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2022高考英语一轮复习 Module 2 社会热点问题训练(含解析)外研版必修4.doc

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1、社会热点问题.阅读理解Two deer jumped out in front of 16yearold Amanda Floyds car. She put on the brake, stopping the car just in time. But later, she started texting. Distracted, Amanda turned left and right, then crashed into another car. Luckily, she wasnt in a real car she was in a driving simulator (模拟器)

2、at Roosevelt High School, Ohio, US. “I never really realized that cars make a turn that much,” Amanda, a junior, said. She added that she wouldnt text while driving anymore.The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Ohio State Highway Patrol brought the simulator to the school. They said they

3、wanted to help students learn about the danger of driving while drunk, texting, or talking on the phone.According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving claimed 3,450 lives in 2020 alone. Experts believe the actual figure is probably higher.The simulator is basical

4、ly a computer program. Like many computer games, it was a hit with the students. They lined up and crowded around to watch each other take turns. The simulator has a steering wheel (方向盘), brake and gas pedal (油门). It is made up of three large computer screens on a table.Students choose a distraction

5、, such as driving while drunk or texting. They always crash, of course. Then, they are pulled over by the police to be taught the bad results of their driving: how much damage theyve caused, what their fine is, if anyone died in the accident, and if theyre going to go to prison.“It teaches how to dr

6、ive without being on the road,” said Shante Thompson, 16. She had just crashed into a deer.ODOT spokesman Justin Chesnic said hundreds of kids have gone behind the wheel so far. He said even more have benefited from watching their classmates.“Driving is such a major responsibility, so take it seriou

7、sly,” he said. “Put away your cellphone. A lot of the accidents out there are because of distracted driving. It can not only change your life, but change someone elses life forever. The results are serious.”语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一个驾驶模拟器,学生通过操作这个驾驶模拟器可以增强交通安全意识。1What does the author intend to do in Pa

8、ragraph 1?AIntroduce the topic of the text.BIllustrate the authors point of view.CProvide some advice for the readers.DOffer some background information.解析:选A写作意图题。阅读全文可知,文章第一段讲述了一个事例,然后通过这个事例引出了本文的话题,即driving simulator。由此可推知,作者写第一段的目的是引出文章的主题。2Why is the driving simulator project introduced to Roos

9、evelt High School?AIt tests the students ability to stay focused.BIt gets students to have fun between classes.CIt teaches students how to deal with traffic accidents.DIt makes students aware of the dangers of distracted driving.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知,他们想要帮助学生们了解驾车时醉酒、发短信或者打电话的危害,故选D。3What can we kno

10、w about the driving simulator?AIt is connected to the local police station.BIt is a real car but has large computer screens.CIt attracts the students interest as a computer program.DIt benefits the students who use it more than those who only watch.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第四段的描述,尤其是第一句和第二句可知,这个驾驶模拟器实质上是一个电脑程序,

11、和许多电脑游戏一样,它很受学生们的欢迎,引起了学生们的兴趣,故选C。4What is the main idea of the passage?ATraffic rules in Ohio, US.BDangers of distracted driving.CSimulated driving for students.DAdvantages of computer games.解析:选C主旨大意题。阅读全文可知,本文主要介绍了一个驾驶模拟器,学生通过操作它可以增强交通安全意识,故选C。.完形填空Survival in the AndesOn October 13,1972, a small

12、 plane flying to Chile accidentally crashed into a mountain in the Andes. How some of the passengers _1_ to live is one of the greatest survival stories ever told.The survivors _2_ inside the remains of the plane, using seat covers for blankets, and waited for a _3_ that never came. Days turned into

13、 weeks. It was urgent to find a way to _4_. Three of the passengers Canessa, Parrado, and Vizintin volunteered to _5_ through the mountains to search for help. When they left, each man wore similar clothes: three pairs of socks, a plastic bag _6_ each foot to keep the water out, boots, four pairs of

