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2011届《龙门亮剑》高三一轮英语必修3 MODULE 1课时作业(陕西外研版).doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家.单项填空1She is the only one of the students who _by the headmaster.Aare praisedBis praisedChave been praised Dhas been praised2The government_the serious problem of juvenile delinquency.Afaced with BfaceCwas faced with Dwas faced to3We should consider problems_the peoples interests.Ain

2、 view of Bin terms ofCin term of Din views of4Let us take care of the house while you are away,_?Awill you Bshall weCshant we Ddont you5After the new equipment was introduced,they produced_machines this year as the year before.Aas twice many Bas many twiceCtwice as many Dtwice many as6Known_a writer

3、,Jin Yong,whose real name is Zha Liangyong,is well known_Chinese people_his wonderful works.Aas;for;to Bfor;to;asCas;to;for Dto;as;for7It_hard now,otherwise we could have a barbecue on the beach.Arained Bis rainingCrains Dwould rain8_,the wind died down and people began to appear on the street.AA li

4、ttle bit BNot a littleCA bit less DLittle by little9East of the mountain_two towns,_my hometown.Alie;one of which is Blies;where liesClies;one of which is Dlie;that is10I dont like Toms way of behaviour,but_I admire his great knowledge.Ain other words Bon the other handCfor one thing Das a matter of

5、 fact11You could get into a_where you have to decide immediately.Acondition BsituationCstate Dform12The tiger is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n)_of courage and power.Asymbol BsignCsignal Dexample13There are many beautiful islands_the east coast of the country.Aoff BalongCon Dfrom14Ho

6、w many people present at the meeting agreed to the plan?_.ANobody BNoneCNeither DNothing15The professor_at the meeting will give us a lecture next week.Areferred Breferred toCreferring Dreferring to.句子翻译16由于你说的话,他非常生气。_17他五年前搬到纽约,从那时起就住在那儿了。_18这个讨论持续了三十多分钟。_19只有学生在教室里学习。(but)_20Many a student and te

7、acher is watching the football match._.完形填空I sat near the window on the flight.The middle and outer seats were_21_by two ladies busy working on a business project.As the plane took off,one of their_22_spilled (使散落) the things in it under the seat.We were_23_the airport so that everyone was gathering

8、 his or her things.The two ladies_24_to put their things back into their bags.“Wheres my wallet?”the one_25_next tome whispered.Her voice got_26_.“Oh,my God,I have_27_my wallet!”she shouted.She_28_the spilled bag and asked the row behind us.“Please_29_again and see if anything from my bag slid (滑)_3

9、0_there,I cant find my wallet.” They looked more_31_this time.She twisted and turned,but no_32_.It wasnt just money.You cant even get on a plane without a picture ID,so she could be stuck at the airport between planes.Finally,a man behind us said,“Ive_33_it;it is in front of my feet.”The woman said,

10、“There wasnt much_34_in it but I sure needed it.”Her friend sitting next to her said,“Today is your_35_day.”You see,I hadnt lost my wallet either.I_36_my pocket to make sure it was resting_37_in my front pocket.There is something that happens when someone else_38_something that makes you check yours

11、elf.I said a silent “Thank You”_39_as the plane touched down.We landed safely and I had my wallet plus many other things that we dont think about until faced with their_40_.21. Asold BtakenCbrought Drefused22A.tickets BwalletsCbags Dpockets23A.approaching BleavingCconsidering Dwatching24. Abegan Bst

12、oppedChated Dagreed25A.standing BlyingCserving Dsitting26.A.angrier BsofterClouder Dlower27A.wondered BlostCfound Dleft28A.remembered BcarriedCheld Dexamined29A.compare BcheckCstand Dfeel30A.up BdownCback Dsideway31A.impatiently BanxiouslyCslowly Dcarefully32A.luck BtearsCfriends Dresults33A.got Bhe

13、ardCchosen Dfollowed34A.hope BfoodCmoney Dpaper35A.bad BluckyCuseful Dsad36A.tore BopenedCtouched Dpicked37A.comfortably BmagicallyCquickly Dnegatively38A.succeeds in Bgoes throughCloses sight of Dthinks about39A.note BmessageCprayer Dword40A.appearance BinjuryCillness Dloss.阅读理解What is a flood and

14、where does it happen?A flood happens when water pours over dry land.Floods can cause very big damage when they happen unexpectedly.Heavy rain can cause floods.If a lot of rain falls quickly,the earth is unable to soak (吸入) it up,and the water builds up on the ground.When it runs off into the rivers,

15、the rivers overflow their banks.The worst floods happen where the land is flat and lowlying.These areas are known as floodplains.What should I know if I live on a flood plain?“Stay away from flood water.”Do not walk through moving water.It can knock you off your feet.If you must walk through water,w

16、alk where the water is not moving.Use a stick to test the ground in front of you.“Stay away from power lines that are on the ground.You could be electrocuted (电死)”If you are scared,share your fears with an adult.Floods can be scary,but rememberthe water ALWAYS goes away!What should I do if a flood h

17、appens?1Get to the meeting spot with your family.2Try to get to higher ground.3If you can not leave,get to a higher area in your home.4Listen to your family and follow all instructions carefully.What dangers does a flood lead to?Floods can lead to electrocution from down power lines,angry dangerous

18、animals coming out,drowning from high water levels or flash floods,as well as many other things.41A flood often happens except_.Awhen it rains heavily Bwhen it hardly ever rainsCwhere the land is flat Dwhere the land is lowlying42You shouldnt walk through moving water because_.Ayou may lose your sho

