A倍数表达方式之一就是“倍数as.as结构”,此句中第二个as和后面的内容都省略了。补充完整应该是.as much as that one。B项错在用了many,表示“钱多”概念应该用much;C、D两项结构错误,用了so.as.。 8Athe moment引导时间状语从句,当“一就”讲,相当于as soon as。9A句意为“别担心,你女儿回学校的时候

14、我会通知你的”。故答案选A。10B句意为:为什么今天李先生没有来上班?因为他去北京开会了。11C句意为“只要用心,世界上没有什么困难的事情”。12Anot.until意为“直到才”。句意为“直到亲眼看见我才相信那个小男孩能够在15秒钟内跑完100米”。13B句意为“这座山如此陡峭以至于我们市几乎没有人到达过山顶”。so.that意为“如此以至于”,符合题意。14B句意为“听到这件事之后,我还没来得及解释,简就伤心地跑到雨中去了”。before有“在之前,还未来得及”之意。15B句意为“尽管因特网正在缩短人们之间的距离,但它也可以破坏一些家庭或带来一些其他家庭问题”。16Bexcept that

15、意为“除之外”,if only意为“要是就好了”,on condition that意为“条件是”,so that意为“为了”。句意为“要是能够记得谁最后借了那本书,我就帮你拿回来了”。17C此题易误选A。答语意为“会议结束时差不多是吃晚饭的时间了”。这里it指的是“时间”。考生易把此题误看做强调句。18B句意为“我叔叔可能要来看我。所以我不会出去的以防他今天早上来看我”。19C句意为“既然大家都来了,咱们提前开会吧”。20A一些表示时间的名词或副词具有连词的功能,用来引导时间状语从句。句意为“他第一次参加比赛就获得了二等奖”。21C第一空用how引导宾语从句,第二空的when是并列连词,意为

16、“就在那个时候”。句意为:你能描述一下事情是怎样发生的吗?可以,我正骑着车,这时候一辆小汽车从后面把我撞倒了。22Bwhere在这里引导地点状语从句。句意为“在预习课文的时候,那个小男孩会在有问题的地方打个问号”,故答案选B。23C句意为:大部分鸟儿发现睡在树上很安全,但是除非他们产卵或育小鸟外,否则他们是不需要用鸟巢的。此句中用but连接两个句子形成并列句。在后一句中又包含了一个条件状语从句。根据句意,它们不用鸟巢的条件是不产卵和育小鸟,unlessif.not unless意为“除非”,故C项正确。24D句意为:虽然我不怎么喜欢艺术,但我发现他的作品令人赞叹。whilealthough虽然

17、,尽管,用于句首。A项意为“当时,随着,因为,照方式”;C项意为“如果”;B项意为“自从,既然”。因两个分句在语意上含有转折意味所以选D。25A句意为:妈妈告诉小弟:“Jim,别走开,站在我能看到你的地方。”where引导地点状语从句。26A句意为:他正在写一本关于科学新发现的书。我确信,一旦出版,这本书一定会畅销。once “一旦就”引导时间状语从句。27Aas引导时间状语从句,当“随着”讲,并且主从句的谓语动词时态是一致的。while也可引导时间状语从句,但后面往往跟进行时,而且它也不符合此处的语境。28Cnow that引导原因状语从句,当“既然”讲,相当于since。even if引导

18、让步状语从句,“即使”之意;now and then不能用作连词,只能是副词短语作状语,意思是“不时,经常”。29C句意为:你去过长城吗?在我记忆里好像没有。如果曾经有的话,那也可能是在我童年时去过。if ever意为“如果曾经有的话”,起缓和语气的作用。if any意为“如果有”,起加强语气的作用,如:Correct mistakes,if any.如果有错误的话,请改正。if so/not 代替前文说过的话,如:You may need some help.If so,just call me over any time you like.你可能需要一些帮助,如果这样,随便什么时候打电话叫我都行。Does anybody need a break?If not,lets go right on to the next item.有谁需要休息一会儿?如果没有,咱们马上进行下一项。30A句意为:姚明受伤已经有一段时间了。但是不久他就能重返球场了。考查两个句型:It is一段时间since主语did (自从以来)以及It wont be 一段时间before主语do (没过多久就)。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m


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