14、 trousers, and four sweaters. Many of the clothes came from those who had died in the crash. The three men _7_ that they would survive and bring back help.For part of the first day, they were glad to make some _8_. But as the land and weather changed, climbing became _9_. After several days, they re

15、ached what they thought was the top. They had _10_ this moment for days. On the other side of the top, they hoped, would be a _11_ leading down and out of the mountains. However, they saw the same snowcovered tops. All hope wasnt _12_. Although they were still in the middle of the mountains, Parrado

16、 _13_ two low tops far away that didnt have snow. If they could get there, they would be out of the Andes.Within the following days they walked toward the two low tops. Little by little, the landscape began to change. Snow _14_ completely, and flowers were everywhere. “This is the valley,” Canessa s

17、aid. “This is the way _15_.” Then things of humanity started to appear a few cans on the ground, some farm animals in a field. By December 21, the extremely _16_ men made it to the town of Los Maitenes, and a rescue team was sent immediately to _17_ for the survivors who were still high in the Andes

18、.Finally all of the remaining survivors were _18_. The memories of the crash in the Andes would be with the friends forever, but for now, their terrible _19_ was over. They had made it out _20_.语篇解读:本文为一篇记叙文。文章讲述了飞机失事后幸存者们等不来救援队伍,其中三人主动寻找逃生出路,最终所有人得救的故事。1A.learnedBmanagedCdecided Dexpected解析:选B飞机撞向安

19、第斯山脉后,一些人能够成功存活的故事是一直以来最棒的逃生故事之一,manage to do sth.“成功做成某事”,故选B。2A.stayed BlookedCturned Dreached解析:选A根据后文提到幸存者用飞机座椅的套子当作毛毯取暖可知,他们一开始待在飞机的残骸里等待救援,故选A。3A.present BdangerCmessage Drescue解析:选D通过前文可知,幸存者们一开始留在飞机的残骸里面,等待救援。故选D。4A.prepare BcontinueCescape Ddevelop解析:选C找到一条逃生的路非常紧急。escape“逃离”,故选C项。5A.journe

20、y BcompareCmeasure Dexpand解析:选A三位乘客自愿启程穿越山脉寻求帮助。journey“启程”,故选A。6A.against BunderCbeside Daround解析:选D根据语境可知,三个人离开的时候为了保暖穿了很多层衣服,三双袜子,每只脚上还套了塑料袋来防水,around“在周围”,故选D。7A.admitted BpromisedCinformed Ddemanded解析:选B三人承诺一定会活下来并带回帮助来,故选B项,promise“承诺”。8A.policy BhelpCprogress Dadvice解析:选C在第一天的部分时间里,他们很开心自己取得了

21、一些进展,make progress“取得进展”,故选C。9A.narrower BheavierCsharper Dtougher解析:选D一开始有所进展,但是过了一段时间后,地形和天气变了,这使得他们寻求救援的路变得更加艰难了。tougher是tough的比较级,表示“更加艰难”,故选D。10A.imagined BarrangedCwitnessed Dappreciated解析:选A前文说他们以为自己登顶了,这也是他们这些天一直想象的时刻,imagine“想象”;arrange“安排”;witness“目击”;appreciate“欣赏”。故选A。11A.court BvalleyCb

22、order Dchannel解析:选B第四段中出现“This is the valley”,表示他们找到可以逃生的出路了,这里他们想着到了山顶就能看到通往下山的路了,valley“山谷”;court“法院”;border“边界”;channel“海峡”。故选B。12A.sent BleftClost Dkept解析:选C根据后文可知,尽管他们还在雪山中,但Parrado发现了远处有没有积雪的较低的山峰可知,这里他们还心存希望,all hope wasnt lost表示“并没有完全失去希望”,故选C项。13A.spotted BcountedCrejected Dmentioned解析:选APa