19、esBit may make you fall overCyou may drink some dirty waterDsome fish can make you fall over43By saying “the water ALWAYS goes away” the author means_.Ayou neednt be afraid of floodsBit is common for floods to happenCwater cant be stopped from flowingDyou should pay close attention to floods44Which

20、of the following is not true according to the passage?AA flood may cause very big damage if they happen without warning.BIf a flood happens,you should get to the meeting spot with your family.CIf a flood happens,you should not go to a higher ground immediately.DIf a flood happens,it can lead to elec

21、trocution from down power lines.45We can infer from the passage that during a flood_.Agas should be cut off as soon as possibleBrunning away is a good way to save yourselfCpeople are more likely to be attacked by animalsDadults should try to persuade children to keep silent课时作业答案.单项填空1Dwho引导的定语从句修饰的

22、是the only one,所以从句的谓语动词用单数形式。2C句意为:政府面临着少年犯罪的严重问题。be faced with意为“面临,面对”。3Bin terms of意为“从的观点(角度)”。句意为:我们应该从人民的利益出发来考虑问题。in view of意为“鉴于,考虑到”。4A以let us开头的祈使句,其附加问句用will you?而以lets开头的祈使句,其附加问句用shall we?5C本题考查倍数的表达法:“倍数asadj./adv.as”,表示“是的几倍”。6Cbe known as作为出名;be known for因为而出名;be known to sb.为某人所熟知。句

23、意为:作为一名著名作家,金庸原名查良镛,以他的精彩作品而为中国人所熟知。7B考查动词时态。由时间状语now判断,该句应为现在进行时。解题时应注意,不要受后面虚拟语气句中时态的影响。8Da little bit少量的;not a little许多,很;a bit less有点少;little by little逐渐地。在此为“风渐渐停了”。9A表示地点的介词或副词短语放在句首,句子用全部倒装语序,故two towns为句子的主语,根据主谓一致原则可排除B项和C项。that不引导非限制性定语从句。10B句意为:我不喜欢汤姆的行为方式,但另一方面我羡慕他知识渊博。in other words换句话说

24、;on the other hand另一方面;for one thing一则;as a matter of fact实际上。11B句意为:你可能遇上一种情况,使你不得不立刻做出决定。condition条件;state状况;form形式;situation情况,状况,局面,符合题意。12Asymbol象征;sign迹象;signal信号;example例子。根据句意“老虎被认为是森林之王,因为它是勇气和力量的象征”,可知答案为A。13Aoff指在离陆地不远的海上;而on与along均指沿着海岸的地方。14B回答how many/how much提出的问句用none,回答who提出的问句用nobo

25、dy。neither指两者范围;nothing不指人。15B考查过去分词作定语的用法。referred to中的介词不可省略。refer to与professor是动宾关系,因此用B项。.句子翻译16He was very angry because of what you said.17He moved to New York five years ago and has lived there ever since.18The discussion lasted for more than thirty minutes.19Nobody but the students is studyi

26、ng in the classroom.20许多学生和老师正在观看足球赛。.完形填空21B由下文“自己观察到这两位女士的东西洒落一地以及她们收拾东西的情景”可知,这两位女士坐在了“我”的旁边。表示“占有某个座位”应用动词“take”或“occupy”。22C由第28空后的“the spilled bag”可以得出答案。23A由so that后的内容“大家都在收拾自己的东西”可知,“我们快到机场了”。approach接近,靠近。24A大家都在“收拾自己的东西”,因此这两位女士也“开始(begin)”收拾自己散落在地上的物品。25D既然乘飞机,这位女士应该是“坐(sit)在我的旁边”。26C由上一

27、句中的“whisper (低语)”可想到与之相对应的是“她的声音越来越大”,也可由下文的“she shouted”想到她的声音变大了。27B由下一句她让后面的人帮她找,可知她“丢”了钱包。28A由下面的“asked the row behind us”可知用remembered,表示“她记起了那个洒落的包”。29B既然想找到自己丢失的钱包,她应该让后面的人“再核实一下,再看一看”。四个选项中只有check符合文意。30C因为她让后面的人帮忙,所以应问洒落的东西是否滑到“后面”去了。31D那位女士希望后面的人帮忙,因此他们应是更“仔细地”找。32A由but可想到,虽然她焦急地寻找,但是找不到,即

28、“no luck”。33A由下面的“它在我的脚前面”可知,“我找到了”为最佳答案。此处用“Ive got it.”表示“我找到了”。34C前面提到她丢的是钱包,因此钱包里应该是“钱(money)”。35B能够把钱包找到,应该说是那位女士的“幸运日”。36C为了确认自己的钱包没有丢失,应该是“触摸”一下自己的口袋。37A此处用comfortably表示“我”的钱包没有丢失,用该词更能突出作者自己也感到很幸运。38B飞机上那位女士的钱包失而复得的事情让“我”感触很深。此处表示“当别人经历一件让你检查自己的事情的时候”。39C当飞机着陆时,我默默地祷告一声“谢谢”。prayer在这里作“祷文,祷辞”

29、讲。40D那位女士在钱包丢失之后才显得特别焦急,这一切表明:有些东西直到我们“失去”时才去考虑它们。.阅读理解41B细节理解题。由回答第一个问题中的内容可知:下大雨、地面平或是地面太低洼均易造成洪水,而B项的意思是“当天几乎从不下雨时”。42B细节理解题。由回答第二个问题中的Do not walk through moving water.It can knock you off your feet.可知答案。43A句意猜测题。根据Floods can be scary,but remember可知作者是在劝你不必怕洪水。44C推理判断题。由回答第三个问题中的内容可知C项与原文不符。45C推理判断题。根据文章结尾angry dangerous animals coming out可推测出洪水期间人很可能受到动物袭击。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m- 8 - 版权所有高考资源网


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