23、rrado看到了远处没有积雪的两座较低的山峰,spot“看见”,故选A。14A.declined BfrozeCspread Ddisappeared解析:选D前文提到山顶上盖满了雪,后文说鲜花遍地,由此可知,雪已经消失了,disappear“消失”;decline“下降”;freeze“冻结”;spread“展开”。故选D。15A.behind BoutCapart Doff解析:选B由后文他们已经找到了逃生的路,以及文章结尾处的“They had made it out”可知,故选B项。16A.tired BdisappointedCfrightened Dpuzzled解析:选A从飞机失

24、事到最终得救历经两个月的艰辛,三人爬了好几座山,可知他们已经筋疲力尽了,tired“疲劳的”;disappointed“失望的”;frightened“害怕的”;puzzled“困惑的”。故选A。17A.fight BcallCsearch Dask解析:选C三人已经到达了小镇上,这时搜救人员上山寻找其他被困的人员,search for“寻找”;fight for“为而斗争”;call for“需要”;ask for“要求”。故选C。18A.listed BtreatedCpicked Dsaved解析:选D根据后文“They had made it out”可知,他们成功了,故所有的幸存人员

25、都被解救了,故选D,save“挽救”。19A.performance BexperienceCchallenge Dexploration解析:选B现在他们这段可怕的经历终于结束了,因为是飞机失事,所以这次事故属于意外,而不是他们的探险或者挑战,因此选B。20A.free BcoolCalive Dcrazy解析:选C前文提到所有幸存人员都被救了,说明他们都活下来了,故选C,alive“活着的”。.语法填空(2021大连模拟)Chinese highspeed railways are a very _1_ (comfort) way to travel. They are clean, qu

26、iet and efficient. China has led other developing countries and even some developed ones in this field since the first highspeed train _2_ (come) into use in 2008.The stations are _3_ (main) built outside the town center, but local transport has been lengthened _4_ (connect) the highspeed network. T

27、he facilities on the train are new and the staff are welltrained. Even the secondclass _5_ (chair) provide plenty of space. The passages are so wide _6_ you can move without disturbing anyone. You can use your mobile phone, access _7_ Internet or work on your laptop. There is also a restaurant car,

28、though the kinds of food _8_ (be) limited. The toilets are large, clean and userfriendly too. The train almost doesnt rock. Even when the train brakes, you can hardly feel it shake.Whats more, with a faster checkin, the highspeed trains are also _9_ (little) affected by weather than planes. Seldom a

29、re _10_ delayed or cancelled for weather condition. Therefore, they have become the first choice for many passengers.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国发达的交通工具高铁。1comfortable考查形容词。修饰名词一般用形容词,所以用形容词comfortable修饰名词way,在句中作定语。2came考查动词的时态。主句的时态为现在完成时,根据该句中的“since”和时间状语“in 2008”可知,从句用一般过去时。3mainly考查副词。修饰动词一般用副词,故用副

30、词mainly修饰动词built,在句中作状语。4to connect考查非谓语动词。根据语境并分析句子结构可知,此处是不定式作目的状语,故填to connect。5chairs考查名词复数。chair是可数名词,根据其后的谓语动词provide和语境可知,此处表示复数概念,故填chairs。6that考查连词。根据该句中的“so”,并结合语境可知,此处考查固定用法so . that .,意为“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句,故填that。7the考查冠词。此处表示“访问网络”,Internet常和定冠词the连用。8are考查动词的时态和主谓一致。此处为一般性描述,应用一般现在时;分析句子结构可知,本句是一个被动句,主语为the kinds of food,表示复数概念,故填are。9less考查副词的比较级。根据句中的“faster”和“than”可知,此处含有比较的意味,故填副词的比较级less,修饰动词affected,在句中作状语。10they考查代词。否定副词Seldom置于句首,引起部分倒装,系动词are位于主语之前,空处指代上文提到的“the highspeed trains”,是复数概念,故用they。


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